Society for the Practical Establishment and Perpetuation of the Ten Commandments

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Devil's in the details
—Robert T. Lee[1]
Only the Creator of the heavens and the earth to whom all mankind are responsible can properly govern them; and He has graciously given them His most wise, noble, righteous and perfect moral Laws by which all people are responsible to perfectly conform in thought word and deed - in every detail of their lives.
— "Man cannot make a law"[2]

The Society for the Practical Establishment and Perpetuation of the TEN COMMANDMENTS[sic] is a badly outdated website (they use frames! who the hell uses frames?) owned by some extremist fundie nutjob called Robert T. Lee.[note 1] The site promotes a Christian theocratic state which would govern according to a literal interpretation of the Old Testament law and the Ten Commandments, except, of course, for those parts they prefer to ignore.

His website also includes an "inner circle" (members-only area) — you have to email him and prove you're a "true Christian" in order to join. However, it's easy to "hack" into this area, and nothing is there.

The site contains the unusual typographic quirk of deliberately not capitalizing certain words, like Satan, even at the start of a sentence. In some cases, words like "American" are not capitalized. Conversely, certain phrases are in ALLCAPS, especially phrases like "ten commandments" or "god", like it's the Star Wars title crawl.


As always, Poe's Law is in full effect.


The universal religion is a mixture of every manmade and demonic doctrine there will ever be. Therefore democracy is contemporary Catholicism. 9/27/98
—This a "thing you should know"[3]

Lee hates the Catholic Church and seriously claims that it is responsible for the acceptance of homosexuality and created AIDs.[3]

Lee denies the existence of Biblical contradictions and says that if you think the Bible is flawed in any way, shape, or form, you've just been "deceived".[note 2]

Atheism was "authored" by Satan, and is properly defined as a denial of the existence of God in the midst of full knowledge that the true God does indeed exist.[4] (One wonders if such an atheist has ever existed.)

Death penalty[edit]

According to Lee, atheists, pedophiles, homosexuals, murderers, rapists, "and etc."[sic] should all be put to death by the (presumably American) government because they are "true criminals".[3] Individuals who disagree with the penalty, should of course, be executed themselves, as are people who support abortion.[3][note 3] Isn't Lee such a nice guy?


As typical for fundamentalists, Lee hates homosexuals. He says, "Children deserve better than to be forced to live with homosexual parents." and that those parents "[S]hould be punished according to Leviticus 20:13."[note 4] The children are then given to "righteous" parents, whoever they are.[3] Homosexuals in Lee's eyes are criminals and for that, they deserve death.[3]

Allegedly, the Atlanta Journal,Wikipedia the Constitution, and the Disney movie Beauty and the Beast (which was made by the "atheist homosexual heathens at Walt Disney" to "subtly" encourage tolerance for "BESTIALITY"[sic]) are "homosexual".[3]

Apparently, acceptance of homosexuality was encouraged by the "demonic" Catholic church.[3]


demo cracy ----- demo N cracy ----- DEMONCRACY. Now you know the origin of democracy. It is none other than SATANOCRACY 8/1/02
—The very plausible etymology of democracy proposed by Robert T. Lee in "Things you should know".[3]

Robert T. Lee compares democracy to AIDS and organized crime.[3] He says democracy is an "absolute failure" because it "falls short of the glory of God", was created by " A RATIONAL BEING WHO HAS THE DEEPEST HATRED FOR GOD."[sic][3](Satan), that the absence of democracy meant perfect obedience to "GOD",[3] and that god condemns democracy.[3] He calls the arguments for democracy "circular, immoral and insane" but doesn't explain how.[3]

So what is Lee's alternative to democracy? Well: "Better is a dictator who rules every aspect of the lives of the people with true justice and righteousness, than a democracy wherein the people indulge in the evil and idolatrous freedom they desire."[3] There's your answer!

