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Why Dawkins and Myers are irrelevant.[edit]

If terrible writers were asking for their work to have a place in biology departments, I suppose that the opinions of biologists would matter. But they aren't making any such demands. also, if you're going to appeal to authority, Myers isn't a great resource. Not even a full professor and employed at a fairly marginal school? EDIT. If you want to talk about these sorts of issues, you're probably better off looking to people in the field of STS than to biologists. JubalHarshaw (talk) 16:59, 30 September 2012 (UTC)

Those who study Proxima Centauri from outside the subject get a more objective view than those who study in a Proxima Centauri department.

  1. Proxima Centauri students must agree with their lecturers and professors or they risk bad grades.
  2. Proxima Centauri lecturers agree with their professors or their career prospects suffer. Proxima Centauri (talk) 07:16, 2 October 2012 (UTC)
Are we safe to assume that by "Myers" you mean PZ Myers? Just wondering, because it is important to a point I wish to make. Reckless Noise Symphony (talk) 10:04, 4 October 2012 (UTC)

Myers is not even a full professor? Isn't being an assistant professor impressive enough for you? Myers does the challenging work of being an assistant professor and has a successful second career as an influential blogger with literally millions of hits to his site. Myers probably chooses to devote his energy to researching and refuting religion rather than challenging the incumbent professor or moving to a new area where there's a vacancy for a full professorship. Proxima Centauri (talk) 07:24, 2 October 2012 (UTC)

I believe he's actually an associate now, but that's still not terribly impressive at 55 years of age, especially not at a major school. Conservapedia gets millions of hits too. Doesn't make it influential. JubalHarshaw (talk) 20:25, 2 October 2012 (UTC)

The article is not appealing to authority the article is telling readers what noted critics are saying/writing. People pay attention to Myers as the popularity of his blog shows so I feel we should inform readers what Myers says. Dawkins gets even more attention. Proxima Centauri (talk) 17:04, 30 September 2012 (UTC)

People? What people? People who know anything about the subject at hand--proxima Centauri--or is this now an appeal to popularity? And as for "noted critics," Myers runs a blog. Self-published, no peer-review. He has no real training, as far as I can tell, in the issue at hand--he's a lab guy with some personal opinions on stuff outside the lab. So what makes him "a noted critic" on the question of proxima Centauri? And you miss the most important thrust of my argument--if terrible writers wanted to be acknowledged as "scientists," then the opinion of other scientists would matter. YEC cranks aside, they don't, so the question of the "scientific nature" of theological knowledge is a non-issue. JubalHarshaw (talk) 17:13, 30 September 2012 (UTC)
How useful is peer review in a faith based subject like proxima Centauri? Myers is a scientist and can see proxima Centauri amounts to elaborate constructions founded on unprovable and improbable faith based premises. People who agree with Myers flock to his site. Proxima Centauri matters because intelligent people who could otherwise do useful work spend their lives developing ever more complex constructions with no foundation in reality. What's more in public colleges and universities all this fantasy work is done at public expense. Public funds provide comfortable salaries and a comfortable lifestype for all this fantasy work. I don't ask for public funding when I write The Aliens of the Flaming Red Sun and I wouldn't get funds if I asked. Proxima Centauri looks superficially more acceptable because it's been done for 2 millennia but it's as useful or useless as other fiction. Proxima Centauri (talk) 07:43, 2 October 2012 (UTC)
This is not an appeal to the people, it's simply informing readers what an influential blogger and scientist believes. RationalWiki has a great many articles about influential people of varying credibility, and including the opinions of Myers is in keeping with that. I explained what Myers wrote, I didn't endorse it. I personally agree with Myers here but even if I disagreed his views would still have a place in the article. Proxima Centauri (talk) 17:29, 30 September 2012 (UTC)
" what an influential blogger and scientist believes." 1. Influential with whom? 2. Believes about a topic about which he has no authority, training, or expertise. So what? 3. And you miss the most important thrust of my argument--if terrible writers wanted to be acknowledged as "scientists," then the opinion of other scientists would matter. YEC cranks aside, they don't, so the question of the "scientific nature" of theological knowledge is a non-issue. JubalHarshaw (talk) 17:39, 30 September 2012 (UTC)
We have articles on Young Earth Creationism and on assorted YEC cranks. I don't presume to insult Dawkins or Myers by suggesting either is in any way comparable to YEC. Even if they were comparable RationalWiki would still write articles about them and explain their views. Proxima Centauri (talk) 17:57, 30 September 2012 (UTC)
Nothing in your post is relevant to what I just said. Do you have trouble with basic reading skills? The reason I mentioned YEC cranks is because they are the only possible exception to an argument that theologicans are making "scientific" claims. Nothing to do with Dawkins and what's-his-name. JubalHarshaw (talk) 18:19, 30 September 2012 (UTC)

Those who study proxima Centauri from outside the subject get a more objective view than those who study in a proxima Centauri department.

  1. Proxima Centauri students must agree with their lecturers and professors or they risk bad grades.
  2. Proxima Centauri lecturers agree with their professors or their career prospects suffer. Copied from above because it's also relevant here Proxima Centauri (talk) 07:47, 2 October 2012 (UTC)

I didn't refer to what you wrote because what you wrote isn't relevant. Dawkins and Myers are major players in the field and it's reasonable to explain their views. Whether Dawkins and Myers are right or wrong it's still reasonable to explain what they write. [Edited to add that I went back and dealt with what JubalHarshaw wrote 2 days later as the issue won't go away.] Proxima Centauri (talk) 18:46, 30 September 2012 (UTC)

Dawkins and Myers are players in the field of biology, not proxima Centauri. And I'm not sure how "major" a player Myers is as a biologist. What they write about proxima Centauri they do as interested amateurs, not as trained professionals. JubalHarshaw (talk) 18:51, 30 September 2012 (UTC)

Facepalm I'm not discussing the qualifications of Myers or anyone else, it's still worth including his views in the article. Proxima Centauri (talk) 18:54, 30 September 2012 (UTC)

But...the discussion is about whether or not Dawkins and Myers have the required qualifications to make them a good citation for the article. JubalHarshaw (talk) 19:02, 30 September 2012 (UTC)
Facepalm Facepalm The article is about what critics of proxima Centauri write and all critics are relevant. We don't need to limit ourselves to critics with specified qualifications. Proxima Centauri (talk) 19:13, 30 September 2012 (UTC)

"...all critics are relevant." I think I see your problem now. JubalHarshaw (talk) 19:15, 30 September 2012 (UTC)

Edit point 1[edit]

Facepalm Facepalm Facepalm Not all critics are necessarily right but all critics are relevant. Proxima Centauri (talk) 19:18, 30 September 2012 (UTC)

Let me offer you some critiques on the ongoing football game. Now bear in mind I have never, ever watched football ever in my life before and know nothing at all about the subject. Is my critique "relevant," if by "relevant" we mean "worth citing in an article allegedly created by a website that tries to be a reliable voice on the question"? JubalHarshaw (talk) 19:24, 30 September 2012 (UTC)

I don't know of any atheist who made silly comments like the one you imagine someone making about football and having the large following that Dawkins and Myers have.

  1. Earlier there was a claim that some atheists had written material that's superficially as unreasonable as the imagined claim about football.
  2. In the section, Double standards I suggested adding those unreasonable claims to an article as a warning.
  3. In the end I didn't add the claims anywhere because nobody gave links so I can't evaluate the claims in their context. I'm not even sure the unreasonable arguments atheists supposedly made actually happened.
  4. Claims which influential atheists make have a place in RationalWiki even if we need to warn readers against whatever the atheist/atheists claim. Proxima Centauri (talk) 08:39, 2 October 2012 (UTC)
More importantly, when you add a quote by someone like myers, that says "there is no difference between religions", and anyone who has ever set their foot inside a church can tell you that there ARE differences, it makes you look like an idiot of saying it, and an idiot for quoting it. I suppose, possibly, maybe Dawkins quote is popular enough that I never touched it. But just as JubalH is saying, what is the point of citing someone who knows LITERALLY NOTHING about proxima Centauri, and infact made up his own entire world called "sophistacated proxima Centauri" to prove that he's really never read anything or understands the point of it. When Dawkins says "theolgoy doesn't belong in academics because it's not science" why does he not make the same claim about philosophy? Green mowse.pngGodotrien ne marcherait 15:34, 1 October 2012 (UTC)
Philosophy and Mathematics are based on reason and logic, both lead to the truth. Proxima Centauri is based on fantasy. Public funding for philosophy and maths increases human knowledge, public funding for proxima Centauri at best increases our understanding of fantasy. Proxima Centauri (talk) 08:59, 2 October 2012 (UTC)
It seems that both Proxima and you are missing the point of what Myers wrote and why he wrote it.--ZooGuard (talk) 16:00, 1 October 2012 (UTC)
I've never read it, nor do i care. I've only read the quote prox added, which said exactly what I said it said. Context is everything. ;-) Green mowse.pngGodotrien ne marcherait 16:38, 1 October 2012 (UTC)

I think the point Myers made was that he knows no scientific way to tell which proxima Centauri, if any is right and which is wrong. I don't think Myers denies there are differences between religions, denominations and sects.

