RationalWiki:What is going on in the clogosphere?/April 2015
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April 2015[edit]
50 | Open Letter to Simon Singh from Homeopath and astrologer (verbatim): "Bollocks to rationality, you shouldn't use it when it comes to discussing people's health." |
13 | Right-wing radio host Steve Deace has some |
13 | A contributor to Joe "the plumber"'s blog accidentally rallies against a banner he'd normally support, claims it's anti-semitic when it's really anti-muslim. |
42 | "You take it up the a*s; and you suck nuts. Lol." -- Sovereign citizen files a cringeworthy and expletive-filled masterpiece of legal rhetoric, "Notice To F*ck This Court And Everything That It Stands For." |
19 | Jewish group slams mixed martial arts, linking sport to Abu Dhabi government and anti-Israel attacks. |
28 | [1]. Indian magazine tries to claim baking soda and lemons cure Cancer |
-25 | Race-baiters claim recent attacks on albinos in Tanzania is exactly the same as when American blacks attack American whites. |
5 | Lasers fired through the EmDrive's resonance chamber show variances consistent with a warp field, including travelling faster than the speed of light. Real scientists are doing real science here. We report, you decide. |
29 | Rep. Steve King is introducing legislation to ban the Supreme Court from even HEARING cases involving "the definition of marriage". Separation of Powers? What's that? |
2 | Oberlin activists hang posters accusing specific students of perpetuating "rape culture" for sponsoring a talk by Christina Hoff Sommers. |
14 | The Liberty Eagle praises the elimination of the estate tax, calling it double taxation. Forgets the beneficiaries never paid taxes on the money. |
13 | Rep. Steve King is at it again, trying to generate more fear among Republicans about immigration. |
-37 | Is this an interesting commentary on feminism? Erm, no, not really. It's more neoreactionary stuff on Tumblr. Woo yay. |
6 | "A history of left and right in American politics". Yay neoreactionary Tumblr. |
22 | PZ Myers is apparently an MRA. At least, according to the TERFs. (Note: What really happened.) |
24 | Mama Schlafly: Cops kill Black guys because the state forces men to pay child support. |
68 | Fart demons. You know, the kind that drive pigs to suicide.[2] That's why there are gay people. |
24 | Now that the remaining Boston Bomber has been found guilty, Faux News wonders if Obama will trade him to ISIS. |
19 | Chemtrail woomeister claims Stanford copied his magic trickwith their "new" aluminum-ion battery (which looks like it might be pretty damned important in the real world!). Note the woomeister's claim he didn't invent a battery...while at the same time claiming to have invented this battery! |
8 | They apparently haven't given up on moving the tax burden entirely onto the poor, Why Now is the Time to Try the Fair Tax, complete with dishonest description. |
16 | Rick Santorum says tolerance is a two-way street. |
43 | Fox News pundit Tucker Carlson calls critics of Indiana's religious freedom law jihadists. |