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各色民族主义者极擅长误用语言学。许多人编造语言或语族的亲属关系,声称这些新亲族是祖国的一部分。例如土耳其语言学家可能声称芬兰—乌戈尔语与土耳其语关联,因此芬兰人其实是土耳其人(由于某种原因,没有人讲因为我的语言与你的语言有关,因此我的种族属于你的种族[note 1])。孤立语言(即未论证与其他语言相关的语言,如巴斯克语、阿伊努语、多种美洲原住民语言),以及古文明(苏美尔人、埃及人等等)的语言是这些理论的常客。典型的伪语言学语言关系论证会列出一排相似含义的词。Zompist已经精彩地粉碎此种说法[1],故此处不再批驳。

一个「反向」案例见于Joseph Yahuda的书Hebrew is Greek,自称解开了文明密码,证明古希伯来语与古希腊语是同个语言,因此「希伯来人是希腊后代,阿拉伯人是赫梯(Scythia)后代,其在宗教与习俗均与希腊人关系密切」[2]。这罔顾科学共识认为希腊语与赫梯语均属印欧语系[3],希伯来语与阿拉伯语属于亚非语系[4]


If mixed with an unhealthy dose of religious whackery you might find pseudolinguists looking for an 'Adamic languageWikipedia', which was spoken by all of mankind before the Tower of Babel. In the Middle Ages, Basque was believed by many to be the Adamic language, as it was one of the few known languages clearly not related to any other language. (The search for the Adamic languages should not be confused with the Proto-Human language theory, which is a legitimate though controversial hypothesis of all languages in the world having one origin.)


  • 称任何已知语言(另见下文狐猴洲论)是人类原始语言。虽然可能存在人类原始语言,经过成千上万年变化应已无法辨识。
    • 任何谈及古代宇航员的理论,认为外星人教人类书写,或死语言如埃及语来自外星语。(按,外星人大概没曾造访地球,正如以同样的原因我们没曾造访他们,而且人类大概也念不出外星语。象Chewbacca。)
    • Any form of goropismWikipedia; theories that Sanskrit, Hebrew, Romanian, or some other historical attested language is the original language of mankind and all others are derived from them.
      • Chief among these is the Sun Language Theory, claiming that language was invented by the Turks as a way to convert ritual blathering into a means of meaningful communication. The Sun Language Theory was promoted by the Turkish government under Atatürk in the 1930s.
      • Isaac Mozeson关于巴别塔脑补,作者谓之Edenics。该理论将所有语言溯源至古希伯来语,通过忽略元音重排辅音。[5]
  • 认为汉字证实圣经创世记载的真实性
  • 任何谈及失落大陆如亚特兰蒂斯大陆、狐猴洲[6](或毋宁说是神话)的理论均十分可疑(如Lewis Spence)。
    • 狐猴洲论,出自淡米尔作者Devaneya PavanarWikipedia,认为淡米尔语是所有语言之源。
  • 伪语言学试图整合无关语言Wikipedia充其量是原科学
    • 匈牙利民族主义者认为匈牙利语与多种非乌拉尔语,如匈人语言和苏美尔语相关。[7][8]一般伴有阴谋论(如哈布斯堡王朝推动芬兰乌戈尔语理论)[9][10])、一厢情愿民族神秘论。Usually predicated by charlatans with expensive books. What is preserved of the Hunnic languageWikipedia are some proper names and three common words, all three believed to be Indo-European borrowings. That theory is therefore absolutely untestable on linguistic grounds.
    • 许多推测将巴斯克语与其他语言关联Wikipedia,其中以明显的孤立语为甚。
    • 称部分美洲原住民部族讲威尔士语汉语、或匈牙利语. Proponents of these ideas may appeal to assertions in historical documents, avoiding the more obvious route of juxtaposing texts in the supposedly identical languages in question, even if the languages are still alive or at least have reasonably sized bodies of texts available for comparison.
      • Claims that certain Native American languages have countless words from Old Norse.
      • Claims by Mormon apologists that Mesoamerican Uto-Aztecan languages are linked to Semitic languages, a supposed ground-breaking discovery that has attracted little attention in the wider linguistics sphere.
  • Some theories regarding the Voynich Manuscript.[11]
  • Neurolinguistic programming incorporates some pseudo-linguistic claims.
  • Until a few decades ago, the French claimed the regional languages of France were dialects of French[12] in the VergonhaWikipedia in an effort to discredit them and weed them out from daily use. The French were mostly successful in that effort, as the minority languages (OccitanWikipedia, ArpitanWikipedia, GalloWikipedia, etc.) are almost extinct today and are kept going only by a special effort of their respective provinces.
  • The idea that somehow, Celtic and Amazigh languages are related (quite popular in some circles in France). There is some speculation suggesting a Celto-Semitic Sprachbund,[13][14] but not much more.
  • The idea that some dialects are inferior to others.
  • The idea that the Romance languages are not descended from Latin.
  • Anything specific about extraterrestrial languages, i.e. astrolinguistics... since it's all protoscience and speculation in reality.
  • Channelled languages, xenoglossy and glossolalia.
  • Valery Chudinov[15] concluded that Russians are more ancient than most civilizations by "noticing" monosyllabic Russian words enscribed on ancient artifacts, the ocean floor, the sun's surface and drying plaster.
  • 称现代希伯来语不属闪语,而是基于意第绪语的混合语,或是人造语。[note 2]
  • 盖尔语(爱尔兰语苏格兰语的祖先)是Gaithelus根据巴别塔分裂的72种语言的精华创造的,因而是最好的语言。Gaithelus按传说是Scythia亲王,Scota的父亲或丈夫,Scota是苏格兰人的代用名。[16]
  • 研究所谓「改革埃及语」,据称书写摩门经的语言(非摩门教徒只认为是编造)。[17]
  • 印度语言学家认为印度雅利安语与欧洲语言无关,印欧语系是欧洲殖民的借口。该种说法可能源于创造「印欧语」一词的人Sir William JonesWikipedia是英国殖民地法官及语文学家,此人观察到梵语、拉丁语、希腊语共有词根,为比较语言学铺路。[18][19]The nationalists are in some ways as wrong-minded about Indian Indo-European languages being unrelated to European languages as Jones was right about a great many things.
  • 一篇文章[20]表面上是Guarani语词汇计算分析,但很快转为与梵语和古希腊比较。结论是Guarani必定是原人类语,千年不变。("It is undoubtedly true that Guarani does not descend from any language; it merely sprang up naturally from observation of the world that surrounds us." Also, "How is it that [Guarani did not] stray from its roots over the centuries?" There is a mention of Homer's "Eurythmy", with the Greek letters having certain meanings, such as A meaning "clear, open" and I meaning "thin, small",还有其他引用案例。 "These values, these gestures of the letters, do not coincide with any language besides Greek, yet we are astonished to find that they are exactly the same in Guarani. [...] We would say that one could invent words, based on Homer's descriptions and Eurythmy, which would then be perfectly understandable to any speaker of Guarani.") 甚至有Guarani语太合理,不象自然语言象是世界语(嗄?)之类人造语的古怪表述。
  • 还有这位:


