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August 13, 2011: In Response to Our American Revolution: 'No Crying Is Allowed.'

This article quotes George Soros as saying "Destroying America will be the culmination of my life's work." This is not a real quote.[1] It's based on a quote from a March 2009 interview[2] with The Australian, in which Soros actually refers to his attempts to solve the world financial crisis as the culmination of his life's work.

September 16, 2012: Portland Schools Spend $500k to Deem PB&J Sandwiches Racist

This article claims that schools in Portland, Oregon classified peanut butter and jelly sandwiches as a racist "hate food". However, this is completely false.[3][4] The original source for this controversy was a Portland Tribune article published on September 6, 2012.

The entire rumor was based on the opening lines of the article, in which a Portland elementary school principal, Verenice Gutierrez, referenced the notion that students from other cultures don't necessarily have the same frames of reference, even when it comes to everyday matters like food. Inexplicably, Breitbart linked this to an unrelated event in which many Portland school leaders participated in a "week-long seminar on race" conducted by the Pacific Educational Group. Outside of occuring in Portland, there is no connection between the seminar and Gutierrez's remarks.

December 22, 2014: Happy Holidays: FDA Moves to Ban Cake, Donut ‘Sprinkles’

This article claims that the FDA proposed banning donut sprinkles, which is false.[5] The proposal[6] referenced pertains to regulating partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs), and not allowing companies to sell PHOs without FDA approval. Nowhere in the proposal does the FDA so much as imply a ban on donut sprinkles.

September 12, 2015: Study; 482 Extra Murder Victims Amid Obama’s Anti-Cop Campaign

This article cites Steve Sailer, a white supremacist and VDARE columnist who wrote several articles on his blog[7][8][9][10] claiming that Asians, Jews, and whites have higher IQs than blacks and Hispanics, and are therefore naturally more intelligent. IQ tests are not a reliable or accurate means of measuring intelligence.[11]

October 2, 2015: Sorry, Girls! But The Smartest People In The World Are All Men

This article claims to have scientific evidence that women are less intelligent than men, and cites IQ Comparison Site,[12] which in turn cites Richard Lynn, a white supremacist whose debunked studies on racial IQ differences are frequently cited by other white supremacists.[13] Additionally, Lynn's study on IQ differences by sex has been criticized for being poorly researched and cherry-picking data.[14]

December 8, 2015: Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy

These quotes from the article speak for themselves:

So in other words, your birth control injection will add on pounds that will prevent the injection you really want — of man meat.


As far as I can tell most women are hysterical hypercritical harpies towards their boyfriends and husbands the vast majority of the time. Man am I relieved to be a fag right now.

Now, you may be asking what I would have women replace the Pill with, since it’s obviously so awful. Condoms? Vasectomies? The answer is: nothing. We need the kids if we’re to breed enough to keep the Muslim invaders at bay.

December 11, 2015: Dear Straight People: I’m Officially Giving You Permission To Say Gay, Faggot and Queer

These quotes from the article speak for themselves:

Faggot is my favourite of the three, obviously. I use it when disobeying the diktats of the hand-wringing gay establishment when they scold me for mocking lezzers. “They’re just confused lonely old man-haters,” I’ll say. “You’re an offensive, self-loathing homosexual,” they respond. To which I reply: “I might like dick, but you people are faggots.”

It’s my hope in kicking off this campaign that other minorities will shortly follow suit. I will be reaching out to blacks, trannies and cripples (it’s fine, they told me I could say that) to suggest similar public statements of endorsement.

Left-wing loons will no doubt say that I am ushering in a new era of “harassment” and “abuse.” I say screw you, you ugly fat losers.

January 6, 2016: Jason Richwine: Cost of Amnesty – $6 Trillion And The End of Conservatism In America

This article cites Jason Richwine, a white supremacist who wrote an article[15] for Politico claiming that Asians and whites are inherently more intelligent than blacks and Hispanics, which cited debunked studies on racial IQ differences. Additionally, he proposed[16] that the American immigration system be reworked to include a mandatory IQ test, which led to Richwine being fired from the Heritage Foundation.

