Cutting Edge Ministries

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Some dare call it
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What THEY don't want
you to know!
Sheeple wakers

Cutting Edge Minstries is a group based in Lexington, South Carolina promoting a delicious mixture of fundamentalist Christianity and conspiracy theories.[1]


Construction began in 1966. Not only is this the year in which the Church of Satan was founded, when you add the digits together, they equal another '22'... The first elevator 'skyshaft' was set at the 44th floor -- 11x4... The towers were 1,368 and 1,362 feet respectively. '1,368' when added, equals '18', or a '6+6+6'. '1,362' added equals '12', a '6+6', another '11x6'
—Cutting Edge
'IT'S BULLSHIT' has 11 letters also.
—Dave Pawson[2]

"Within a few hours of the infamous attacks of 9/11, 2001, Cutting Edge began to see the hideous occult hand of the Illuminati, their 'signature' so to speak" declares the Cutting Edge website. "We issued a series of articles detailing this use of the number "11", proving that the Illuminati was the planning, active agent behind these attacks."

The instances of the number eleven include the date of the attack; the number of the first aeroplane to hit the World Trade Center; the number of the plane which hit the Pentagon (77 - which, divided by seven, is 11); the fact that both towers were 110 stories tall; the fact that the buildings resembled an 11; the fact that one of the planes had a crew of 11, and so on.[3]

Harry Potter

One of the site's main attractions is its collection of what are possibly the most thorough "Harry Potter is of Satan" articles on the net.[4] From reading the plot synopses, one gets the impression that they never actually read the books, because they are full of factual errors.[5] However, the author later shows obsession with small details that indicates they at least skimmed, or are Cherry picking. The author seems particularly obsessed by colors ("[Rowling] uses such unique colors, and they gave such a unique flavor to her novels, I felt in my inner heart that she was using them with a specific purpose, or drawing them from a specific source. Originally, I believed it possible that she might be using colors which were Mind Control triggers"). Pointing to a pagan calendar tradition which associates each month with a colour, the author breathlessly declares his "MAJOR DISCOVERY" that Rowling uses the same colours in her books.

These evil colours, which "originate from the old Satanic Druid religion", include red, yellow, green, blue, orange, brown and white.

As if this wasn't absurd enough, the article also claims - without any explanation whatsoever - that green is Satan's favourite colour.[6] (This is presumably no relation to the Witchsmeller Pursuivant in the first Blackadder series identifying carrots as "the Devil's favourite food!")

School shootings and the giant hexagram


Cutting Edge found out that six of the school shootings committed over a space of two years, when marked on a map, form two rough lines: "they were planned events, not isolated, sporadic horrors", declares the site. The two lines intersect in Hope, Arkansas, but Cutting Edge admits that it sees no significance there.[7]

Contributor Pastor Ron Riffe went on to suggest that they two lines were actually part of a hexagram, and dutifully plotted out such a shape on a map of the world. Disasters which occurred on or around the lines of this hexagram include the Venezuela floods, the Waco incident, the murder of Jonbenet Ramsey and the crashing of John F. Kennedy Jr's plane ("While his plane apparently did not go down right on the line, it went down close enough to it to raise one's eyebrows"). At the centre of the hexagram are the Galapagos Islands, "at which Darwin conceived his Satanic idea we now call Evolution".

"[I]t is highly conceivable that the Illuminati would create such a symbol, believing it would reverberate with Satanic power to aid them in achieving their global objectives", concludes the site.[8] "President Bill Clinton has committed his Administration to the disarming of Americans, in accordance with Illuminist objectives and United Nations directives... To accomplish this goal, we believe it highly likely that Clinton has committed his Administration to the exercise of powerful Black Magick Witchcraft to so enrage Americans against guns that they will rise up as one to demand that military troops disarm the public, by force if necessary."[7]

See also

External links
