RationalWiki:To do list/archive2018

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8Population Research InstituteWikipedia (PRI), an American pro-life organization dedicated to debunking the "myth of overpopulation". An offshoot of the pro-life Human Life International (became independent in the 1990s), the PRI has campaigned successfully to withhold funding to organizations such as Planned Parenthood and UNFPA. Also published articles linking homosexuality to AIDS, a 2-in-1 conspiracy story about China and Planned Parenthood and denying anthropogenic climate change. And that's not all.
63Jade face rollersCreate draft it's the newest pseudoscience. [1]
133Lip readingWikipedia - not so much the practice as used in conversation by deaf people, as the tendency of the media to get lip-readers to reconstruct private conversations (e.g. [2][3]). How accurate is it? Probably not very. There's also a joke/meme of publishing intentionally bad lip readings of political speeches, events, etc, which may or may not be worth covering (probably not, to be honest).
43Silver Legion of America,Wikipedia popularly called the Silver Shirts, a 1930s American fascist organisation founded by William Dudley Pelley.Wikipedia They were modeled on the Nazis, and were antisemitic and white supremacists. But they also had weird religious beliefs, calling for a theocracy and having links to theosophical groups (many joined the "I AM" Movement or other Great White Brotherhood-related groups).
21Religious education,Wikipedia in British schools (and possibly elsewhere if relevant): for decades, RE has been taught as a subject with a broadly Christian basis in British schools (today a variety of faiths are taught, and there is discussion of wider issues around spirituality and religion, but the focus is still on Christianity), often one of the few or only compulsory subjects children must study.[4][5] It would be interesting to have a history of the way it has been taught in the various British nations, and arguments for and against it as a subject.
20The Parable of the talents or minas,Wikipedia is - according to the Gospels of Matthew & Luke - a story told by Jeebus about how maximising profits was virtuous. For the Christian right the parable serves as an ideological & moral justification for the advancement of right-wing economics (tax cuts for the rich etc.). Could also be a sub-topic under Prosperity gospel.
100 #ThotPatrolCreate draft, also known as "#ThotAudit" is a campaign led by incels trying/threatening to report Snapchat and Instagram cam girls to the IRS.[1] Unsurprisingly, many of the ThotPatrollers are trying to claim that #ThotPatrol is ACKCHYUALLY about ethics in taxation, indicating that the movement is nothing more than a reincarnation of Gamergate.
8The Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single MarketWikipedia is a controversial proposed EU directive best known for two parts of it: Article 11, which grants publishers the rights to usage of their articles et al. by ISSPs and which has been nicknamed a 'link tax', and Article 13, which gives the responsibility of removing copyrighted works to ISSPs and which has received the epithet of a 'meme ban'. It is supported by, among others, the music industry and the British Labour Party. Opponents include several Silicon Valley companies, such as Google, YouTube and Facebook, as well as several famous Internet figures, like Jimmy WalesWikipedia and Tim Berners-Lee.Wikipedia
88Late-stage Capitalism.Wikipedia Maybe not the academic term but the colloquial term of profits before people.
107InterpolWikipedia — the international police agency. China possibly forced the former president of Interpol into resigning. Russia almost got its man appointed to be the new head. China, Russia and other states have used Interpol to harass political dissidents contrary to Interpol's rules. The predecessor to Interpol was headed by three different class-A Nazi war criminals.
105Pussy Church of Modern WitchcraftCreate draft, a church run by TERFs.
17The term cotton ceilingWikipedia refers to the difficulty trans people experience when seeking lesbian and gay relationships, and in lesbian and gay social spaces more generally.
12Bret StephensWikipedia: One of the most notable Never Trumpers, and a right-wing hack if there ever was one.
130Skunk apeWikipedia could have its own article or even be a section of the Bigfoot article. Also, the Orang PendekWikipedia is a similar biped from Indonesia whose fur is orange resembling an orangutan.
899/11 Truth Action ProjectCreate draft: Another 9/11 group that wants the truth about the inside jobby-job. their website. An observation made by someone from the ISF And according to that post, it would seem that the leader of this "movement", is a guy called David Fura.
72JobbikWikipedia: our article on Viktor Orban mentions them a lot and there's certainly a lot to talk about with them.
10Harvard UniversityWikipedia is a university that has recently been accused of discriminating against Asian-Americans.[2]
86Chepo TeamCreate draft is a propaganda comic written by a fiercely right-wing and pro-Trump author that is about fictional Hispanics who are fiercely conservative and spout the same right-wing rhetoric that Trump and other Republicans do. The author also owns two accounts on facebook which are named after the comic that both use a copy-and-paste message that immediately begins with an appeal to identity (showing no proof that he/she is Hispanic) to make wildly inaccurate claims and generalizations about leftists, along with praising other far-right figures and pro-right meme posting.
10314 ActionWikipedia is a nonprofit political action committee that seeks to elect scientists in the United States. The mission of 314 Action is to connect people with backgrounds in science, technology, engineering, and math to the skills and funding needed for a successful political campaign.
150Activated charcoalWikipedia - the newest fad involving ingesting and brushing your teeth with burnt wood.
