Draft:Zei Squirrel

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Zei Squirrel is a Twitter account belonging to a far-left, pro-authoritarian, and anti-western moonbat that joined around September 2014.[1] Whilst they do a sound job at reporting on the genocide committed by Israel on Gaza and Palestine as a whole as well as generally shitty things done by the United States and other western nations, that's where the good stuff ends; they oppose pretty much everything that's even remotely aligned with the west, namely that of the United States, to a nearly comical extent. Whilst they are praised by fellow far leftists, often to the point of portraying them like they're someone akin to the rebels from Star Wars or Happy Huntresses from RWBY, rational people see them for the raving lunatic that they are.

Views and Moonbattery[edit]

Zei can be described as a tankie or more accurately, a campist. This is because their political beliefs can pretty much be summed up as "anything that is opposed to the United States is good, no matter what." Anyone with such a simplistic geo-political worldview will not be pleased to find out that it means they would align with...certain countries and people.


For starters, they are extremely xenophobic towards Ukrainians, not only repeating the claims that Ukraine is a US puppet state that's ran by Nazis,[2][3] but also denying that Ukraine is suffering genocide under the hands of Russia.[4][note 1] Ergo, Zei is not only advocating for Russia to invade Ukraine, but actively wants them wiped out whilst at the same time, calling out Israel for being genocidal despite both nations doing the exact same thing.[note 2]

Support for dictators[edit]

Secondly, Zei has also claimed that the 2024 Venuzuelan election was not only legitimate, but also claiming that any potential protests against him were, surprise surprise, a CIA backed false flag operation.[5] This is extremely ironic considering that Maduro himself is employing fascist tactics against protestors, but then again, any human rights abuses by nations outside of the west have to be because of US sanctions.[note 3]


  1. Yeah, it's totally not like Russia has repeatedly stated that they wanted to annex all of Ukraine, that's just a lie said by Genocide Joe.
  2. Imperialism for me but not for thee.
  3. Like all of their ilk, they blame human rights abuses committed by nations on sanctions by the United States as if though said nations don't have any agency.
