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Ben Shapiro

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The immature rantings of Shapiro as a college student weren't something he grew out of. Instead, his dumbest beliefs were reinforced by a right-wing culture that nurtured every nutty idea he had, and pressured him never to stray from a far right ideology. As a result, Ben Shapiro has become a professional idiot.
—John K. Wilson[1]
Shapiro is worth paying attention to bc he's the most influential young conservative in the country and it's good to know how much bigotry and dishonesty is acceptable among even the ones who don't like Trump

Benjamin Aaron Shapiro (1984–) is a black[3] American right-wing author of awful books,[4][5][6][7][8][9] extremist Zionist, a warmongering coward shitstain who has never served a single day in the armed forces, UCLA- and Harvard-educated failed lawyer, founder of Truth Revolt (2013–2018) and The Daily Wire (2015–ongoing), catcaller,[note 1] and notorious dog whistler.[11] He is an insufferable asshole,[12] a pseudointellectual hack,[13][14][15][16] and another hapless proponent of far-right ideas, choosing whatever suits his current agenda. On that note, he is best known for his mostly fact-free criticisms of "left-wing" ideas; in particular, he is famous for the phrase "facts don't care about your feelings".[17] His attitude towards verbiage in general emphasizes quantity over quality, with a hilariously nasally delivery to boot.[citation NOT needed]

Of course, because facts are the #1 priority on his agenda, Shapiro denies anthropogenic global warming[18][19][20][21][22] and supports intelligent design.[23][24][25] He is ethnically Jewish and religiously Orthodox Jewish, but has no qualms with verbally abusing any Jew who disagrees with his backward ideology. Shapiro once childishly stormed out from a BBC interview when Andrew Neil of Britain's Conservative Party read Shapiro's quotes back to him (but not before accusing Neil of being a "leftist", of course).[26] Shapiro's main shtick is to whine about the persecution of straight, white, conservative men by the liberal media[27] and fear-monger about "coastal elites" liberally indoctrinating[note 2] the unwitting public into communism.

Shapiro earned his spurs as a writer for Townhall and WND but is better known for his close association with Andrew Breitbart, even becoming an editor (and then editor-at-large) for He acrimoniously resigned after Breitbart refused to defend one of their reporters after she accused Corey Lewandowski (then Trump's campaign manager) of forcefully grabbing her. He has since become a frequent critic of Steve Bannon and the alt-right.[28]

Shapiro has written several books, including the "Post-Obama thriller" called True Allegiance[29] and a manual titled How to Debate Leftists and Destroy Them.[30] These are as childish as they sound, notably the former. Imagine being THAT pissed off with Obama that you feel the need to fill the US with scaremongering and denialism... oh, wait.

Early life[edit]

By his own admission, Shapiro was raised by Orthodox Jewish parents, with his mother being a successful entertainment executive and his father being a mildly successful musician who spent most of his time raising his children. He also skipped two grades during his youth, and entered college at age sixteen.[31]

His upbringing was also very political, with a New York Times profile of him saying on his childhood, "Mr. Shapiro grew up in Los Angeles in a Jewish family of Reagan Republicans . . . They lived in a small house, his parents in one bedroom and he and his three sisters in the other. They had political discussions around the dinner table. He was patriotic. He dressed up as John Adams every year for Halloween from the age of 5. He had a favorite musical: 1776."[32]

This bias followed him throughout his life. By his own admission, when he went to Harvard Law School he simply wrote what he thought his professors wanted to hear (and by that he meant the left-wing view of the issue) and made no attempt to actually educate himself with these ideas, only even valuing the degree he got as a "stamp of approval."[33]

Shapiro claims in his 2011 book Primetime Propaganda: The True Hollywood Story of How the Left Took Over Your TV[note 3] that he actually nearly had a career in Hollywood, with one agent believing he had talent. However, he says said agent told him his conservative views make it so he'd be unable to work in place so liberal. “I’m not sure we can represent you, because he thinks your political views will make it impossible for you to get a job in this town,” Shapiro recounts the agent saying.[36] Many have argued this Hollywood background play a large part in how Shapiro runs The Daily Wire, a perception helped by the fact that Jeremy Boreing, another figurehead of the organization, was a failed producer in Hollywood before working with Ben.[37]



Meme made to mock how obviously racist this sounds.[38]
If you wear your pants below your butt, don't bend the brim of your cap, and have an EBT card, 0% chance you will ever be a success in life.
—Ben Shapiro, non-racist[note 4][40]

Shapiro claimed that "Colin Powell was an affirmative action general" and Barack Obama "an affirmative action President."[41][note 5] He also decided that "[t]he Obama administration is" using "racism to let black criminals off the hook, justify illegal immigration, hamstring law enforcement across the country, and push redistribution as a solution to supposed continuing discrimination against 'people of color.'" As a result, "[t]he next race war will come not from racist whites, but from racist blacks and Hispanics who feel empowered to act on their racism by an administration that excuses all minority misbehavior."[44]

In a 2018 episode of the Ben Shapiro show, Shapiro tried to argue that assuming all black people are criminals is a reasonable use of group data rather than racism. This included justifying avoiding young black people on the street and hiring no black people if you can't run a background check.[45] No word was given on whether or not he would see it as reasonable to refuse to hire or rent to men because they have a higher violent crime rate than women.[46]

In his "U.S. President Tier Ranking" video, he stated that the Civil Rights Act was wrong because it infringed on the freedoms of private businesses (these "freedoms" being the freedom to discriminate against black people).[47] He has also expressed support for Charles Murray, listing him among a series of conservatives who he claims were unfairly maligned by the rabid Twitter mob.[39]

Shapiro has also downplayed the racism of people on his side, once denying the racism of George Zimmerman, for example.[48] Of course, Zimmerman has done things like get thrown out of a bar for saying the n-word,[49] ranted about how he was cheated on by a "dirty Muslim,"[50] said the lives of "black slime" don't matter,[51] and compared Barack Obama to a monkey[52] while saying his wife was similar to Chewbacca.[53][note 6]

For general racial insensitivity, Shapiro called the Supreme Court upholding the Constitutionality of Obamacare their worst decision since Dred Scott v. Sandford. He provides no constitutional reasoning as to why this decision was bad, he simply understood this case was seen as the most infamous in Supreme Court history and used it as a club against his enemies.[56]

Police brutality[edit]

Whenever an unarmed person of color is murdered by law enforcement, Shapiro immediately jumps in to defend the killer and demonize the victim. Shapiro justified the killings of Breonna TaylorWikipedia[57] and Eric GarnerWikipedia, claiming in the latter case that Garner "was not murdered by the cops" and that his death was, in fact, caused by a heart attack.[58] This contrasts with the autopsy conducted by the Medical Examiner's Office, which stated Garner died from "compression of neck (choke hold), compression of chest and prone positioning during physical restraint by police".[59] A doctor hired by Garner's family came to the same conclusion.[60]

Similarly, he defended the killing of thirteen-year-old Mexican-American Adam Toledo, calling it a justified killing and claiming that he had a gun.[61] Unsurprisingly, Shapiro was lying by omission; while Toledo did carry a weapon, Shapiro left out the part of the story where he dropped it and raised his hands in the air.[62]

Most frequently, Shapiro defended Derek Chauvin after he asphyxiated George Floyd to death by kneeling on his neck. He repeatedly claimed that the left-wing media was refusing to report on any defense testimony in Chauvin's trial[63] despite said testimony being widely reported and while himself never mentioning any of the prosecution witnesses who refuted the testimony he was reporting on. As an example, he touted former police officer Barry Brodd, who testified that Chauvin's use of force was proportional, as evidence that the case could not be proven beyond reasonable doubt.[64] Even though eight police trainers, senior police officers, and use-of-force experts testified that Chauvin acted outside protocol and was using wildly excessive force.[65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72] Following Chauvin's murder conviction, Shapiro sent out a hilariously bad tweet attacking Don Lemon for daring to say that "justice was served".[73][note 7]

