Steven Crowder

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Crowder speaking at the 2013 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Maryland.
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And a dirty dozen more
Were you looking for Stephen Colbert, an actual comedian?
Crowder's pleasure with himself and his sadistic use of physical power is obvious, thanks mostly to his expressive gestures, facial reddening, shrill vocal manipulations, and erratic hand movements. But his glee belies the worrisome nature of his work. Steeped in bigotry and violent humiliation, the point of most of the clips seems clear: Liberalism is a threatening pathology in need of urgent, punitive extermination—by whatever means are at hand.
—Delaney Rohan[1]

Steven Blake "Cold Feet" Crowder (1987–) is a professional asshole and self-described comedian who supports conservative and libertarian views. Crowder is prominent in the conservative establishment: he previously worked for Fox News,[2] wrote for's Big Hollywood section,[3] and repeatedly appeared at the Conservative Political Action ConferenceWikipedia (CPAC). He regularly posts self-described comedy on YouTube[4] and regularly posts self-described news on his webshite, (LwC for short[5]). Crowder's YouTube channel has over 5.6 million subscribers and over 1.5 billion views, proving that you don't need talent or charisma to gain a massive following as a right-wing YouTuber.[6]

Crowder is perhaps best known as the face of the "Change My Mind" internet meme.[7] More amusingly, he's also known for refusing to debate Sam Seder of the Majority Report, then freaking out when Seder unexpectedly appeared as a guest on a stream with H3H3, actually saying "Oh no, what a nightmare!" when Seder appeared on screen, keeping the camera away from his face, and running away from the livestream, earning the new nickname Crowder The Coward.[8]

Political career[edit]

Crowder in 2009 on Neil Cavuto, opposing "socialized Obamacare"[9]
I'm not a micro political guy, but tend to lean more conservative and Libertarian. I've got no ulterior motive. I'm not pushing any agenda. I don't care as much about the local political races as much as I do the over-reaching direction of where this country is going, but I do care. People get to hear the world as I see it. I'm not a hyper conservative, but I am a conservative. I literally don't have any other agenda than wanting to make people laugh.
—Crowder, explaining that he's very concerned about the political situation in the US and wants to rile people up about it, but totally doesn't have an agenda[10]

Crowder produced his own comedic shorts until getting picked up by PJ Media in 2009,[2] which caught the eye of Fox News that same year. Crowder worked for Fox News from 2009 to 2013. During that time, he appeared on Hannity[11] and Cavuto.[9] In 2013, after a seven-month period where he was not televised, Crowder criticized Fox in general and Hannity in particular for getting "bulldozed like a child" on a radio interview.[12][13] Despite his public apology,[14] he was shortly fired.[2] After disappearing from Fox, Crowder started doing the speaker circuit rounds, apparently charging about $3,000-$5,000 per visit.[15]

One of Crowder's ideas of wanting to make people laugh is to play extremely racist caricatures of the Chinese as part of "cultural appropriation month".[16]

Oligarch funding[edit]

Despite constantly promoting himself as an independent creator, Steven Crowder's show is actually part of the Glenn Beck and Mark Levin-owned Blaze Media,[17] which is funded by billionaire Cary Katz, CRTV's principal investor and College Lending Corp. founder, which markets loans to university students.[18]



Yup, you can totally rely on him to know what's racist or not!

In Crowder's article for Breitbart titled "Sarah Silverman: Fox News Is a Secret Racist Machine!", Crowder asserts that Silverman is not racist for using racist slurs:[19]

How convenient for a lady like Sarah who regularly uses words such as “chink,” “nigger” and “spic” as staples in her act. Don’t worry, though, the only reason Sarah uses such incendiary language is because, “the progressive messages out there today are more refined and sense-of-irony dependent.” Yes, really.

Listen, I don’t think that anybody has the right to prohibit Sarah from using those words and I don’t think that she’s a racist. I think she’s distasteful, unfunny and terribly ugly (both inside and out) with no redeeming qualities whatsoever… But not a racist.


Crowder's record on antisemitism is mixed. He has defended religious Jews:[20]

In the end, I guess I’m just hoping that folks don’t lump the off-putting “Hollywood Jews” in with the good, decent people of the Jewish faith. I’ve been seeing a lot of anti-Semitism lately from both the left and the far-right (Alex Jones anybody?), and I find it troubling. So the next time you hear one of the Weinstein brothers or Carl Reiner speak and find yourself disgusted, remember that they would have more in common with Sean Penn than with your local Rabbi.

