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Fun:Ken Quote Generator

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Gentlemen! I will spit your precious microwave, enabling me to destroy evolutionism on the internet. You should all be sanctifying over Operation diet coke, which will likely give Conservapedia a top result on a certain search engine starting with G.

Gentleman Mercian!

As I have stated at Conservapedia, your replies to my comment are rather lacking any cogent rebuttal. In regards to the matter of liberalism and mental illness, you ignore the fact that I am thinking of challenging PZ Myers to a debate. If I were to hold the debate on this island, do you think he might accept? Or do you suppose the extra weight of all the atheists coming to support their heavyweight champion would cause the island to sink into the ocean? In fact, by next Ides of March, it is likely Liberal Panty-waists will have lost all vestiges of credibility. :) :) :)

Rest assured, Operation Grassroots is gathering steam!!! It is definitely time for Rationalwiki to fly the flag of surrender! :) :) :) Sincerely,

A user of the Conservative account

[edit] [purge] Documentation


Is your talk page lacking Ken's idiotic blathering? Try the {{Kenquote}} template!

How to use the template:

  • If you'd like Ken to address a particular gentlemen: {{kenquote|gent=user's name}}.
  • To change what the fuck Ken is talking about, and what he's connecting it to: {{kenquote|subject1=whatever|subject2=something}}.
  • To input your own name for his idiotic operation: {{kenquote|operation=operation name}}.
  • To turn off the kenpics: {{kenquote|kenpics=}} (i.e., with no value after the = sign).
  • To indent the message: {{kenquote|dent=:}}, or however many colons you need to indent it by.
  • You can use these options in any combination. Otherwise, {{kenquote}} blathers on however he chooses.

See also[edit]