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::::::Well we might be '''''a''''' champion of rationality but we don't claim to be '''''the''''' champion. RationalWiki was set up first and foremost as a community of like-minded individuals who happened to subscribe to a rational world-view and happened to meet through Conservapedia. We know that we're not Wikipedia so our articles will never be as in-depth with facts and references but we use the wiki-format to do things that WP doesn't do and then do other things in a different way. Any collaborative work needs to have a fun element so that people stick around. MC objects to the saloon bar but it's like going to the pub after a political meeting or three hours of the uni debating society. {{User:Genghis Khant/sig}} 20:46, 4 December 2009 (UTC)
::::::Well we might be '''''a''''' champion of rationality but we don't claim to be '''''the''''' champion. RationalWiki was set up first and foremost as a community of like-minded individuals who happened to subscribe to a rational world-view and happened to meet through Conservapedia. We know that we're not Wikipedia so our articles will never be as in-depth with facts and references but we use the wiki-format to do things that WP doesn't do and then do other things in a different way. Any collaborative work needs to have a fun element so that people stick around. MC objects to the saloon bar but it's like going to the pub after a political meeting or three hours of the uni debating society. {{User:Genghis Khant/sig}} 20:46, 4 December 2009 (UTC)
:::::::Yeah, I never got the goat thing, but I'm not in the cabal, so I wouldn't. It's just stuck. It's nice as a mascot and identity thought. {{:User:Armondikov/sig}} 18:33, 5 December 2009 (UTC)
:::::::Yeah, I never got the goat thing, but I'm not in the cabal, so I wouldn't. It's just stuck. It's nice as a mascot and identity thought. {{:User:Armondikov/sig}} 18:33, 5 December 2009 (UTC)
== Burnout ==
My glorious run has ended. This is not a case of 'leaving and never coming back', but more a case of 'burn out'. I created a personality on the internet so radically different from the real life version that I've forgotten even what ''trolls remorse'' feels like.. (You can thank Refugee over on RWW for providing the impetus)
My highlights on RW:
Making loads of people mad, especially Ace, Susan, Jeeves (Hi Jeeves! Wanker) and also Kels.
Doing my best to persuade half of you that I 'was a dick who has something worthwhile to say', while really just being a dick and doing my best to annoy as many people as possible.
Continuously rejecting the label of troll; even though I was the most transparent 'concern troll' in history.
Riding the wave of mock grievance; So many times you put me on the centre stage with a semi reasonable grievance and I made sure to maximise the fallout as much as possible.
Pretending to be a scholar (I know fuck all)
One regret:
Stooping to do the mental illness stunt. That was a terrible miscalculation.
Adios RW! I may pop in from time to time, but at least now you'll know for sure than I'm a fully fledged troll! [[User:MarcusCicero|MarcusCicero]] 19:48, 5 December 2009 (UTC)

Revision as of 19:48, 5 December 2009

Archive 1 Archive 2



What about creating a new, much better Wiki, which is really rational? I'd suggest to call it A Storehouse of Rational Knowledge. Editor at CPOh, Finland! Why? 09:21, 3 October 2009 (UTC)

Or A Rational Source of Enlightenment. Redchuck.gif ГенгисRationalWiki GOLD member 09:44, 3 October 2009 (UTC)
ARSE doesn't appeal to me, truth be told. More of a fanny man. MarcusCicero 11:05, 3 October 2009 (UTC)

I was really polite

But dude, you can't seem to just give it up. I gave you three simple options......

  • Stay and enjoy RW for what is and avoid what you dont like.
  • Leave for good and we'd all forget.
  • Continue to be a prat and expect to be flamed and vandal binned.

You choose third. Reap what you sew. Ace McWickedI'm a pretty big deal around here... 12:34, 3 October 2009 (UTC)

