Talk:Robin Hanson

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What the fuck do I do ?[edit]

Do I delete this useless page ? Or do I wait for someone to edit it ? I'm not good at being a sysop. Diacelium (talk) 21:33, 26 May 2017 (UTC)

If anyone is wondering, before this article was written, apparently another version existed which only said something like 'There should really be something here.' This refers to that. Crossroads (talk) 19:15, 12 September 2018 (UTC)

Silly science ramblings[edit]

Hanson frequently spins off into bizarroland whenever he tries to talk about biology and astronomy. He keeps insisting that the science for panspermia is overwhwleming, and that it is only not accepted because 'that belief is low status'. He generally cites fake predatory journals most known for posting webpages covered in the faces of people who point out their true nature photoshopped onto the bodies of morbidly obese women. — Unsigned, by: / talk

They live on in all of us...[edit]

Getting sex, in comparison,... is far more dependent on one's personal character and choices than is income

I find this interesting as a (selective) use of the just-world hypothesis. — Unsigned, by: 13Words37Precepts / talk / contribs


I would add a little paragraph that mentions explicitly that Hanson is "libertarian-leaning" and involved in the GMU ancap/libertarian subculture. You can kind of see it from the next but you kind of have to divine it as well. Additionally, maybe add a little more context on how his blog Overcoming bias is the progenitor of LessWrong, SSC and still loved and blogrolled by that whole debacle.

This would also give more context on the incel remarks. He resists ideas of "redistribution" until it's an incel demanding it. — Unsigned, by: Helpdesk / talk / contribs

An MRA speaks[edit]