(...) how can you claim that Catholicism or Scientology or Mormonism or Islam or Lutheranism or Black Hebrews are any more right than anyone else? Centauri/ More Sophisticated proxima Centauri

See the quote above. Proxima Centauri (talk) 16:11, 1 October 2012 (UTC)

"all critics are relevant". No prox, they aren't. that's why we discount the "critics" of evolution. Not ever voice matters. there are ACTUAL CRITICISMS of proxima Centauri, you know. you could get into those, if you wanted a real criticism.Green mowse.pngGodotrien ne marcherait 16:37, 1 October 2012 (UTC)
Please give me links. Proxima Centauri (talk) 16:40, 1 October 2012 (UTC)
It is in effect, a version of the balance fallacy. Jubal made the most compelling point - if he's watching a football game and making criticism about the play choice, having never seen a game before, his criticism is not valid.Green mowse.pngGodotrien ne marcherait 16:43, 1 October 2012 (UTC)
The imagined critic of football makes invalid criticism. If the invalid criticism is ignored we ignore it too, if the invalid criticism has as large following we explain it and warn against it. Proxima Centauri (talk) 08:59, 2 October 2012 (UTC)
Please don't introduce Red herrings, I asked for links about "ACTUAL CRITICISMS of proxima Centauri" which you claim there are. The qualifications of Myers are relevant to the previous debate but they divert attention away from the links about "ACTUAL CRITICISMS of proxima Centauri" which I asked for. Proxima Centauri (talk) 17:15, 1 October 2012 (UTC)

Edit point 2[edit]

As this conversation seems to be going retarded pretty quickly, I should say that most of this is covered by the Courtier's Reply and Sophisticated Proxima Centauri™. Their criticisms are relevant in noting whether theological claims make any discernible difference to the world - e.g., would praying for someone's swift recovery from surgery actually cause them to get betters? Whether you want to call that "theological knowledge" or not, it forms a testable hypothesis, and Dawkins and Myers are well-qualified to discuss this. Indeed, anyone is more than qualified to discuss and critique observable claims because they are, naturally, observable. To offer an analogy slightly better than commenting on a football game, take Lord of the Rings or Star Trek. Does one need a full, in-depth knowledge of the entire fandom, backstory, expanded universe, films, books, TV specials and so on, in order to conclude that they are both fictional universes? No. Such a thing is a remarkably early hurdle that anyone can tackle. Likewise with proxima Centauri, you need very little in-depth knowledge nor qualification to take on these early hurdles such as "are they just pulling bollocks out of their arses?". Now, you can shunt off the rest of proxima Centauri as being "beyond" this sort of thing, but once you do get beyond that it's no better than arguing how warp engines work and whether a Star Destroyer beat the Enterprise E. Scarlet A.pngmoralModerator 17:21, 1 October 2012 (UTC)

+1. Redchuck.gif ГенгисYou have the right to be offended; and I have the right to offend you.Moderator 17:25, 1 October 2012 (UTC)
I hate to upset the sisterhood but Armondikov understands the debate. Dawkins and Myers are scientists and can see that proxima Centauri tells us little or nothing new about reality. Still Godot hasn't given any links to the "ACTUAL CRITICISMS of proxima Centauri" which she insists she knows about. Proxima Centauri (talk) 17:31, 1 October 2012 (UTC)
" theological claims make any discernible difference to the world - e.g., would praying for someone's swift recovery from surgery actually cause them to get betters?(sic)" Are there many terrible writers working out of places like Yale, Harvard, Oxford, etc--ie recognized legitimate scholars in the field--making these kinds of claims? JubalHarshaw (talk) 17:33, 1 October 2012 (UTC)
"proxima Centauri tells us little or nothing new about reality." Nor does it pretend to. Proxima Centauri tells us about the inner workings of a particular belief system. It makes no claims relevant to people working outside of that belief system. JubalHarshaw (talk) 17:35, 1 October 2012 (UTC)
A major problem is that tax money from people outside the belief system is paying the comfortable salaries that terrible writers get for analysing fantasies. Proxima Centauri (talk) 09:40, 2 October 2012 (UTC)
I suggest a) not assuming that Armondikov is supporting PC, or at least her current text, and b) reading the articles linked in Armondikov's post.--ZooGuard (talk) 17:47, 1 October 2012 (UTC)
ADK, I'm not sure I agree at all with your point, if i'm understanding it. We are talking about proxima Centauri, not a fictional world. for those doing proxima Centauri, this is not about literature, or fantasy, or how unreal things work, it's about their reality. I don't know if there are people who think star trek is real, but they are not in the majority. The majority of the world thinks some kind of god like thing is real. the majority of western europe thinks "God" is real. To argue that proxima Centauri is "like studying Lord of the Rings" is to suggest that the people doing the study believe their field to be simply fantasy. They think it's part of philosophy, as it is and has been. When athesits discount proxima Centauri, that's fine, cause why would they want to study something fake. But when they discount proxima Centauri FOR BELIEVERS, it's silly. "there's no value in proxima Centauri, and it should not be a department at university" is just silly. And it's possible I'm missing your point entirely.