Ace, no offense, but you are behaving like an autocrat. I am not a vandal so you cannot put me in the vandal bin. If you think I am a troll - fine - not much I can do about that. But Rationalwiki of all places should be able to deal with a bit of trolling without resorting to bans and vandal binnings.
And you do not decide what RW is and what it isn't. I'm not forcing anything on anybody, merely expressing an opinion. If you don't like that opinion then don't adopt the measures I propose - I AM NOT FORCING YOU TO DO ANYTHING SO PLEASE STOP BEHAVING AND THINKING LIKE AN AUTOCRAT. MarcusCicero 14:08, 3 October 2009 (UTC)
Can we both put emotions to the side and just be rational?!
Marcus: RationalWiki is ultimitally the sum of its editors, and no matter how much one or two or three editors here hate internet memes and humour, it will still go on. If it really bugs you, just do what I do when something (rarely enough) bugs me, turn around and whistle. (I find Never Gunna Give You Up to be a good tune). If you are sincere in your desires for a more serious wiki, RationalWiki will never be it, but you can do what you believe is best by making articles the way you would want them to be created.
And Ace, yes, I disagree with Marcus and think he may be just a troll, but the other side of me figures that he just may be sincere, and the vandal bin is indeed a vandal bin, not a troll bin. Just about the entire community disagrees with Marcus's attempts to be serious on RationalWiki, and with that prevailing attitude, I think I can honestly say that anything Marcus proposes will never get through. So long as we keep biting his ass when he bites ours, recent changes will be flooded with an awful lot of grumpy people (and presumably, a rise in average blood pressure of all RW users).
So let the show go on. I see no reason to get involved in most Marcus discussions because they all wind up in the same place, accusations of trolling and doucebaggery and pompousness and general wankery going in every direction. Can't we all just grow up, or is everyone going to keep going this way? ĵ₳¥ášÇ♠ʘ don't cast the first stone, and I won't throw it back 14:24, 3 October 2009 (UTC)
I'm not asking for a more serious wiki. Just a more rational wiki. Just a wiki that actually goes some way to matching the lofty goals you set for yourself in the about section and in the Mission statement. there is a reason why the intellectual heavyweights have left - attitudes like Ace (The parody of the redneck boozer in South Park) telling someone that if you don't like it you can just geeeeet out doesn't help. MarcusCicero 14:27, 3 October 2009 (UTC)
Well, agree and disagree. From where I sit, your definition of a rational wiki is your definition, and my definition of a rational wiki is my own, just as Human has his own and Kels has her own. There is no single right or wrong definition of what this wiki should be. Now, I do agree with you, the attitude of "like it or leave it" is vaugly remniscant of a "light vs dark" philosophy, one that I can honestly say I disagree with. However, calling someone a moron while inserting words into an article is also something I disagree with.
I am not asking you to leave, but I am asking you to do this - look at how you react when people inpugn on you, just refrain from striking back. When someone says "troll" just ignore it. You will find that not responding with negative force might help out the image of you in RationalWiki, and might give you more leeway in asking for changes. Javasca₧ is writing a comment 14:36, 3 October 2009 (UTC)
It may be called vandal bin, but surely, its use should not necessarily be confined to vandals. Until now, I didn't get involved in the whole MC-debate, but I want to state that I think that the vandal bin is a very apt place for MC to be in. If MC is insulted by the label, let's rebrand it: deep thinker drawer? goat free zone? That should make MC happy!
larronsicut fur in nocte 14:49, 3 October 2009 (UTC)
Why should he be reduced to one edit every half hour? Because he says things we don't like? Cubic cubic Hoover! 14:56, 3 October 2009 (UTC)
short answer: yes, because he does nothing else but saying things we don't like. larronsicut fur in nocte 15:32, 3 October 2009 (UTC)
Hmm... Unproductive activity, such as 90% saying things we don't like and only 10% saying things we like, may result in vandal binning of the account. I like it! Cubic cubic Hoover! 15:36, 3 October 2009 (UTC)
I'm absolute okay with being unproductive! larronsicut fur in nocte 15:56, 3 October 2009 (UTC)
I'm sorry, I'm struggling to understand how your matter can exist and not implode with a serious overdose of irony and hypocrisy. MarcusCicero 15:58, 3 October 2009 (UTC)
I'm not okay with being counterproductive! larronsicut fur in nocte 16:03, 3 October 2009 (UTC)
To think all of this came out as a result of me creating a reforming group within rationalwiki which is non cumpulsory and voluntary in nature. You people really need to work out why you got so worked up by it because quite frankly its a complete mystery to me. MarcusCicero 15:46, 3 October 2009 (UTC)
You didn't "create a group" - you just pontificated about a hypothetical group. It's not a group if there's only you in it. If you think RW needs to be more intellectual, then try leading by example - isn't that the jist of the whole reform group thing anyway? Let's see some substantive contributions. WèàšèìòìďWeaselly.jpgMethinks it is a Weasel 15:53, 3 October 2009 (UTC)
'Substantive Contributions'? What does that mean here? Articles are guarded by an unfunny cadre who like making claims like 'Maggie Thatcher is to the left of Reagan' or that 'The Cold War was about sugar' MarcusCicero 15:56, 3 October 2009 (UTC)
Yes, yes. More shopworn excuses why you can't practice what you preach. You'll notice no one else has any trouble writing articles. Just you. That's because you don't write articles, all you do is your tired little edit by deletion with abrasive edit comment routine. Then you whinge when people revert you. It's getting old, stop it. Oh, and as regards 'The Cold War was about sugar'... Is it any wonder that I couldn't be bothered to take the discussion further when you so blatantly misrepresent what I was saying? --JeevesMkII The gentleman's gentleman at the other site 16:07, 3 October 2009 (UTC)

