Talk:Bronze Age Pervert

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For what it's worth, he's half Jewish Christopher (talk) 21:24, 29 October 2023 (UTC)

Hasn't he been making pro-Israel posts recently? I've heard as much through the grapevine at least. Chillpilled (talk) 22:26, 29 October 2023 (UTC)
His strong anti-Semitic phase was from 2013-2018. He was banned on Twitter before, he created his second account on 22 Mar 2017 and described himself as striking "back against Zog!". There is a white nationalist website (likely run by his friend Raw Egg Nationalist), who he has collected over 800 pages of Bronze Age Pervert's tweets going back to 2017 [1]. Unfortunately we do not have an archive of his older accounts which were much more extreme. Johns (talk) 23:08, 29 October 2023 (UTC)
I wasn't even meaning to imply that pro-Israel posts make the guy not antisemitic, just it's the only thing I've ever heard about this guy. If you have his old Twitter handles, it might be trivial to bring up a load of archives on the Wayback Machine, I know how (example). What's less trivial is poring through them. Which I expect nobody cares to do, because as far as I know, the only way to filter the results is URL-based, and for Twitter archives that does nothing, so you'd just be returning every single post he made. Chillpilled (talk) 16:43, 30 October 2023 (UTC)
If @BronzeAgePerv is his old account (and based on some cached Twitter stuff [2] I think it is), then there are a few archives... and indeed the Internet Archive delivers on the first capture that I clicked with some weird "RICO the Jewish Leaders" shit. Also here where he retweeted some conspiracy cartoon from a now-banned "menaquinone4" account that pairs the "Le Happy Merchant" antisemitic meme alongside a robed figure with the "Eye of Providence" symbol on his head (Freemason, I assume) and a lizard people figure, the later whom has a line sticking out with the Philosopher's stoneWikipedia symbol for some reason.
That being said, it may be a selective sort of antisemitism based on a tweet deeper in that first capture ("If you copulate with seductive Jewess, choose #Sephardic; Reform Ashkenazi whores are filthy"). Maybe he only is pissed at only certain types of Jews for some reason. A lot of Twitter conspiracy land is pretty incoherent, BAP seems to be yet another one of them. BobJohnson (talk) 17:24, 30 October 2023 (UTC)

Bronze Age Pervert is trying to delist this article because he was exposed eating seed oils[edit]

Bronze Age Pervert has said he has delisted this article from Google search engines and he has complained about the article to other search engines. Is there anyway this can be checked? I want to thank the author of this article for all the work they did. Bronze Age Pervert is apparently upset the article exposes his dietary contradictions such as himself eating McDonald's cheese-burgers that contain canola and soybean oil whilst all over Twitter he claims seed oils are poison. (talk) 23:21, 17 April 2024 (UTC)

You can only delist articles fro Google in countries you live in for copyright violations or libel, or all countries of the European Union under 'Right to be Forgotten' (privacy). I checked a EU country and his article still shows. Perhaps though he got it blocked in the US. Someone should check with a VPN. (talk) 00:36, 18 April 2024 (UTC)
Bing weirdly does not show the article even with a direct query of "bronze age pervert rationalwiki", showing Richard Hanania as the top result instead. Very strange, it may have been "delisted" there (although as the result shows, I'm not sure how effective this single possible "delisting" might be, because several other articles link to BAP, and they still show up...).
Yes, Google search still shows it, along with THE RUSKIES! of Yandex. There's a lot of information and articles about Bronze Age Pervert out there though, so (as typically happens in this case) the Rationalwiki article is not anywhere near the top of the Google search, unless you Google something this article covers specifically more than others. (The RW article is the top result for "bronze age pervert McDonald's" for instance.) BobJohnson (talk) 01:07, 18 April 2024 (UTC)
The article had very high traffic a few months ago, it was on the first page of Google for his name. For some reason the page no longer shows up, it only shows up if you specifically add RationalWiki in the search. Johns (talk) 15:31, 18 April 2024 (UTC)
Shows up on page two for me without adding "RationalWiki". Why does he care so much if people know he ate certain foods before? I mean I know "why", but it still seems very silly. Chillpilled (talk) 15:36, 18 April 2024 (UTC)