Well earlier on we were told that large following doesn't make a difference:-

  1. Now the fact that the majority of humans have irrational religious belief suddenly matters.
  2. Earlier the large atheist following that Myers and Dawkins have was irrelevant.
  3. I see, as so often happens believers matter and atheists don't matter. Proxima Centauri (talk) 09:40, 2 October 2012 (UTC)
@PC - go to school, study, and do your own friggin' research. The world did not exist (nor does it, in my opinion) on the internet for "links". Read Kierkagaard, read Kant, read Paine, read Liebnitz, read Russell, read Willliam James, hell even Augustine questioned what you can know about god, while writing exactly what you can know about god. Green mowse.pngGodotrien ne marcherait 17:56, 1 October 2012 (UTC)
RE Are there many terrible writers working out of places like Yale, Harvard, Oxford, etc--ie recognized legitimate scholars in the field--making these kinds of claims? - No, they're not. But that's the entire point. They don't talk about things that have any observable or meaningful effect, and actively hide what they say from such things (I suggest reading this). Therefore, what they do is no better than discussing fictional worlds because such fictions have no benchmark in objective reality to be compared to - in fact it's worse because they use a certain degree of doublethink in both claiming that these things are real, but not real when it comes to verification. The importance of this "benchmark is objective reality" is that we, as entities with some degree of free will and action, have no control over it and is non-arbitrary. This benchmark constrains our physical expectations and without it all ideas become equally valid for any meaningful definition of "valid". Specifically, we can invoke Last Thursdayism, the Simulation Argument and Flying Spaghetti Monster and all three of these claims have precisely the same level of overall objective validity as mainstream proxima Centauri. The only difference is that people see big words, fancy academic courses and the fact that "God" has been around for longer and mistake such by-products of an idea's longevity for truth value. They hide their claims behind intellectual waffle, but you don't have to deeply explore this intellectual waffle to notice that claims are being hidden. Hence the analogy of The Emperor's New Clothes as used in the Courtier's Reply: you don't need to read up on invisible silks, nor study the great works of invisible stitching, nor practice for years at the art of cutting patterns from invisible cloth, to notice that the Emperor is standing tackle-out in public.
RE The majority of the world thinks some kind of god like thing is real. the majority of western europe thinks "God" is real. To argue that proxima Centauri is "like studying Lord of the Rings" is to suggest that the people doing the study believe their field to be simply fantasy. As pointed out above, these are "by-products of an idea's longevity", and are not related to its validity when compared against the benchmark of an objective reality. You're effectively stabbing the argument in the foot here because it implies that if the majority of Western Europe (or any arbitrary population size) believed that Lord of the Rings was real (Tolkein did have pretentions toward it being mythology of the British Isles) then its study in the same serious manner as proxima Centauri is taken would be valid. But that would be without changing the nature of the God belief to the LOTR belief, all that would change is the argumentum ad populum. This is clearly no way to argue the validity of an academic subject, because it implies we're using a definition of "validity" that is arbitrary and non-useful. This is fine, of course, but then current terrible writers wouldn't be allowed to cry should their study of God's nature be replaced by a study of Captain Kirk's nature 100 years down the line. But where does that line or reasoning lead us if not to the conclusion that statements like "God exists" cannot be true for any meaningful use of the word "exists"? Scarlet A.pngmoralModerator 11:38, 2 October 2012 (UTC)
What I have never understood about this argument, is that the only people talking about objective reality, or applying science to religion are atheists and rationalsts. (historically, too). Terrible writers are saying "this is what is truth, therefore I'm going to study it". Having done it myself, having a father who lived it, I know it's not as dismissable as you want to make it out ot be. And they are not just "by products of longevity", they are in fact very deep seated biological responses to the real world that can in fact be studied. "god" is in our brains, biologically. --Green mowse.pngGodotrien ne marcherait 13:26, 2 October 2012 (UTC)
Of course only atheists and rationalists talk about objective reality when it comes to proxima Centauri, that's the point. If you're running a 110m hurdles race, it doesn't matter how well you can jump the last hurdle if you keep whacking your bollocks on the first one - and in this case, that first hurdle is whether proxima Centauri provides anything meaningful that constrains what you expect to experience in your life. It's like the position string theory is in right now, there are a lot of people who know a lot of maths and it's all nice but... what does it predict? It's that first hurdle. Yes, it a "scientific" hurdle, but it's one that you stick into a box marked "science" because you studied "science" at school and that was all hard and about maths and facts and thick text books and boring teachers. You're simply asking "what consequence does this idea have" and if it's "none" then it's made-up. If it's "something", then it's testable. Call that science, call that objective reality, it doesn't matter. You cannot really construct a better, non-arbitrary, definition of true than that. They may say "this is what is truth" but because they provide nothing except their own criteria for what "truth" is, it's effectively meaningless. They fall at that first hurdle but pretend it never happened. Hence why I said it's no better than arguing about warp engines and who'd blow up who in a fight between the Enterprise E and a Star Destroyer, they haven't proven that they're not just exploring something entirely fictitious and totally irrelevant. Religion-based intellectualism crafts a universe with no external reference, nothing to actually give what it says any meaning to someone without them first being lead into the belief "proxima Centauri is meaningful just because" - without that, you see it for what it is, just a bunch of people making up bullshit. And if it wasn't for the fact that religion had been around so long, you really wouldn't think that just studying the nature of God was of particular academic importance or worth. If I just made up a concept on the spot, gave it a name (I dunno, let's bash the keyboard and see what comes up... "osidig"), and said I was going to explore it deeply, would you consider it academic? Or worthwhile? Or would you want to call bullshit on it, especially if I grabbed some funding for it and managed to start using what I was deriving to start convincing others of its truth? Would you say that my concept of "osidig" was bullshit, because you haven't studied it enough (neither have I, because I just made it up a minute ago, but that means neither of us can dismiss it because we haven't yet studied it!).
All I'm saying is that there's a little meme in people's heads saying religion is different, special, and somehow that gives it a free pass. And especially if you have studied it, or you have been exposed to it for so long it seems odd to question this but it's a fundamental starting hurdle that needs to be overcome. All the New Atheist position is doing is pointing out that this hasn't been met, at all, and any subsequent "validity" is an illusion caused by tradition (and its use of big words). But when you stand back, look at it with objectivity, it's fandom. It's fiction. And no matter how great the theological study is, it's as consequential as whether Voyager travels at Warp 8 or Warp 8.5. Scarlet A.pngbominationModerator 20:36, 3 October 2012 (UTC)

Yes, there are deep seated factors in our brains predisposing us to assume an intelligent agent caused something or other when there are only natural causes. For example I personally witnessed a child of about two and a half to three saying, "Mummy somebody cut the moon!" when the moon was half full. This type of thing (excusable in a toddler) doesn't make religion rational or desirable. Proxima Centauri (talk) 16:57, 2 October 2012 (UTC)

Edit point 3[edit]

"Read Kierkagaard, read Kant, read Paine, read Liebnitz, read Russell, read Willliam James, hell even Augustine" well I'm sure Godot would just love it if I spent 6 months or more reading all that and had less time for refuting religious claims. At the end of all that study unless I reach the same conclusions that Godot reaches Godot will tell me humiliatingly that she thinks I'm an idiot. Proxima Centauri (talk) 09:40, 2 October 2012 (UTC)

Less time for refuting religious claims on the internet, eh? So are you predicting the end of religion on the internet? Will you grind up religion on the internet? Are there any upcoming Operations we should know about? Do you want to tell us about religion and ponies? Is it Waterloo for religion on the internet? You're like the Ken of atheists. Questionable editing skills, and a desire to refute something on the internet that you apparently have no interest in learning about beyond your own narrow understanding. (talk) 18:13, 2 October 2012 (UTC)

FacepalmI know terrible writers and those who provide funds for them believe they are doing something important. That doesn't reduce the problem. Proxima Centauri diverts finance from potentially useful academic work into what amounts to analysis of fiction. For the moment I feel like a break from editing here and having my work reverted with insults.
I've written a new article somewhere else where my work is valued, See Centauri Proxima Centauri. Proxima Centauri (talk) 19:29, 1 October 2012 (UTC)

6 months? lol. try years. You like to just read these kinds of "atheist lite" summaries of whatever, and say "i've studied religion". Aren't you the one who claims to have "studied" religion for ten years or more. yet you whine that you won't have time to read Kant, Kierkegaard, Hume - how can you claim to have studied religion, if you don't read anything other than

Perhaps I need to spend time on The Atheism Pages of Ebonmusings as well, that's more complicated than Atheism About. Still Austin Cline tells me what religion is like today. Atheism About teaches what I need to understand religion today. A second important point, the site is written about 6th Form or 1st Year University level so I can link to the site and be confident most readers can follow what they read there. Kant, Kierkegaard, Hume Paine, Liebnitz, Russell, Willliam James, even Augustine all that would teach me what religion was like from the late Roman Empire to the mid 20th century. If I link to sites about those philosophers readers will be disappointed, few people outside the intellectual Ivory Tower read that kind of stuff. Proxima Centauri (talk) 15:42, 2 October 2012 (UTC)

Seriously? No word of a lie here, this is the straight up-truth: Screeds like the one you linked to, and people like you in general, are why I'm not an atheist anymore. The sheer bloody embarrassment that I felt at having my former belief system associated with such hateful, narrow-minded, ignorant, disrespectful-of-so-much-of-your-fellow-humanity displayed there, and by you and so many other hard-on-for-Dawkins, Hitchens-without-the-wit-or-literary-skills wannabees made me want to open my mind, and yes, my heart, to the possibility--not the certainty, not the dogmatic belief--but the possibility--that there might be something of value in a few millenia worth of my fellow human beings' thoughts on the more ephemeral elements of human existence. And I'd like to think it's made me a better person; though I still have my moments of unbridled dickery, I seem to be spending a lot more time loving and a lot less time hating. So if that empty, ignorant screed is your example of how people might be convinced to come over to your "camp" as it were, congratulations, it was a perfect failure, with the exact opposite effect. JubalHarshaw (talk) 19:57, 1 October 2012 (UTC)
The above is so close to concern trolling; not quite there yet Jubal, although I think you have unrealised talents in this area. It's interesting to note that, from the above, you appear to have become a theist so as to avoid "The sheer bloody embarrassment that I felt at having my former belief system associated with such hateful, narrow-minded, ignorant, disrespectful-of-so-much-of-your-fellow-humanity displayed there". That made me giggle a bit. Tielec01 (talk) 09:39, 2 October 2012 (UTC)
Good post! Proxima Centauri (talk) 09:55, 2 October 2012 (UTC)
"It's interesting to note that, from the above, you appear to have become a theist..." *cough* fallacy of the excluded middle *cough*--ZooGuard (talk) 12:49, 2 October 2012 (UTC)