You know that talk pages are community property....

...so why break the rules when you're currently trying to get the place to live up to the rules? And if Jeeves's last comments are really "extreme personal attacks and trolling" to you, you need to grow a fuckin' pair, Princess. RaoulDuke 18:14, 3 October 2009 (UTC)

Trolling newbies

Where? Cubic cubic Hoover! 18:46, 3 October 2009 (UTC)

Here. Poor guy signs up and gets his first thread hijacked by Ireland's only miserable prick. --JeevesMkII The gentleman's gentleman at the other site 18:50, 3 October 2009 (UTC)
That's not really trolling. Cubic cubic Hoover! 19:33, 3 October 2009 (UTC)
don't even bother to try and stand in the way PH. These cunts would turn on you in an instant. You and I know this is ridiculous but sometimes the mob needs its meat. MarcusCicero 22:05, 3 October 2009 (UTC)

Article checklist - articles that are wrong, immature and resistant to reason

As I pointed out, one is a red link, hard to defend or attack. Otherwise, why not say why they grub your steak? On your user page, or on their talk pages?

PS, Religion is stupid. There, I said it. ħumanUser talk:Human 09:15, 4 October 2009 (UTC)

I'll pray for you.
I think it was meant to be Historical revisionism MarcusCicero 14:45, 4 October 2009 (UTC)

The sad part is...

...We could be on the same side and have sensible discussions here, as with the Lisbon Treaty thread. Sadly you had to go bossing people about when they just wanted some light-hearted internettage, which got up everyone's noses. It's up to the one to lighten up a bit, rather than the many to get serious. Totnesmartin 12:26, 4 October 2009 (UTC)

I don't really know what you mean. All I ever want is quality discussions but the likes of Jeeves and Toast see everything I ever do as trolling. I was sincere with the reform society and am sincere in how I want this place to change, slightly, to something more meaningful. But everyone takes it the wrong way and thinks I want to forcefully change things. If you ask me, its the people who fly off the handle with ridiculous reactions who are the problem, not me. MarcusCicero 13:33, 4 October 2009 (UTC)
I was about to start a new topic but I see TM got here first. The problem is with the way you go about debating. I'm quite prepared to listen to what you have to say if you say it without insulting other people. At the moment I picture you as a red-faced man with a small bald patch shouting from atop a soapbox outside Hyde Park. You may well have something to say that I want to hear, but until I can remove my fingers from my ears, I'm unlikely to expend the effort. –SuspectedReplicantretire me 16:06, 4 October 2009 (UTC)
I agree, but in general over the last couple of days (Before the witch hunt) have I raised my internet voice? I was under the impression in the reform debate that I didn't really go down a nasty route, and that it was merely Jeeves and the like over-reacting to some pretty inane and uncontroversial proposals. MarcusCicero 16:09, 4 October 2009 (UTC)


They (the morons in charge of this wet-end site) think I am a sock of you. RWatcher 20:00, 4 October 2009 (UTC)

I think you're a sock of his brother, actually. RaoulDuke 20:48, 4 October 2009 (UTC)

Troll The Spikey Punk I'm punking my punk! 20:50, 4 October 2009 (UTC)

