User:AmericanUnreason/parochial school

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Parochial education refers to a school that incorporates religious education with the conventional curriculum.

K-12 level[edit]

Parents send their children to religious grade schools either for religious purposes or because their local public schools are in dangerous, poor communities. One study found that working-class and lower-middle-class families utilized parochial schools primarily for social mobility, while the middle- and upper-class families were more likely to send their children to the schools because of faith.[1] Economist Thomas Sowell observed: "Even in low-income, crime-ridden neighborhoods, Catholic and other private schools have often produced far better academic results than the public schools in the same areas."[2] Often, upper-class parents who want their children to be better prepared for college will send their children to private college preparatory schools, which may be affiliated with churches. One prominent example is the Kennedy political family, which includes President John F. Kennedy, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, and Senator Ted Kennedy, all of whom went to elite boarding prep schools as adolescents.

Higher education[edit]

Many universities and colleges in the U.S. are owned and operated by a church.

The good guys[edit]

While these colleges are owned by a church and may require some religious education of their students, at least dogma hasn't gotten into the way of reality:

  • Georgetown University (Catholic)
    • Law school received national attention in 2012 over student Sandra Fluke's testimony before Congress regarding Affordable Care Act provisions about contraception coverage, since Georgetown insurance would not pay for contraception. Rush Limbaugh aimed misogynistic language at Fluke in response.
  • St. John's University (Catholic)
    • The song "Sucker M.C.'s" by Run-DMC includes the lyrics: "I'm D.M.C. in the place to be/I go to St. John's University" obviously St. John's is not crazy fundie.
  • University of Notre Dame (Catholic)

The wackos[edit]

These universities are so deeply religious that their academics are deeply corrupted by religious dogma. In fact, the list of living scientists who accept Biblical account of creationism by Creation Ministries International includes professors from Bob Jones, Cedarville, and Liberty Universities. In addition those universities limit students' freedom, for instance Bob Jones forbids listening to non-religious music or watching rated-R movies, and Brigham Young forbids any caffeinated drink including coffee.


  1. Fay, Leo F. "Catholics, Parochial Schools, and Social Stratification." Social Science Quarterly (fall 1974), vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 520-527.
  2. Sowell, Thomas. Inside American Education: The Decline, The Deception, The Dogmas. The Free Press, 1993. p. 10.