March 29, 2016: An Establishment Conservative’s Guide To The Alt-Right

This article praises the alt-right, a political movement run by white supremacists, neo-Nazis, neo-Confederates, neoreactionaries, and other right-wing fringe groups. Additionally, it positively references a variety of notable extremists, their movements, and their websites, namely:

  • H.L. Mencken, a journalist whose diary[17] was filled with racist and anti-semitic tirades.
  • Julius Evola, an Italian neo-fascist who described himself as a "superfascist".
  • Sam Francis, a a white nationalist who became a "dominant force" on the Council of Conservative Citizens, a white supremacist organization.
  • Pat Buchanan, a political commentator and Holocaust revisionist who described Adolf Hitler as "an individual of great courage".
  • The French New Right (or Nouvelle Droite), a political movement that advocates for white nationalism.
  • Richard Spencer, a white supremacist who coined the term "alt-right".
  • Alternative Right, Richard Spencer's blog and the origin of the term "alt-right".
  • Steve Sailer, a journalist who wrote several articles on his blog[18][19][20][21] claiming that Asians, Jews, and whites have higher IQs than blacks and Hispanics, and are therefore naturally more intelligent.
  • VDARE, a white supremacist site named after Virginia Dare, supposedly the first white child born in the United States.
  • American Renaissance, a white supremacist publication.
  • Razib Khan, a blogger who was hired by the New York Times, then immediately fired[22] when it was discovered that he wrote articles[23] for a variety of racist publications, and wrote multiple articles[24][25] giving legitimacy to debunked studies on racial IQ differences.
  • Jack Donovan, an editor for Alternative Right who advocates for "anarcho-fascism".

April 1, 2016: California Man Dressed as Woman Busted for Videoing in Ladies Bathroom

This article about an incident that occurred in May 2013 was randomly published in 2016, suggesting that it was in some way related to proposed anti-discrimination laws protecting transgender people. In reality, the crime was entirely unrelated, and the man would not have been sheltered in any way by anti-discrimination laws.[26] Additionally, the original version[27] of the article falsely claimed that the incident occurred in 2016, though this was later corrected.

April 21, 2016: Man Accused of Peeping in Women’s Restroom Also Faces Child Porn Charges

This article suggests that an incident where a man recorded young girls in a women's restroom was in some way related to proposed anti-discrimination laws protecting transgender people. In reality, the crime was entirely unrelated, and the man would not have been sheltered in any way by anti-discrimination laws.[28] Additionally, the article references a previous incident[29] it claims occurred two weeks prior, which actually happened in May 2013.

May 2, 2016: There Have Been Over 100 Hate Crime Hoaxes In The Past Decade

This article reports that there have been over 100 fake hate crimes were reported over the past decade. This may sound like a lot, except between 200,000 and 300,000 hate crimes are reported per year.[30] In other words, between 0.003% and 0.005% of hate crimes reported turned out to be hoaxes.

June 4, 2016: Journal of American Greatness: A Coherent ‘Trumpism’

This article positively references John Derbyshire, a white supremacist who wrote an article for Taki's Magazine claiming that blacks are inherently less intelligent and more dangerous than whites.

June 30, 2016: Police Launch ‘Don’t Touch Me’ Wristbands to Stop Migrant Sex Attacks in Sweden

This article claims that Swedish police began distributing wristbands reading "Don't Touch Me" in an attempt to stop Muslim migrants from raping women. In reality, the (now-deleted) press release[31] referenced in the article said the bracelets pertained to unwanted sexual advances among youth, and made no mention of Muslim migrants.[32]

July 1, 2016: Palin on Paid Anti-Trump Protesters: ‘Not Even President Yet and Our Guy’s Already Creating Jobs’