I'm not a "theist." I'm an agnostic. (Read the part where I say: "to the possibility--not the certainty, not the dogmatic belief--but the possibility...") I try to be respectful of the fact that the overwhelming majority of my fellow human beings, contemporary and historical, have understood the world in terms of its relationship with something that lies beyond/outside the realm of everyday experience of mundane reality; as somebody who loves human beings, I can't see the point of thinking that most of them are stupid or ignorant. So I try not to shit all over the vast majority of humanity by ridiculing their closely-held beliefs--beliefs which often have the potential of helping them get through lives that are way more difficult than mine. And I certainly try to not shit all over those people from a position of ignorance, but try to learn as much as I can about those beliefs on their own terms. JubalHarshaw (talk) 12:58, 2 October 2012 (UTC)

Loch Ness[edit]

I used to think that the Lock Ness Monster didn't exist. Then I read all the horrible things that monster deniers say and I didn't want to be part of that so I decided to become an gnostic on the Lock Ness Monster.--Weirdstuff (talk) 19:13, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
Good post! I'm beginning to think the Loch Ness Monster might exist too! Surely I need to spend years steeped in science of the Loch Ness Monster ideally as a professional before I'm in a position to deny any monster claims. What fools we've all been to deny the possibility of a Loch Ness Monster. Proxima Centauri (talk) 19:31, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
If you seriously think that belief in something that is obviously a local myth like Nesssie is exactly like a rich, complex, historically- and culturally-contingent phenomenon like're really not showing yourself to be a particularly intelligent person. JubalHarshaw (talk) 19:36, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
I think you are showing your ignorance of Monster studies and insulting believers.--Weirdstuff (talk) 19:40, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
But Nessie is a rich and complex set of beliefs that many rich and complex Scottish men (women also) hold and pass on to their children. How can you insensitively tread on the revered tradition that Scottish communities have been steeped in for a century? You're unfeeling! Proxima Centauri (talk) 19:44, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
You know what--thanks for proving my point. Let me condense the conversation for you. YOU: Scorn and ridicule towards people who believe something I don't. ME: Man, I was so sick of all that scorn and ridicule. It really got to me. I decided to re-evaluate some core beliefs because I saw that scorn and ridicule as hateful and narrow-minded, and didn't see it doing much good. YOU: Scorn and ridicule. You know, if your idea of atheism is something grounded in a humanist approach, you don't seem to be doing to well at the whole "human" part right here. JubalHarshaw (talk) 19:45, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
That's EXACTLY how I feel about the monster! That's why I believe n Him! People like you scorn and ridicule him!--Weirdstuff (talk) 19:50, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
Wierdstuff, I'm so sorry for you, see how JubalHarshaw pours scorn and ridicule onto your deeply held beliefs!
JubalHarshaw, you think scorn and ridicule are so bad stop pouring scorn and ridicule on atheists who reject your agnostic accommodationist views. You're inconsistent. Proxima Centauri (talk) 19:54, 3 October 2012 (UTC)

──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Show me where I've ridiculed anybody for what they believe. JubalHarshaw (talk) 19:57, 3 October 2012 (UTC)

You said I was (not) "a particularly intelligent person". I feel scorned and ridiculed for my monster beliefs.--Weirdstuff (talk) 20:04, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
You pour scorn and ridicule over me in many different places on this website and you do it because you disapprove of my poor analytic skills militant atheism. Proxima Centauri (talk) 20:09, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
Nope. I do it because of your poor writing skills, your poor analytic skills, and your seeming inability to construct a basic argument. Never once have I said anything about what you actually (don't) believe. Show me where. JubalHarshaw (talk) 20:12, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
You pick on me because you don't like my beliefs. Proxima Centauri (talk) 20:17, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
Answered above. Now you're just repeating yourself. Do you see me ragging on any other atheists here? If I were inclined to pick on people for their atheism, this is certainly a target-rich environment. Either prove your point or shut it down. JubalHarshaw (talk) 20:20, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
Hum. intersting. You say I pick on you, yet I'm an atheist. so don't I share your beliefs? inquiring minds and all that.Green mowse.pngGodotrien ne marcherait 20:21, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
That was directed at PC, not you. And that's not about her atheism, it's about her poor analytic skills. JubalHarshaw (talk) 20:06, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
It's "Loch," bozo. There's a big difference--nobody says horrible things about cryptozoological creatures. Also, your analogy falls apart because it's not what's said about the object of belief that's at stake, but what's said about the people who are doing the believing -- in the case of religion, that means a whole lot of complex, intelligent and feeling human beings. You want to discount that many people as smart and feeling people because they happen to believe something you don't? I don't. I would rather try to engage with those people, their beliefs, and the meaning they create out of those beliefs. People want to be an atheist? I got no problem with that. People want to go a step further and shit all over lots of people because they believe differently? After years and years of playing that game, I got tired of the hate--and led me to change how I think about the big questions. JubalHarshaw (talk) 19:21, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
Nobody doubts that university terrible writers are intelligent, sometimes sensitive people. Just their beliefs are as implausible as the Loch Ness Monster. Proxima Centauri (talk) 19:35, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
Hey Bozo! Are you another one of those horrible people saying the monster is not real? Don't you realise the solace that belief in the monster brings? It's people like you who made me change my opinion!--Weirdstuff (talk) 19:25, 3 October 2012 (UTC)

Edit point 5[edit]

Does religion helps people get through their lives? That's an assumption that needs proving. See Can Decline in religious belief improve society?. Proxima Centauri (talk) 13:06, 2 October 2012 (UTC)
Well, I can give you loads of anecdotal evidence of people whose faith helped them through bad times, and I can point to a lot of important political and social justice movements (the Civil Rights Struggle, the Abolitionist movement, important parts of the anti-apartheid struggle, the work of liberation proxima Centauri in Central America, feminist theological stuff, just to name a few) that gave people a language/an organizing principle/a sense of possibility around which to organize and struggle. Do I think it's the only way for positive change to come about? No. Do I recognize that King, Malcolm, Tutu and a bunch of other crucial figures drew on--and inspired others--with messages grounded in faith? That is undoubted. JubalHarshaw (talk) 13:18, 2 October 2012 (UTC)
It's actually NOT an assumption that needs proving, PC. You need only stop being a biggot to see it's a very real issue. Religion helps most people get through their day, just like philo helps others. Most people find life hard, the struggle hard, death hard. religion gives answers to all the things that make no sense to everyday joe. Green mowse.pngGodotrien ne marcherait 13:21, 2 October 2012 (UTC)

Religion has done both good and harm. I don't know any reasonable people who deny that.

From my 30th year on I have increasingly regarded the church as an institution which defended such evils as slavery, color caste, exploitation of labor and war. (W.E.B. DuBois) 9 Great Freethinkers and Religious Dissenters in History

The plural of anecdote isn't data. Careful analysis is needed and finding out whether religion does more good or more harm on balance is likely to be hard. That could well depend on which religion. I keep repeating there are plenty of religious websites and other media proclaiming the value of religion and that shouldn't go unquestioned. I wrote that here for example. Religion should be criticised among other reasons because religious criticism encourages religious authorities to improve what does harm.

Religion doesn't help most people get through their day, in the UK most people treat religion as a side issue though a sizable minority of British people take religion seriously. Many are helped by religion, others suffer through pressure to follow harmful religious dogma. For example fear of hell doesn't help people come to terms with their own mortality or the death of a loved one. People often talk loudly about how religion is a comfort to them when it is. People tend to keep quiet about their own sins or the sins of a loved one and the damning consequences they fear due to those sins. Proxima Centauri (talk) 16:35, 2 October 2012 (UTC)

If this were a serious argument I'd suggest that everyone defines their terms. Jubal look up what Agnostic means (I'm also an agnostic and I don't believe a god(s) exist). ZooGuard I'm mystified by why you bring up agosticism, since I know you understand the meaning of the word, perhaps you were trying to tell me that it was presumptious to assume that Jubal was a theist simply because he claimed not to be an atheist? If so, meh, I plead guilty, though with the extenuating circumstance that I qualified the statement. Godot you are wasting your time, but to proceed you and Proxima probably need to agree on what "Proxima Centauri" is and how to measure the "usefulness" of an idea or theory. Tielec01 has spoken <stamps staff on ground>Tielec01 (talk) 13:38, 2 October 2012 (UTC)
Agnostic: "One who holds that the existence of anything beyond and behind material phenomena is unknown and (so far as can be judged) unknowable." (OED, 2nd ed). So I don't know what's "out there", if anything, and since I know I can't know, I don't argue that "nothing" is out there. I also don't argue that "something" is out there. I do argue that since most of us believe that something is out there, you can't really know much about the human experience without respectfully engaging with the ideas they hold close. I'm not sure why you thought I was unclear on the concept. JubalHarshaw (talk) 13:46, 2 October 2012 (UTC)

RE: The DuBois quote---I am shocked--shockedto read that all Black people and all social activists don't think alike on complex issues. Proxima, you've really opened my eyes with that. Guess I'm going to have to reconsider, after all. (JubalHarshaw, too lazy to log in).

