Halo biophotonic therapy

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One of the "biophotonic" cure-all devices sold by Halo Systems
Against allopathy
Alternative medicine
Icon alt med alt.svg
Clinically unproven
Panacea Laser Corporation gadgets look like Star WarsWikipedia weapons, (& are almost as dangerous).

By their own admission, Halo Systems Inc., of Henderson, Minnesota, sell cure-all light-therapy devices: their purported inventor, Michael Thomas, previously called his business "PanaceaPhotonics.com"[1], (subsequently called "HaloMultiverse.com"[2]).

The Halo Systems "biophotonic" apparatus consists of an UltraViolet LED-flashlight, and small vials of liquid "botanical extract". Whatever solution is in the vials it's fluorescentWikipedia: it glows when inserted into the UV beam of the flashlight.

The "science" bit

Michael Thomas claims "As light photons pass through the vial(s) containing botanical extracts they pick up the harmonic vibrations of the botanicals and transmit the photon and botanical energies into the body where the body responds as if the botanicals were actually present".[3]

If that were true, illuminating yourself with a flashlight placed behind a bottle of whisky would cause drunkenness.

The Halo Systems "biophotonic" devices allegedly treat just about everything[4] including cancer, viral & bacterial infection, (including HIV/AIDS & Lyme disease), Alzheimer’s, Parkinson's, autism, stroke, multiple sclerosis, lupus, varicose-veins, wrinkles, hair-loss, etc. (Light from the devices is also claimed to structure water "into micro clusters for greater cell permeability").

In reality, the best result you're going to get is a hint of a tan from the ultraviolet light.

Reportedly a Halo systems "portable therapy unit costs $4,995.00 + Shipping & Handling"[5][6], (Similar UV flashlights cost less than 1% of that price).[7]

External links
