RationalWiki:What is going on in the clogosphere?/May 2015

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May 2015[edit]

33You'd better start wanking with a condom, unless you want a pregnant hand in the afterlife.
26Men! Captains of Industry! Are you dating a ... hyuuuman feeemale? Then, whatever you do, DON'T MENTION BITCOINS. I know it's hard, but DON'T MENTION BITCOINS. It doesn't work out with you getting any hashes calculated, if you get my meaning. And I'm sure you do. ♫If you liked it then you should have put a block chain on it♪
13God hates Ireland Cote d'Ivoire
19Well, that didn't take long. WND already wants to impeach Hillary.
56 Round 2 of MRA bat-shittery about Mad Max. RooshV goes insane that movie portrays women in way counter to his dismal beliefs, blames Hollywood in mass conspiracy against "the true nature of women".
20Michael Anissimov of More Right proffers a series of posts on Neoreactionary Accomplishments. Parts 1-6 are about blogging, parts 7-10 about blogging about hypothetical politics. "intellectual accomplishments are real even though stupid people don’t understand them."
30"For all of Hitler’s faults, at the very least he was initially acting for the good of the nation." Gamergator compares Digital Games Research Association to Weimar Germany's intelligentsia.
14SputnikNews will surely avoid accumulating the same unfortunate reputation as gibbering insane propaganda that RT has, with headlines like US Anger With RT Will Start World War Three. Possibly.
11The NRA is already warning that Hillary's comin' fer yer guns...
20“Is Wi-Fi making your child ill?” No, it's not.
23Pamela Geller: America’s Churchill
18Kerry Cassidy says her pain in the neck was caused by a scalar wave attack from "the dark side"
11The Roman poet OvidWikipedia and his MetamorphosesWikipedia contains "triggering and offensive material that marginalizes student identities in the classroom". Because an account of a rape in the book triggered a rape victim.
36The latest blow to collective (and fragile) MRA egos: Mad Max. Darn those Social Justice Road Warriors!
14The flipside of those "everyone who wears a turban is a Muslim" morons - Muslims who think that Christianity forbids pork eating.
10Four horsemen will allegedly usher in the apocalypse. In the meantime, the psychologist who oversaw the Stanford prison experiment says that the current trend towards social isolation has just two -- video games and internet porn.
18UK election conspiracy roundup: UKIP claim the result in Thanet was rigged; stolen ballot papers meant for one town were sent to other places.
26Why They Didn’t Tell Us? A Beverage That Is 10,000 Times Stronger Than Chemotherapy! (It's the Alkaline diet, folks)
3"I think men should be able to veto women's abortions if they're willing to care for the child after it's born." - Keith Ablow
28Roosh V comes within a hair's breadth of coming out as a full-blown neo-Nazi. (His fans, of course, were out and proud long ago).
43End-times preacher Rick Wiles warns that the "communist leadership" of America will begin killing pastors, re-educating children and America will be brought to its knees by a fireball from God, if SCOTUS allows gay marriage.