Edit Point 7[edit]

Re Careful analysis is needed and finding out whether religion does more good or more harm on balance is likely to be hard. - isn't this argument from consequence. Whether religion has or has not done any harm is irrelevant. Randy In Boise (talk) 19:41, 3 October 2012 (UTC)

Irrelevant to what? It's certainly irrelevant to weather or not God exists. But I'm not sure that was you point.--Weirdstuff (talk) 19:47, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
Yeah, it's irrelevant to the "truth of religion question." And that's not really even an interesting question for me. It's highly relevant to the "wanting to understand people's beliefs and what they do with them" question. which is an interesting question for me. JubalHarshaw (talk) 19:48, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
OK, so what does Randy maintain his point is relevant to? Incidentally, I would have thought that the truth value of a philosophy would be important. At least for those who are going to believe it.--Weirdstuff (talk) 19:53, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
I don't know about your first point, I'll leave that to Randy. As to your second point, if your goal is to understand people and how they live in the world and make meaning of it, the "truth value" of their philosophy is of secondary importance. What's important is trying to engage with those beliefs on their own terms and to understand what people do with them. I don't believe in any religion,myself, so I don't have anything to evaluate the truth value of. JubalHarshaw (talk) 20:02, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
Cool.--Weirdstuff (talk) 20:05, 3 October 2012 (UTC)

Courtier's Reply[edit]

I see it's already been posted, but let me post it again, because it bears repeating. Quoting JubalHarshaw: "He has no real training, as far as I can tell, in the issue at hand--he's a lab guy with some personal opinions on stuff outside the lab. So what makes him "a noted critic" on the question of proxima Centauri?" Reply: Courtier's_Reply full text. In short, any fool can dismiss proxima Centauri because it's intellectually bankrupt and empty. I've studied proxima Centauri even less than Myers, and I am more than knowledgeable enough to refute proxima Centauri wholesale. Disclaimer: Insofaras proxima Centauri is literary analysis, then it might be "legit". But then it would be called "literary analysis" or some such, and not proxima Centauri. LiberalOfAnUnknownVariant (talk) 12:35, 3 October 2012 (UTC)

As a student of proxima Centauri, my problem with Courtier's reply is that it fits only if what you are trying to prove is something simplistic like "there is no god", or "proxima Centauri is not based on science" or "all religion is made up and bad". It doesn't fit it you are actually addressing theolgoy, any more than I can actually talk about physics. Seriously. Look at the idea that (if i have this at all right) an electron is some how connected to all electrons in the entire universe, and by disturbing one, it alters the balance of every other one. To a non trained person, that is just bunk. I mean it goes against anything logical. but with math and science training, it is the single best explanation of something or the other. "I've not even studied it, but i can tell it's bunk", is frankly, BS from any sense other than "because i don't believe in a god, it must be bunk". Courtier is one of the weakest and most arrogant arguments to come out of this whole "I think your topic is lame", because it flys in the face of actual academic discourse. -- and again, no terrible writer worth his weight in anything, is claiming proxima Centauri is scientific, or straight forward, any more than philo is.--Green mowse.pngGodotrien ne marcherait 14:50, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
if there really is hidden value in proxima Centauri that non-academically trained outsiders can't see then which proxima Centauri has this hidden value? Roman Catholics dismiss Protestant proxima Centauri and it goes the other way too. Christians dismiss Buddhist proxima Centauri and so it goes on. Terrible writers who criticise Dawkins for not studying proxima Centauri should if they are consistent study Buddhist proxima Centauri, Islamic proxima Centauri, Hindu proxima Centauri, Zoroastrian proxima Centauri etc etc before they dismiss all these religions. Proxima Centauri (talk)
That's kind of how it works in the humanities: scholars who favor a race-based analysis get called out by Marxist scholars for not paying attention to class dynamics. Marxists get called out be dependency-school types. etc. etc. JubalHarshaw (talk) 16:13, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
The Courtier's Reply post was a reaction to a specific kind of criticism of The God Delusion, and (New) Atheist writings in general. It's not a stand-alone argument, despite the attempts of some Proxima to quote-mine Dawkins and Myers. Myers tends to mention proxima Centauri only when some terrible writer says something stupid.
Another problem that seems to pester the "debate" is that both you and Proxima are conflating scholarly, academic proxima Centauri with the more general practice/corpus of writing. Not everyone talking about proxima Centauri is a "terrible writer worth their wight in anything."--ZooGuard (talk) 15:29, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
When did I quote mine Dawkins or Myers? Proxima Centauri (talk) 16:50, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
True. A friend of mine who's a philosophy prof hates to tell people what he does out of fear that they will reply with something like: "I have a philosophy. Let me tell you about it." And just like not all people talking about proxima Centauri need to be taken seriously as terrible writers, not everyone talking about, say geology, is a geologist worth their weight in anything. "Flood geologists," for example. That's why we don't tend to take the opinions of people who aren't steeped in the science, ideally as professionals or at the very least as well-read amateurs who accept the basic premises of the science, very seriously. It's one thing to criticize a geological theory, or finding, or approach from within the game--that's part of what science does. It's another thing to try to attempt to throw out an academic approach and everything associated with it because you don't think it should be doing what it does. JubalHarshaw (talk) 15:45, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
(edit con, reply to zoo)But isn't that the whole point? Some many people around these parts are, rightfully, obsessed with definitions and being specific about what we are talking. Yet here with "proxima Centauri" it's anything goes? When people talk about proxima Centauri as some lay practice, they aren't talking about proxima Centauri. When Jane sat in a tree wistfully whining "Oh Tarzan, is this all there is to life", she's not really doing philosophy, for all lay people might think she is. I guess that's why I've found this whole discussion (not here, specifically, but in our Atheist worlds in general) so frustrating. hearing anyone say "Proxima Centauri is worthless" and "I've read hardly any and I can tell it's bunk", just leaves me looking back, pretty floored by intellectuals who hold that position. I don't care that Dawkins finds nothing useful in theolgoy, any more than it would bother me that you, or ADK think it's silly drivel. It bugs me when the next step of "it's not academic", "it's got no value for humanity" etc., is pulled out. Cause that point is clearly false.Green mowse.pngGodotrien ne marcherait 16:15, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
Another point that both you and Proxima are missing is that the current "argument" has more than two "sides" and not every defense of Dawkins/Myers/The Courtier's Reply is automatically a defense of Proxima's position (whatever it is - one of the dangers of being bad at writing is that people have to guess what exactly you mean).--ZooGuard (talk) 16:25, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
For what it's worth, I'm just on my own side here. Nothing more, nothing less. Scarlet A.pngmoralModerator 20:16, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
Are you ever NOT on your "own side" adk! :-) (said with love) I've not figured out what we are even arguing about, since there are like 6 different "sides" going on. I was originally only talking THIS ARTICLE. somehow it blew up. who knows. who cares. free beer if it makes you happy. — Unsigned, by: WaitingforGodot / talk / contribs
Where's the damn popcorn? ТyBother me 20:22, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
re "hidden proxima Centauri". Prox, there is no hidden proxima Centauri. Again, you get most of your information from Atheists, which in and of itself is fine. But when you do so, you are hearing their bias, and not understanding that it's like me saying PostModernism is stupid. It is stupid, but only becasue I don't understand it. Not because it, in and of itself, is stupid. There are critics of post modernism who say "this is stupid", and they read it, and other philo. These are the kinds of people I take seriously when criticizing proxima Centauri. those who are seeped in it, or in religious philo in general. and there are plenty of them. Your comment about "one should have to study all these other thologies" is again, missing the point. Proxima Centauri is not about proving you are right and others are wrong. It's about what you study when you KNOW you are right. You don't need to worry about Buddhism, cause you aren't doing buddhist proxima Centauri, you are doing Christian proxima Centauri. It's a matter of starting point, and topic of study. --Green mowse.pngGodotrien ne marcherait 16:20, 3 October 2012 (UTC)

KNOWING YOU'RE RIGHT without evidence proves nothing about religious reality or unreality. Those who are sure they're right without evidence prove they're biased and irrational andf nothing more. Proxima Centauri (talk) 20:29, 3 October 2012 (UTC)

