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White might refer to:

  • A racist term used to justify social oppression. Outside of caste systems or racial institutions, the term has no use. As to what group is "White" or not depends on the power dynamic in question. It has mostly been used to refer to Europeans, but sometimes also includes their descendants, and other Caucasian groups like West Asians.
  • White hole;Wikipedia the theoretical inverse of a black hole
  • White hole cosmology; the bullshit creationist "theory" by Russell Humphreys that the Earth originated inside a white hole and so is subjected to severe time dilation,Wikipedia where billions of years could pass outside the field subject to the white hole, while somehow also allowing for a 6000 year history of the Earth.
  • White genocide; a bullshit conspiracy theory that white people are being subjected to an orchestrated campaign of demographic replacement coordinated through migration of non-white people to "white" countries and miscegenation, typically by the International Jewish conspiracy.
  • Whiteknighting; an expression of the poisoning the well fallacy typically used by the manosphere to paint any cishet man who comes to the defense of a woman being harassed and abused as simply wanting to get inside the woman's pants.
  • White supremacy; the fuckwit idea that white people are superior to other races.
  • White nationalism; a thinly-veiled cover for white supremacy that holds that white people are a distinct "nation" and so should be treated as such.
  • White guilt; a concept that white support for racial equality measures are motivated by a collective shame for past abuses. This concept is often used as a poisoning of the well fallacy by the right-wing to oppose social justice measures for non-whites.
  • White flight; a term used to describe the gradual movement of white people out of increasingly integrated localities.
  • White Commonwealth; a term used to describe those Commonwealth of Nations states with a significant white and English speaking population.