RationalWiki:What is going on in the clogosphere?/December 2014

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December 2014[edit]

12Venezuela accuses US of starting oil war to 'destroy' Russia and Chavez' Venezuelan revolution. "Destroy." What is this, a bad 80s soap opera?
38Satan's very own metric system makes airplanes fall from the skies. (Warning: Link embeds Daily Mail.)
15The War Against Christians and Even Christmas
31Michele Bachmann: Five Moments From 2014 That Were Definitely a Sign of the End Times
13Eric Metaxas and the WSJ finally go full-bore 'God musta done it'
14William Gheen Defends Don Sterling: 'I'm More Worried About The Black Mobs'
14A post about creation, linking language and computer science to religious text.' Also here fromthemachine.org
30Pat Robertson: Gays 'Will Die Out Because They Don't Reproduce'
135 Ways to Explain Bitcoin Over Christmas Dinner. Perhaps your drunk racist uncle isn't such bad company by comparison.
27Today's pseudoscientific Kickstarter: DNA is not a helix. The video is remarkable. (Check out the guy's website for some NWO-flavored religious grandomania.)
23Worried about all this giving malarkey? Peter Schwartz of the Ayn Rand Institute tells you how to celebrate Christmas the Objectivist way.
28Yes, instead of noting that the NYPD shooting suspect had a long history of mental illness and the like, let's all blame it on the Ferguson/New York protests. Then we'll say there's a "war on cops" spread by Al Sharpton. Sheriff Joe, the Great American Sage!
73Vox Day: If a woman says she was raped by a white man, she’s probably lying, because only blacks and hispanics rape. (HT Mammoth.)
35Pastor Logan Robertson: It's the Government's job to execute gays.
18NEVER SEND YOUR PASSWORD OVER UNSECURED EMAIL. Unless it's to the Bitcoin company who just inexplicably lost your money. (Blockchain.info really did this.) HT /r/buttcoin.
31VDARE argues that a white man going to jail for life after shooting a black kid for playing his music too loud is an example of a "war on whites".
10From the people who brought you #Gamergate: #Metalgate
43Phyllis Schlafly warns us about the "War on Men," waged by those damn rape-crying feminists.
-70 Rebecca Watson and PZ Myers hit all new lows.
21Open Carry Group Member Is Arrested For Murder, Leader Calls For Armed Takeover Of D.C.
25You know what? Keep talking, Dick.
18Given all of the police harassment and killing of numerous peaceful young black men it's time for American whites to step up and take a stand against the atrocities committed against ... white people? Yes this is a petition to stop immigration or something, oh and Anti-racist is code for anti-white.
15Behind the Patina of Anita Sarkeesian, a.k.a. "I'm a top-level Harvard faculty member no really I am watch me use all this jargon, bombast, and verbiage which proves I'm a senior Harvard academician pay no attention to the thesaurus and the flubbed Foucauldian philosophy behind the curtain"Possible Poe?
18Milo Yiannopoulos explains, in full MRA/Gamergate apologism style, "The Sexodus".
28Never mind "Paul is dead", here is PROOF The Beatles (as they were presented to us) Never Existed.
24Another reason never to take the Wall Street Journal seriously. In a cross-promotion piece with the new 20th Century Fox film Exodus: Gods and Kings, they do their damnedest to explain how Moses could have parted the Red Sea. BONUS: Rival Forbes calls the movie "god-awful".
18NaturalNews on GMOs: Liar Neil deLiar-McLiarson is a LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR.
10Phyllis Schlafly and Alex Jones, sitting in a tree studio, K-I-S-S-I-N-G spinning bullshit about the POTUS.
18No, this is surprisingly not the first time the POTUS has been claimed to have Martian heritage.
26Technically, it's a Poe as soon as you can't tell if it's a parody or not. (Vaccines. In chemtrails.)