This article claims that anti-Trump protesters are being paid by an unknown individual or organization, citing a Fox News article[33] about a Craigslist ad offering to pay people to protest Trump's then-upcoming rally. However, although ads have been posted on Craigslist asking for paid protestors, these ads are always quickly taken down, and none of them have shown to be anything other than hoaxes. Additionally, the original version of the article cited an article on "", a hoax website impersonating ABC News.[34]

July 19, 2016: Michelle Obama Copied Alinsky in Speech Melania Trump Allegedly Plagiarized

This article claims that Michelle Obama plagiarized her 2008 DNC speech from Saul Alinsky's book, Rules for Radicals. Their only evidence for this claim is that both Obama and Alinsky used the phrases "the world as it is" and "the world as it should be", and in different contexts at that.[35]

August 13, 2016: Moderator Removed From Popular Subreddit For Being A Trump Supporter

This article claims that /u/Kwiztas was demodded from /r/politics for endorsing Donald Trump's presidential campaign. He was actually demoted for failing to do his job as a moderator, as well as saying he tried to "make /r/politics MAGA", which went against the subreddit's goal of remaining politically neutral.[36]

September 19, 2016: FULL TEXT: ‘How To Destroy The Alt Right’ By MILO

This article praises Jared Taylor, a white supremacist and the founder of American Renaissance, who was quoted as saying "When blacks are left entirely to their own devices, Western civilization — any kind of civilization — disappears."

September 27, 2016: Libertarian Author Charles Murray Calls for Pause in Low-Skill Immigration

This article cites Charles Murray, a white supremacist famous for co-writing The Bell Curve, which claims that IQ tests prove the genetic inferiority of most non-whites. He also wrote an article[37] for Commentary claiming that God made Jews more intelligent than all other races.

December 15, 2016: Walmart Selling Black Lives Matter Shirts with ‘Bulletproof’ on Them

This article claims that Walmart is selling Black Lives Matter shirts on its website, which is false.[38] While the products do appear on Walmart's website, they're being sold through Walmart's Marketplace, which is a venue for third-party sellers similar to Ebay. In this case, the Black Lives Matter clothing is being sold by the company Old Glory, which also sells All Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter clothing.

January 3, 2017: Revealed: 1,000-Man Mob Attack Police, Set Germany’s Oldest Church Alight on New Year’s Eve

This article claims that Muslim migrants were responsible for a constant stream of violence during New Year's Eve celebrations in Dortmund, Germany. This claim has been refuted by German police, as well as Ruhr Nachrichten, a local newspaper cited in Breitbart's article.[39]

January 4, 2017: President Obama Awards Himself Distinguished Public Service Medal

This article claims that Barack Obama awarded himself the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service, which is false. In reality, Obama was nominated by the Department of Defense and approved by the Secretary of Defense, Ash Carter. Although the Department of Defense is part of the executive branch, the President has no part in the nomination or approval process for recipients of the medal.[40]

August 8, 2017: Starbucks Holds Hiring Event for Refugees in San Diego, TB Rates Among Highest in Country

This article suggests that residents of El Cajon, California are in danger of contracting tuberculosis as a result of Starbucks planning to hire 10,000 refugees over the next five years. The article cites a 2013 study[41] by Timothy Rodwell, which it claims is evidence that the active tuberculosis incidence rate among refugees is over 100 times higher than it is across the entire United States. This is inaccurate.[42]

As explained by Rodwell, Breitbart took 14 (the number of cases with abnormal chest X-rays consistent with active TB) and divided it by 4,280 (the number of refugees involved in the study), ending up with 0.0032710. From there, they multiplied 0.0032710 by 100,000 (the standard measure for reporting incidence of disease in populations) to create an "incidence rate" of 327.102, or 327 per 100,000. However, having abnormal chest X-rays consistent with active TB is not the same thing as being confirmed to have TB.

As Rodwell pointed out, the 14 patients with abnormal X-rays were never confirmed to have TB, hence the study not referring to them as TB-positive. Additionally, even if all 14 patients did have TB, that would be a prevalence of TB, not an incident. Incidence refers to how many cases occur every year, which could not be proven by the number of TB-positive individuals within one group.

