Talk:Persecution complex

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Apparently this is the worst article on the site[edit]

Welcome to the self-awareness of a Drunken Peasants subreddit. FU22YC47P07470 (talk/stalk) 22:42, 23 July 2017 (UTC)

And we should care what Reddit users think because...? Lucas Don Velour (talk) 18:45, 31 October 2017 (UTC)
because they are people who might read our articles. On the other hand they might just be full of shit.Vorarchivist (talk) 17:33, 2 November 2017 (UTC)




I think we should link this directly to conservapedia's article on atheist, christians, and gay people.

Summing up[edit]

'Infamy, Infamy...' Anna Livia (talk) 17:02, 4 September 2019 (UTC)

This entry is teetering on a left pinky toe of imbalance.[edit]

Rough storm pirate.png Ahoy, matey!
Beware, for there be a great sea of
Concern Troll Bullshit ahead!

There are moments in my quest for enlightenment and progressive aspirations when I can feel the fraudulence welling up in me to the point that I want to yak. This piece invokes that unease by the lengths us folx will go sometimes to deny the realities of what is happening in our society plain as day, but we’re determined to deny or rationalize in the service of inclusion to the extreme.

Does anyone actually believe that these arcane examples represent the salient illustrations of persecution complexes, chips on shoulders, and gratuitous manufacturversies that powder forums like Twitter with fleas on a daily basis? Are we really going to lie by omission about the officious attempts to scold otherwise well-meaning tweets of support people post, and to their bewilderment wind up getting attacked for some “offensive” way they perpetrated “cultural appropriation” or “marginalization” (italicized because in these cases the terms are either misused or misappropriated)?

Awhile back Gal Gadot posted a lovely, obviously well-intentioned tribute to Stephen Hawking upon his passing, hoping that he’s now somewhere joyous and freed from the shackles and isolation of his condition—and I was just stunned when she was called out in the most condescending way for being “ableist” and insensitive, scolded for assuming that people with disabilities want to be liberated from their limitations, obstacles or suffering, instead of celebrated for what they accomplish independently of their being differently abled. As if there can’t be both?

Really? First of all, who endowed these people to speak on Hawking’s behalf about how he perceived his condition? What kind of vibe are we living in today where people are so reactionary about being “offended” or intolerant of the world not jumping in line to behave in servility to their specialness that they’ll undermine others attempts to be charitable and thoughtful? Does anyone know how much it pisses me off personally when others force victim status on me by gratuitously jumping to rescue he from THEIR definition of inappropriate behavior regarding my homosexuality? And do me no favors by alienating my allies over something that didn’t offend me at all? The list of ad hoc “protected classes” has gotten so out of hand that it wouldn’t surprise me if somebody successfully got a coworker disciplined or fired for not speaking about them in terms that meet their definition of sensitivity for their different-colored eyebrows.

Very little about this entry ingenuously describes a persecution complex—not in today’s terms. This piece cherry picks the one honest definition from conservatives pertinent to their feeling persecuted as Christians, them plunges deep into the depths of esoterica to find a few more that can’t in any way be leveled against liberals. It is indeed an admittedly inconvenient truth that the preponderance of persecution complex Olympic champions are coming from our side of the political spectrum—-if we’re not going to be honest enough to call ourselves out on this, then I don’t think we should try to address the topic at all. Srkbear (talk) 03:44, 23 August 2023 (UTC)

Gal Gadot was called out because inspiration porn is condescending and, I know you don't like this, ableist. You say how can we know how Hawking felt about his condition? Well, by that same token you don't know how he felt about his condition. That's important. Either way, instead of focusing on how "hampering" his disability was and hoping he's now "freed" from it, as if that's all there was to him, how about we focus on his accomplishments without making assumptions about how he felt? Carthage (talk) 03:53, 23 August 2023 (UTC)