20Philadelphia pride flagWikipedia [6] - this version of the LGBTQ pride flag includes a black and brown stripe intended to represent inclusion of LGBTQ people of color. It experienced controversy as some considered it more divisive than unifying, and in response some have argued that opposition to the flag is racist.
77The Party of Reason and ProgressCreate draft (PORP) is an non-profit organization dedicated to promoting reason and empirically sound decision-making in modern politics. Their mission is to implement effective and rational policies through educating the general public and supporting reasonable and logical public officials and initiatives.
110Transgender TrendCreate draft a British anti-Transgender group that wants to circulate anti-trans material in schools.
89Hurricane Maria,Wikipedia since we have Hurricane Katrina as an article, which criticizes the government for its response before and after the storm, then we might as well make one for Maria for Trump's poor response,[3] his attacks on San Juan's mayor, Carmen Yulin CruzWikipedia, and his excuses and lies about the death toll[4] by claiming that democrats are saying it "to make him look bad"[5] along with right-wing media defending him.[6][7][8][9]
82Chanty BinxCreate draft, also known as Big Red, is a Toronto resident who gained notoriety online after appearing in a video in which she aggressively promotes feminism while arguing against men's rights activists at an event in Toronto, Canada. After the video was released, Chanty was subsequently turned into a meme and was given the name "Big Red." Anti-feminists (especially those on YouTube) frequently use her video as an example to "prove" why modern feminism is stupid.
60Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria,Wikipedia a "syndrome" made up by TERFs to lure in transphobic parents upset that their kids came out trans. Currently a two-sentence redirect, but there's a pile of bad science involved.
28 Jacinda Ardern,Wikipedia incumbent Prime Minister of New Zealand.
84Something about pedometerWikipedia/Fitbits,Wikipedia steps per day targets, or similar. There's a lot of scientific debate about whether walking 10000 steps per day is necessarily good for you and the 10,000 target seems to be an arbitrary figure somebody just made up one day.[7][8][9] On the other hand, walking more is probably good for you.
11The Canary,Wikipedia a pro-Jeremy Corbyn British news/campaigning website. It's associated by some with a fake news perspective, pushing endless biased reporting, and also criticised for its sometimes toxic tone (including attacks on the BBC). So is it the left-wing Breitbart or a legitimate news source?
16The Love That Dares to Speak Its NameWikipedia by James KirkupWikipedia, a 1976 poem about Jesus having gay sex with a Roman soldier. It was the last work to be subject of a successful blasphemy prosecution in England, brought against Gay News Ltd and editor Denis Lemon. The case was appealed through the full range of appeal courts up to Europe, the conviction being upheld at each stage, Lemon receiving a suspended sentence. There is debate over whether the poem was any good (or was some kind of proto-Chuck Tingle).
71MomoWikipedia is a fictional creature in the vein of Slender Man which people pretend to be, then they contact children and teenagers (typically via WhatsApp) to make them do dangerous things like self-harm, doxxing, and hurting their family members under threat of curses, being attacked by the disturbing-looking creature, etc. It has caused at least one death.
68Peter SageCreate draft is just another snake-oil salesman peddling woo. Apparently "serial-entrepreneur" is the new term for con-artist.
35BlacKkKlansmanWikipedia is a 2018 American biographical drama film directed by Spike Lee. The film is based on the 2014 memoir Black Klansman by Ron Stallworth. Set in 1972 Colorado Springs, the plot follows Stallworth, the first African-American detective to join the Colorado Springs Police Department, who sets out to infiltrate and expose the local chapter of the Ku Klux Klan. The film uses this historical event to offer a trenchant commentary on current events coinciding with the one year anniversary of Unite the Right and the death of Heather Heyer. The film received acclaim from critics, with many praising the performances and timely themes, as well as noting it as a return to form for Lee.
77Reader request: "I'm wondering if Bronze Age Pervert might deserve an entry? He has gained vast popularity in the alt-right and similar circles lastly. His book has sold very well and he seems to be something of an ideologue for them"
6Peter NavarroWikipedia is one of Donald Trump's main trade advisors and largely thought of as a crank in economics. In his own words he "provide[s] the underlying analytics that confirm [Trump's] intuition [on trade]. And his intuition is always right in these matters."
14Prevention Project DunkelfeldWikipedia is an effort founded in Germany to provide clinical and support services to individuals who are sexually attracted to children (pedophiles and hebephiles) and want help controlling their sexual urges, but are otherwise unknown to the legal authorities.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prevention_Project_Dunkelfeld
93Dr ShaymCreate draft is a youtuber, antifeminst, and critic of "SJWs." He is quite popular with nearly 450k subcribers.
48Jordan SatherCreate draft is a right-wing conspiracy theorist and a prominent QAnon promoter on YouTube. He subscribes to the whole gamut of conspiracy theories, ranging from Pizzagate to UFOs. He makes Alex Jones look tame by comparison. He is allied with the likes of David Wilcock and Corey Goode. After QAnon made national news, he went on Comedy Central to defend QAnon, to the dismay of his own followers.