The article also references 823 refugees in the study who tested positive for latent tuberculosis (LTBI). However, LTBI cannot be transmitted to others. Although LTBI can transform into active TB, 429 of the aforementioned refugees who tested positive for LTBI were offered treatment, thus preventing them from ever becoming infectious.

According to the study, another 334 refugees diagnosed with LTBI weren't given similar offers, mostly because they were 50 years old or older, in which case they were referred to local medical providers. Out of the aforementioned 429 refugees who were offered treatment, 373 accepted the offer, with 219 of them completing it by the time the study was published. Another 78 were still being treated at the time of publication, while 39 "defaulted" from treatment.

Additionally, data[43] from the County of San Diego Tuberculosis Control Program reveals that the county's TB incidence rate has actually gone down in recent years.

September 13, 2017: Planned Parenthood Teams up with Satanists to Promote Abortion in Missouri

This article claims that Planned Parenthood teamed up with the Satanic Temple to reverse regulations in Missouri that reduced the number of abortion facilities in the state to a single clinic. Although both groups sought to reduce restrictions on abortion rights in the state, they worked independently of each other, and filed separate court cases.[44]

October 16, 2017: FBI: Over Four Times More People Stabbed to Death Than Killed with Rifles of Any Kind

This article claims that over four times as many people are stabbed to death than killed with rifles. According to the linked FBI crime statistics[45] for 2016, 374 people were killed with rifles, while 1,604 people were stabbed to death. Although this is accurate, it leaves out the fact that in 3,263 cases, the type of firearm used was not specified or reported to the FBI.[46]

December 1, 2017: Anthem Kneeler Says NFL Siphoning From Breast Cancer, Military Donations to Give Social Justice Causes $89M

This article claims that the NFL is planning to donate less money to breast cancer awareness and military charities so the money can be given to "social justice causes". Their only source for this is San Francisco 49ers safety Eric Reid, who told Slate he resigned from the Players Coalition over this arrangement. However, Reid's claims are false.[47]

According to the NFL's Vice President for Communications, Brian McCarthy, the NFL is simply donating additional money to other causes, and is not reducing its donations to existing programs.

December 6, 2017: Tidalgate: Climate Alarmists Caught Faking Sea Level Rise

This article claims that scientists are manipulating sea level data to exaggerate predictions of future sea level rise. The source is a paper by Albert Parker, an ex-Fiat engineer with a history of publishing questionable studies in desperate publications, and Cliff Ollier, a retired geologist and a member of an Australian climate denier organization. The paper attempts to cast doubt on the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level and their dataset, which includes over 2,000 stations around the world.

It does this by referencing the adjustments made to a single record in Yemen. Additionally, the paper claims that said adjustments were "arbitrary" and manufactured to exaggerate sea level rise, but provides no real evidence. The authors' main bit of proof that this is the case is that their description of the raw data doesn't show a rise in sea level, while the corrected data does.

They then concluded that the corrections made to the data were "composed to produce a high trend, high acceleration record." To prove their point, they then created their own adjustments to the data, supposedly proving that it shouldn't show a rise in sea level. However, they provided no evidence that these supposed corrections were accurate, only comparing them to records from two other stations, without demonstrating that those comparisons have merit.[48]

August 8, 2018: Expert: 170 Registered Voters in Ohio’s 12th District Listed as Over 116 Years Old

This article claims to have evidence of massive voter fraud committed by Democrats in the form of a large number of registered voters listed as being over 116 years old. However, this isn't because of voter fraud, it's because of a recording error that caused some voters' birthdates to be listed with placeholder values such as 1800-01-01 or 1900-01-01.[49] It's actually kind of ridiculous to claim that Democrats would come up with a scheme to create numerous fraudulent voter registrations, but would be too stupid to come up with more believable birthdates than January 1, 1800.

Also of note is that the party affiliation of these supposedly fraudulent voters is pretty evenly split between Democrats and Republicans.


