Prabowo Subianto

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While his social media team presents him as a cuddly, cat-loving grandpa — gemoy in Indonesian slang — the resume of this self-described fascist includes coup attempts, ties to the criminal underworld, and numerous accusations of human rights violations ranging from kidnapping to genocide.

Prabowo Subianto Djojohadikusumo (1951–) is an Indonesian alleged war criminal,[2] former general in the Indonesian army,[3] and president-elect of Indonesia. Subianto is an authoritarian figure, beginning his rise to power in Indonesian politics during the Suharto days of committing genocide against ethnic minorities.[4]

War criminal days[edit]

Subianto emerged as a well known figure during the days of Suharto’s regime (from 1967 to 1998), though Subianto himself served from 1974 to 1998, the same time that the regime fell). Despite his crimes, Subianto worships Suharto and paid tribute to him by holding a memorial in his name years after. Subianto is connected to the Suharto family by marriage, his wife is Suharto’s daughter.[5]

Aspiring Strongman[edit]

In the past, Subianto has alluded to wanting to be the dictator of Indonesia. After winning his election in March 2024, he has proclaimed to be an aspiring strongman (much like Trump, but with actual military experience).[6]

Blaming the gays[edit]

Unlike other far-right Abrahamic politicians (in the same vein as Orbán, Erdoğan, Raisi, Bolsonaro, etc), Subianto does not seem to focus as much on the LGBT community in his country, instead opting to stay silent regarding his views on the community. However, what is known is that his party and many members of the party are staunchly opposed to LGBT rights. Their strict adherence to Islamic law may result in them implementing anti-LGBT laws to make the currently tolerant country harsher on the community, making the country much like the province of Aceh in the far west of the country.[7]

See also[edit]


  1. Indonesia’s New President Is Dangerously Authoritarian by Michael G. Vann (02.22.2024) Jacobin.
  2. Accused of atrocities, fired from army, elected president: Prabowo’s unlikely rise by Ahmad Syamsudin & Shailaja Neelakantan (2024.02.14) Benar News.
  3. Notorious Mass Murderer on Brink of Indonesian Presidency (February 17 2024, 6:00 a.m.) The Intercept.
  4. Genocidal General Declares Victory in Indonesian Election by Brett Wilkins (Feb 14, 2024) Common Dreams.
  5. Indonesia's presumed new president pays tribute to strongman Suharto by Ananda Teresia (February 14, 20248:01 AM PST) Reuters.
  6. Indonesia's Next President Aspires to be a Strongman by Joseph Rachman (Feb 23, 2024) The UnPopulist.
  7. HOW INDONESIA'S ELECTION AFFECTS THE QUEER COMMUNITY by Leo Galuh et al. (February 12, 2024) Fair Planet.