38Shiva AyyaduraiWikipedia is a man running for US Senate against Elizabeth Warren.[10] He is most notable for falsely claiming to be the “inventor of email”.[11] He also assaulted his girlfriend and tried to stab a police officer with a pen while resisting arrest.[12] And he pretended to be black.[13] Did I mention that he is also an anti-GMO activist who is willing to pay people $10 million if they can prove that GMOs are safe?[14] Unsurprisingly, he is also a 9/11 conspiracy theorist.[15]
33Peter LloydCreate draft, aka The inSuffragent on Youtube, an anti-feminist MRA author who thinks marriage is a "Fraud of The Rings" against men (and blames feminists for this, of course).[16]
38LifeBuzzCreate draft: Clickbait and fake news website. Published homeopath video ("Scientists From Germany Show That Water Has Memory. This Video Blows My Mind.". 500k+ views). Over 2 million monthly users. They also operate a woo site called Welt im Tropfen --> Here's a pdf with their findings and here is the psiram article of one of the authors Bernd Kröplin. In the homeopathy video, a scientist was cited who allegedly belongs to a department that doesn't exist at the Uni Stuttgart. There is really no "Aerospace Institute" at the Uni Stuttgart. There is an "Institute for Aviation Systems", an "Institute for Airplane Construction", an university course called "Aerospace Technology" at (among others) the "Institute for Aerodynamics and Gas Dynamics", an "Institute for Aviational Propulsion", an "Flight Mechanics and Controls Lab" and a few other with a connection to Aerospace topics, but not "Aerospace Institute". They didn't even brag with the name of the alleged scientist.
30Visit CreationCreate draft: VC.org is Ken Ham's favorite vacation planner. Hemant Mehta response.
63Joey SaladsCreate draft: right wing youtube who produces racist "social experiments" about how aggressive blacks are. See this video for famous example of him staging one of his "experiments", and the followup "interview".
30Revelation UnraveledCreate draft: 18 million views, 50k subscribers. Typical millenial Christian channel that put out this beautiful video.
109World of Lucid DreamingCreate draft: 400,000 monthly views. Relevant research: Lucid dreaming exists as a measurable phenomenon (also this and this) but that's about as far as you should trust the site. Bob_M's review: "Its suggestions on how do reality checks while dreaming, what to do about false awakenings - where people dream they have woken up multiple times - along with their description of sleep paralysis are all pretty good. Just don't buy any supplements or machines." But see this mishmash of new age folk psychology and Jungian symbolism. They peddle lucid dreaming supplements, lucid dreaming books, lucid dreaming products and the likes. The woman running the site, Rebecca, also offers an expensive lucid dreaming course, which she uses the site to advertise for. (and use those three to expand this). Reverend Black Percy (talk) 13:56, 27 December 2016 (UTC)
55Muslim StatisticsCreate draft https://muslimstatistics.wordpress.com/: Terrible source of """statistics""". For example, a headline read: "Sweden: est 77% of rapes committed by 2% Muslim male population – Crime statistics". The article stated: "The foreign rape figures at 77.6% Muslim has been anonymously confirmed by Swedish police in a phone conversation." "muslimstatistics.wordpress.com" 38,000 Google results.
45Spiritual Research FoundationCreate draft: Kooky new age religious folks. Claim that "85% of homosexuality" is due to "mainly ghosts". 600,000 monthly viewers.
8Jimmie Åkesson,Wikipedia current leader of the far-right party known as the Sweden Democrats, who is attempting to brush aside his party's dark history and shenanigans to make his party look more moderate in an attempt to gain control of Sweden to enact his party's agenda.
11Sarah JeongWikipedia was recently hired to the NYT and was claimed to have made "racist" tweets a few years ago after being repeatedly trolled and harassed. This started a controversy that got worse after Jeong and NYT defended themselves.
43Sacrificial VirginsCreate draft, and anti-vaccine movie disguised as a "documentary". This time relating to HPV vaccines.
10George GilderWikipedia is a writer, technology advocate, antifeminist, and and co-founder of the Discovery Institute. He holds a lot of cranky and controversial opinions, e.g. condemning native american and black African tribal cultures as corrupt and tragic failures. He lauds Israel as the pinnacle of modern civilization, and of course, he believes in Intelligent design. In 2018 he's making the rounds on right wing and religious outlets selling his new book predicting the rise of blockchain and the end of Google.
74Sacha Baron Cohen,Wikipedia comedian who tricked various notable gun nuts into advocating for the arming of four-year-olds.[17]
4John Harvey KelloggWikipedia was a medical doctor, co-creater of corn flakes, and a puritanical Seventh-Day Adventist who heavily promoted the second phase of the Clean living movement, approached "biologic living" by combining pseudoscience with his Adventist beliefs to promote temperance and abstinence, and advocated for the circumcision of young boys believing that it would prevent masturbation and for the application of carbolic acid to young girls' clitoris (thankfully the later didn't catch on).