"Whatever happened to all the fun in the world?"--Frank Zappa. RaoulDuke 20:51, 4 October 2009 (UTC)
Heh, it was actually a sock of Ace. Ace McWickedThe Liquid Room 20:54, 4 October 2009 (UTC)
I might be a sock of MC... Hmmm... Web 21:32, 4 October 2009 (UTC)
I'm a sock of MC, and so's my wifegoat! Totnesmartin 21:45, 4 October 2009 (UTC)
I am a sock of MC, CUR and TK. Plus I play in a Polka band and I was the second guman on the grassy knoll. I also killed Jimmy Hoffa and buried him in a shroud at Atlantis. A shroud which is now known as Turin. Ace McWickedThe Liquid Room 21:53, 4 October 2009 (UTC)
it's known as a whole city? A shroud that hosted the Winter Olympics and had The Italian Job (proper version) filmed in it must be a pretty good shroud. Totnesmartin 22:01, 4 October 2009 (UTC)

Stop making socks of me

Just stoppit. MarcusCicero 09:17, 5 October 2009 (UTC)

Your indentation style

Please try to keep it sensible; it makes discussions easier to follow. Cubic cubic Hoover! 13:54, 6 October 2009 (UTC)


Hi MC. How's everything? SJ Debaser 18:53, 24 October 2009 (UTC)

This is a trick of some sort, a nasty cruel trick involving 4chan and the internet. Needless to say 'Super'Josh I am doing just fine. MarcusCicero 09:12, 26 October 2009 (UTC)
I've never been on 4chan, and I've only heard of it through you blathering on about it. I asked how you were simply to see what your reaction would be like, given the general view of you on the site. At any rate, thanks for replying. SJ Debaser 20:20, 26 October 2009 (UTC)


You have been demoted to Sysop again. Your mop and bucket will now be available on the special pages. There are plenty of people who seem happy with this and how you've been acting for the past few weeks so don't abuse their trust, please. Scarlet A.pngd hominem 14:24, 26 October 2009 (UTC)


You're a miserable cunt. Ha ha ha I do so enjoy laughing at those beneath me. Ha ha ha. AceMcWicked 19:22, 26 October 2009 (UTC)

Oh yeah, how that mental illness going? How is your brother? Are you on lithium? AceMcWicked 19:37, 26 October 2009 (UTC)
TrollTrollLord of the Goons The official spikey-haired skeptical punk 19:37, 26 October 2009 (UTC)
You worry to much Goonie. Here, have a Fresca. AceMcWicked 19:40, 26 October 2009 (UTC)
I like you Ace. I like you a lot. Funny guy. Funny guy. MarcusCicero 21:52, 26 October 2009 (UTC)
Ho ho ho ho ho! I know I shouldn't make fun of someone with a severe mental illness but, what the hey, I ain't a very nice person anyway. AceMcWicked 21:57, 26 October 2009 (UTC)
I apologised for that Ace. And my motivations were very clear at the time as well - Kels put me in a box and I thought it would be a laugh to pretend to be nuts. I'm not sure why now. Either way its perhaps one of the internets greatest failures and I apologise. Not much else I can do about it anyway. But have fun doing whatever it is that your doing. MarcusCicero 22:01, 26 October 2009 (UTC)
I know you apologised but I am still having fun at your expense. How's your bro John? AceMcWicked 22:03, 26 October 2009 (UTC)
One of the Internet's greatest failures? Not at all- it's nothing next to Yahoo buying GeoCities for billions and billions of dollars. Corry 23:48, 26 October 2009 (UTC)
A moment of silence for GeoCities. --Arcan ¡ollǝɥ 01:32, 27 October 2009 (UTC)
I put you in a box? Sorry, I don't remember that. Hopefully I poked air holes beforehand. --Kels 17:08, 28 October 2009 (UTC)
I was named (Hence boxed away) a troll by you for objecting to Ann Coulter's indulgent characterisation as a 'historical revisionist'. The mental illness stunt was simply a venting of frustration in order to allow you lot to simply dismiss me on the grounds of insanity, if for only a while. So in other words I became troll temporarily because I was constantly being accused of being a troll. MarcusCicero 20:04, 29 October 2009 (UTC)
That's pretty weak soup, Marcus. Especially given I was hardly alone in calling you a troll and you'd already been trolling a good deal before that. The mental illness fake-out took me a bit by surprise, honestly, since it was a lot more serious than what you had been doing to that point. --Kels 13:59, 30 October 2009 (UTC)
The only reason I did it was so I could come right out of leftfield. I do know it was a bad thing to do, even on the internet. And what trolling? Where do you get off saying that? MarcusCicero 18:31, 30 October 2009 (UTC)
Seriously, it's hard to look at your edit history and think anything but. --Kels 21:23, 30 October 2009 (UTC)

Hahaha I didn't know about this! Oh my sweet schlafly, this is too good!