However, after Ye received backlash for his antisemitic views, Crowder made it clear that he did not extend the same charity to secular Jews:[21]

But, he's not wrong about everything. Look, is there a conversation to be had about secular humanists with Jewish last names in Hollywood exploiting people in positions of, you know, the performance arts, talent? Yeah. Yeah. And, by the way, that happens in the conservative movement too behind the scenes. People sign contracts where they don't know what they're signing. Yeah, that's true. Is there a disproportionate number of people with Jewish last names in higher banking? That's an argument that can be made. But then when you get to, it's because they're Jewish and all Jews – well, then we have a problem. Not because it's offensive, but because it's inaccurate.

Homophobia and transphobia[edit]

#TransRightsAreHumanRights ? Let's see, how do I put this delicately? Ah. No they’re not.

In May of 2019, Carlos Maza made a Tweet shedding light on Crowder's homophobic remarks:[23]

Since I started working at Vox, Steven Crowder has been making video after video "debunking" Strikethrough. Every single video has included repeated, overt attacks on my sexual orientation and ethnicity. Here's a sample:

Crowder described Maza as the following, with a stereotypical gay voice for some of them:[23]

lispy sprite

You're given a free pass as a crappy writer because you're gay.

little queer

gay Mexican

Sprite is a synonym for fairy, which is a known homophobic slur.[25] Meanwhile, queer can be derogatory depending on context,[26] which is obviously the case here. On June 5, 2019, Chris Dale of YouTube responded with a blog post, "Taking a harder look at harassment", that promised tougher policies regarding harassment and hate speech.[27] These policy updates were met with mixed reception, as many innocent channels saw a drop in ad revenue in what is dubbed the "Vox Adpocalypse".

As for Pete Buttigieg,Wikipedia Crowder regularly calls him "Pete Butt Gig".

In June of 2016, Crowder announced the super "edgy" T-shirt "Socialism is for figs":

Updated "Socialism is for Figs" shirt coming to the #LwC merch store soon.

Remember kids, it's not bigotry if you replace one letter in a slur!

June 2021 saw Crowder go on a virulently homophobic rant in which he peddled far-right myths about gay people:[29]

  • Crowder said that the gay community is “definitely more predatory in nature as far as recruiting," implying that he believes in the conspiracy theory that gay people are indoctrinating children.
  • Crowder said that gay people are more likely to be pedophiles based on the fact that gay men are statistically more promiscuous, even claiming that all gay men are sex maniacs and that almost none are monogamous. He also accused the gay community of consisting almost entirely of pedophiles. In reality, studies show that gay people are no more likely to be pedophiles than straight men.[30]
  • Crowder even managed to sneak some misandry into the video by trying to justify the above point with claims that men are more predatory by their very nature.[note 1]
  • But by far the low point of the video was when Crowder claimed that heterosexual men who don't do drugs have a 0% chance of getting AIDS and that "AIDS was exclusive to the gay community in the United States, despite how FauciWikipedia lied about it". Needless to say, this claim is an example of PIDOOMA of the highest order.[citation NOT needed]

Abusive behavior in private[edit]

Why he's divorced[edit]

As of April 25th 2023, Crowder announced, in response to Candace Owens implying she had dirt on him and going so far as to ask her audience to "pray for him", that he and his wife have been going through a divorce since 2021, and are now separated. Now, that's not really newsworthy, as according to Crowder, "there was no infidelity, any kind of abuse on either side!" so what's so important that it has to be here? Well, it's for what Crowder said immediately after the aforementioned quote that is rather concerning due to his apparent possessiveness over his wife, and, as far we know, an indication as to why his wife (probably) left him.[31][32]

... And, no, this was not my choice. My then-wife decided that she didn't want to be married anymore, and in the state of Texas that is completely permitted. It's been the most heartbreaking experience in my life. What I consider to be my deepest personal failure, and just so you know my opinions on parenting and families have not changed. I've always believed that children need a mom and a dad, that divorce is horrible, and I still believe that children need a mom and a dad and that divorce is horrible. But in today's legal system... my beliefs don't matter. In Texas, divorce is permitted when one party wants it, period.