  • Sapir—Whorf假设(认为语言影响认知世界方式)的弱解释被认为是语言学的正规部分。但现在诸多语言学家把假设的原始表述及强解释(认为语言限定和限制思想)认为伪语言学。(现代语言学家认为《1984》的利用语言思想控制不可能)相关地有语言学流言,如称因纽特人有数百个词表示雪,据称反映其对该话题的强烈兴趣。[21]
  • 一些国际辅助语世界语支持者的说法[22]可属于伪语言学。
  • 意图不用比较法构拟原人类语。Joseph Greenberg、John Bengtson、Merritt Ruhlen支持的多边比较Wikipedia有争议地属此。
  • 一些Pictish理论,现在一般认为是P-Celtic(或Gallo-Brittonic)语言。
  • 释读希腊线型文字A或复活节岛Rongorongo等文字。[23]
  • 今被怀疑的早期语系理论可能仍受支持,经常因为非科学原因。假设的乌拉尔—阿尔泰语系便是一例。乌拉尔语与阿尔泰语在类型学相似,被认为语言相关的证据,但只有类型学相似无可证明。The comparative method has drawn a blank: similarities between words are poorly demonstrated, and no sound laws have been reconstructed. Thus, the Ural-Altaic proposal is today considered discredited. Even better, the Altaic family is nowadays widely discredited. Nevertheless, the Ural-Altaic hypothesis was widely accepted in the 19th and early 20th century, with many prominent Uralicists, such as Gustaf Ramstedt, journeying to Mongolia to look for ethnological and linguistic evidence for a relationship. The reason why such an utterly discredited theory retains support is the legacy of scientific racism. There was an attempt, mainly fueled by racism, to prove that Uralic-speaking peoples were related to Mongols, and thus belonged to a different race than Indo-European speaking peoples. This would justify policies of colonization, integration and racialist eugenics against peoples such as the Sámi. "Data" such as craniometry was used to support the hypothesis. None of this carries any scientific merit, but amazingly enough, the hypothesis is still cited as a fact in nationalist pseudohistory, particularly by neo-Nazis and similar groups.
  • Some claims about the original homeland of Proto Indo-Europeans: the language family probably originated somewhere in western Asia but it's popular for nationalists across much of Eurasia to claim their country or region was the PIE urheimat.[24]
  • GlottochronologyWikipedia是测定祖语存在时间的受怀疑方式。该方法基于Morris Swadesh的理论,认为基本词汇与辐射衰减一样呈因定速率。想法十分精妙,但其假定皆被证明为假,却仍有少量支持者。[25]:177-186
  • Various theories about the three native language families in the Caucasus, the Kartvelian, Northeast Caucasian, and Northwest Caucasian languages. Lack of evidence hasn't stopped people from proposing connections to each other or to other language families.