Despite his dismissal of police brutality against people of color, Shapiro posted a video on Facebook in which fellow journalist far-right idiot Matt Walsh expressed support for a white terrorist named Ashli Babbitt who was shot by police while attacking the Capitol.[75]

Columbus Day video[edit]

On October 2017, The Daily Wire posted an execrable video on Columbus Day which listed Native American achievements as "dreamcatchers, tomahawks and cannibalism" and European achievements as "written language,[note 8] iPhones[note 9] and women's suffrage";[note 10] he first defended the video as "satire".[76] After claiming that it was his staff that posted a 16th-century-grade racist cartoon[77][78] demonizing indigenous people and glorifying European colonialism, Shapiro eventually took it down and apologized.[79] James Allsup, a noted alt-right white supremacist, proceeded to do what all of them do when they face opposition and called him a "cuck", only after regurgitating 16th-century anti-indigenous racist bigotry in so doing.[80]


Israelis like to build. Arabs like to bomb crap and live in open sewage. This is not a difficult issue. #settlementsrock
—Ben Shapiro, Master of Facts and Logic[note 11][84]

Shapiro is very intolerant towards Arabs, showing a dangerous level of hostility to Palestinians. In a 2003 op-ed titled "Transfer is not a dirty word", Shapiro (then 19) called for the removal of all ethnic Arabs from Israeli-occupied Palestinian land as well as Israel proper, asserting that Arabs cannot come to peace with Israelis:[85]

The "road map" was doomed from the start. The Arab enmity for Jews and the state of Israel allows for no peace process. The time for half measures has passed. Bulldozing houses of homicide bombers is useless. Instituting ongoing curfews in Arab-populated cities is useless. Roadblocks, touch fences, midnight negotiations and cease-fires are useless.


Half measures merely postpone our realization that the Arabs dream of Israel's destruction. Without drastic measures, the Arab dream will come true. In the short term, the establishment of a "Palestinian state" based in Judea, Samaria and Gaza cuts Israel to the bone. In some places, Israel would be an unthinkable 9 miles wide. In the long term, the growth of the hostile Israeli-Arab population within pre-1967 Israel bodes ill for the future of the Jewish state. As University of Haifa professor Arnon Soffer says, "The trends and indicators all point to an economic and ecological catastrophe waiting to happen and of the death knell of the ideological dream of a Jewish state."

Here is the bottom line: If you believe that the Jewish state has a right to exist, then you must allow Israel to transfer the Palestinians and the Israeli-Arabs from Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Israel proper. It's an ugly solution, but it is the only solution. And it is far less ugly than the prospect of bloody conflict ad infinitum. When two populations are constantly enmeshed in conflict, it is insane to suggest that somehow deep-seated ideological change will miraculously occur, allowing the two sides to live together.


It's time to stop being squeamish. Jews are not Nazis. Transfer is not genocide. And anything else isn't a solution.

Shapiro explicitly related this to the flight and expulsion of Germans after World War 2Wikipedia, in which at least 500,000 Germans (of about 12 million Germans transferred) died.[86] In 2013, Shapiro partially withdrew these views:[87]

Some on the right have proposed population transfer[note 12] from the Gaza Strip or West Bank as a solution. This is both inhumane and impractical. Moving millions of Palestinians out of areas they have known for their entire lives will certainly not pave the way to peace. Moreover, these Palestinians will have no place to go, since their brethren across the Arab would prefer to keep them cooped up in dismal poverty than house them in their own lands.

In the end, both right and left agree that a population separation is necessary. That does not mean Palestinian statehood, which will undoubtedly result in another Iran directly on Israel's borders. It means instead moving beyond utopianism and making mental peace with the fact that no solution will be permanent. Israel will have to protect its citizens, and it will have to continue to police Palestinian borders. Settlements are not the problem here. Removing settlements is not the solution. The problem is intractable.

Recognizing that the problem is intractable is the first step toward real security for Israel. Signaling to the Palestinian population that occupation will remain permanent so long as they continue supporting terrorism should provide a disincentive to do so. As for the propaganda wars, Israel has no choice but to weather them.

Shapiro offers no helpful solution. Instead of supporting "population transfer", he supports "population separation" with no mechanism for achieving this goal. He neither endorses a one-state or two-state solution -- instead simply calling for inevitable occupation.[88]

It doesn't stop there. Also in 2003, Shapiro wrote an article criticizing secular Zionism on the basis that it provides a justification for equality for Arab citizens of the nation:

Israel's secular Zionism has always provided the seeds of its destruction. Secular Zionism requires that Arab citizens of Israel be guaranteed equal rights. Even though many Arabs within Israel wish for Israel's obliteration and vote as such, Israel does nothing. In January, the Israeli Supreme Court overruled a Knesset ban on Arab Members of Parliament Azmi Bishara and Ahmed Tibi, despite both Bishara's and Tibi's support for Palestinian suicide bombings. Israeli Arabs compose about 20 percent of Israel's population. Demographic trends indicate that within decades, Israeli Arabs will compose a voting majority in Israel, allowing them to vote the Jewish state out of existence. Secular Zionism will let it happen.[89]

If this sounds like the Zionist equivalent of The Great Replacement, that's because it is.

In 2007, Shapiro wrote an editorial for the print and digital syndicate Creators, entitled "The Radical Evil Of The Palestinian Arab Population." He referred to Palestinian people as "rotten to the core". He declared they are "an entire population corrupted by bloodthirsty anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism" that "violates modern ideas of politics." He also wrote:

Ah, the fabled Palestinian people. The Palestinian people, who simply want "a better life." The Palestinian people, who, President George W. Bush has repeatedly informed us, "long for a society in which they can raise their children in peace and hope."

The Palestinian people, who support, fund and execute suicide bombings. The Palestinian people, who dress their toddlers in bomb belts and then take family snapshots. The Palestinian people, who cheered on September 11 as the World Trade Center towers fell. The Palestinian people, who followed terrorist extraordinaire Yasser Arafat, supported Saddam Hussein, shredded the blooming rose that was once Christian Lebanon, and almost toppled the Western-friendly Jordanian monarchy. The Palestinian people, who destroy relics on the Temple Mount, openly call for the destruction of the state of Israel, ally with Syria and Iran, and elect Hamas. The Palestinian people, who teach their children that the Holocaust is a fairy tale, and that Jews routinely poison Palestinian candy. The Palestinian people, who stage injuries in order to solicit Western media sympathy, and then roar madly as they hold up their hands, red with the blood of murdered Israeli soldiers.[90]

Shapiro wrote in a 2008 WND op-ed:

Viewed in its starkest terms, the Arab-Israeli conflict may be accurately described as a war between darkness and light. Those who argue against Israeli settlements – outposts of light in a dark territory – argue for the continued victory of night. They argue for the dominance of the same terroristic population that elected Hamas. They argue for the appeasement of populations and leaderships who value murder at the expense of those who value life.[91]

Shapiro explicitly called for the USA to invade Iran in 2019 after the Iranian military shot down an unmanned American drone, claiming that the deaths of hundreds of Iranians was worth avenging damage to American equipment:

When he says "150 people were going to die and that was not proportionate" I don't know where this idiotic notion came from, that if you attack the United States we are supposed to be proportionate in our response. In fact, I think that's a terrible idea.[92]

In 2021, after a brief detour into defending the killings of African-Americans, Shapiro returned to Arab-bashing after Israeli police violently suppressed a protest out the Al-Aqsa mosque. Although the protest was, in fact, about Palestinians being evicted,[93] Shapiro claimed that it was an act of anti-Jewish terrorism incited by Hamas.[94] After the attack, Hamas launched rockets at Israel. Responding to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeting that the attacks were motivated by the Israeli police launching an Islamophobic attack on the Al-Aqsa mosque, Shapiro chose to ignore her criticisms in favor of calling her an anti-Semitic terrorist sympathizer. He also claimed that the conflict "is not a conflict about land" and that Arabs simply hate Jews, as if Israel didn't start the conflict by occupying Palestinian territory.[95]