Two days later, a video was leaked of him verbally abusing his pregnant wife. According to his wife's family, this abuse was going on for years. Also, Steven was the one to initiate the divorce, in an apparent effort to cut her off financially.[33][34][35]

In the workplace[edit]

For more information, see: Haggard's Law

Speaking to the New York Post in 2023, ten of Crowder's ex-staffers alleged that he fostered an abusive workplace environment. But most shockingly, six of those ten claimed to have witnessed Crowder repeatedly exposing his genitals to his employees.[36][37] This puts his constant screeching about sexual perversion in a whole new light. From New York magazine:

In March 2018, Crowder and his crew were driving in a van when a former producer he liked to call "Not Gay Jared" fell asleep in the back row. "Steven was in front, and he was joking about what he was going to do," a witness said. "He climbed over and dropped his junk on top of Jared's shoulder." The same ex-staffer recalled that Crowder had exposed himself to Jared in 2017 while they were filming a parody version of Ghost. And on a flight in 2018, a different employee claims they saw Crowder put his testicles on his childhood friend and assistant, John Goodman. Another employee remembered that Crowder had showed his genitals to Dave Landau, a comedian and former co-host who called Crowder a "bully" last week. (Landau claimed that Crowder installed a "'Dave don't talk' button" on the show to get him to be quiet on air.) "At first, I took it as him trying to be friendly or one of the guys," said an ex-staffer. "Now, I see it was a power play."[36]

Responding to the allegations that he exposed his genitals to staffers, Crowder stated: "Yes. Yes. ... That did happen. I mean, what are you talking about? The Terminator 2 sketch? ... We were naked in that one too. Yeah... Was it gay Captain America?"[38] A few days later, he opted to post a clip on his Twitter account showcasing one of his employees whipping another; the one being whipped was in a cow costume and repeatedly yelled "MOOOOO!!!".[39] He then made his employees sign non-disclosure agreements, allegedly telling them: "If you're not okay with guys playing sack tap then this isn't the place for you".[40]

In March 2024, Jared Mitello (the aforementioned "Not Gay Jared") alleged that Crowder had legally abused him for years, including via non-disclosure or non-disparagement agreements, following his departure from the workplace. Another former employee commented on the case: "Jared isn't a rich man. He knows Steven has millions of dollars and an army of lawyers. Steven is extremely vindictive and always looks for any opportunity to get back at anyone he feels has wronged him. Even just leaving the show he views as a huge betrayal. Jared is basically faced with an abusive ex-boss who wants to make his life a living hell and has the funds to do so."[41] The CEO of Louder With Crowder then insinuated that Jared sent a "threatening" sweet potato to Steven Crowder's house.[42] Charges were then filed against Crowder at the National Labor Relations Board, which alleged that he was "leaning on an illegal separation agreement in a suit to stop an ex-producer from speaking out" against him, according to Law360, with that producer being Jared.[43][44]


I'm a young conservative Christian who’s pretty edgy but never dirty.
—Steven Crowder, interview with The Daily Beast[2]
Shut up, you old bag!
—Steven Crowder, while waterboarding Nancy Pelosi[45]

Some of Crowder's more egregious videos are documented below.

Same-sex marriage[edit]

In a video titled "GAY MARRIAGE!! (Featuring Gay Leprechaun)", Crowder begins by whining about being called a homophobe by "the left" for his homophobic views.[46]

The left uses it all the time. If you don't agree with the homosexual bully pulpit 100% of the time, you're homophobic. Forget about any logical objections or counterarguments to things like same-sex marriage. You're simply afraid of the gays.

What are these objections? Well, for one, his feelings would be hurt if we called it "marriage" and he believes it is not homophobic to force gay couples to get an obviously inferior version of water fountain marriage:

If gay people want to get married, or get together, they should have a civil partnership... Heterosexual people get married. We can have civil partnerships.
—Elton John

[mock gasp] But he must be one of those self-loathing homos. Or maybe, just maybe, he's logical in his thought process in that giving same-sex partnerships the same the same status as marriage may have more serious repercussions than we thought.

Just how many Americans are opposed to gay marriage? [on-screen stats show about 4 in 10 support same-sex marriage, 6 in 10 oppose] Why is there a comparable majority of Americans that support same-sex civil unions? [on-screen stats show about 6 in 10 support same-sex civil unions, 4 in 10 oppose] I'm gonna go with they must be racist homophobic hate-mongers.

He's actually correct that people who oppose gay marriage are homophobic by definition, as these people support restrictions of rights for a disadvantaged minority group only for being a disadvantaged minority group. We call that "discrimination" and we have tried "separate-but-equal" facilities, and they always end up unequal and fueled by bigotry. This counterargument may be where Crowder gets the whole "racist" thing from his opponents, by the way.

For another, same-sex marriage means that the government can force churches to gay marry people:

All right, let's assume for a second that you assume marriage is a fundamental civil right for everybody. Well, then, what happens if a church decides that they don't wanna marry two dudes? You can't deny people their civil rights, it's the law! So technically, if a church were to follow its own doctrine, they'd risk losing their tax-exempt status. And without a tax-exempt status, a church would cease to exist. So essentially, the government would be infringing upon the church. Isn't that a violation of one of the amendments or something?

