RationalWiki:Articles for deletion

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There is 1 page marked for deletion:
For the far-right German political party known by the abbreviation AfD, see Alternative für Deutschland.

Some articles on RationalWiki are ripe for plucking and deletion. If you think an article fits this description (and there is no page that it could be better merged with), here are the steps to take to put it on this page:

  1. Add {{Article for deletion}} or {{Article for deletion|Reason}} to the top of the page you think needs deletion.
  2. Press the save button to get the rest of the instructions to populate.
  3. The second line of instructions that appear below the deletion template allow for pre-populating a discussion, click that button, replace the word "Reason" with your reasoning for wanting to delete the article.
  4. Finally add {{RationalWiki:Articles for deletion/ReplaceMeWithTheArticleName}} to top of this list. Don't forget to change the ReplaceMeWithTheArticleName to the proper article name from step 3.

Please notify the creator/main editor(s) on their talkpage using {{afdnotice|(Replace with exact article name '''including namespace''')|(Replace with AFD rationale)}}, particularly if it's new and the users are active.

Then wait a while and see what the mob thinks, unless there's an actual reason it needs to be taken out and shot quickly (e.g. a severely problematic/inaccurate living person's biography).

If the article you are attempting to create an AfD page for has had an AfD before, move the old AfD to a new name (usual standard suggests putting the year of the old AfD after the name, but we have no real policy for this, just make sure someone can find it later) and update the relevant archive before making the AfD.

If you want to delete categories, you can use the same process as for regular pages, but please notify an active bot operator to remove the category instead of cleaning it up yourself if there are a lot of pages.

If you are attempting to merge the article with another, PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS PAGE. That belongs at RationalWiki:Duplicate articles.

Also, if you think an article is substandard but still potentially on-mission, remember that a move to Draft: space might be sufficient.

And don't forget to subscribe. This will allow you to see when a new article for deletion is added.

To archive:

  1. Edit the AFD page to change the result from "?" to "deleted" or "kept" or whatever.
  2. Go to RationalWiki:Articles for deletion/Log and remove the {{RationalWiki:Articles for deletion/Article}}.
  3. Go to the 2024 archives and add {{RationalWiki:Articles for deletion/Article}} at the top of the stack.

After deleting, add Category:Talk pages for deleted articles to the talk page if it has one. (The exception is deleted pages that were not main space articles, for which there's other categories to add to any talk pages instead.)

Rotten borough | Result: ?[edit]

Rotten borough (edit|talk|history|protect|delete|links|watch|logs) – (View AfD)


  1. 1/ WP's version is good (accurate and readable). 2/ It's not missional. 3/ It's not been expanded from a stub despite it existing since 2010. 4/ It's not been touched since 2012. KarmaPolice (talk) 23:55, 23 July 2024 (UTC)
  2. Unchanged stub for 12 years, no citations. Bongolian (talk) 00:08, 24 July 2024 (UTC)



  1. Merge into gerrymander, it's a similar enough concept Plutocow (talk) 00:15, 24 July 2024 (UTC)