Civilian casualties in Afghanistan[edit]

Shapiro wrote an article for TownHall in 2002 stating that he is 'really sick of people who whine about civilian casualties' in Afghanistan because 'one American soldier is worth far more than an Afghan civilian'. He suggested that the IDF follow a US War on Terror approach to their oppression of Palestinians. He claims he would have 'gone in with F-16s and leveled Jenin' – a city of 40,000 Palestinians. Yikes.[96]


Comic made by Eli Valley regarding how Shapiro's reaction to the Quebec Mosque attack put together with his Islamophobia.[97]
Tweets seen by the Québec Mosque shooter before his massacre.[98]

Like many American conservatives, Shapiro is an almighty Islamophobe who has made multiple cope videos to cry about how Muslims are all terrorists.[99] When his specific version of this claim was fact checked by Politifacts, it was found to be based on misunderstandings of the data he was using, such as taking the personal views of Muslims (for example, believing a Muslim should live according to their religion) and implying this is on its own evidence they want to force everybody to live said lifestyle by force. In actuality, although these Muslims might believe people should act a certain way, they also believe the only people who should be forced to follow these tenets are their fellow Muslims.[100] For reference of just how silly Ben's assumption is, President Biden has said on multiple occasions that he personally does not believe people should get abortions because of his Catholic faith. However, he has still made it clear he believes people should have the ability to get an abortion in spite of his moral objections.[101] Why are Muslims having views similar to that impossible in the mind of Ben?

In 2006, Shapiro wrote a column saying it "is simple common sense" that "Monitoring mosques is the simplest and most effective way of preventing terrorist attacks."[102]

Shapiro was one of the top Twitter feeds that the 2017 Quebec City mosque shooter checked immediately before attacking the mosque. His feed was visited 93 times in the month preceding the shooting.[103] He also did a Jewish prayer at the Muslim Al Aqsa mosque infamous for having multiple Jewish terrorist attacks to show those filthy Muslims who is boss.[104]


When they say "right-wingers have one joke", this is what they mean.
She's on the cover of Time Magazine--I mean he's on the cover of Time Magazine.
— Ben Shapiro, needing to correct himself so he can properly be transphobic.[105]
If you whip out your female penis next to my small daughter in a ladies' room, I don't care what you think you are.
—Ben Shapiro,[106] in a tweet various people made fun of for his misunderstanding of how restrooms work.[107][108][109]

Shapiro is also a virulent transphobe who does not believe that trans women are women,[110] and thinks being transgender is a mental illness.[111] He has also compared having a transgender identity to calling yourself a moose or saying you're a different age.[112] Shapiro has elsewhere misused statistics about transgender suicide, on one occasion saying "the suicide rate in the transgender community is 40%," while conflating the rate of attempted suicide with the rate of completed suicide.[81] After trans actor Elliot PageWikipedia came out as transgender, Shapiro tries dismissing it by saying he "doesn’t care"… only to then throw a lengthy tantrum describing his coming out as "awkward," "creepy," "disgusting", and "pathetic".[113]

In a 2017 episode of his podcast, Shapiro went after Bill Nye for saying children might express a gender identity different than the one that corresponds with their sex assigned at birth. Shapiro responded to this by calling Nye "evil" and using made up statistics to say that affirming transgender children will result in more children dying of suicide because more children will be "confused" about their gender identity.[114] Again, given this is based on data he himself created from nowhere, this entire rather bizarre rant, which sees him going "let's say" multiple times because even he admits this is a hypothetical he made for the sake of his argument, means nothing.

He interviewed Blaire White on the topic of gendered language, stating that people should only be called pronouns and honorifics based on their biological sex (However, he does respect name changes, for whatever reason).[115] He reiterated the myth that transgender suicide rates do not decrease post-transition.[116][117][118][119] During a discussion about Caitlyn Jenner on HLN, Shapiro asserted that all transgender people are simply delusional and argued this point with Dr. Drew Pinsky (who had spent much of the segment explaining the neurobiology of sex and gender differences). Pinsky is a psychiatrist (i.e., a specialty specializing in mental disorders and other feelings, including gender dysphoria); Shapiro is a lawyer.[120]

During that same discussion on HLN, Shapiro repeatedly addressed correspondent Zoey Tur, a transgender woman, as "Sir", to which Tur placed her hand on Shapiro's shoulder and replied, "You cut that out now, or you'll go home in an ambulance."[120][121] Afterward, Shapiro filed a police report for battery against Tur.[122][123][124]

In April 2023, Shapiro stated that communities have the right to enact bans on "men wearing traditional female clothing in public", and compared crossdressing to nudity. [125]


.@Nero keeps ripping on my height (5'9"), but I'm not sure how he knows how tall I am, considering he spends all his time on his knees.[126]

During an interview with Dave Rubin, Shapiro stated that he not only opposes gay marriage, but also marriage between Jews and non-Jews.[127] Shapiro said he would not participate in any activities with Dave Rubin if it had anything to do with his homosexuality.[128] He has also criticized the movie "Happiest Season" (which he admits having never even seen) simply for following a lesbian couple because having an LGBT-centred romantic comedy is apparently "woke."[129]

In 2010, in an article for, Shapiro argues how homosexuality is a mental illness because "homosexual men still have higher rates of suicide and depression than heterosexuals,"[130] ignoring the fact that this could be from the stigmatization they face from homophobia, which he enables.

In 2016, he tweeted that he believes homosexual activity is a sin[131] while frequently citing how the "militant gay agenda" is destroying America. Shapiro, who attended college and (probably) pays taxes, said:

If you pay tuition, you're sponsoring the militant homosexual agenda. If you pay taxes, you're sponsoring the militant homosexual agenda. If your child majors in English, you're sponsoring the militant homosexual agenda. Tell Billy to major in math.[132]

After gay marriage was legalized in Obergefell v. Hodges, Shapiro issued this response to Barack Obama lighting up the White House in rainbow colors:

Our hate-filled president slaps religious Americans in the face in the name of "love," using tax $ for gay propaganda[133][note 13]

Similarly, Shapiro saw a federal judge's 2010 ruling against California Proposition 8 as "using the power of his gavel to justify his sex life."[137]

After the Supreme Court ruled in Fulton v. City of PhiladelphiaWikipedia that Catholic adoption agencies could discriminate against gay couples looking to adopt, Shapiro complained that the ruling didn't go far enough because it didn't exempt religious people from all anti-discrimination laws.[138]

He called Canada’s new law banning conversion therapy torture as "authoritarian" and "child-destroying"; ironically in reply to Matt Walsh,[139] who literally calls himself a "theocratic fascist" in this bio; because, of course, it is authoritarian and destructive to let people be who they want to be, but not to force them to be who you want them to be. They also ignore the following line in the law, which clarifies that the law explicitly targets practices or services provided in a commercial setting. This does not mean the government is telling parents how to raise their own kids.[140]

However, most horrifying of all was his response to Beto O'Rourke's promise to strip churches of their tax exemptions if they didn't perform same-sex marriages. In a blatant call to violence, Shapiro accused O'Rourke of "indoctrinating" his children into a pro-LGBT way of thinking and threatened to shoot him if he won the election and wrote his promise into law.[141]


Despite his Jewish beliefs, Ben has had somewhat of an antisemitism issue among his fanbase. For example, in 2019 a man in Indiana who claimed he was radicalized by Shapiro spraypainted a swastika on the side of a synagogue.[142]

The Usual Positions[edit]


Can I stab you in your sleep?