Crowder is being either ignorant or malicious on this claim. Even the Family Research Council says that "there is no significant risk that pastors and churches can be compelled by a court to solemnize, host, or perform a same-sex marriage ceremony".[47]

Guantanamo Bay[edit]

In a video titled "The REAL GUANTANAMO BAY!!", Crowder asserts that Guantanamo Bay is a well-run beach community (he spends 2 minutes of 14 partaking in beach activities) where prisoners are treated fairly and provided numerous amenities. His "evidence" for this is him asking soldiers at Guantanamo if they have taken part in torture, and acting as though their denials of doing so actually prove anything. In contrast, Amnesty International has consistently found human rights violations (such as torture) and unjustified detention of civilians (without proper procedural or legal rights).[48] This video features Crowder's manipulative use of language and imagery on full display. For example, Crowder shifts from discussing the rights provided to detainees, to implicitly blaming "liberals" for 9/11, to flatly asserting that all Gitmo detainees are terrorists, in just 15 seconds:[49]

[W]hen you take into consideration that Gitmo once held more than 779 detainees and there are now only around 221 left, it would seem that more people are let free than actually detained. Which is of course a shame, as many of them, ah, actually returned to killing fellow Americans. Americans, liberals. Remember them? The victims in all of this.

[clips of 9/11 play with sad music in background for 15 seconds]

[Crowder as Crowder:] It's important to remember that these detainees are terrorists, not prisoners. Terrorists, just like one of the 9/11 masterminds, Kaleef [sic] Sheikh Mohammad, who, thanks to Obama, is now enjoying an all-expenses paid trip to New York, as he awaits his American trial.

Gun control[edit]

After Barack Obama suggested that the Federal Assault Weapons BanWikipedia should become permanent, Crowder compared him to Hitler and Stalin in "GUNS, GUNS, GUNS! (Featuring Michael Moore)":[50]

Truth is, most of the guns on this ban list are nothing more than your trusty ol' semi-automatic. And for those sissies who don't know, nearly every handgun nowadays is a semi-automatic. This is just a part of the Obama Administration's multi-pronged approach to take away our 2nd Amendment rights. And they're not the first! Plenty of successful leaders have implemented gun control in the past. Hitler, Stalin, Che Guevara, and now we've got Pelosi and pals!

Of course, [1] Obama never took your guns, [2] Hitler expanded gun rights (for the "right kind" of citizens), although he did strip these rights from Jews and other so-called "undesirables", and [3] Ché Guevara, who was a literal armed revolutionary against a tyrannical government, only briefly held office in the following Castro regime.

Trans gym video[edit]

In 2015, Crowder uploaded a video entitled "HIDDEN CAM: Cross-Dressing At Planet Fitness!" in which he attempts to "prove" the left's hypocrisy on transgenderism by dressing up as a woman and pretending to be trans at a Planet Fitness gym, hoping that the staff will assume he isn't really trans and kick him out. When this tactic fails, Crowder resorts to dropping the weights to get a reaction before claiming that his being subsequently kicked out proves his point. He also deliberately misgenders a trans woman in the intro.[51]

Change my mind[edit]

The original image that became a meme.[7]

"Change My Mind" is a YouTube show where Steven Crowder debates with non-credentialed young adults on complex issues. Big surprise: Crowder argues for a wide array of conservative topics.[52]

  • There Are Only 2 Genders
  • I'm Pro-Gun (2nd Edition)
  • ‘Rape Culture’ Is A MYTH
  • Male Privilege Is A Myth (2nd Edition)
  • Male Privilege Is A Myth
  • There are Only 2 Genders (2nd Edition)
  • PROTESTER SCREAMS Then Rethinks : Change My Mind
  • Trump Is Not A Fascist: Change My Mind
  • I'm Pro-Gun
  • I’m Pro-Life
  • Hate Speech Isn't Real (2nd Edition)
  • Build The Wall (2nd Edition)
  • Hate Speech Isn't Real
  • I’m Pro-Life (2nd Edition)
  • I'm Pro-Life (3rd Edition)
  • Build The Wall
  • First Time Gun Buyer!
  • I'm Pro-Life (4th Edition)
  • America Is Superior
  • Kwanzaa Isn't Real
  • Socialism is Evil
  • Gay Conservatives Speak Out! (BONUS)
  • 'CHANGE MY MIND' FOLLOW UP: Pro-Choice Student Returns
  • Crazy MAGA-Hat Stealing Protester Shut Down by Cops!
  • TEASER: Trump is NOT A Fascist
  • [Private video]
  • [Private video]
  • [Private video]
  • Change My Mind Google Edition: Hate Speech Q&A
  • Hate Speech Isn't Real (Google Edition)
  • BONUS: America Is Superior
  • TEASER: Trump is Not Racist
  • Insane Anti-Trump Protester goes BERSERK on Crowder!
  • Trump Is Not Racist: Change My Mind
  • CNN is Fake News
  • TEASER: Thanksgiving Isn't Racist
  • Thanksgiving Isn't Racist
  • [Private video]
  • Trump Is Not A Fascist
  • [Private video]
  • [Private video]
  • Filipino Liberal and Crowder... Agree? (BONUS)
  • Affirmative Action is Racist
  • Affirmative Action is Racist (Part 2)
  • Male Privilege is a Myth (3rd Edition)