This is John's brother. I know he has been using this account for a variety of reasons, none of them productive for his troublesome history of mental health problems. For obvious reasons I don't want to go into details about this but suffice to say my mother and father have decided to withdraw his access from the internet for the duration of his most recent treatment process.

I apologise on my brothers behalf for any problems he may have caused this website during his period of instability. As you know, his posts have been of a bizarre quality but that is merely a reflection of his real world mental anguishes. MarcusCicero (talk) 23:09, 11 July 2009 (UTC)

Wow...--Tom Moorefiat justitia 20:05, 30 October 2009 (UTC)


You haven't changed a bit in nearly 2 years. :) --מְתֻרְגְּמָן וִיקִי שְׁלֹום!

Still a cunt, amn't I? MarcusCicero 13:57, 1 November 2009 (UTC)

Fuck You.

You seem to think that by reading what we write in the context of our online personas that you are entitled to have some pretty strong ideas about what kind of people we are in "real life," and some of the things you have said about me and others is downright hurtful. Maybe it's the nature of the medium, and perhaps this a case of "pot--kettle--black," (the internet lends itself to treating people like they're not real people, and I'm probably as guilty of that as a lot of people) but your recent crackback--implying that I somehow am too dim-witted to appreciate intellectual activity for its own sake--really got on my tits. So fuck off, MC. You're being mean-spirited, petty, disruptive, and worst of all, No Fun. TheoryOfPractice 23:29, 28 November 2009 (UTC)

I love that song by Sex Pistols. No Fun. I tried to embed it here but it's such a fucking pain trying to embed YouTube videos. So instead I took the liberty of replicating the song lyrics here for your reading pleasure, MC. I hope you enjoy.
No fun, my babe, no fun.
No fun, my babe, no fun.
No fun to hang around,
Feeling that same old way.
No fun to hang around,
Freaked out for another day.
No fun, my babe, no fun,
No fun, my babe, no fun,
No fun to be alone,
Walking by myself.
No fun to be alone,
In love with nobody else.
Well, maybe go out,
Maybe stay home.
Maybe call Moum on the telephone.
Well, come on, well, come on
Well, come on, well, come on
Well, come on, well, come on
Well, come on, well, come on
No fun to be alone
No fun to be alone
Hang on, don't let me go
No fun to be alone.
SJ Debaser 23:40, 28 November 2009 (UTC)
I am unapologetic. The beauty of the internet is that we are free to speak our minds free of social decorum by virtue of our anonymity, and I get to be as sharp and critical as I like (Which is impossible to do in RL) I have seen comments like that a few times from you which truly baffled me; hence, I find it very clear that you are too dimwitted to appreciate intellectual activity for its own sake. Sorry if that offends you! MarcusCicero 23:46, 28 November 2009 (UTC)
ToP is right though anyway. AceMcWicked 00:00, 29 November 2009 (UTC)
Does it get lonely on your pedestal, MC? TheoryOfPractice 00:06, 29 November 2009 (UTC)
--Tom Moorefiat justitia 00:09, 29 November 2009 (UTC)
MC is quite correct that the internet allows one to be an anonymous asshole. TOP is quite correct that MC "succeeds" in this regard. ħumanUser talk:Human 03:08, 29 November 2009 (UTC)
MC, we are free to speak our minds, but we're still subject to the effects. Social rules vary, but ultimately a jerk is still a jerk, offline or online. It's difficult to get a slap in the gob via the Internet, but it's pretty easy to be described as an ounce of common sense mixed-in with a pound of dog shit and broken glass. Yup, I think that's a fairly accurate picture I'm painting there.--ConcernedresidentAsk me about your mother 15:17, 4 December 2009 (UTC)
I feel that with Marcus it is best to get past the anger that his language and demeanour generates and see him for what he is, a constant and unending supply of humour. He's like one of those wind up dolls where you pull a string and they 'speak'. As with the dolls the list of utterances is limited but, in his case, it is also peppered with obscenities. I really feel that there's a win/win situation here. We prop up his fragile ego by giving him a community where he can feel superior whilst we get the laughs. That's a deal I'd buy into any day. Bob Soles 15:32, 4 December 2009 (UTC)
I couldn't agree with Bob Soles any more on this one. The Goonie Punk Can't sleep, clowns will eat me! 15:37, 4 December 2009 (UTC)
MC as court jester - I like it! Totnesmartin 15:53, 4 December 2009 (UTC)
What about MC bingo? Totnesmartin 15:54, 4 December 2009 (UTC)
(ECx2)I only half (or maybe a quarter) agree, but mostly because I don't find MC particularly funny. I think fobbing it all off as "an endless supply of humour" does a lot to almost legitimise some quite nasty and vile posting - whether it is sincere or otherwise. I like to think of MC, not as humourous, but just as a very literal application of Dickwad theory. Anyway, I don't wish to stroke and massage anyone's ego, that's one paraphilia I'm not into. Scarlet A.pngd hominem 16:01, 4 December 2009 (UTC)
To me MC has always been the drunken git in the corner who shouts at all the other customers and reckons everyone else is a stupid fucker. Maybe it was just the pubs in north London, but they always seemed to be Irish. ;) Redchuck.gif ГенгисRationalWiki GOLD member 16:37, 4 December 2009 (UTC)