It should come as a surprise to no one that Shapiro is not in favor of abortion, going all the way to believing life begins at conception, failing to realize at conception it is only cellular life and not human life, which are two vastly different things. He does not think there should be any exception for rape or incest. According to Ben, you can't draw the line at consciousness because otherwise, that means we could legalize murder so long as the victim is asleep. He also believes abortion is equivalent to slavery, because both enslavers and abortion doctors do not view the "victim" as fully human, even though slaves were humans while zygotes and embryos are just clumps of cells.[143][144] It should also come as no surprise that he approved of Texas's ban on abortions before the time a woman typically finds out she's pregnant and established a slave like bounty system on women seeking abortions which violates their first amendment rights.[145]

While a case could be made about whether the US's overall abortion policies aren't permissive enough or perhaps too permissive,[note 14] a complete ban on abortion would return to the days of the back-alley abortions and worse. Many abortions are done for financial reasons, and it's unlikely that Ben would appreciate the higher taxes he would have to pay.


It's not a shock that Shapiro believes in bootstraps. He will repeat ad nauseam that every poor person needs to do three things;

  1. Don't have babies before marriage
  2. Graduate High School
  3. Get a job[146]

Reality is never black and white. For the people that do have those three options, then yes, Shapiro is right to tell those people to do those three things (and there are indeed a lot of these people). But as we all learned when we were toddlers, life isn't fair. For example...

Point one would be quite a bit easier if there was, y'know, some sort of way to cancel an unwanted pregnancy. While Shapiro himself (along with many others on the new Right) do not seem to be anywhere nearly as anti-contraception as the older generations, he also doesn't seem to be all that in favor of expanding sex education. Never mind that sex education has been shown numerous times to not only reduce teen pregnancies, but actually reduce sexual activity overall.[147] Another lesser talked about issue is that you have fewer entertainment options when you are poor. One of the possible side effects of having money for, say, video games is that video games seem to be associated with lower sex drive (and less premature ejaculation).[148]

Graduating High School is much easier when you have a stable home life. Dropping out of High School to get a job to support your family is rare, but 1/4th of high school dropouts do so to become caregivers to sick parents and siblings.[149] Yet another argument for Universal Healthcare. Many more drop out due to psychological issues from trauma, e.g., child abuse, crime, and so forth, much of which can be related to growing up in poverty. Few would argue that it's "fair" to have a system that punishes people for significant life events out of their control or doing the "right" thing for their families.

As for getting the job itself, for anything other than minimum wage you likely need several years of experience, training, or skills. These take time and often money to obtain. If you don't know whether you will have the rent paid this month, that's not something available to you. Furthermore, the minimum wage itself often doesn't cover basic living expenses, which can cause many to give up and instead go for get-rich-quick schemes or a crime, which obviously only make matters worse.

Use to dismiss racism[edit]

During one of his PragerU videos, Shapiro lays this out and says "If you do these three things, you’ll be on your way to the privilege of middle-class life, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual-orientation, or gender" and cites his source as The Brookings Institute.[150] However, The Brookings Institute has also made it clear that this method is the most successful if you are white.[151]

Furthermore, even if this was a guaranteed success formula for everybody regardless of race, white people would still end up better than people of color due to how much easier it is for white people to do all of these things. For example, black people have a much harder time finding work than white people do.[152] Even white people with criminal records have an easier time finding work than black people without criminal records.[153]


—Shapiro, How to Debate Leftists and Destroy Them: 11 Rules for Winning the Argument [154]

Liberal indoctrination[edit]

Shapiro has long argued that colleges are liberal indoctrination centers. For example, The Christian Science Monitor (!) described his 2004 book Brainwashed: How Universities Indoctrinate America's Youth thus:

Of US professors in general, Shapiro makes sweeping — and many would say absurd — charges that they promote atheism, absolute sexual freedom (including pedophilia and statutory rape), and rampant environmentalism to the point of urging the annihilation of the human species.[155]

Shapiro also infamously cited Sesame Street as an example of liberal propaganda.[156]

Climate change denial[edit]

On the climate change issue, I’m not going to pretend that I’m an expert in, in reading the studies.[157]
—Ben Shapiro, fact and logic master

Shapiro is a fervent climate change denier. In 2007 he penned a weird article "mocking" liberals who believe in global warming and affirmed Gore's Law. He doubled-down in another article, which compares belief in global warming to a religion, with Al Gore as its "Prophet". He has since (somewhat) moderated his views, admitting that climate change is real and denying he is a denier[158] but insisting that the issue has been overblown through catastrophic headlines. He opposes any government intervention to mitigate the problem.[159][160] Now, claiming that the effects of climate change are exaggerated and saying "humans have adapted to climate change before"[161] is still considered denialism.

When discussing Climate Change, Shapiro commonly just says the literal worse case scenario is not going to occur, as if that mitigates the problem on its own. He once made it clear that he didn't believe "like that a giant wave is gonna sweep in and then next morning it will freeze and all of New York will be under ice and Dennis Quaid and Jake Gyllenhaal will be trying to fight their way through it,"[162] as if that was a fear anybody actually had. On another occasion, he said that "Species loss and coral reef bleaching are certainly bad things. But there’s no actual prediction of mass death or hellfire."[163] Again, because if something does not literally result in hellfire Ben doesn't seem to think of it as a concern, we guess.

His stance now seems to be that instead of reducing emissions, we need to let the market "innovate" new solutions.

Ben Shapiro: ...that all the water levels around by, let’s say, five feet over the next hundred years, or let’s say 10 feet over the next hundred years, and puts all the low-lying areas on the coast underwater, alright, if you say all that happens. Wouldn’t you just think that all the people aren’t just going to sell their houses and move on?

*awkward silence*

Hbomberguy: *has a breakdown, grabs an axe and starts breaking his wall* *multiple axe blows to his wall, multiple hbomber grunts* (bemused yelling) just one small problem. SELL THE HOUSES TO WHOM, BEN? FUCKING AQUAMAN?!
Climate Denial: A Measured Response on Youtube, about 4 minutes in.

Other conspiracies[edit]

Debate master[edit]

A compilation of rightist YouTube's hillariously dramatic and pathetic titling.[note 15]
Renewable energy: dumbest phrase since climate change. See the first law of thermodynamics, dumbass. #tcot #teaparty
—Ben Shapiro, physicist extraordinaire[169]
And the truth is, no pro-life person on Earth would kill baby Hitler. Right, because baby Hitler wasn't Hitler, adult Hitler was Hitler. Baby Hitler was a baby.
—Ben Shapiro, cool kids' philosopher[170]

Shapiro does not debate as effectively as he constantly claims to. Instead, he is famous for bullshitting debates by speaking quicker than every rapper ever born, coupled with gish galloping[171] and other logical fallacies,[172] to make him seem confident. In contrast, the person he debates with remains confused by those irrelevant arguments. Ben also rarely debates intellectuals or experts on the subject matter, but college students with limited knowledge on the issue who lack his experience at public speaking and debate, making it easier for him to appear smarter, in the same way an adult is smarter than a child. Here are some of his personal highlights:

Victim complex[edit]

—Mission statement of both TruthRevolt[173] and The Daily Wire,[174] both of which Shapiro founded

Shapiro authored a 300-page version of the tone argument in his 2013 book, Bullies: How the Left's Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences Americans.[175]

Even outside his debating, Shapiro quite seriously believes that "neoconservative" is a dog whistle for Jew (and thus considers it "anti-Semitic"),[176] as he repeatedly demonstrated in a hilarious catfight with Patton Oswalt.[177]

Ad hominems[edit]

The Nazis equated Jews with animals. In its Holocaust On Your Plate exhibit, PETA picks up where the Nazis left off.
—Ben Shapiro, owner of an enormous brain[178]

Shapiro has a habit of engaging in ad hominem attacks against non-conservatives. As seen above, Shapiro literally compares PETA to Nazis for using Holocaust imagery.[178] Shapiro described Obama as a "philosophical fascist"[179] who had "clear-cut anti-semitism". Going back to his aforementioned Arabphobia, Shapiro said Obama wants Israel to work with "the Palestinian Arab thugs who seek to eviscerate all Jewish presence east of the Mediterranean."[180][note 16] In an example of molehill mountaineering, Shapiro accused all liberal professors of spreading "evil" and called a professor's wife "brainless" because she talked about how much she treasures the Constitution.[182]

Of course, this kind of attack fails against experience. When Shapiro was arguing with getting pwned by Andrew Neil, he accused Neil of being on the left. Neil, a British Conservative (and a staunch one at that),[note 17] actually laughed in his face, replying, "If you only knew how ridiculous that statement is, you wouldn't have said it".[26] After being thoroughly roasted for the Christmas turkey in a total one-sided battle, Shapiro stormed out, becoming perhaps one of the only people in history to lose an interview. Neil then turned the ad hominem back on Shapiro by finishing the discussion with: "Thank you for your time and for showing that anger is not part of American politics."