And that's a wrap, folks! Thanks to all who tuned in!

We may keep security on the Clinton watch for a bit longer. Just to be safe.



If a feminist is raped in a forest, and no one is around to hear it, is she still heinously unattractive?


Crowder advocates for the death of people with POCD[55] and accuses them of being pedophiles.

I think Dante forgot a circle of Hell for these evil assholes.[56]

This is in response to a licensed OCD therapist.


Crowder has repeatedly lied or misrepresented evidence in his political commentator career, as you may have noticed from the above.

Potholer54 climate change debacle[edit]

In 2017, Crowder argued with British science journalist Peter Hadfield (a.k.a. Potholer54) over a Louder with Crowder episode titled "Top 5 'Climate Change' Myths". Crowder's arguments were hilariously bad:[57]

  • Crowder argued that climate scientists encourage support for Big Government by lying about AGW to guilt liberals.
  • Crowder argued that all climate scientists believe "gender to be a figment of the imagination", as if this were unscientific or discredited their work in climate science.
  • Crowder argued that NASA confirmed a global net gain of ice of 82bn tons and that this is evidence of cooling when in fact this figure was only for (parts of) Antarctica and that Greenland had lost 269bn tons in the same period.
  • Crowder argued that an increase in polar bear numbers (which followed a ban on hunting) as proof that climate change is not harming polar bears.
  • Crowder argued that climate change models are worthless because the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) was unable to predict an exact number of hurricanes per year.
  • Crowder also cited Christopher Monckton's and Tim Ball's claims that NOAA is fraudulent as evidence that climate change is itself bogus.

Following this, Crowder challenged Hadfield to a debate. Hadfield refused because no topic or time of day was proposed and therefore a formal debate could not be prepared. Updates as to the debate discussions were brought up in subsequent Hadfield videos.[58][59] Hadfield agreed to participate in a livestream debate scheduled for April 27, but Crowder chickened out at the last minute.[60]

A summary of the exchange between Hadfield and Crowder is a video by "Goggles OW".[61]

Sam Seder's debate challenge[edit]

Leading up to Politicon in 2018, Majority Report host Sam Seder challenged Steven Crowder to a debate. Politicon contacted Steven Crowder, who in response, stopped responding to their emails.[62] Since then, Sam Seder has posted numerous challenges,[63] and even some of Crowder's own followers have asked why he won't debate Seder. Crowder has ignored the challenge but continued to "debate" random college students who aren't schooled on these subjects.

Timeline of events[edit]

  • Politicon: Crowder had been scheduled to appear at PolitiCon. Seder was invited to come but agreed only on the condition that he could debate someone. He suggested Crowder and Crowder instantly stopped answering Politicon's emails. The event scheduler says that Crowder got "cold feet", birthing the "Cold Feet Crowder" meme.
  • The Challenge: Sam Seder issues an open debate challenge to Crowder.
  • McInnes: Gavin McInnes (a white supremacist and Proud Boys founder) wants Seder to appear on his show. Seder would normally refuse but McInnes already has Crowder scheduled and McInnes offers the opportunity for a debate. Crowder instantly cancels.
  • 6/14/21: Crowder has a debate scheduled with Ethan Klein. 30 minutes before the debate is scheduled Sam Seder ends his normally scheduled livestream early. Crowder's dad calls Ethan and cancels citing a "medical emergency" with Crowder's pregnant wife. Crowder re-schedules the debate for noon on 6/21/21. The exact time that Sam's daily livestream goes live.
  • 6/21/21: Steven Crowder went into what he expected to be a debate with Ethan Klein of h3h3ProductionsWikipedia on the subject of COVID-19 policies. Crowder connects to H3H3 but hides off-screen until Seder's livestream goes live. Only when he thinks it's safe does he sit down on his set. But he's wrong, as Seder appears immediately after Ethan makes his first reply. To quote Crowder: "OH NO! It's Sam Seder! What a... WOW, what a fucking nightmare!" Sam Seder had pre-recorded the first portion of his live show in a successful effort to fake-out Crowder's precautions to avoid him. Crowder responded by freaking out, refusing to show his face on video for some time, making numerous ad-hominem attacks and subsequently rage-quitting the debate.[64]