53With Canadian election season quickly approaching, articles on new party leaders and prime ministerial candidates Andrew ScheerWikipedia and Jagmeet SinghWikipedia would probably be appreciated by Canuck RWers, or at least a more up-to-date expansion of their parties' pages (Conservative and NDP) commenting on their new platforms in response to Justin Trudeau's government
4Cochrane LibraryWikipedia or CochraneWikipedia (formerly Cochrane Collaboration), an important organisation in evidence-based medicine, which provides a database of systematic reviews. Article should explain why it's so valuable as a source of information, and maybe look at any criticisms.
32Otto Strasser,Wikipedia Nazi who opposed Hitler, had another brother who did the same thing known as Gregor Strasser. He is known for creating the ideology of Strasserism which is basically some weird form of socialism but with a mix of nationalism (more worthy of actually being called national socialism).
68Autumn AsphodelCreate draft, transgender Youtuber who makes videos ranting against the “Transgender Population Control Agenda”, the mainstream media, vaccines, and political correctness. She is essentially the poor man’s Blaire White.
31Death of a Nation,Wikipedia an upcoming film by Dinesh D'Souza that basically accuses Democrats of being "the real racists". It will be shown in theaters on August 3. Feel free to add more details as new information about this film is revealed.
45Brandon Straka gay conservative who founded the #WalkAway movement.
28ReSistersCreate draft, TERF Twitter account that regularly posts memes consisting of anti-trans dogwhistles.[18]
62That Guy TCreate draft, Libertarian, anti-feminist, atheist, anarcho-capitalist. Totally not a fascist.[19]
52Defend EuropaCreate draft - a place whose main tags are Migrants, Islam, Population Replacement, Heritage & Identity, The Establishment and Other News like Repeal The 8th: The Destruction of Traditional Ireland?, Why Is The Left So Quick To Excuse Rape: Continental Edition or Alt-Tech: Making It Happen
43The Anatomically Correct BananaCreate draft - an alt-right clog full of barely sourced multi-thousand word screeds like Year of the Cuck, Pungent Musk of Success (where they use an ambiguous tweet by Elon Musk as a jumping-off point to claim him as redpilled Anti-Semite, and a proxy for a woke white European "Faustian Man" doomed to self-destruct between the pressure from Jews and Muslims), or The Jewish Kvetchion.
3The Hebrew HammerWikipedia is a 2003 comedy film written and directed by Jonathan Kesselman. The plot concerns a Jewish blaxploitation crime fighter known as the Hebrew Hammer who must save Hanukkah from the antisemitic son of Santa Claus, who wants to destroy Hanukkah and Kwanzaa and make everyone celebrate Christmas. While the film was somewhat controversial for satirizing common Jewish stereotypes, it has retained a cult following. In 2017 a sequel titled 'The Hebrew Hammer Vs. Hitler' was announced as part of a crowd funding campaign. The sequel is a response to the rise of online antisemitism brought on by Donald Trump's election.
4Spartacus Educational.Wikipedia Sometimes decent website, mostly ran by John Simkin, that contains many biographies. Tends to be somewhat of a conspiracy theorist at times, especially about JFK.
48Claudia BrownCreate draft, feminist Youtuber who makes videos that debunk anti-SJW arguments.
44CourtCreate draft or Court SystemCreate draft. It would be useful to have an article just on courts. Probably would include some history contrasted with what freemen on the land say.
97Boogie2988,Wikipedia Youtuber who thinks gay marriage shouldn’t be legal until 20 years from now in order to prevent gay people from being murdered for being gay.[20] He has also argued that some good came out of the Holocaust, using the Nazis murdering Anne Frank as an example of said "good".[21] It makes no sense to us either.
63Some Black GuyCreate draft, Reactionary metalhead who claims to be "nonpartisan". He hates the "liberal media" and believes that Donald Trump is a good guy, ignoring the fact that he's been openly endorsed by white nationalists.[22] Oh, and he befriended a white supremacist.
41Bunty KingCreate draft, centrist Youtuber who loves goats.
30Paperclip maximizerWikipedia[10] or Paperclip apocalypse. A thought experiment about a hypothetical A.I that destroys the universe to manufacture paperclips. Critique of A.I alarmism.
44Activist MommyCreate draft, the pseudonym of Elizabeth Johnston, a conservative vlogger and activist, who became infamous through her Facebook videos against the LGBTQ community, specifically trans people.[23]
36Progressive DadCreate draft, most infamous example of Poe’s Law on the internet. Suspected of being a 4chan op after putting his “partner’s daughter” in a cage.[24]
36Mark Lane,Wikipedia a notable JFK conspiracy theorist with connections to Jim Jones
15Stephen Woodward, also known as Rationality Rules, is an atheist and skeptic YouTuber that tackles fundamentalist and apologetic arguments. Also has a few videos destroying Jordan Peterson's ideas.
68Creationist CatCreate draft, Youtuber who is notable for his most recent video, “Prager U Are The Dangerous People Teaching Your Kids (with Jordan Peterson!)”, in which he exposed Jordan B. Peterson, the Wilks brothers, PragerU, Dave Rubin, Dennis Prager, Tara McCarthy, Milo Yiannopoulos, Betsy Devos, Turning Point USA, Charlie Kirk, Candace Owens, Ben Shapiro, Kanye West, Christina Hoff Sommers, and the Koch brothers as liars.[25]
123Chapel Hill shooting.Wikipedia In 2015, Craig Stephen Hicks shot and killed his neighbours in the late afternoon. He later turned himself in to Pittsboro police. He was an atheist and strongly against religion, and his neighbours were Muslim. It may have been a hate crime or the product of a dispute over parking. One of the theories posits that it was a parking dispute made worse by him disagreeing with their religion.