A general message to all Rationalwikians

I am in the midst of preparing a series of essays which will bring Rationalwiki to its knees under the weight of its revealed hypocrisy. I shall answer all of my critics therein. MarcusCicero 17:19, 4 December 2009 (UTC)

Wow, I can't wait. "GENTLEMEN: OPERATION FLYING SUBMARINES WILL MAY OR MAY NOT HAPPEN!!!11!1. In regards to Rationalwiki's presence on the Internet, these Essays may mark the end of Rationalwiki not being on its knees on the Internet. Olé!! Olé!! Olé!!" . TheoryOfPractice 17:31, 4 December 2009 (UTC)
Please, please, please! Oooh! I'm Soooo excited I'm using multiple exclamation marks!!!! Bob Soles 17:40, 4 December 2009 (UTC)
Yay, it's about time you waste more of your time on even more nonsense! Gooniepunk2010 Oi! Oi! Oi! 17:42, 4 December 2009 (UTC)
(ECx2)The sound you hear is me scurrying off to the shop to cut the dies for the TLDR medallions I propose to strike to commemorate this happily much-anticipated occasion. You think fifty bucks each apiece will be enough to keep them from being skipped across too many ponds? Sprocket J Cogswell 17:43, 4 December 2009 (UTC)
DO IT MARCUS!!!! BRING US DOWN ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!!!! Aceof Spades 18:26, 4 December 2009 (UTC)
Go for it Marcus!
Scoff all you like. No amount of ridicule can absorb the power of the pen. MarcusCicero 18:39, 4 December 2009 (UTC)
Thank you, I will scoff with impunity. Aceof Spades 18:40, 4 December 2009 (UTC)
After all, the penis mightier than the sword, right? TheoryOfPractice 18:41, 4 December 2009 (UTC)
These witty comebacks must have taken seconds to formulate. MarcusCicero 18:43, 4 December 2009 (UTC)

row row fight the power

Go Marcus, though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you have no fear, for you have right on your side. Fuck yeah. --䷉䷻䷶䷈䷰䷒䷰䷈䷶䷈䷡䷶䷀䷵䷥

Hang on, wouldn't Marcus bringing about our downfall require him to actually do something rather than just bitch on the sidelines? After all, he has a hundred lame excuses Very Good Geasons for not doing so. --Kels 16:10, 5 December 2009 (UTC)
Words are an authoritarians greatest nightmare Kels. You should know this, they drive you crazy. MarcusCicero 16:51, 5 December 2009 (UTC)
Sasquatch! Pomegranate! Carburetor! Take that, you authoritarians! --Kels 17:52, 5 December 2009 (UTC)
Wait a minute MC, aren't you the one who gets on our case for talking too much? Tetronian you're clueless 18:12, 5 December 2009 (UTC)