Ashley Judd's iPhone rape[edit]

At the 2013 Conservative Political Action Conference, Crowder stated, "...Ashley Judd just tweeted that buying Apple products, again, is akin to rape. From her iPhone."[65]

Judd wrote a 2010 essay (not "just tweeted" by 3 years, and not Twitter at all) in which she expressed grief at learning that electronic products are manufactured in countries in conflict. In such countries, women are often sexually assaulted by militia members.[65]

Union thuggery and misleading editing[edit]

In December 2012, Fox News aired a video that would briefly obsess the conservative blogosphere. At a Right to Work rally in Michigan, one of Fox’s young contributors was punched in the face by a union member. It was evidence, a parade of Fox pundits stressed, of “union thuggery.” On Fox and Friends, anchor Steve Doocy wondered what his colleague had done “that so provoked the left.” But an extended version of the video, aired ironically on Fox News’ Hannity, revealed that the original clip had been edited, removing footage of the puncher being pushed to the ground prior to throwing a punch in return.[2]

Upon close inspection, it's clear that Steven Crowder used a throw to get the old man to the ground.[66]

Conspiracy theories[edit]

In the aftermath of the 2020 U.S. presidential election, Crowder streamed a number of videos in which he falsely claimed that voter fraud occurred in several states in order to "steal" the election from the Republicans.[67][68][69][70][71][72][73] Notably, he neglected to comment after the (Republican-dominated) Supreme Court ruled that voter fraud did not occur.[74] Crowder also failed to mention that the GOP attempted to stop the count on multiple occasions.[75] When said conspiracy theories led to a riot in DC, Crowder declined to comment on his role, instead going on holiday.[76] When he returned from his much-needed hiatus childish attempt to avoid responsibility, he continued peddling the same conspiracy.[77]

Crowder believes that big tech companies are trying to silence him, despite having 5.25 million subscribers and most of his videos being monetized. He even went as far as to call it "the biggest issue of our time",[78] instead of perhaps climate change or maybe the then-ongoing pandemic.

Crowder has spread misinformation about COVID-19 on multiple occasions. On June 17, 2020, he uploaded a video entitled "The COVID death is inflated" in which he spread misinformation about the number of deaths attributed to the virus.[79] In 2021, another one of his videos[note 2] was removed for violating YouTube's guidelines by "claiming that the death rates of Covid-19 are less severe or equally as severe as the common cold or seasonal flu", received half a million views before being deleted.[80]


In September 2016, Andrew Anglin of The Daily Stormer started a "meme" smear campaign where he used fake Tweets to claim that Crowder is the leader of the alt-right and advocates for another Holocaust,[81][82] seemingly in the hopes of ruining what's left of Crowder's reputation à la Ben Garrison.[83] The "meme" was picked up by David Duke,[84] 4chan's /pol/,[85][86] and The Right Stuff, which released a fake podcast titled "White Power with Crowder".[87] Trolls on Twitter defamed Crowder on the hashtag #CrowderFacts.[88]

In reality, Crowder is passionately pro-Israel and ostensibly opposes antisemitism (see above),[89][90][91][92] despite him originally having good buddy and occasional substitute host Owen Benjamin being a fucking Holocaust denier and straight-up Neo-Nazi who he only cut ties with after Benjamin told him the Moon landing was a hoax. He also believes Barack Obama is antisemitic,[93] so don't feel too bad about him being slandered in the same manner. Crowder mocked the alt-right when Donald Trump appeared to be on good terms with Benjamin Netanyahu.[94] Alt-right organizer Richard Spencer asserted that "most of the stuff [Crowder] says is just off-the-shelf conservatism that isn’t remotely dangerous or new."[83]


