Talk:Love jihad

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It might be worth adding something about the the 2021 Islamophobic box office blockbuster Sooryavanshi, which uses love jihad as a key part of its plot.[1] Bongolian (talk) 16:55, 16 November 2021 (UTC)


So many things.

This conspiracy theory is not limited to Hindu/Muslim. Every time there are two groups with animosity, there's an accusation that one group's men are after the other group's women. E.g., in the US, <snark> Black Men were uncontrollable rape-monsters after our precious White women, though a White man raping a Black woman was tolerated because all Black women are sex-crazed slut-beasts who automatically consent to everyone anyway and if a mixed-race baby occurred it would slowly civilize the creatures</snark>.

There's also the issue of polygyny and all the unmarried young men who have no choice but to seek wives from other faiths, plus the whole "Muslim men can marry non-Muslims, but not women the men" thing. CorruptUser 18:08, 28 November 2021 (UTC)

Not only that, but from time to time Muslims have accused Hindu men of the same thing, too. And if you mention to an andhbhakt that this is merely a paranoid conspiracy theory driven by hatred and unsupported by evidence, they shift the cricket wickets and change the definition to suddenly become, rather than constantly trying to seduce Hindu girls in vague, convoluted and unverifiable ways through oh I dunno love, now all of a sudden it also refers to the kidnapping and forced conversion of Pakistani Hindu dalit girls and oh look, according to sources not available to you its previous definition is totally happening in your country that I vill now lectuwur you on too, bhai! (Lekin vith Christians, whom I suddenly care about!) One example of these mental gymnastics to try and justify bigotry in action can be found here: Talk:Love jihad conspiracy theoryWikipedia
As an Indian-American (I’ve been called a traitor and “not a true Indian” for being born in Daddy Russia’s nemesis), the talkpage of that WP article makes me so angry, all those मादरचोद andhbhakts, who graduated from WhatsApp University, demanding a whitewashing and trying to justify hatred with their vile brand of ultranationalism and persecution complex. Give them time and they’ll be trying to justify genocide. --Goatspeed. Goat bless America🇺🇸CircularREmail2.gifasoning🇺🇸🇺🇸-->See my latest prototypes 07:19, 27 June 2024 (UTC)