49Miranda YardleyCreate draft, a trans woman who supports TERFs and has been banned from Twitter at least once for harassment of trans activists.
31Saying "only joking" as a method of camouflaging offensive or extreme ideas especially by the far right[11][12], a first cousin to "just asking questions". This is mentioned in some articles on specific cases, e.g. antisemitism and rape culture, but it extends more widely.
47The Million Man MovementCreate draft, Youtuber who makes videos debunking right-wing racist propaganda.[26]
55Trans Crime UKCreate draft, internet hate site dedicated to portraying trans people (especially trans women) as criminals. Is also notorious for fake news reporting, since many of the supposedly transgender individuals that the website talks about are actually cisgender crossdressers.
62Misgendering,Wikipedia a common form of transphobia utilized by wingnuts and TERFS.
49Andy LewisCreate draft, also known as User:Lecanardnoir (IP address: on RationalWiki and @lecanardnoir on Twitter. He is a skeptic and creator of his project The Quackometer. He does not believe trans women are women. When called out on this belief by RationalWiki on Twitter, Andy flipped out and attacked the RationalWiki Twitter account, even going so far as to create a RationalWiki account and harass a bunch of RationalWiki users who have never even heard of him on the talk page of Trans-exclusionary radical feminism. Needless to say, the results were not pretty.
103Modes of learningCreate draft, the idea that some people are more "visual" of "auditory" etc. learners. I hear that there's no scientific evidence for it.
45PeachyoghurtCreate draft, TERF and conspiracy theorist who thinks that doctors should not be trusted and that transsexuality is caused by narcissism, borderline, depression, and autism.[27] Also makes videos that mock transgender women in a similar style as that of minstrel shows.[28]
51Magdalen BernsCreate draft, a TERF who frequently misgenders the trans people that she makes videos about. Also thinks that trans women are like blackface actors by just pretending they are "men who get sexual kicks from being treated like women".[29] Believes that passing trans women do not exist.[30]
95David Hogg,Wikipedia notable gun control activist. Has received several rape threats and death threats from various gun nuts.
37Doug FordWikipedia - the head of the Progressive Conservative party of Ontario, Canada and soon-to-be leader of the province. While this site is largely American, why don't we have something aboot him?
61Ling AndersonCreate draft, Asian-American transgender Trump-supporting white supremacist. Yes, you read that correctly.
20Kyle Kashuv,Wikipedia pro-NRA school shooting survivor. Yes, you read that correctly.
50Joe NahhasCreate draft. He runs Newton's Equations Solved Wrong for 350 Years U Tube and has a page on Natural Philosophers Wikipedia [13]. A pseudoscientist who likes to try and give new solutions to Newton and attacks the scientific mainstream on General Science Journal
20Anders Björkman,Wikipedia who claims to be a "naval architect" and "marine engineer," is a paranoid conspiracy theorist who believes that human space travel is a hoax, fraud, and conspiracy invented and perpetuated by the United States Government. He also believes in various 911 conspiracy theories, claims nuclear weapons cannot work, and backs his claims up with thousands of pages of pseudoscientific gibberish. He maintains a marvelous textbook example of a nutty website, complete with excessive formatting approaching Time Cube style and obligatory home on tripod.
89Alignment FallacyCreate draft: The assumption that X and Y must be the same just because they oppose Z. (Real World Example: Michael Knowles equating the left and Alt-right because they are "both alternatives to American conservatism") Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHXL00wY3nY at the 1:00 mark.
20Stephen Miller,Wikipedia "Trump's Right-Hand Troll", formerly a right-wing provocateur on American college campuses, a frequent presence on right-wing media, and more recently a Trump aide.
12Frantz Fanon,Wikipedia Martinican existentialist psychiatrist and revolutionary theorist, known for his ideas about how colonised people internalise the racism of their oppressors, and how revolutionary violence is the best way of re-establishing dignity and autonomy in colonised people. Influential in anti-colonial studies and via Sayyid QutbWikipedia and Ali ShariatiWikipedia on radical Islamism. As well as the question of whether his ideas are batshit crazy or merely a challenge to shallow liberal humanist thought, his work relates to political extremism and a bunch of other relevant topics.
67Religious glossaryCreate draft. We have a feminist glossary and a Manosphere glossary. We definitely need a religious glossary of some sort, or maybe a few for all the different religions we have a lot of content on. Draft at User:Benn/sandbox for the Abrahamic religions only
47Prostate massageWikipedia/milking. At times used during prostate exams for legit medical purposes, and also for individual sexual purposes. However, there are proponents who claim that prostate massage or milking can prevent prostate cancer and bring other health benefits. There have also been some statement on medical websites online saying that it could spread prostate cancer if present. This is an issue that I think warrants a RW article on.