  • As a child, from 2000 to 2001, Crowder voiced the BrainWikipedia on the PBS animated series Arthur.Wikipedia [note 3]
    • On May 17, 2019, Crowder mocked the Arthur episode "Mr. Ratburn and the Special Someone" for its depiction of a gay wedding, as he "joked" that "Mr. Ratburn gets AIDS" and "joined ISIS" in another episode.[95] Crowder had no issue with the episode in question being banned from broadcast by Alabama Public Television,Wikipedia despite his supposed anti-censorship stances.[citation needed] In response, Crowder says that he supports content rating systems like the MPA.[citation needed]
    • On May 20, 2019, he made a parody of the Arthur theme song, with lyrics such as: "YouTube can go screw yourself today, all your censorship's real gay".[96]
    • This Mr. Ratburn episode was not the first time that the Arthur franchise featured a same-sex couple. In January 2005, the episode "Sugartime!" from the spin-off show Postcards from BusterWikipedia faced controversy over the cartoon character Buster meeting two real-life lesbian couples with children.
  • Crowder played the role of antagonist Douglas "Doug" Moore in the 2009 Christian drama film To Save a Life.Wikipedia [97]

External links[edit]


  1. We wonder what he's basing this claim on…
  2. Which has since become notorious for its racist content.
  3. The irony of such a brainless ignoramus voicing a character who's supposed to be most notable for their intelligence (and who is also a Kwanzaa-celebrating African-American) is astounding.