The YouTube upload of the interview was widely spread (8 million views) and completely undermined Shapiro's debating credibility, outing him as the flakey gish galloper he really is.[26]

No true Scotsman[edit]

The Jewish people has always been plagued by Bad Jews, who undermine it from within. In America, those Bad Jews largely vote Democrat.
—Ben Shapiro[184]

Shapiro believes that all Jews must be vehement Zionists who prioritize Zionism above all other issues, or they are not really Jewish. He also accuses Jewish people who are supportive of abortion and LGBT rights of being fake Jews. In response to a Pew Research Center poll that found that American Jews were more likely to say that Donald Trump was too favorable of Israel than any American Christian group said,[note 18][185] Shapiro stated, "This is because a plurality of Jews have nothing to do with Judaism other than in a passing cultural context."[186] Anti-semitism aside, Shapiro ignored the fact the study found the actual plurality of Jews (47%) said Trump had the right balance of Israel/Palestine favorability.[185]

Shapiro also has a history of referring to numerous Jews as "Jews in Name Only". In his 2011 Townhall editorial "Jews In Name Only", he referred to every Jew who voted for Obama in 2008 as "Jews In Name Only". He claimed that because Obama supported the creation of a viable, independent Palestinian state, he was anti-Semitic and essentially stated that any real Jew would not only vehemently oppose the creation of such a state but would prioritize this opposition over all other issues.[187] During a Fox News appearance in 2013, he stated that Noam Chomsky "is not really Jewish" and is "Jewish in name only.[188] Finally, as recently as 2016, he wrote an editorial in The Daily Wire referring to Bernie Sanders as a "Jew in Name Only".[189] He has also referred to journalists Sidney Blumenthal[190] and his son Max[191] as "self-hating Jew[s]", and has called Rahm Emmanuel[192] and George Soros "kapo[s]".[193]

Ben Shapiro, along with many of his fellow Orthodox Jews, hates Reform Judaism and other liberal Jewish movements, and wrote in article for Breitbart in 2015 in which he expressed his disdain for acceptance of transgender people within Reform Judaism, further accusing people who converted to Judaism via the Reform movement of being "urban white leftists" who just wanted minority status. [194]

Shapiro was so critical of liberal Jews in Hollywood that he appeared on the podcast of Lana Lokteff, a neo-Nazi, to discuss Hollywood's "leftist communist agenda" and "Christian-Bashing." Shapiro did not seem aware that Lokteff was likely using his arguments as justification for anti-Semitic and white nationalist conspiracy theories.[195]

He further spoke out against Reform Judaism at an event in Tel Aviv in 2022, stating, “It’s a very simple rubric for me: If as a Jew, your values are more in line with same-sex marriage, transgenderism and abortion than they are with, for example, the safety and security of the State of Israel – I have serious questions about how you think about yourself as a Jew.” [196]


See the main article on this topic: Breitbart

Shapiro and Breitbart were made for each other. They both take even the tiniest, most irrelevant morsel of "news"[197] and spin it into atrocities committed by the left. They both cry "Anti-Semitism!"[198][199] when confronted with facts yet freely insert racist dog-whistles into their articles for effect.[200] They both earnestly use derogatory names like "SJW" and Marxist for anyone not on the far right. Shapiro has been caught basing news articles on unsourced blogs a few time, which later turned out to be false, yet never retracted them.[201][202] He tweets barely-literate screeds dozens of times per day.[203] He's the hero they needed...


...But not the hero they deserved, as and Shapiro split in a rather dramatic fashion. In a stopped clock moment in March 2016, Shapiro resigned as editor-at-large from following the site's handling of the assault on one of their reporters, Michelle Fields (who left at the same time), by Donald Trump's then-campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski. Shapiro cited the site's lack of support for Fields (they went so far as to publicly question the truth of their own report's claims, even in the face of clear video and audio evidence) and its subservient relationship with the candidate. Shapiro called "Trump's Pravda".[204][205]

The day following his resignation, published a story mocking Shapiro as short, a "conservative gadfly" and a traitor to the deceased Andrew Breitbart. gilded the lily of this extreme-but-characteristic pettiness by posting the article with the byline of "William Bigelow"; a pseudonym used by Shapiro's father, also a contributor to the site. His father had resigned with his son before the attack piece was posted.[206] The story was quickly memory-holed and replaced with a vague statement by editor and legal counsel Joel Pollak, the actual author of the original post.[207] Shapiro has since called a "feces tornado".[208] Thanks for that image, Ben.

Breitbart's defense of the Trump campaign against the site's own reporter would help land their executive editor, Steve Bannon, a job in Lewandowski's former position as campaign manager and then (briefly) Senior Strategist in the Trump White House.

Brought to you by Carl's Jr[edit]

Ben has a tendency to interrupt his speeches with sponsorships. This is nothing out of the ordinary; Rush Limbaugh had lots of sponsorships after all.[209] He makes money by interrupting his speeches with advertisements and can seamlessly transition from a topic to why you need some product, which is how he gets the big bucks.[210]

His more common sponsors include...

  • Birch Gold
  • Carl's Junior
  • ExpressVPN
  • Jeremy's Razors
  • Omaha Steaks (wait, why does this feel familiar?)[211]
  • Policy Genius

The few good moments[edit]

See the main article on this topic: Stopped clock
A good way not to accidentally dine with a vile racist and anti-Semite you don't know is not to dine with a vile racist and anti-Semite you do know.
—Ben Shapiro, Twitter[212][note 19]
  • After being ripped a new one on Twitter in July 2018 for all of the horrific things he has said over the years, Shapiro decided to apologize for a few, most notably the "Enemy Civilian Casualties Are Okay by Me" column from 2002.[39] Alas, in typical Shapiro fashion, a good portion of his apologies spend time talking about how he is actually right on lots of things and how liberals are much worse than he is.
  • He is in favor of ending the War on Drugs, although he is still very much in favor of stigmatizing addicts.[213]
  • On November 7, 2019, Shapiro gave a speech at Stanford University, during which he condemned the alt-right.[214][215] During a later speech at Boston University, he was confronted by two alt-right supporters about this speech and took the opportunity to double down, attacking white nationalist Nick Fuentes and the Unite the Right rally, calling out Ron Paul for his anti-semitism and praising Donald Trump for expelling Steve Bannon from his administration.[216]
  • He has stated that he doesn't care about the Great Replacement.[217] While certainly classist and a bit of a twat, Shapiro appears to have no problem with Black people immigrating to the US, so long as they have the "correct" values.
  • Unusually for a conservative, Shapiro has advocated making JuneteenthWikipedia a national holiday[218] and admits that the Confederate States of America were fighting in favor of slavery.[219]
  • Shapiro has blasted Trump's false claims that he won the 2020 election as "deeply irresponsible"[220] and condemned the 2021 U.S. Capitol riot while also acknowledging the role of Trump's misinformation in it, something many conservatives have been unwilling to do.[221]

More nuttiness[edit]

"You either die Shapiro, or you live long enough to see yourself become Alex Jones"[edit]

See the main article on this topic: Alex Jones

Shapiro now openly hawks sawdust and caffeine-based brain pills to his fans.[16][222][223] For someone who claims to not like Infowars, Shapiro sure does love stealing their marketing strategies. In addition, Shapiro has also started selling doomsday prepper food.[224][note 20]