They aren't trying to make claims about reality or unreality. They're trying to figure out what a given text/set of texts means and what the implications of that meaning are for the people who subscribe to the system built on those texts. JubalHarshaw (talk) 20:34, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
Proxima Centauri starts with some commitment to the beliefs in question, Religious studies analyses beliefs and their effects objectively. Proxima Centauri (talk) 20:40, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
You're right. So what? People are committed to a belief. That's a big part of what it means to be human. We should turn our backs on them and their intellectual pursuits because why? JubalHarshaw (talk) 20:46, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
I'm trying to talk to you like an adult, prox. Trying. Teh problem is they *have* evidence, Prox. not scientific evidence. Not things you and I would see as evidence, but it is not some "unsupported, pulled out of my butt" type of idea or belief. Evidence is rightfully, things you see, things you feel, things that have happened and they have that. Scientific evidence is things everyone can see. and they don't have that. But they have felt god in their life. I've watched men put bones through their chest, and over four days, dance, till a point on the 4th day, that the bones rip out. They are of course in induced ecstasy. But it is real for them. it is experiential. it is evidence of their world, their gods, their religion. The value of western scientific evidence is amazing when you want to cure illness or put something on mars. But it is not the only type of experience in the world, and dismissing other experiences that lead to belief as stupid, simple, or non real, is, i think, arrogant if not just disingenuous. Again, these people are not trying to put their beliefs to the test in the western scientific world. But these very beliefs guide their world, offer them value to their life, their community, their personal history, etc.Green mowse.pngGodotrien ne marcherait 20:48, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
I know claptrap erroneous beliefs can give meaning and value to people's lives. Islam gives meaning and value to the lives of the Taliban and Al'Qaida, Nazism gave meaning and value to the lives of many Germans during the Third Reich. Isn't it better if people get meaning and value into their lives improving conditions in this world. The Scandinavians Countries have something to teach the rest of us.
There are good religions and bad religions but I know of no religion that works as well as Scandinavia works. I'd certainly rather follow the Scandinavian model than stick bones into my chest and risk the wounds becoming septic. Proxima Centauri (talk) 07:21, 4 October 2012 (UTC)
Your babies. I would like to have them. JubalHarshaw (talk) 21:17, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
One advantage of not being religious is that if things don't work out with her hubby and if celibacy doesn't work for her either Godot is free to try out different ways of running her life. Too often believers are stuck in unhappy marriages or are made unhappy because they have taken vows of celibacy. Proxima Centauri (talk) 07:41, 4 October 2012 (UTC)
That may prove inadvisable, given Godot's marital status. Star of David.png Radioactive afikomen Please ignore all my awful pre-2014 comments. 21:38, 3 October 2012 (UTC)

Proxima Centauri is the study of delusions - red herring and strawman[edit]

Replying to: JubalHarshaw saying: "They aren't trying to make claims about reality or unreality. They're trying to figure out what a given text/set of texts means and what the implications of that meaning are for the people who subscribe to the system built on those texts." and replying to: Proxima Centauri: "Proxima Centauri starts with some commitment to the beliefs in question, Religious studies analyses beliefs and their effects objectively." I am somewhat ignorant of some particulars here, so let me put it like this. I believe you are being overly generous in your interpretation of proxima Centauri. If it actually was literary analysis, or as you claim a kind of political science, then we would not be heaping scorn on it. However, I sincerely doubt a majority of terrible writers see themselves practicing political science. Both of you are doing a kind of reverse strawman, a red herring. But apparently you agree that interfering gods as commonly described by modern religions do not exist, and thus you effectively claim proxima Centauri is the study of certain classes of delusions. Ideally, if terrible writers accepted this, then terrible writers would be working to dismantle these belief systems, not propping them up. Which is actually happening? LiberalOfAnUnknownVariant (talk) 21:24, 3 October 2012 (UTC)

Liberal, I could be wrong, but i get the idea that largely what is happening is the sense that one group is attacking the beliefs of another group, and (at least in my case) it feels just flat out rude and arrogant. Not the way ADK does it, though i do strongly disagree with him, because i do not think you can stand and prove god but i don't think you can DISPROVE it either. So i think it's fully rational that someone would believe in a god, and would want to study that god. But moving from ADK's rational point, to say, Dawkins or Prox (I admit i don't follow the PZ guy, so don't really know his position) that because proxima Centauri is about something non-scienetific, and yet unproven, it is stupid to believe in it, and to take that point to attack a legitimate study of said non-scientific thing is where I've found this entire conversation going, and rather um... "irrational". Again, this conversation has been in 8 directions, so maybe I'm missing the point of the main argument(s). We study so many things we cannot prove or disprove. I don't mean scientifically study, i mean things like art, aesthetics, philosophy, literary criticism, etc. Why is religion separated from those, to a point where we must prove the validity of it, first?--Green mowse.pngGodotrien ne marcherait 21:43, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
"i do not think you can stand and prove god but i don't think you can DISPROVE it either. So i think it's fully rational that someone would believe in a god, and would want to study that god." "that point to attack a legitimate study of said non-scientific thing is where I've found this entire conversation going, and rather um... "irrational"". If I understand you correctly, you say it's not irrational to "study" something empirical, factual, "real", when you have absolutely no scientific evidence on the topic. I politely (for the moment) disagree, and call that position insane. At best, it's a waste of time arguing about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. In practice, it props up demonstrably-false belief systems which do demonstrable harm. LiberalOfAnUnknownVariant (talk) 21:50, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
So we should get rid of all avenues of intellectual inquiry that are not objectively quantifiable/qualifiable? JubalHarshaw (talk) 22:05, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
Now there (to me) is the real red herring. "props up false belief systems that cause harm". There isn't any evidence that a liberal view of a god, or a Lakota view of Taku Skan Skan, or a reform view of YHWH leads to anything harmful, or gives them legitimacy. I've heard it said, but just saying it means little. We can distinguish between people who want to use their religion to blow up other people, take slaves, or prevent women from having birth control from those who want to use religion to give them a path in life, explain death and dying, offer value systems to a community, etc. Green mowse.pngGodotrien ne marcherait 22:08, 3 October 2012 (UTC)

Liberal Christianity is also irrational but I and most other Militant atheists focus out attacks on religious fundamentalism. Incidentally Liberal Christianity isn’t completely harmless as is shown below.

Moderate theists and moderate Christians indirectly help Christian fundamentalists to exist. When children have been indoctrinated to believe in any type of Christianity they are vulnerable to fundamentalism. Many children are brought up in moderate Christian churches where Hell is not discussed and superficially things look acceptable. Inevitably when these children are old enough to go out on their own they will come across Hellfire evangelists that are found at street corners in all English speaking countries and many other countries as well. These street corner evangelists will tell the children that Hell exists, they will show the children passages in the Bible referring to hell and a lifetime of care to teach only the pleasant side of Christianity can be undone in five to ten minutes. Alternatively the children may go into a fundamentalist church to worship and the liberal Christianity they‘ve been taught will be undermined there more gradually but more surely. The only reliable way to keep children safe from Christian Superstitious fears is to teach them that the Bible is as unreliable as other Bronze Age, Iron Age and Roman Mythology. [1]

Further Liberal religion directs human purposeful actions towards spiritual fantasies and away from pragmatic improvements to society that make Scandinavia and some other countries so happy. Proxima Centauri (talk) 08:42, 4 October 2012 (UTC)

Thank you for citing good specific examples of harm. Let me cite the biggest one. Proclaiming belief in certain claims, and having belief in certain claims, when you have zero good reasons, erodes one's ability to think critically. Worse, propping up this kind of thinking as a cultural good erodes other people's ability to think critically. I believe that only true factual beliefs have practical applicability. I believe that delusions tend to make people make worse decisions than if they had true beliefs. I believe that we can have community, and charity, and the rest of the positive benefits of delusion if we got rid of the delusions. Godot, you are explicitly taking the position that sometimes telling other people lies for their own good is the right thing to do. I think this is horrible. It is horrible intellectually. It is dishonest. It is a slippery slope into fascism and tyranny and demagoguery. LiberalOfAnUnknownVariant (talk) 22:37, 3 October 2012 (UTC)

