RationalWiki:Moderator elections/Election booth/Archive4

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Elections open June 29th at 7pm PST. Elections close July 5, 7pm PST

The nicest bunch of assholes on RationalWiki
Shills and Whores

There are 21 candidates for 7 positions and 2 alternates.

For candidate statements and discussion please review the campaigning page.

The voting system is based on the Single transferable vote system. Voters may vote for as many or as few of the candidates as they want. They should rank their choices in the order of preference, using none to not vote at that preference level. Questions on the voting procedure should be directed to the talk page. For technical issues with the voting extension please post at RationalWiki:Technical support.

The candidates are:

  1. Ace McWicked
  2. AD
  3. Andy Frankinson
  4. Armondikov
  5. Blue
  6. DickTurpis
  7. Dumpling
  8. Genghis Khant
  9. Human
  10. Kels
  11. ListenerX
  12. LArron
  13. Mikal
  14. Nutty Roux
  15. Reckless Noise Symphony
  16. Sophie
  17. Stabby the Misanthrope
  18. Sterile
  19. The Foxhole Atheist
  20. WaitingforGodot
  21. Weaseloid

Polls are closed.