Because if the author is serious then he (or maybe, she, I suppose) needs professional help. I guess it's Poe's Law in action.Hubert (talk) 20:18, 19 April 2019 (UTC)
- A textbook example of what can be called a ridiculous solution to a non-existent problem. --Logos (talk) 04:12, 20 April 2019 (UTC)
- oh its a problem but its internal not external. i often wonder if any of these types of chaps have ever once considered that they might be the problem? im sure self reflection and improvement can be tough but it must be easier than changing the world to fit you. but if every thing a woman does is a betrayal to trick or abuse or blackmail or in some way harm or control men. but not all men though. just those with poor social skills who cant pick up on social cues too well. the ones who cant see women as even the same species. the ones who dont want girlfriends but pets they can fuck. this isnt a problem of evil women but one men whose own behaviour reinforces the divide, demonises the object of their desires as the root of all their problems. its really easy not rape or molest anyone. i havent raped anyone for ages - intentionally or by accident. its easy if you are not looking at people as either evil incarnate or an idealised goddess. you not seeing them people and they wont see you too well as result. a bit creepy even. time and patience helps you here. internet groups telling you its not your fault others are to blame is stunting you, preventing you moving forward. they've given up. counselling might help. doing more social activities maybe. you wont achieve anything if you dont address your own faults and keep blaming everyone else. AMassiveGay (talk) 05:17, 20 April 2019 (UTC)
- Grammarly probably can help you spell if English classes could not. Also what did you mean when you said "I haven't raped anyone for ages"? You mean you have raped someone in your lifetime? And you all say I'm bad just for extracting some lulz out of butthurt gynocentrists... Gynocentrism Watch (talk) 20:57, 18 August 2019 (UTC)
- Good thing you came back and added an additional comment defending your reprehensible essay. You got my attention and now your essay joins the rest of the buried turds, which should've been buried a long time ago. --It's-a me,
LeftyGreenMario! 21:25, 18 August 2019 (UTC)
- Oh no! Did I slaughter your sacred cows by writing an opinionated essay where I don't kowtow to wahmehn?! I'm sure that this whiteknighting you're doing will get you laid by insecure feminazis. long as you're into BBW that is. Gynocentrism Watch (talk) 17:17, 19 August 2019 (UTC)
- @Ambition of Truth You advocated genocide. Take your outrage culture crap, your persecution complex, and your bullshit excuses, shove them up your ass, and apologize. If you do not I will start a Coop to get you banned for violating site rules. ☭Comrade GC☭Ministry of Praise 17:50, 19 August 2019 (UTC)
- Before you go off on me, I'm the one who brought your crap back from oblivion, much to my eternal regret. So take that into consideration. Or don't in all likelihood, since your precious privilege has been challenged and your more likely going to lash out like a child than come to any real introspection. ☭Comrade GC☭Ministry of Praise 17:55, 19 August 2019 (UTC)
- Scuse me, I'm a woman here, which makes your essay especially repugnant. I ain't white-knighting, I'm speaking as a woman who is profoundly disturbed by your work as well as the incel and miggie movements, fat shaming, and the anti-feminist rhetoric. I know why you can't even get relationships, why would anyone want to hang out with someone who thinks women are a degenerate race whose intention is to inconvenience and make lives tough for men, if not as incubators? Women don't owe you sex, no one does. --It's-a me,
LeftyGreenMario! 18:30, 19 August 2019 (UTC)
- The fact that you blatantly strawmanned my arguments by not addressing what I said in my essay shows you don't deserve an apology. For example I linked boys in India being forced to marry girls against their will at gunpoint; something that I didn't find looking through my 2015 Sociology textbook (which claims this is a problem that only happens to girls). If you want more examples I can provide 16 more links to the evidence to back up my argument that you wouldn't have gynocentrism if women didn't exist. This differentiates me from an incel, which is someone (they can be either sex) who thinks they are entitled to having sex or relationships with other people.
- That being said, I'm sure I could get into a relationship if I become a weak-willed sell out and cave to the other person's demands. But I'm not interested in doing that because I have a modicum of self-respect and I've seen other guys get into bad relationships and the police and society are complete white knights that shows that it would be nothing short of a bad investment for me (see this video to see what I mean). It's funny how you are using the exact same argument that white supremacists like Matt Forney, Styxhexenhammer666, and Red Ice Creations by accusing me of being an incel for killing off their precious white race by not making white babies (I've even seen people on WHTM say that they would take the side of white supremacists over MGTOW and MRA's). If my arguments are so weak, then debunk the things I actually said if you are brave enough to. Gynocentrism Watch (talk) 12:35, 20 August 2019 (UTC)
If any sysop wants to view the deleted revisions in question, it's here. --It's-a me, LeftyGreenMario! 21:37, 18 August 2019 (UTC)