New evidence suggests that Shapiro may have been paid by Paul Manafort to push propaganda.[225][226][227][228]

"Everything I Don't Like is Why Trump Won"[edit]

As you have probably seen frequently, Shapiro hates former President Barack Obama so much that it looks like Shapiro is Obama's biggest fan. In early September 2018, Obama gave a speech saying that America is good and should support liberty and stand up against fascism.[229] Shapiro criticized him by claiming that "Obama lecturing us is LITERALLY how you got Trump", whom Shapiro supports but will oppose when it's convenient.[230][231] This, of course, makes perfect sense since it is perfectly rational to think, "I'm so sick of being told what to do by a constitutional law professor, I'm voting for the racist, sexist, bigoted, game show host who cheats his vendors and founded his own scam university."Do You Believe That? Jane Coaston pointed out that the real reason Trump won was that many people didn't vote in three battleground states and the Democratic Party ran a lousy candidate.[232][note 21] Shapiro then responded by claiming that it was why Hillary lost but not why Trump was the nominee in the first place.[233] Shapiro never explained how exactly Obama made the GOP primary voters nominate Trump over the supposedly more reasonable 11 other options in the primary. That's because he doesn't have an answer, and blaming Obama for Trump is just a way to remove responsibility from the GOP voters.

The Ben Shapiro "Election Special"[edit]

During his "election special" show on Fox News, Shapiro mocked Bernie Sanders' voice (in an impression that sounded awkwardly like Arnold Schwarzenegger), criticized Nike's social justice campaign with Colin Kaepernick in light of the brand allegedly running sweatshops, and made several racist jokes.[234] It is highly doubtful that there will be a second episode.[235]

True Allegiance[edit]

In 2017, Shapiro tried his hand in writing a "thriller" book, True Allegiance. The book takes place in an alternate universe where Iraq really had those WMDs and is giving them to Iran for some reason despite the recent history of conflict between the two countries. Side plots include a really racist depiction of black characters who are portrayed as purposefully getting eleven year old kids killed just to rile the nation against police brutality and a right-wing terrorist who is portrayed heroically, despite the whole plot of the book being fighting against Muslim terrorists but apparently it's okay when white conservatives do it.[236] If you want to see an in-depth look at this book's many, many problems, here are reviews by Adam Something, James Tullos, and Jose.

Ayn Rand 2.0[edit]

What Shapiro is hiding from you #NWO
See the main article on this topic: Ayn Rand
Meet our new Ayn Rand: Ben Shapiro's hamfisted propaganda fiction is even worse than you guessed
—Salon headline[9]

Shapiro is also known for having a suspicious and worrying resemblance to the late great Ayn Rand. According to Shapiro, the idea that America should have a minimum wage is "totalitarian" and comparable to gunpoint robbery.[237]

On January 30, 2021, Shapiro posted a YouTube video claiming that all good movies follow right-wing values no matter how left-wing their themes because a hero simply having virtue and fighting against evil is inherently right-wing.[238] Not too long in the past, Ben Shapiro went against his own principle. When Chris Evans came at Shapiro for his homophobic comments, Shapiro replied:

I don't dislike @chrisevans. We can disagree on politics, agree that The Fantastic Four is a terrible movie, and still like each other.[239]

Shapiro handwaves away his own homophobia then acts like a child and antagonizes Evans via dislike of The Fantastic Four movie. Apparently, fighting against evil is, in this case, not right-wing. He wasn't done; he then de facto called Evans a bad actor. What was his reason? He concluded that MCU Captain America wasn't "nationalistic" and "America-loving" enough compared to the comic version.[240] Fighting evil is right-wing, until Shapiro doesn't like you, in which case your character then becomes more leftist propaganda. *clap clap*.

Speaking of "heroism", not even he can write that well. With his fan fiction True Allegiance, Shapiro took the easy path by inserting the thinnest 'characters' ever, both literally and in character development (the protagonists are attractive because they're good) into what he perceives as real life. In his book, black characters are primarily caricatures (one subplot involves a cop shooting an unarmed black minor, later revealed to be entirely a setup by a local drug kingpin). He gives weirdly-sexual descriptions of the men in his book, hangs salaciously on how taut and sexy the heroes are, and makes himself sound gay despite being anti-LGBT.


Of course, Shapiro completes his Ayn Rand transformation by stepping on the face of others, for profit's sake and profit's sake only. On August 16, 2019, The Daily Wire introduced a new piece of merchandise on Amazon depicting a dumpster fire with the Democratic Party logo attached to the lid.[241] It turned out the design was almost entirely plagiarized from a pop artist who was already selling merchandise featuring the same dumpster fire, only without the Democratic logo.[242] Eventually, the product listing was removed by Amazon,[note 22][243] and the tweet advertising the product was deleted.[244]

Nuking hurricanes[edit]

In August 2019, Shapiro unironically weighed in on President Trump's suggestion that the US military should drop a nuclear bomb on Hurricane Genevieve with this bizarre rant:

You’re talking about this dumb story that President Trump wanted to nuke hurricanes, which by the way, I don’t even care whether it does anything. It just sounds cool. I mean, what if there are sharks in the hurricanes? What if it’s a sharknado? What then guys? Have you thought about that? Just the idea. Anytime you’re talking about nuking a random thing that’s not really going to hurt anybody, I’ll admit the 13-year-old boy in me is kind of for it.
—He then goes on to complain about CNN treating it like the most powerful man in the world thinking this is deeply alarming. [245]

Evidently, the master of facts and logic is unaware of nuclear fallout and has no concept of either nuclear physics or the fact that citing your inner thirteen-year-old makes you sound stupid.

When Hillary Clinton responded to this with "We should not nuke hurricanes", Shapiro tweeted that this was why she wasn't President.[246]

Rap music is not music[edit]

Fact: rap isn't music. And if you think it is, you're stupid.
—Ben Shapiro, professional opinion-haver[247]

Ironically, Ben would later go on to partner with conservative rapper Tom McDonald to create a rap song.

Misunderstanding of the law[edit]

After the 2021 Democratic primary for NYC mayor, during which the candidates were asked what they would ban if they were elected, Shapiro tweeted that none of the candidates had said they would ban crime.[248] Crime is, by definition, already illegal.

"Wet-ass p-word"[edit]

Ben Shapiro has a problem specifically with the Cardi B song known as "WAP" ("wet-ass pussy"). In August of 2020 he recorded a video in which he awkwardly recited the lyrics, censoring "wet-ass pussy" as "wet-ass p-word". Then, he used the songs existence as proof that feminism was bad for women and was degrading.

Perhaps the funniest part, however, is when he publicly stated that he had shown it to his "wife, who is a doctor™" to try to figure out what medical condition was causing them to become so wet, essentially, accidentally admitting that he can't get his wife wet in an attempt to own the libs.[249][250][251]

See also[edit]

Icon fun.svg For those of you in the mood, RationalWiki has a fun article about Ben Shapiro.