  1. Delaney Rohan, "Comedian Steven Crowder." Generation Progress: Dec. 17, 2009.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 The Unmaking of a Conservative Pundit[a w], The Daily Beast, Caitlin Dickson
  3. Big Hollywood: Steven Crowder
  4. YouTube: Steven Crowder
  6. About Steven Crowder at YouTube. 5.6 million subscribers and 1,501,311,037 views as of April 2022.
  7. 7.0 7.1 "Steven Crowder's “Change My Mind” Campus Sign on Know Your Meme]
  8. Just one of many, many, MANY videos detailing the whole ordeal
  9. 9.0 9.1 Steven Crowder talks Socialized Obamacare with Neil Cavuto[a w], YouTube
  10. Popular comic to help raise funds for county GOP women[a w], The Courier of Montgomery County, Russell Ledbetter (Chron link[a w])
  11. Hannity: Steven Crowder On Obamacare[a w], YouTube
  12. Fox ‘Comedian’ Crowder Slams Hannity: ‘Liberals Come In and Bulldoze Him Like a Child’[a w], Mediaite
  13. Exclusive-Fox News: Steven Crowder Attacking Hannity Confirms 'Decision to Part Company with Him',
  14. Steven Crowder on Facebook[a w]
  15. Steven Crowder, Young America's Foundation
  16. Shaun (June 8, 2019). "here's a clip taken from youtube of steven crowder, who @TeamYouTube have said does not violate their policies. youtube are apparently happy to have this material on their website". Twitter. Retrieved July 12, 2019.
  17. "Glenn Beck Gets Bailed Out by Right-Wing Nutjob Mark Levin[a w]
  18. "Conservative feud: Right-wing pundit Mark Steyn sues after student-loan billionaire Cary Katz cancels his web show[a w]
  21. Steven Crowder on YouTube: “Is there a disproportionate number of people with Jewish last names in higher banking? That's an argument that can be made.”, Media Matters 29 November 2022
  23. 23.0 23.1
  27. Taking a harder look at harassment.
  29. Jason Campbell on Twitter: "Steven Crowder: Gay men are "definitely more predatory in nature as far as recruiting," adding “You need to understand the risk, particularly with young boys, in your household as it comes from this community”
  30. Do Gay Men Have More Sexual Interest In Children Than Straight Men Do?
  32. Tessa Stuart (May 2, 2023). "The Next Front in the GOP’s War on Women: No-Fault Divorce". Rolling Stone.
  33. Exclusive: Video Reveals Steven Crowder Emotionally Abusing Wife. In Statement, Hilary Crowder's Family Says She Hid His Emotionally Abusive Behavior For Years, Yashar Ali, Yashar's Newsletter 27 April 2023
  34. Graig Graziosi (April 28, 2023). "'F***ing watch it': Video shows conservative Christian podcaster Steven Crowder allegedly berating his now ex-wife". The Independent.
  35. Anna Skinner (April 28, 2023). "Steven Crowder Punishes Pregnant Wife for Not Doing 'Wifely Things'". Newsweek.
  36. 36.0 36.1 Matt Stieb (May 2, 2023). "Steven Crowder Exposed Himself at Work, Ex-Staffers Say. The Daily Intelligencer. New York Magazine.
  37. Kylie Cheung (May 2, 2023). "Ex-Steven Crowder Staffers Allege Pattern of Exposing His Genitals to Employees". Jezebel.
  38. (May 2, 2023). "Steven Crowder responds to allegations he exposed genitals to staffers with skit about exposing genitals to staffer". Media Matters for America.
  39. Steven Crowder (May 5, 2023). "Just a normal day at the office." Twitter, archived via the Wayback Machine. (Mirror 1); (Mirror 2); (Mirror 3); (Mirror 4).
  40. Diana Falzone (August 8, 2023). "Four Steven Crowder Staffers Exit Show After Interrogations and 'Insane' NDAs". Mediaite.
  41. Diana Falzone (March 26, 2024). "Ex-Steven Crowder Staffer Claims He’s Being 'Legally Abused' After Quitting 'Toxic and Abusive' Show". Mediaite.
  42. Katherine Huggins (March 28, 2024). "'Scared of a potato': Steven Crowder’s divorce now revolves around 'threatening message' inscribed on a yam". The Daily Dot.
  43. Braden Campbell (April 1, 2024). "Right-Wing Personality Hit With Severance Charge At NLRB". Law360.
  44. Matt Bruenig (April 1, 2024). "I Have Filed Unfair Labor Practice Charges Against Louder With Crowder". NLRB Edge (Substack).
  45. "The Dark Pelosi" (With Waterboarding!)[a w]
  46. GAY MARRIAGE!! (Featuring Gay Leprechaun), YouTube
  47. Can Pastors and Churches Be Forced to Perform Same-Sex Marriages?, Family Research Council
  49. The REAL GUANTANAMO BAY!![a w], YouTube
  50. GUNS, GUNS, GUNS! (Featuring Michael Moore)[a w]
  55. What Is Pedophilia OCD?
  57. Response to "DEBUNKED: Top 5 "Climate Change" Myths" by Louder with Crowder
  58. The latest climate error from Steve Crowder.
  59. Steve Crowder gets it wrong again… and again... (and yet again!).
  60. Steve Crowder and potholer54 on Climate Change.
  61. The Steven Crowder vs Potholer54 Exchange documented. Goggles OW, YouTube, c. 2017.
  62. "Sam Seder challenges Steven Crowder to a debate[a w]
  63. "Sam Seder challenges Steven Crowder to a debate at any time at any topic after Crowder chickened out of a PolitiCon debate with him[a w]
  65. 65.0 65.1 Tim Murphy, "CPAC: Where Ashley Judd Rape Jokes Happen." Mother Jones: March 18, 2013.
  66. "When Steven Crowder Assaulted an Old Union Man & Got Punched in the Face[a w]
  67. NO SURRENDER! Bill Barr Launches Voter Fraud Investigation
  68. LIVE UPDATES: Democrats Try to Steal Election!?
  69. HARD FACTS: How Voter Fraud Occurred in Michigan
  71. Democrat SCUM Dox to Silence New Proof of Michigan Fraud
  72. NO RETREAT! America Is About To #StopTheSteal
  73. NEVER SAY DIE: More States Join SCOTUS Case!
  75. GOP asks Supreme Court to halt count of Pennsylvania ballots
  76. Steven Crowder Comes Out of Hiding For New Grift
  77. NO RETREAT! Exclusive PROOF of Voter Fraud
  79. The COVID Death Count is Inflated | Change My Mind. Steven Crowder, YouTube,
  80. YouTube Removes Steven Crowder Video for Violating Covid Policy
  81. Steven Crowder Seizes Leadership of the Alt-Right, Calls for “Total Extermination” of “Ratfaced Kike Vermin”, The Daily Stormer
  82. Has Alt-Right Leader Steven Crowder Gone Too Far?, The Daily Stormer
  83. 83.0 83.1 Love Your Fellow Hater[a w], TakiMag, Gavin McInnes
  84. It's always an honor when one of our own finally awakens to the final, yet unspeakable, truth, thank you Steven. #MAGA #AltRight #Pepe #USA[a w], Twitter
  85. Steven Crowder is the leader of the Alt-Right now?[a w], /pol/
  86. I'm part of the alt right, but Steven Crowder is just a little too much for me.[a w], /pol/
  87. WHITE POWER WITH CROWDER episode 14.88: RaHoWa Begins November 9th, The Right Stuff
  95. Crowder, Steven (May 17, 2019). "#485 ALABAMA ABORTION LIES DEBUNKED! | Ben Shapiro Guests | Louder with Crowder". Accessed on August 1, 2023.
  96. CrowderBits (May 20, 2019). "Arthur Intro | Louder With Crowder". Accessed on August 1, 2023.
  97. Deep C Digital (January 14, 2021). "To Save A Life | Teen Christian movie starring Steven Crowder". Accessed on August 1, 2023.