Real linguistics is about understanding how real people use language, and the chief reference is the language as it is really spoken. In contrast, prescriptivists want to tell people how language should be used, based not on real-life examples but on a variety of bizarre and illogical arguments, including historical arguments, comparison with other languages (usually Latin for English-language prescriptivists), and other logical fallacies. Oxford Bibliographies Online says of linguistic prescriptivism: "this ideology and its practices are now usually ascribed to nonlinguists or nonacademic linguists, whereas modern academic linguists ... restrict themselves to the study and description of the structure of language and its natural use."[26]

其中一例是英语的所谓禁止分离不定式,如to boldly go,有人认为是坏写法。These have existed in English at least since the 14th century, but have been criticised by pedants since the Victorian age. Some people say this is based on a comparison with Latin because there is no such thing as a split infinitive in Latin: an infinitive in Latin is a single word, while in English it is two words ("to go"), so it is impossible to split an infinitive in Latin but easy in English. On the other hand, others point out that "go", not "to go", is actually the infinitive in English, and therefore suggest that there's no logic behind the prohibition: most of the infinitive police think it's uneducated or just don't like it.[27][28]


This section is for people who don't like Conservapedia. Most of these links include side by side commentary.

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  1. 这是自我中心,要与之一辩,就问问是否认同日耳曼人是伊朗人。
  2. 当然,希伯来语在19到20世纪间复活是真的。{译者认为诸葛漫罪不至此…}


  1. How likely are chance resemblances between languages? Zompist 2002
  2. Hebrew is Greek by Joseph Yahuda (1982) Becket Publications. ISBN 0728900130.
  3. See the Wikipedia article on Indo-European languages.
  4. See the Wikipedia article on Afroasiatic languages.
  5. Did Adam and Eve Speak Hebrew in the Garden of Eden? Philologos (certainly a pseudonym), Forward 17 November 2013
  6. Everything You Need To Know About Lemuria, The Lost Continent Of Lemurs
  7. A ‘Paradigm Shift’ in Finnish Linguistic Prehistory Merlijn de Smit 22 august 2004
  8. The Hungarian Horseradish John Feffer Huffpost 15 april 2014
  9. http://homepage.univie.ac.at/Johanna.Laakso/am_rev.html
  10. http://www.hunmagyar.org/tor/controve.htm
  11. http://www.ciphermysteries.com/the-voynich-manuscript/voynich-theories
  12. http://observers.france24.com/en/20120404-speakers-france-endangered-languages-protest-recognition-local-regional-minority-presidential-election
  13. Orin Gensler. A Typological Evaluation of Celtic/Hamito-Semitic Parallels. Berkeley, 1993. Via Librik. "https://linguistics.stackexchange.com/questions/335/are-there-other-pairs-of-languages-that-are-as-close-grammatically-despite-not-b/346#346 Answer to Are there other pairs of languages that are as close grammatically despite not being in the same language family as Korean and Japanese?]". Linguistics Stack Exchange, 2011-09-21. Accessed 2014-02-02.
  14. Steve Hewitt. "Remarks on the Insular Celtic / Hamito-Semitic question". Academia.edu. Accessed 2014-03-25. Believed to be preprint of Hewitt, S. (2009), The Question of a Hamito-Semitic Substratum in Insular Celtic. Language and Linguistics Compass, 3: 972–995. doi: 10.1111/j.1749-818X.2009.00141.x.
  15. http://lurkmore.to/Чудинов
  16. See the Wikipedia article on Goídel Glas.
  17. The Who, What, and Why of “Reformed Egyptian” in the Book of Mormon, Book of Mormon Central, May 13, 2019
  18. Comparative Linguistics Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2011, November 23.) Encyclopedia Britannica.
  19. Discourses Delivered Before the Asiatic Society: And Miscellaneous Papers, on the Religion, Poetry, Literature, Etc., of the Nations of India by Sir William Jones, accessed October 14, 2021. Google Play Books
  20. El guarani.
  21. The great Eskimo vocabulary hoax, Geoffrey Pullum
  22. 此处有些戏仿
  23. https://www.timeshighereducation.com/features/silent-letters-from-the-past/169332.article
  24. See the Wikipedia article on Proto-Indo-Europeans.
  25. Campbell, Lyle, Historical Linguistics, an Introduction
  26. Linguistic Prescriptivism, Robin Straaijer, Oxford Bibliographies Online, 23 Aug 2017
  27. To Boldly Split Infinitives, Arrant Pedantry, Sep 8, 2016
  28. See the Wikipedia article on Split infinitive.