External links[edit]


  1. In response to Shapiro, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez responded:

    I don't owe a response to unsolicited requests from men with bad intentions… And also like catcalling, for some reason they feel entitled to one.[10]

  2. Pun not unintended.
  3. A book which got him mocked for claiming that Sesame Street had a liberal bias[34] and which several of the people he interviewed for the book claimed he lied to them about the nature of the work they were contributing towards.[35]
  4. Shapiro has defended this tweet from accusations of racism by attempting to argue nothing in the Tweet specifically doesn't mention race.[39] However, the reference to stereotypical assumptions about black people, such as them being on welfare and having saggy pants, means Shapiro should have at least understood what he said could be seen as racist rather easily.
  5. Shapiro has defended his by saying "it isn't racist to say that Colin Powell was an 'affirmative action general.' It's a fact"[42] and linking to a Slate article talking about Powell's history as a beneficiary of affirmative action.[43] However, that does not change the fact that he clearly intended this to be an insult against Powell, not some kind of neutral statement regarding his motivations. Furthermore, this does not explain his use of this insult against President Obama, who became President because he won more Electoral Votes than the people he was running against, not because of an Affirmative Action program.
  6. Shapiro has also defended Zimmerman's killing of Treyvon Martin, once tweeting that "Trayvon Martin would have turned 21 today if he hadn't taken a man's head and beaten it on the pavement before being shot."[54] Of course, Martin would also still be alive if a paranoid man determined him a threat for walking home late at night with ice tea and skittles and decided to confront him,[55] but that is neither here nor there.
  7. Specifically, he said in response to Lemon "And we all know he would never have said this had the reverse verdict been reached."[74] Although this statement is probably not incorrect (we can't know for sure unless we have the ability to go to another dimension where the verdict was different) this doesn't mean anything. If Lemon though Chauvin was guilty, then obviously he's going to view a guilty verdict as justice being served and a not guilty verdict as justice not being served.
  8. Invented outside Europe by cultures such as Sumer, Egypt, Phoenicia, China, and Mesoamerica. So, as usual, he's full of shit.
  9. Like that's something to be proud of.
  10. While not technically voting rights, several tribes such as the Lenape, Hopi, Iroquois, Chickasaw did have matrilineal lines so women enjoyed some degree of power and respect compared to the typically patrilineal societies in "Europe". Chickasaw women could own property and actually owned most of the property.
  11. Nathan Robinson, writing in Current Affiars, mocked this logic by comparing it to going "Wow, Haitians must really love dying in earthquakes, since a lot of them seem to have done it.”[81] This is another one Shapiro defended, by the way.[39] Specifically, he noted that he later tweeted things like "There are many, many Christian and Muslim Arabs who are wonderful people. Just not the ones who oppose Israel in Israel/Arab conflict"[82] and "Not all Arabs like open sewage and blowing things up. Just Pals and their allies."[83] However, that still does not remove the racism from what he originally said, it just raises the question as to why he conflated "Arabs" with "Palestinians" if that was really what he meant to refer to. Furthermore, is Ben under the impression your status on the Israel-Palestine conflict is important to if you "live in open sewage" or not? This is just a weird thing to say.
  12. We wonder who?
  13. Funnily enough, this view of Obama as "hateful" is a total contradiction of what he said during the 2012 Presidential Election, where he claimed that Obama had cynically endorsed same-sex marriage because he "had been having trouble enthusing gay members of his support base about his candidacy."[134] Of course, those who followed the administration believe that it was then-Vice President Joe Biden endorsing gay marriage which caused Obama to break his silence and declare his support,[135] but expecting Shapiro to understand reality is obviously a tad much. Also, this article sees Shapiro saying that Obama was running for re-election on the basis of dividing America, which is just hilarious in hindsight given Mitt Romney, who Shapiro was supporting during the 2012 Presidential Election, infamous divided the country into the groups of "forty-seven percent" and "fifty-three percent" while saying said forty-seven percent would never vote for him.[136]
  14. It might come as a bit of a surprise to many, but the US actually has the highest de jure gestational limit on abortion in the Western world. De facto, however, some states have made the requirements for getting an abortion so onerous that women have to travel dozens if not hundreds of miles to actually get an abortion.
  15. In essence:

    Student: I don't like how clothing manufacturers exploit poor workers living in third world countries to make their cheap products which they brand and earn huge profits from that does not go to the workers.
    Ben: but you wear clothes tho.
    Headline: Overconfident delusional college snowflake CONFRONTS Ben Shapiro, Ben then DESTROYS, SILENCES, CRUSHES, ANNIHILATES, RIPS ultra-evil LIBERAL ATHEIST SOCIALIST LEFTIST snowflake kid to SHREDS using FACTS and LOGIC. Kid INSTANTLY regrets it. Q&A #6 (Compilation)
  16. It should also be noted that Shapiro based this primarily off of the words of Rahm Emanuel, even though the claim Emanuel had never actually said what Shapiro quoted.[181]
  17. Neil even later founded a network that many called a British version of Fox News.[183]
  18. 42% of Jews, compared to 26% of Christians, 22% of Protestants, 15% of Evangelicals, 28% of Mainline, 33% of Christians of historically black churches, and 34% of Catholics.
  19. Now if only he'd take his own advice...
    "FEMA is NOT a first responder. That's what the agency's top administrator says to the media often. Fact is, YOU are the first responder. This must be your wake-up call to prepare to be more self-reliant. Build a food storage plan for hurricanes, earthquakes, long-term power outages, and more." ~Ben Shapiro
  21. Maybe running a warmonger wasn't such a great call by the Democratic party...
  22. A stopped clock moment for the corporation.


  1. Wilson, "Ben Shapiro's Homophobia", Daily Kos (4/2913 9:42 AM PST).
  2. "Shapiro is worth paying attention to bc he's the most influential young conservative in the country and it's good to know how much bigotry and dishonesty is acceptable among even the ones who don't like Trump" by @_Almaqah, 7/18/2018
  3. Jessica Lee (April 20, 2022). "Herman Cain, Ben Shapiro: Is This an Authentic Image from Newsmax Broadcast?". Snopes.
  4. Ben Shapiro's book is bad. Let's discuss. - James Tullos.YouTube
  5. Brainwashed! A Look Inside the Vast Left-Wing Campus Conspiracy
  6. ‘Propaganda’ is hard to prove
  7. Chapo Trap House - True Allegiance Compilation
  8. 2 Cities, 1 Cup | Chapo Trap House | Episode 306 FULL
  9. 9.0 9.1 Meet our new Ayn Rand: Ben Shapiro's hamfisted propaganda fiction is even worse than you guessed
  10. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Likens $10,000 Debate Offer by Conservative Columnist to Catcalling, New York Times Ben Shapiro Wasn’t Cat Calling Ocasio-Cortez — He Was Peacocking, Forward
  11. We've linked to this Ben Shapiro column before but worth reading if you want to understand how diseased his mind is. Richard Spencer could've written this (screenshots and link to the article in question) (6:59 AM · Jul 19, 2018) by @_Almaqah via Twitter
  12. Asshole Moving to Town. NashvilleScene
  13. The Harm of Pseudo-Intellectuals. Shelby Fielding
  14. The Anti-Intellectualism of Ben Shapiro. John-Pierre Maeli
  15. Ben Shapiro Is Scared Of Real Debate Because Deep Down He Knows He's Full Of Shit - Current Affairs. YouTube
  16. 16.0 16.1 The guy who is regularly touted as a "leading intellectual" figure on the right also openly hawks sawdust and caffeine based brain pills. If you're a conservative or "classical liberal" it means there is no friction when your brain glides over this fact like a maglev train - @willmenaker on Twitter
  17. The specimen sample from Twitter
  18. Watch Ben Shapiro Destroy Ben Shapiro in One Simple Sentence, GQ
  19. Ben Shapiro’s Bad Faith Stance on Climate Change, Medium
  20. (Poetry) Climate Change Facts don't care about your Climate Denial Feelings on Reddit
  21. The Conservative Bullsh*t Artist's Guide To Denying Climate Change, The Daily Banter
  22. Climate Change Is Central to California’s Wildfires, Scientific American

    As the toll from California’s wildfires grows higher year after year, the state’s future appears fiery and hazy with smoke. For conservative columnists like Ben Shapiro, Niall Ferguson and Tyler O’Neil, it’s clear who is responsible: California Democrats. In recent opinion pieces, they acknowledge that climate change might play a role in these fires, but they blame Democratic leadership for exacerbating fuel buildups through poor land management. As proof, they reference a study from early this year in Nature Sustainability.
    We wrote that study. These columnists are wrong.
    Their opinion pieces represent a dangerous form of climate denialism, one that recognizes the value of climate adaptation—adapting to life under a changing climate—but purposefully misdirects by refusing to acknowledge the critical importance of limiting the amount of future climate change.

