What I want you to think.
This user coordinates deep-cover deceit. (Boo!)
This user is awarded the sysop eye. We are watching...
This user is quite content with things as they are, and demands that you show respect for RationalWiki's rich heritage and traditions.
This user nukes options with the virtual baby-sitter, and knows it peacefully licks to give the fraudulent blankets some queens.
This user is a Texan. Yee haw!
This user is hella liberal.
This user believes all religions are a form of psychosocial control and are therefore inherently bad for you.
"Blessed be Her Hooves, may They never be shod"
I would rather be an Open Sinner then a False Saint.
This user does not believe so called "faith" can contend with modern science.
This user thinks cows are tasty.
Zionist Overlords of RationalWiki
This user knows that these two believed they could be intolerant because they knew the truth.
This user may not agree with a word you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it
This user believes in the right to bear frickin' sweet nukes.
This user suffers from Megalomania and will never feel ashamed of that fact.
This user hails from the largest boldest and grandest state in the Union.
This user believes in the Great Pumpkin
This user thinks dolphins, not creationists, belong in think tanks, as creationists deny descent from fish and therefore cannot swim.
This user is a cabal member. Surprise, surprise.
This user thinks that the Rapture is a rather silly idea.
This user is watching you... always watching you.
This user IS a God, thus proving the existence of one.
This user believes in the right to arm frickin' sweet bears.
This user believes in the right to bear frickin' sweet guns.
This user lives in Jesusland. Unfortunately.
This user is an ape — and so are you.
This user is heterosexual.
This user is male.
This user thinks PETA stands for People Eating Tasty Animals, and hunts sea kittens.
This user is a member of the Darwinist-Humanist Cabal devoted to perverting all that is holy
This user is an ape.
This user knows how to play chess.
This user is an Elder of Zion and is currently in the process of taking over the world. In secret, obviously.
This user wants to teach the real controversy. (1 Kings 7:23)
This user has Asperger's syndrome or is somewhere on the autism spectrum.
This user regards Jack Chick as one of sequential art's finest practitioners.