7John PilgerWikipedia is an Australian journalist and BAFTA award-winning documentary film maker, but according to Wikipedia, he is a strong critic of American, Australian and British foreign policy, which he considers to be driven by an imperialist agenda: it seems to be bordering on conspiracy territory, but it does not hurt to investigate.
38kyroot.comCreate draft also known as 1708 Reasons Christianity is False is a guest post created by atheist Michael Runyan. Each point listed presents a claim for questioning the authenticity of Christianity. In total, they lay out a convincing case that Christianity is untrue based on the premise that a true, factual religion guided by a supernatural god would be precise, flawless, authentic, transcendent, unmatched, unique, prescient, prophetic, revelatory, internally consistent, and scientifically accurate.
25Aleksandr SolzhenitsynWikipedia was a Russian writer. He fought in the Red Army during the Second World War. Towards the end of the war, letters were discovered in which he was critical of Stalin, for which he was sentenced to eight years in the Gulag prison camp system. He wrote several works critical of the communist system, and won the 1970 Nobel prize for literature.
17Pat McCrory:Wikipedia Former governor of North Carolina, managed to do bad enough to lose to a Democrat in an state won by Trump. Screwed over the LGBT community then violated federal law, along with letting an energy giant off scot-free with a coal ash spill. A draft has been made.
22Not sure of a title, maybe House of Commons paedophile hoax, but the panic over every British politician in the 1970s and 80s being a paedophile, which was motivated by one or two genuine cases such as Cyril Smith but rose to cover Edward Heath, Lord McAlpine and many more. It has been largely exposed as the work of fantasists, but provides an excellent example of fake news, conspiracy theories, and how people can believe horrible things without evidence.[14][15]
10Red ChristmasWikipedia - an Australian pro-life Christmas horror movie wherein a stranger born from a botched abortion returns to take revenge on his mother[16]. There's apparently a detailed making-of doc Horror Movie: A Low Budget Nightmare. If anybody fancies watching this and writing a bit, that would be a noble deed.
23Alfie Evans caseWikipedia - I know too little about medicine to do this but he was a 18 month old British toddler who passed away recently after his life support system was cut off after his doctors realised that he would never recover from his condition and that leaving it on, as well as moving him to Italy as the parents wanted to do would merely exacerbate and prolong his suffering. Before his body was even cold, people around the world were condemning the doctors who did so as murderers and making death treats against them. Notably it has become a media sensation in the US as an emotional argument as to why socialised medicine is evil.
95Aceh:Wikipedia An autonomous part of Indonesia under sharia law (for Muslim residents) known for several human rights abuses, such as the public flogging of gays and the "reeducation" of trans inhabitants.
84Toynbee tilesWikipedia are an urban phenomenon where messages of unknown origin are embedded in asphalt. The tiles sometimes exhibit cryptic political statements, and and their origin and history, dating back to the 1980s are somewhat covered on the other wiki.Wikipedia The phenomenon is also associated with shortwave pirate radio.
81Convex Earth-The Documentary: A 90 minute "documentary" of "scientists" and "researchers" trying to prove the Earth is flat. The video can be viewed [here.]
10Andrew Klavan:Wikipedia Surprised that there isn't an article on him. Anyway, best known as the first person to claim that The Dark Knight was 2.5 hour defense of the Bush Administration and other wingnuttery and bullshit.
30Jezebel,Wikipedia a feminist blogfest that drew ire from reasonable people and Paul Elam alike for an article in which several contributors nonchalantly described how they abuse their male partners.
21Open-air preaching,Wikipedia street preaching, or public preaching is the act of evangelizing a religious faith in public places. It is an ancient method of proselytizing a religious or social message and has been used by many cultures and religious traditions, but today it is usually associated with Evangelical Protestant Christianity. Some notable modern street preachers are Jesse Morell, Jed Smock, Ruben Israel, Dean Saxton and Dominic Mauro.
14The BelieverWikipedia is a 2001 American drama film directed by Henry Bean and written by Bean and Mark Jacobson. It stars Ryan Gosling as Daniel Balint, a Jew who becomes a Neo-Nazi. The film is loosely based on the true story of Dan Burros, a member of the American Nazi Party and the New York branch of the United Klans of America. He committed suicide after being revealed as Jewish by a New York Times reporter. While the film has been well praised, especially for Gosling's performance, unfortunately the film has been dangerously misinterpreted by many Neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups as being pro-antisemtic and pro-racist.
20Derek BlackWikipedia is the son of Don Black and former white nationalist. In 2016 he disavowed the beliefs held by his father and family and the Stormfront site, according to an article in The Washington Post. Through his years in college, Black came to feel that white nationalism is not supportable
10Heterodox Academy,Wikipedia a campaign for more right-wing and libertarian faculty on university campuses, formed in 2015 and gaining popularity after the 2015-16 U of Missouri protests. Supported by Spiked, Paul Singer, Richard Lounsbery Foundation (which has also funded climate skeptics), Cato Institute people, and other usual suspects on the libertarian right. Are they a serious organisation devoted to diversity, or a front to protect rich white men? (Wikipedia) (Their website with annoying transitions)
42Hope LyeCreate draft a trans woman who supports TERFs and has been banned from twitter at atleast once for harassment of trans activists. Think a low-budget, British version of Miranda Yardley.