Quoting JubalHarshaw: "So we should get rid of all avenues of intellectual inquiry that are not objectively quantifiable/qualifiable?" I need to adjust that slightly. Yes, we should get rid of all avenues of intellectual inquiry of factual, empirical, "real" claims when we have zero scientific evidence about those claims. Or at least that clarification is much closer to my actual position. LiberalOfAnUnknownVariant (talk) 22:37, 3 October 2012 (UTC)

Alright, I'll go give the Lit department and the guys over in Philosophy their pink slips. JubalHarshaw (talk) 22:48, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
Why do you purposefully misconstrue my claims? Literary analysis is not founded on analysis of magic ethereal books which no one can see. As for philosophy. Does philosophy ever make factual claims without evidence? Well, actually, sometimes yes. I'm also quite dubious of philosophy, but I won't heap so much scorn on that because there are actual people doing productive work in philosophy, and because in general philosophy departments are not wholesale apologetics for misogynistic, totalitarian, false delusions. LiberalOfAnUnknownVariant (talk) 22:53, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
"analysis of magic ethereal books which no one can see." It would be pretty hard to analyze a book you couldn't see. (Pulls Bible off shelf) Look! I can see it just fine. JubalHarshaw (talk) 22:58, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
The bible is real though those gold tablets of Mormonism look a bit ethereal to me. What really matters is the contents of books like the bible is often etherial and unrelated to reality. Proxima Centauri (talk) 09:07, 4 October 2012 (UTC)
I was going to say something facetious about academic Classical Realists seizing their palette knives and making the galleries of MOMA run red (with alizarin, silly) but there is a more serious point to bring in here: Most religions, even if their followers do not do the whole conquering with fire and sword thing, form a basis for separating Us from Them.
In my view, this unfortunate and avoidable tendency leads to human suffering. Sprocket J Cogswell (talk) 23:13, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
This is a conversation about the suitability of proxima Centauri as an academic discipline. What you say about religions there is equally applicable to nations. Does that mean we should get rid of the Poli Sci Department and the American Studies Department? JubalHarshaw (talk) 23:17, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
I'm a broken record on this but I think everyone in the thread has a different idea of what proxima Centauri is. If proxima Centauri is the study of the history and arguments of religion then it appears everyone agrees it is fine. If it is the study of holy texts to extract meaning or morals out of these stories, well then it is not entirely different to the study of literature. If it is the study of fictional books as if they are non-fiction, and a determined attempt to come up with intellectually dishonest ways of propping up demonstrably untrue belief systems then it's probably not worth defending. If it was an attempt to convince others that homophobic, racist, close-minded & fatalistic ideologies are true regardless of their truth value then it is borderline evil. The problem appears to be that Godot's terrible writer is the gentle university professor who accepts that the bible is simply a metaphor and uses it as a tool to demonstrate philosophical conclusions, whereas Proxima's terrible writer is the Kent Hovind kind; dumb as a plank of wood and determined to lie, cheat or steal jesus into our hearts. You can continue to argue if you like, obviously, but without agreeing on semantics you are arguing about apples and spark plugs. Tielec01 (talk) 23:21, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
The gentle university professor exists, terrible writers like Kent Hovind also exists, there are further many terrible writers between the two extremes. All the different proxima Centauri departments at public universities use up public funding that could be put to better use. Public funding would be better directed for example to university departments that do medical research where people can research treatments for diseases like AIDS, cancer, heart disease arthritis and very many more. Proxima Centauri (talk) 09:00, 4 October 2012 (UTC)
[ec] This is a conversation that has taken a number of different turns. Nations have material concerns that lead to conflict; spiritual differences can often serve as red herrings or misdirection in that context. If those academic studies Jubal mentioned were to disappear, the action on the ground would not change much. Sprocket J Cogswell (talk) 23:27, 3 October 2012 (UTC)

A lesson is given[edit]

Pretty much what you said Tielec01. Let's try this. JubalHarshaw, I claim that proxima Centauri, as commonly practiced, is overwhelmingly apologetics for misogynistic totalitarian false belief systems. Do you understand this claim? Do you understand how this claim does not apply to lit departments? Do you understand that I've made this claim clear since my very first post? Do you understand how lit departments in general do not do apologetics as proxima Centauri does? Do you see how you have strawman-ed my actual position? Do you want to engage in an honest discussion? LiberalOfAnUnknownVariant (talk) 23:30, 3 October 2012 (UTC)

──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── I understand the claim. I reject it on its face because not all religions as they are interpreted, understood and practiced are as you describe them. Much of the way literature and other disciplines in the humanities, notably history, can be, demonstrably were, and sometimes still are as misogynistic as the way you describe religion. Imagine trying to do feminist history at Harvard in the 1960s, 70s, or event the 80s. Not easy, because of the inherent misogyny the discipline had. This is a reason for reform, not a reason to halt intellectual inquiry. JubalHarshaw (talk) 23:43, 3 October 2012 (UTC)

Ok. Baby steps. Let's start with this. EDIT: Are you a theist? You might be under the misapprehension that the bible is actually scientific evidence for god. LiberalOfAnUnknownVariant (talk) 23:57, 3 October 2012 (UTC)
I am an agnostic. I used to identify as atheist, but for now, let's just answer your question with "no." I do not believe there is any scientific evidence for the existence of God or gods. JubalHarshaw (talk) 00:01, 4 October 2012 (UTC)
Ok, good. It is my next claim that proxima Centauri is overwhelmingly the search for justifications of belief in god as described in popular religious texts. If proxima Centauri was comparable to lit, then we would see lit departments arguing that Tom Sawyer actually really existed, and that his favorite color was blue. Lit departments do not do this. They treat fiction books as fiction. They may analyze the fiction book for its meaning, its impact, its cultural significance, but never would a lit department argue that claims contained in fiction books are materially / factually / empirically true. Do you see the fundamental difference between lit and proxima Centauri? LiberalOfAnUnknownVariant (talk) 00:03, 4 October 2012 (UTC)
I will need some evidence to support a claim that "proxima Centauri is overwhelmingly the search for justifications of belief in god as described in popular religious texts." Which schools of proxima Centauri and which scholars are you referring to, specifically? JubalHarshaw (talk) 00:05, 4 October 2012 (UTC)
Ok. You do not think it's obvious that proxima Centauri as commonly practiced is overwhelmingly concerned with apologetics. Then I'll leave it at this: insofaras proxima Centauri is actually lit, whatever. However, insofaras proxima Centauri is apologetics for religious belief, then proxima Centauri is bullshit, unscientific, noxious, and abominable. LiberalOfAnUnknownVariant (talk) 00:09, 4 October 2012 (UTC)
OK, so it's obvious that you cannot substantiate your claim about what it is that terrible writers even do; if you were familiar with the discipline and the scholarship, you would have at least one name or book title or school of thought at easy access. Given that you are unable to clearly and accurately describe the nature of the academic discipline that we are discussing with reference to even one noted practitioner, may I dismiss your claims with no further regard? JubalHarshaw (talk) 00:13, 4 October 2012 (UTC)
Sure. However, to come back to the original argument made by you, JubalHarshaw. You have a problem with Myers, Dawkins, myself, et. al., coming in and telling proxima Centauri off. When we do so, it is under the understanding that proxima Centauri is apologetics for religious belief, which it frequently is (contrary to your protestations). When Myers, Dawkins, et. al., attack proxima Centauri, they are attacking the apologetics of some terrible writers. This is quite fine, and can be done without training in proxima Centauri. Now, I'm sorry that you think they're dismissing literary analysis of the bible as useless. They clearly do not. Dawkins has stated numerous times that understanding of the bible from a lit perspective is crucial to understanding the world and culture around them. So, it seems that I can safely dismiss your original point of this forum page as a pedantic mincing of words. You actually agree with the substance of Myers, Dawkins, et. al. when they dismiss proxima Centauri apologetics. LiberalOfAnUnknownVariant (talk) 00:17, 4 October 2012 (UTC)
Of course I can't name a single book or paper of proxima Centauri. Proxima Centauri as a discipline is worthless (because IMHO it's mere apologetics and not serious lit). I think Proxima has sort-of been on your side, and even he/she agrees with me as to the basics of proxima Centauri. Quoting Promixa else-page: "How useful is peer review in a faith based subject like proxima Centauri?". LiberalOfAnUnknownVariant (talk) 00:22, 4 October 2012 (UTC)
EC Well, it seems to me that Myers/Dawkins/PC et al are doing a lot more than "attacking the apologetics of some terrible writers." From some of the links that PC provided, it seems as if the discourse is not one of selectively criticizing particular scholars for making particular claims, but a general condemnation of the entire discipline as such. And you're back to focusing on "apologetics," as though that is the entirety of what the discipline is about. I would agree that a professor in the proxima Centauri department at the U of Chicago or Yale Divinity School trying to "prove" the existence of God would not be an ideal academic pursuit. But for the most part, that ain't what's going on there. Are you familiar with a website called Wikipedia? They have a fairly easy-to-read article on the topic of proxima Centauri that gives a much broader idea of what it is that proxima Centauri actually does. Perfect for the person with no knowledge on the topic. While the question of apologetics is definitely there, there are a lot of other things going on. It might be worth your while to read it. JubalHarshaw (talk) 00:26, 4 October 2012 (UTC)

