RationalWiki:What is going on in the blogosphere?/June 2010

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June 2010[edit]


Climategate and the "Wall Of Certainty"


Christians at Chicago Pride 2010 say sorry for past homophobia.


Hello. I'm a Mac. And I'm a PC. And when you buy one of us (or any other electronic gadget), you're helping to fuel the world's deadliest conflict since World War II.


Is it raining oil in New Orleans? (Video included. Judge for yourselves.)


Sick systems, and how people get trapped in them.


Why do Republicans from Texas seem to be more overtly batshit crazy than most other Republicans?


Joe Barton isn't alone when it comes to feeling sorry for BP. In fact he may be in the GOP's mainstream


Drilling for natural gas can be as hazardous as drilling for oil. For instance, if there are NG wells in your area, you'd be well advised to crush out that cigarette before turning on the water faucet.


Oh to be in the land of the free! Free to incite murder?


Glenn Beck has written a novel chock full of his "patented mix of paranoia, patriotism, conspiracy theories, and self-help philosophy." And if we want to better understand the hearts and minds of teabaggers, we should read it.


A contestant on The Biggest Loser details the horrifying abuse and pressures the show puts contestants through.


Brian Cox: Why we need the explorers


If Great Cthulhu becomes president, we obviously would all go mad. Do we get to choose which particular pathological condition we are blessed with, or does the big C just roll a d100 and we get what we're given?


It's World Cup time again. Which means it's time for right wing bastards like Glenn Beck and G. Gordon Liddy to start ranting about how un-white-American the world's most popular game is.


After a long break involving spats with libertarians and Muslims, Thunderf00t gets back to what he's good at; giving Conservapedia and NephilimFree a good spanking for being stupid.


Ten things that terrify conservatives


What happens when BP spills... coffee


The Genuine and Legitimate Psychic Medium List! Accept no substitutes!


What do you get if you visit a chiropractor? Another appointment.


Pat Robertson definitely has machismo.


"BP's Long History of Destroying the World."


Somebody wants to make a biographical movie about Rush Limbaugh. (And not a flattering one.)


An engineer weighs in on the BP oil geyser: BP relied on a system that would "mostly work" in a place where the system should have been designed to "never fail."


Welcome to booming school: first things first, it's not a boom, it's a fucking boom!


The attorney general of Virgina seeks to sue to author of the "hockey stick" graph of global temperature - a dangerous move that would criminalize science that you just don't like?