8Broadcasting Board of Governors,Wikipedia which supervises the Voice of America (VOA), Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Radio y Television Marti, Radio Free Asia, and the Middle East Broadcast Networks. VOA also runs Polygraph.info, which appears on Google News' Fact Check section. There have been numerous accusations about how independent the news outlets are from the Board of Governors, and be extension the US government.
15Asgardia,Wikipedia also known as the Space Kingdom of Asgardia, is a group of people who have joined together to establish a new nation. They have adopted a constitution and they intend to access outer space free of the control of existing nations. They are in the process of electing a 150-member parliament and they plan to seek recognition as a nation-state. Their first satellite, named Asgardia-1,Wikipedia was launched into space on 12 November 2017. Currently just a single paragraph in the Micronation article.
47Gene KimCreate draft is an independent Baptist pastor at San Jose Bible Baptist Church. He's best known for such bizarre views including the belief that the earth is hollow and hell is in there, belief that the antichrist will be a black Catholic Syrian Jew, and that Steven Anderson isn't doing enough to condemn homosexuality.[17]
29BabaMailCreate draft (http://www.ba-bamail.com): A general interest website full of clickbait. Mostly decent content, except their Health section seems to promote questionable material and woo at times.
49Telltale AtheistCreate draft is an atheist youtuber. His content is primarily aimed against cults, most specifically the Jehovah's Witnesses, of which he is a shunned ex-member, and he often reacts to and comments on their propaganda. He has stated he would like his channel to be "pro-science" as well as "anti-cult."
45Jeff UtzlerCreate draft (Jutz Baptist on YouTube) is an Independent Fundamentalist Baptist from Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio and a long-time follower of Steven Anderson. While he may not be as infamous as Anderson, he's definitely someone that we should keep close tabs on.
47Michael CaputoCreate draft Christian apologist who runs the hilariously named website http://atheismexposed.tripod.com/index.htm and attempts to "debunk" atheism and "prove" Christianity. He wrote several books which involve copy and pasting a list of Christian figures which unsurprisingly have no ratings.
21Alex McFarland,Wikipedia a delusional, fanatical, and deranged far-right extremist who hosts the radio show "Exploring the Word" on American Family Radio and has served as Director of Teen Apologetics with the hate group Focus on the Family. He is a raging homophobe, Islamophobe, anti-evolutionist theocrat.
31Kidnapped for ChristWikipediahere, a movie that is somehow worse than Jesus Camp, it involves kids getting kidnapped from their homes and put into a Jamaican "reeducation" school. Activities there include: punishing people for things they can't biologically control (i.e. panic attacks), beating them senseless with a wooden paddle for little to no reason, restricting any and all communication between kids and their parents, etc.
12Eighth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland,Wikipedia Ireland's constitutional amendment banning abortion. Currently in the process of being reviewed for referendum.
31Arthur Jones,Wikipedia active Illinois Nazi and perennial candidate since the 1970s,[18] he is poised to win the 2018 GOP nomination for the 3rd Congressional District, though he's almost certain to lose the general election.[19]
50Morocco.Wikipedia A major player in regional politics and economics, has been attempted and deleted thrice. It's also committed genocide against the Sahrawi ethnic group.
28Self-hating JewWikipedia or self-loathing Jew is a pejorative term used for a Jewish person who is alleged to hold antisemitic views. Bobby Fischer is an example of this.
6Michael ParentiWikipedia - American journalist and political scientist who wrote To Kill a Nation: The Attack on Yugoslavia which supposedly pushes genocide denial.
15Laura Huhtasaari.Wikipedia Think Marine Le Pen, but with more overt racism and sex appeal. Currently in charge of the True Finns party, the xenophobic party of Finland, but is getting international attention due to, well, racism in Scandinavia seems to be something alt-righters are obsessed with. Also, a Creationist.
46FelicifiaCreate draft; Imagine LessWrong, shrink it to about 1% of its size, and focus it exclusively on utilitarianism. Last posts were in April, and not much activity went on in total, as members predictably decided doing other things was more "utility-maximising" than maintaining the forum. Even so, it still provides crankery galore, with its self-professed utilitarians reaching some interesting conclusions. I.e. donating to human-focused charities is less efficient than to animal ones because humans living better and longer will make more animals suffer and so cancel out all the gains. However, both are inefficient right now, and true path is to accelerate neuroscience giving people (and animals) "entirely euphoric lives", which must be possible because "euphoric" surgery is possible now. Another is belief in a "welfare state for animals" that'll eliminate suffering in the wild by, amongst other things, wiping out the predators and protecting insects (high return on investment for doing so.) Also contains many links to webshites with similar ideas like this detailed plan for "overcoming our natural species conservation bias" and wiping out all predators.
3Angel Ramirez-Jordan, Cynthia G, Radical Homegoddess, Taurean Reign, etc. A clique of black supremacist YouTubers.