I know

that was you, mother fucker. You want to fuck around, take it somewhere else. I don't have time for your shit, so sod off. — Sincerely, Neveruse513 / Talk / Block 17:26, 4 December 2009 (UTC)

Eh? I genuinely don't know what your talking about. MarcusCicero 18:38, 4 December 2009 (UTC)

Fuck. Carry on. — Sincerely, Neveruse513 / Talk / Block 18:50, 4 December 2009 (UTC)


As a relatively new person in RW, I have some difficulties with understanding some aspects of RW. Besides my puzzlement over people whose focus is allegedly rational thinking, but who are actually uploading pictures of the food they last ate, I don't understand phenomenons like MarcusCicero. Can someone sum it up in few words? All I see is a relatively unfunny person who has nothing really-really interesting to say, and yet the "recent changes" looks like fossil records of his talk page. I'm simply confused. --Earthland 18:50, 4 December 2009 (UTC)

My purpose here is to point out the ludicrousness of having a website call itself a 'champion of rationality', while concurrently posting up pictures of the latest food they ate. There is also the institutional idiocy and adherence to crank ideas, but thats a different story. MarcusCicero 18:56, 4 December 2009 (UTC)
He just hates the idea of the fact that we trade jibs and jabs and happen to enjoy eachother's company over the internet. Troll ĴαʊΆʃÇä₰ I saw a squid by here... 18:59, 4 December 2009 (UTC)
As we are a loose community people enjoy sharing recipes, furnishings etc hence the pics of dinner. We also share tips on brewing and other community activities. Marcus seems to think, well I am not sure what he thinks we should be doing however as a social group we do more than merely report on things. Marcus cannot get involved as he has no life to share. Aceof Spades 19:10, 4 December 2009 (UTC)
To Marcus: Is rationalwiki calling itself a "champion of rationality"? RW has some very good articles, especially those concerning creationism and conservapedia. I hate those goat jokes in articles that should be or even are meant to be serious, for example the article "Large Hadron Collider". But so what? RW is not an encyclopedia, all in all. And you're not really doing a good job to achieve your goal.--Earthland 19:14, 4 December 2009 (UTC)
You are quite right Earthland and personally, although it is an old joke, I have never got into the whole "goat" thing myself but "So what?" is right on the money. RW is RW and never states to be a "champion of rationality". It is a community of like minded individuals of which Marcus is not one but for some reason he sticks around. Perhaps he has no where else to go. Aceof Spades 19:24, 4 December 2009 (UTC)
Well we might be a champion of rationality but we don't claim to be the champion. RationalWiki was set up first and foremost as a community of like-minded individuals who happened to subscribe to a rational world-view and happened to meet through Conservapedia. We know that we're not Wikipedia so our articles will never be as in-depth with facts and references but we use the wiki-format to do things that WP doesn't do and then do other things in a different way. Any collaborative work needs to have a fun element so that people stick around. MC objects to the saloon bar but it's like going to the pub after a political meeting or three hours of the uni debating society. Redchuck.gif ГенгисRationalWiki GOLD member 20:46, 4 December 2009 (UTC)
Yeah, I never got the goat thing, but I'm not in the cabal, so I wouldn't. It's just stuck. It's nice as a mascot and identity thought. Scarlet A.pngd hominem 18:33, 5 December 2009 (UTC)


My glorious run has ended. This is not a case of 'leaving and never coming back', but more a case of 'burn out'. I created a personality on the internet so radically different from the real life version that I've forgotten even what trolls remorse feels like.. (You can thank Refugee over on RWW for providing the impetus)

My highlights on RW:

Making loads of people mad, especially Ace, Susan, Jeeves (Hi Jeeves! Wanker) and also Kels.

Doing my best to persuade half of you that I 'was a dick who has something worthwhile to say', while really just being a dick and doing my best to annoy as many people as possible.

Continuously rejecting the label of troll; even though I was the most transparent 'concern troll' in history.

Riding the wave of mock grievance; So many times you put me on the centre stage with a semi reasonable grievance and I made sure to maximise the fallout as much as possible.

Pretending to be a scholar (I know fuck all)

One regret:

Stooping to do the mental illness stunt. That was a terrible miscalculation.

Adios RW! I may pop in from time to time, but at least now you'll know for sure than I'm a fully fledged troll! MarcusCicero 19:48, 5 December 2009 (UTC)