RationalWiki:What is going on in the clogosphere?/March 2023

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March 2023[edit]

39 A violently racist 4chan copypasta variant makes its way onto Fox News: Tucker covers a random Twitter troll calling for people to "roundhouse kick a Christcuck".
30 QAnon communities react to the indictment (and apparent imminent arrest) of Donald Trump: IT'S ALL PART OF THE PLAN! WE'RE WINNING! The storm is upon us!
29 Tucker Carlson fearmongers about transgender gun-owners, suggests the government might give them tanks and F-35s like with "Ukraine's trans army". (Another link). In response "The Truth About Guns", a pro-gun blog, takes aim at Carlson.
42 Kanye West says he likes Jews again after he liked a film with a Jewish guy. A joke, well-natured idiocy, or a desperate backtrack to save face? You decide.
20 JK Rowling compares the trans rights movement to Death Eaters, the magical nazis who are the main villains of her magnum opus
23 Ben Shapiro defends Ron DeSantis eating pudding with three of his fingers during a meeting: "You've never eaten food with your fingers?" He went on to say in DeSantis's defense that this was lower on the "scale of weirdness" than being pro-transgender.
31 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. tells Jimmy Dore: Fauci developed bioweapons for the military since 2002. Three bioweapons escaped in lab leaks in 2014, so Fauci moved his bioweapons development to Wuhan, China. People tried to warn Obama that Fauci would cause a pandemic. And they took money from Cheney. Right...
28 LGB Alliance split? Political lesbian female-separatist Julie Bindel and Kathleen "I refuse to split with anti-abortionists" Stock want a "divorce" from gay men, because "being lumped in with men is neither appropriate nor useful", and have formed "the Lesbian Project" to this end. This was all published in UnHerd, naturally.
30 Not content with JAQing off about Shakespeare authorship, the Atlantic features the claim that all of Shakespeare's plays are about race and that Shakespeare defined whiteness! In the process, it manages to confuse references to armor color with skin color.
23 Despite YouTube having a published Terms of ServiceWikipedia, The Daily Wire still haven't gotten penalised at all, despite their constant ToS violations.
24 Rishi Sunak being a a member of the Conservative Party.
30Failed gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake says Steve Bannon is a "patriotic stud muffin." Our response: 🤮🤮🤮
22 Michael Knowles at CPAC: "there can be no middle way in dealing with transgenderism. ... Transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely."
27For people who whine about censorship, the far right are eager to censor books they don't like.. Dominionist Rick Scarborough has pledged to remove every "immoral" book from Texas' public school libraries. Truly Dick here is doing the Lord's work. Amen!
23Constitutional Sheriffs chief runs online radio station featuring white supremacists.
29 During a committee hearing on a bill to bring back the electric chair and firing squads, Rep. Paul Sherrell (R-TN) says they should also bring back lynching.