43AltHealthWORKSCreate draft (link), the title says it all really. Articles pushing against vaccines, GMOs and other alt-med topics
41Roger Waters,Wikipedia the former frontman of Pink Floyd has in recent years gained controversy for his anti-Israel rhetoric both on stage and off.
10David Suzuki,Wikipedia the ever-renowned Canadian environmentalist. Given his fame, some scrutiny (not necessarily condemnation) is warranted.
75mobile phoneWikipedia or cellphone:Wikipedia there are mentions in Radiation woo and microwave and an article on Electromagnetic hypersensitivity, but RW could do with a more detailed article on the research into mobile phone safety, as well as more recent topics such as the smartphones are damaging kids/adults hysteria (Parents Against Underage Smartphones does have an article, but smartphones are ruining your relationship apparently).
8Wilfrid Fox Napier,Wikipedia a South African Cardinal who is championed by Breitbart for his extreme pro-life rhetoric. He is also already name-checked here for his older comments claiming that Catholic paedophiles should be treated, and not punished.
100Collagen,Wikipedia the protein which is key for our skin make-up. Beauty industry had long capitalised on it with creams, injections, etc. Recently, drinks and other such supplements appeared, as reported here and here, even though collagen obviously doesn't survive going through the digestion system. More dubious links[20][21][22][23][24] Skeptical: Arthritis Research UK[25]
21Juicero,Wikipedia the $400 juice machine that received tons of funding before anyone realised it only worked with sachets you could squeeze by hand anyway. This a clear example of irrationality by itself, but to add extra juice to the story, its CEO is a raw water fan as well.
46Ian FletcherCreate draft a pro-protectionism writer on economics who denies the concept of trade wars.Wikipedia Wrote the book Free Trade Doesn't Work and has a column on HuffPo.
73Cough medicineWikipedia and claims that it does not work.[26][27] There seems to be an idea promoted by various alternative healthcare practitioners and critics of conventional medicine/drug companies/etc that cough syrup is completely ineffective, thus indicating that all modern medicine is a con.[28] Criticisms of OTC cough medicine are not always unjustified: a Cochrane review found a lack of evidence of efficacy in treating accute coughs due to the poor quality of existing studies[29], the NHS in the UK recommends drinking honey and lemon instead[30], and unless you have a serious underlying disease like TB, coughs tend to be self-limiting. However, cough drops and codeine might be beneficial[31], cough medicines can also help you sleep[32], and cough medicines can help with coughs from non-viral causes.
45Balloon releases,Wikipedia in particular their impact on the environment/wildlife. They are commonly done to celebrate or to commemorate something. Detractors claim that balloon releases result in the deaths of wildlife, whereas the balloon industry claims otherwise. A very hot button issue.


  1. https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/d3by5y/people-are-threatening-to-report-sex-workers-to-the-irs-thotaudit
  2. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/30/us/politics/asian-students-affirmative-action-harvard.html
  3. Trump Criticizes Devastated Puerto Rico: “They Want Everything Done for Them” Slate. 30 September 2017, by Daniel Politi.
  4. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1040217897703026689?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1040217897703026689
  5. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1040220855400386560
  6. Right-wing media figures are defending Trump’s lies about the Puerto Rican death toll. Media Matters for America. 13 September 2018, by Grace Bennett.
  7. NRATV host on Puerto Rico and Hurricane Maria: “I’m there with Donald Trump, I call bogus on the 3,000 deaths". Media Matters for America. 13 September 2018.
  8. Fox reporter calls Trump's suggestion that Maria's death toll in Puerto Rico is a hoax part of "his feud with Puerto Rican officials" Media Matters for America. 13 September 2018.
  9. Lou Dobbs: Hurricane Maria death toll is a "farce" and "an amazing tortured inflation". Media Matters for America. 13 September 2018.
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiva_Ayyadurai#Politics
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiva_Ayyadurai#%22EMAIL%22_invention_controversy
  12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiva_Ayyadurai#Personal_life
  13. https://mobile.twitter.com/va_shiva/status/1022479603401551876
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiva_Ayyadurai#Genetically_modified_food
  15. https://twitter.com/va_shiva/status/1039606711441653760?s=20
  16. https://www.salon.com/2015/04/21/mens_rights_activist_to_fox_news_men_need_to_avoid_marriage_at_all_costs/
  17. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QkXeMoBPSDk
  18. https://twitter.com/ResistersUK
  19. https://twitter.com/4lternate_facts/status/970801630072451072
  20. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iGQ1ru5OCcM
  21. https://twitter.com/classiclib3ral/status/1047963923763351553
  22. Why Do People Hate Progressive Liberals?
  23. https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCNoH-_m7BI8ciMKp-07cCpg
  24. https://mobile.twitter.com/kulturalmarx/status/1010228404296171521
  25. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h1Hqg3Yv0ug
  26. https://www.youtube.com/user/immostaxmusic/featured
  27. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqKgr2iZXOM
  28. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqDxWrHK32A
  29. https://twitter.com/MagdalenBerns/status/1005542738287386624
  30. https://twitter.com/MagdalenBerns/status/1005547439204466688