Talk:Michael Pollan

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So I just found out...[edit]

You know how everyone is no more than 6 degrees of connection away from anyone else on Earth? Well, I personally know one of his ex-girlfriends but just found out today. So, small world. CorruptUser (talk) 05:01, 2 November 2015 (UTC)

Pollan also blames obesity on feminism. Can someone add that nonsense to the article? Someone who can come up with something other than he is a misogynist asshole? That's all I came up with. — Unsigned, by: / talk

Could I see where he says that? БaбyЛuigiOнФire🚓(T|C) 04:35, 26 May 2018 (UTC)

I think this article can be better[edit]

I think Michael Pollan has some sensible advice about food, especially as he advocated for a very easy to understand "mostly plants" which I think is commendable. I also understand his criticism of the fixation on nutrients as opposed to more wholesome food though I don't know if he had supplements or GMOs in mind, as both are things that are supposed to have simple nutrients added to a diet, but I think he does mean the nutrients that are just added to food but not really absorbed (see drinks that are fortified with fat soluble vitamins but drinks are fat free). Anyhow, I need to look into his claims and all more. I have read Omnivores Dilemmena years ago, interesting read. I want to see how my views changed since then though, as I used to be that person who got freaked out by unpronounceable ingredients and bought organic food and whatnot. --It's-a me, Lgm sigpic.png 🎄LeftyGreenMario!🎄 02:49, 23 April 2019 (UTC)


It's great that RW has an article about this guy, but why does it not sound like half a hit piece? As someone who once did *a lot* of research into nutrition stuff and used to thoroughly understand ingredient names from maltodextrin to carageenan, etc. etc. etc., his work seems to be mostly legit. For example, pasture-raised meats are certainly much more healthy than factory-farmed meat, and my personal experience in cooking shows that the former is of much higher quality. For instance, pasture-raised pork can have natural high amounts of vitamin D3; it's the D3 that people need more of which can only be obtained from animal sources while vitamin D2 from stuff like mushrooms isn't as needed. This stuff I read is from several years back and it's mostly just archived deep in my head though, just a disclaimer. Unclescrooge (talk) 14:17, 7 April 2021 (UTC)