  1. Did George Soros Say His Life’s Mission Is to Destroy the United States?, Snopes.
  2. Soros interview, part one, The Australian.
  3. Is Portland Schools spending half a million dollars to declare the peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich racist?, PolitiFact.
  4. Peanut Butter Jelly Crime, Snopes.
  5. Obama Enacting Donut Sprinkles Ban?, Snopes.
  6. Tentative Determination Regarding Partially Hydrogenated Oils; Request for Comments and for Scientific Data and Information, Federal Register.
  7. Aversion to "Acting White" Worse Problem for Hispanics than Blacks, iSteve.
  8. The black-white IQ gap -- has it narrowed?, iSteve.
  9. Peter Frost's explanation for high average Ashkenazi Jewish IQs, iSteve.
  10. New York Times on IQ, iSteve.
  11. Scientists debunk the IQ myth: Notion of measuring one's intelligence quotient by singular, standardized test is highly misleading, Science Daily.
  12. Sex Differences in IQ, IQ Comparison Site.
  13. Richard Lynn on Race Differences in Intelligence, American Renaissance.
  14. Who has the bigger brain?, The Guardian.
  15. Why can't we talk about IQ?, Politico.
  16. Jason Richwine doesn’t understand why people are mad at him, The Washington Post.
  17. Mencken Was Pro-Nazi, His Diary Shows, Los Angeles Times.
  18. Aversion to "Acting White" Worse Problem for Hispanics than Blacks, iSteve.
  19. The black-white IQ gap -- has it narrowed?, iSteve.
  20. Peter Frost's explanation for high average Ashkenazi Jewish IQs, iSteve.
  21. New York Times on IQ, iSteve.
  22. New York Times signs contract writer Razib Khan, then dumps him, The Washington Post.
  23. New Times Op-Ed Writer Has a Colorful Past With Racist Publications, Gawker.
  24. Who believes in I.Q.?, Discover Magazine.
  25. Why race as a biological construct matters, Discover Magazine.
  26. Man Claiming to Be Transgender Arrested for Filming Women in Restroom, Snopes.
  27. Internet Archive
  28. Man Takes Photographs in Women’s Bathroom Because of New Laws?, Snopes.
  29. California Man Dressed as Woman Busted for Videoing in Ladies Bathroom, Breitbart.
  30. The ugly truth about hate crimes — in 5 charts and maps, The Washington Post.
  31. Internet Archive
  32. Swedish Police Hand Out ‘Don’t Touch Me’ Bracelets to Stop Refugee Rapists?
  33. Craigslist Ad: Get Paid $15 an Hour to Protest at a Trump Rally, Fox News.
  34. Breitbart Duped by Fake News (Again), Snopes.
  35. Michelle Obama Copied Her 2008 DNC Speech from Saul Alinsky, Snopes.
  36. Reddit
  37. Jewish Genius, Commentary.
  38. ‘Black Lives Matter’ Shirts Sold on, Snopes.
  39. Germany fires back at Breitbart for report on New Year’s ‘riot’, Politico.
  40. Did President Obama Award Himself a Distinguished Public Service Medal?, Snopes.
  41. Prevalence and Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection Among Newly Arrived Refugees in San Diego County, January 2010–October 2012, PubMed Central.
  42. Are Refugee Tuberculosis Rates in San Diego ‘More Than 100 Times Greater’ Than the National Average?, Snopes.
  43. County of San Diego Tuberculosis Control Program 2016 Fact Sheet
  44. Did Planned Parenthood ‘Team Up’ With Satanists to Promote Abortion Rights in Missouri?, Snopes.
  45. FBI
  46. Are Four Times More People Stabbed to Death Than Killed with Rifles?, Snopes.
  47. Did the NFL Stop Donations to Breast Cancer and Military Charities in Order to Fund Black Lives Matter?, Snopes.
  48. Were Scientists Caught Tampering with Raw Data to Exaggerate Sea Level Rise?, Snopes.
  49. Did Ohio’s 12th Congressional District Have 170 Fraudulent ‘Voters’ Over 116 Years Old?, Snopes.