According to Lee, Jesus was, and could only have been, born under the theocracy of ancient Israel;[6] never mind that he was not born in theocratic ancient Israel, but in the thrice-reconstituted remnant of the kingdom that took its place, which at that time was a client state of the pagan Roman Empire during the heyday of Hellenistic Judaism.Wikipedia

United States[edit]

We the heathens of the United States in order to form a more imperfect union, establish injustice, insure domestic turmoil, provide for the defense of criminals and of heathens who deny God, promote the general illfare, secure the curses of evil liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this anti-God, anti-moral and anti-Christ constitution for the United States of America.
—"What the PREAMBLE[sic] to the heathen american[sic] constitution really means"[7]

Lee's differs from most fundamentalists in that he actually hates the United States. Not for any sane reasons, just religious reasons. He says there is no one worthy in the United States, so "AMERICA IS A NATION THAT GOD'S PEOPLE SHOULD SHAKE OFF THE DUST OF THEIR FEET FROM."[sic][3] He actually calls it "the way to hell"[3]

Lee calls the US Constitution and Bill of Rights "heathen" documents, says the Founding Fathers were inspired by Satan, and says democracy is damnable and wrong.[6] Give credit where credit is due; unlike most Christian dominionists, who attempt to rewrite history to portray the Founding Fathers as fundamentalist Christians, this guy is at least cognizant and honest that the principles that the US was founded on are at odds with Christian fundamentalism.

Persecution complex[edit]

Continuing with Lee's hatred of the United States, he says, "America is the leading anti-Christian, anti-God, anti-Jesus Christ nation on earth."[3]


  • The government should put people to death for "offenses" such as picking one's nose picking up sticks on the Sabbath, eating shrimp, not being a virgin on your wedding night (if you're a girl), being gay, not honoring your parents, or being an atheist, Muslim, Jew, or anyone who doesn't meet the author's view of a "true Christian".[8]
  • Abortion is evil (though the Bible never says so), but murdering your child for cussing you out is okay (because the Bible says so).[9]
  • Robert T. Lee really hates the victims of the Columbia diasterWikipedia and oddly compares it to the Iraq War.[3]
  • Only woman should be able to perform gynecology. Men being allowed to perform such is being sexually violated. This is somehow the constitution's fault.[note 5]

See also[edit]

External links[edit]


  1. There are no other known members of this alleged "society"
  2. "Its[sic] impossible for there to be any contradictions in perfection. The so-called contradictions you erroneously think are in the Bible imply how spiritually, deceived, depraved and dimwitted you are. The Bible to your mind is like calculus to the dimwitted. Keep trying! 8/2/02"[3]
  3. The only exception is, of course, if the pregnant woman somehow gains "true knowledge that they are carrying non-elect homosexuals or any of the non-elct of mankind", whatever that means.[3]
  4. Can you guess what that is? If you said death, you're correct:[5]

    If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

  5. "Male physicians practicing obstetrics and gynecology in America is a good example of how the american constitution - the first amendment thereof - actually legitimizes criminality and immorality. It violates the honor of marriage and blurrs or removes moral borders which no citizen should cross."[10]


  2. Man cannot make a law
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 Things you should know
  4. EXPOSING THE ATHEIST 21 May 1998, Quote:"The best way to understand the nature of atheism is to understand its author. satan[sic] is its author."
  5. Leviticus 20:13
  6. 6.0 6.1 Why Democracy is not right for man 28 August 2011 Quote: "That is, He is going to destroy all of the various forms of manmade and demonic philosophies, religions, charters, laws, political philosophies and governments, including democracy, which were all created in defiance of God's kingdom (Daniel 2:44)."[sic] Not bolded for emphasis, bolding in original source.
  7. What the PREAMBLE to the heathen american constitution really means
  8. The New Ten Commandments Ebon Musings
  9. Justice Watch

    CASE: A son or daughter either curses or strikes his father or his mother.

    VERDICT: The son or daughter should be put to death. (Leviticus 20:9).