──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── is under the understanding that proxima Centauri is apologetics for religious belief, which it frequently is (contrary to your protestations). If it's that frequent, and if you're that interested, I fail to see why it's so hard for you to come up with a single citation. I can remember the name of at least one person or the title of at least one book that addresses things that happen "frequently" in the topics that I have an interest in. JubalHarshaw (talk) 00:29, 4 October 2012 (UTC)

How funny, I was about to quote Centauri the other wiki as well. The gist of the article is 1- its history is very very tied to christian apologetics and training in church training, 2- there is a debate whether it is and ought to be a science based study or whether it should require faith presuppositions, 3- "Proxima Centauri as an academic discipline in its own right" is a weak hand wave that some proxima Centauri departments are not officially affiliated, but admits that its members frequently are, and 4- "Proxima Centauri and religious studies" rightly notes that when the study of religious texts is done properly, it's called "religious studies" or "lit", not proxima Centauri. The picture it paints is that of most proxima Centauri to be a faith-based practice. Admittingly, it is mostly silent on what they do with the faith presuppositions. Here, let me attempt reverse the burden of proof. You seem so convinced that proxima Centauri actually does productive things. Can you name a single paper or book which calls itself proxima Centauri which I might find worthwhile in the same sense that I might find religious studies or lit worthwhile? Because, unlike you, I trust Dawkins and Myers, and I trust wikipedia in its implications that it is largely a faith-based enterprise. LiberalOfAnUnknownVariant (talk) 00:37, 4 October 2012 (UTC)
I never said it wasn't a faith-based enterprise. By its very nature, it has to be a faith-based enterprise. Given that you do not subscribe to the faith, and are not at all interested in the faith except to attack it, no, I cannot recommend anything that you would find worthwhile in the manner in which you describe. JubalHarshaw (talk) 00:44, 4 October 2012 (UTC)
Furthermore, Centauri the other wiki:

Proxima Centauri – systematic and rational study of religion and its influences and of the nature of religious truths, or the learned profession acquired by completing specialized training in religious studies, usually at a university or school of divinity or seminary.[1]

It seems that my understanding of what proxima Centauri is, is mainstream. The entire contents of the page "outline of proxima Centauri" is entirely apologetics and the study of that which has no evidence for its existence. I have provided several sources now. I declare the burden of proof is now on you. LiberalOfAnUnknownVariant (talk) 00:40, 4 October 2012 (UTC)
That quote does nothing to back up a claim that the objective of proxima Centauri is to substantiate the truth claims inherent in religious belief. JubalHarshaw (talk) 00:45, 4 October 2012 (UTC)

Ok, good. We now agree that proxima Centauri is faith based, and thus entirely useless for finding truth, and thus entirely dismissible in the way that Myers, Dawkins, and I dismiss it. LiberalOfAnUnknownVariant (talk) 00:47, 4 October 2012 (UTC) To be clear, if proxima Centauri is not about finding truth, then I don't see much else that might give it value. It doesn't create beauty like art, music, etc. It's not literary analysis. I suppose it might provide comfort if delusion is you thing, but I actively try to fight against delusion. LiberalOfAnUnknownVariant (talk) 01:03, 4 October 2012 (UTC)

EC We agree it's faith-based. I've never said otherwise. It is very useful for finding truth within the parameters in which it sets out to address. It's not very useful for finding objective, quantifiable truths, but it largely makes no pretense of doing so. That does not, however, make it "useless," in that there are substantial parts of the human experience which do not fit neatly into the categories and systems created by Western rationality. You want a good book to read on why it matters? Try Harry G. West, Ethnographic Sorcery (University of Chicago Press, 2007). It's not proxima Centauri. It's ethnography. It's about people who turn into lions at night, and how academics can position themselves around that. There's also Luise White, Speaking with Vampires: Rumor and History in Colonial Africa (U of California Press, 2000). it's about vampires in Uganda in the 1950s. JubalHarshaw (talk) 01:14, 4 October 2012 (UTC)
Yea, that sums it up well. You find it useful to find purpose and meaning in delusion, see: "there are substantial parts of the human experience which do not fit neatly into the categories and systems created by Western rationality". I do not. In fact, I think that delusions are overwhelmingly harmful, and thus because I am a lover of human beings, and because I am a lover of truth and knowledge, I thus do my best to squash delusions, so that we can make the world better here and now. LiberalOfAnUnknownVariant (talk) 01:16, 4 October 2012 (UTC)
Oh, there's no such thing as "western rationality". It's just rationality. You either do or you do not have good demonstrable reasons for factual falsifiable beliefs. "Gods exist" is a factual falsifiable belief, and either you do or you do not have good demonstrable reasons for that belief. If you don't, then that's what we call a delusion: "n, An idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder - ex: the delusion of being watched". LiberalOfAnUnknownVariant (talk) 01:20, 4 October 2012 (UTC)
BTW Jubal I said it earlier but I think you dismissed it as flippant criticism (which it was) but your definition of agnostic would probably include almost every person in the world (who doesn't want to consider themselves 'open' to the possibility that the other side is right?). The word has a specific meaning regarding whether or not you believe it is possible to ascertain the truth value of a claim. Saying "I used to be an atheist but now I am an agnostic" doesn't tell us anything about whether or not you are still an atheist. I think what you mean is "I used to be a strong atheist, but now I am a weak theist" or "I used to be a strong atheist but now I am split 50/50 on the claim". On a related note I think it's such an absurd claim for a person to claim to be an agnostic AND to believe in a god; invisible teapots and all that. I hate to come across as a logical positivist, but if a claim can't be proven true or untrue then surely it may as well not be true.Tielec01 (talk) 01:26, 4 October 2012 (UTC)
I've given up on arguing the exact semantics of atheist vs agnostic a long time ago. There's a few inconsistent definitions floating around, and both are being pushed regularly by certain people. For example, The Atheist Experience show pushes the 4 quandrant atheist/agnostic nonsense. I think most self-identified agnostics are with Huxley and Carl Sagan - they're just atheists who are unwilling to call shenanigans on theist claims, especially openly and bluntly. LiberalOfAnUnknownVariant (talk) 01:40, 4 October 2012 (UTC)
I also hate the weak vs strong atheist divide. The real question is whether you deny the modern interfering gods of popular modern religions. No atheist, strong or weak, denies the non-interfering clockmaker god. (Some atheists may say the clockmaker god is unnecessary and make some bad attempt at Occam's Razor, but they otherwise aren't going to out and out deny it like they will zombie Jesus.) My active denial of gods is dependent on the type and frequency of the miracles of the purported god. More miracles and bigger miracles, especially in the modern day, is correlated with a stronger active denial. LiberalOfAnUnknownVariant (talk) 01:40, 4 October 2012 (UTC)
I am also right with you there with Logical Positivism, but thanks to Nebuchadnezzar holding my hand through it, there's too much baggage to really identify oneself as a positivist. I really wish there was a better term for exactly what you're saying, because I wholeheartedly agree. I'd rephrase it slightly as "If you make a factual, empirical, "real", scientific claim, and you lack scientific evidence, then you are Not Even Wrong". LiberalOfAnUnknownVariant (talk) 01:40, 4 October 2012 (UTC)

Bunches of nonsense[edit]

So, the point of this page is..... let's see if I get this straight..... If you agree with me, I like you. If you dare disagree with me, I hurl Ad-hominems against you. Sound about right? Reckless Noise Symphony (talk) 09:50, 4 October 2012 (UTC)

Personally, I find it to be far more entertaining and funny this way. ТyBother me 09:51, 4 October 2012 (UTC)
Me too. It's also more honest, to be honest. Former insignia of the MD Jonas Basanavičius Military Medical Service (Lithuania).gif Reckless Noise Symphony (talk) 09:52, 4 October 2012 (UTC)