User talk:Gentleman

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New logo large.png Welcome to RationalWiki, Gentleman!

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With regards to your welcome,

Wigocp.svg This Conservapedia-related article is of largely historical interest and is no longer the focus of RationalWiki today.
Conservapedia (and religious fundamentalism to an extent) was a major focal point in the early history of RationalWiki, but long ago ceased coming up with new ways to appall and amuse.
Our energies are now spent debunking other, fresher examples of pseudoscientific claims, authoritarianism, and deceit.
For RationalWiki's less ancient content, try the Best of RationalWiki.
Gentlemen! I will rebel your precious glue, enabling me to destroy atheism on the internet. You should all be adhering over Operation fluorescent light, which will likely give Conservapedia a top result on a certain search engine starting with G.


I do find it telling that your atheistic beliefs are increasingly irrational. When it comes to public schools and deceit, you omit that that there are members of academia who are creationists. In fact, by next Ides of March, it is likely the Media will have lost all vestiges of credibility. :) :) :)

Rest assured, Operation Grassroots is gathering steam!!! Full steam ahead! Sincerely,