  23. GENESIS V. DARWIN: Shapiro sets the record straight about the creation of man. Young America's Foundation (ugh) on Facebook
  24. Genius on Twitter: Evolution is fully compatible with Biblical religion. This is nothing new. Now, can we deal with some real world problems?
  25. Ben Shapiro Talks Evolution and Intelligent Design, Endorses Stephen Meyer's Signature In The Cell. (from a creationist fundie youtube channel)
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 Ben Shapiro: US commentator clashes with BBC's Andrew Neil - BBC News, YouTube
  27. Even to this day, Ben likes to whine that men aren't being represented in Joe Biden's new team, when they've already had way more prominence in such over 200 years.
  28., A former Breitbart editor on what Trump's victory means for the alt-right., November 15, 2016.
  29. True Allegiance
  30. How to Debate Leftists and Destroy Them
  31. The Many Faces of Ben Shapiro
  32. Ben Shapiro, a Provocative ‘Gladiator,’ Battles to Win Young Conservatives
  33. User Clip: Ben Shapiro recommends that conservatives lie about their backgrounds to gain power.
  34. Sesame Street Spreads Secret Political Messages, Insiders Admit
  35. TV tome: Left has heft
  36. Primetime Propaganda: The True Hollywood Story of How the Left Took Over Your TV by Ben Shapiro
  37. “Let Me Make You Famous”: How Hollywood Invented Ben Shapiro
  38. Ben Shapiro - Long road around saying the N-word
  39. 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 So, Here’s A Giant List Of All The Dumb Stuff I’ve Ever Done (Don’t Worry, I’ll Keep Updating It), The Daily Wire
  40. Twitter[a w]
  41. Twitter[a w]
  42. ".@c_w_morrison No, it isn't racist to say that Colin Powell was an 'affirmative action general.' It's a fact." from @benshapiro, 10/25/2012
  43. Quotas and Colin Powell
  44. Obama's Race War
  45. ben shapiro show ep 500 20:15-21:38
  46. Are men more violent than women?
  47. U.S. Presidents Tier Ranking!
  48. Media Pay Homage to Trayvon Martin on 21st Birthday. Here’s the Real Story.
  49. Guess Who’s Back? George Zimmerman, Getting Kicked Out of a Bar for Using the N-Word
  50. George Zimmerman just committed a blatant racist sex crime on Twitter
  51. George Zimmerman's Horrific Twitter Is Gone, And It Won't Be Missed
  52. George Zimmerman's sick Twitter rant: Killer shares photos boasting about his freedom with vulgar racist rant at Obama just hours after posting image of Trayvon's dead body
  53. [1]
  54. Trayvon Martin would have turned 21 today if he hadn't taken a man's head and beaten it on the pavement before being shot. from @benshapiro, 2/5/2016
  55. The Killing of Trayvon Martin
  56. The Worst Ruling Since Dred Scott
  57. Louisville Burns After Officers Aren't Charged In Death Of Breonna Taylor; Shapiro Responds
  58. Best of Ben Shapiro #4 (skip to 3:59 for the relevant clip)
  59. Staten Island Man Died From Chokehold During Arrest, Autopsy Finds
  60. Expert says chokehold caused NYC man’s death
  61. New Footage The Media Won't Show You from The Ma'Khia Bryant Shooting
  62. In several fateful seconds, the video appears to show 13-year-old Adam Toledo toss gun, turn with empty hands raised in the air before Chicago cop fires fatal shot
  63. DEVASTATING EVIDENCE The Media Won't Show You In George Floyd Case
  64. Derek Chauvin Trial: Shapiro Breaks Down The Latest Developments
  65. Ex-sergeant: Officers "could have ended their restraint" of George Floyd sooner
  66. Senior officer says Chauvin used "totally unnecessary" force on George Floyd
  67. Derek Chauvin "absolutely" violated policy, Minneapolis police chief says
  68. Former training officer on Chauvin neck restraint: "That's not what we train"
  69. Minneapolis police sergeant testifies that officers often have time to "slow things down"
  70. Minneapolis police trainer testifies that Chauvin used unauthorized neck restraint on Floyd
  71. Chauvin had no need for force after Floyd was handcuffed and prone, expert testifies
  72. Chauvin Trial: Expert Says Use Of Force In George Floyd Arrest Was Not Reasonable
  73. Twitter Celebrates George Floyd, Roasts Ben Shapiro Over Chauvin Tweet
  74. "And we all know he would never have said this had the reverse verdict been reached" from @benshapiro, 4/20/2021
  75. Ben Shapiro on Facebook
  76. Ben Shapiro apologizes for Columbus Day video slammed as racist
  77. Check out Daily Wire’s cute, boundlessly racist Columbus Day cartoon and scream silently. Salon. October 10, 2017.
  78. Archived tweet: video in the original tweet.
  79. Ben Shapiro, conservative columnist, apologizes for offensive ‘Columbus Day’ video. Washington Times. October 10, 2017.
  80. BEN SHAPIRO IS A CUCK. James Allsup. October 10, 2017.
  82. "There are many, many Christian and Muslim Arabs who are wonderful people. Just not the ones who oppose Israel in Israel/Arab conflict. from @benshapiro, 9/27/2010
  83. [ ""@mattduss Apologies! You are correct re: slur about Arabs. Not all Arabs like open sewage and blowing things up. Just Pals and their allies"] by @benshapiro, 9/27/2010
  84. Twitter[a w]
  85. Transfer is not a dirty word[a w]
  86. The forgotten story of when the Germans were the refugees
  87. What Can Israel Do?[a w]
  88. Goldberg, Jeffrey, "Prominent Hagel Detractor Endorses Fascistic Vision of Israel", The Atlantic 2.20.13.
  89. God's road map
  90. The Radical Evil Of The Palestinian Arab Population, by Ben Shapiro Creators Syndicate, June 19, 2007.
  91. Israeli settlements: Light in the darkness WND. 06/04/2008.
  92. What Is Trump's Plan For Iran - The Daily Wire (This video is fucked)
  96. I don’t care about civilian casualties – send F-16s to level Jenin - Ben Shapiro
  97. Ben Shapiro - Eli Valley on Ben Shapiro's coverage of the Christchurch shooting
  98. "Evidence presented at Alexandre Bissonnette's sentencing hearing this morning includes a list of some of the Twitter accounts he was checking in the month before he killed six men at a Quebec City mosque.
  99. Ben Shapiro: The Myth of the Tiny Radical Muslim Minority
  100. "We’re above 800 million Muslims radicalized, more than half the Muslims on Earth That’s not a minority. That’s now a majority."
  101. Biden says he's "not big on abortion" because of Catholic faith, but Roe "got it right"
  102. Monitor the mosques!
  103. Quebec City mosque shooter scoured Twitter for Trump, right-wing figures before attack
  105. Ben Shapiro uses trans woman’s proper pronoun
  106. "If you whip out your female penis next to my small daughter in a ladies' room, I don't care what you think you are." by @benshapiro, 4/18/2016
  107. "I have never once seen someone else’s penis or vagina in a restroom so I really don’t think this is an issue. Just don’t take your daughter to the men’s room and you’re probably good" by @QueenMab87, 7/15/2018
  108. "....That’s not how ladies’ rooms work, Ben. We have stalls." from @KatMurti, 4/20/2018
  109. "you should only be whipping your vagina out, when you are using the urinals in the ladies’ room next to my daughter" by @osamabishounen, 7/13/2018
  110. Twitter[a w]
  114. The Ben Shapiro Show Ep. 292 - Should We Train Three-Year-Olds To Be Boys And Girls?
  115. What’s in a (gender) pronoun? A response to Ben Shapiro
  116. 3 Facts About Transgenderism The Media Ignored To Push The Caitlyn Jenner Hero Story
  117. Ben Shapiro “destroys” teenager by misrepresenting study at 3:42
  118. The study Shapiro was probably referencing
  119. Fact check of bens trans video
  120. 120.0 120.1 The moment this transgender debate got heated
  121. "Inside Edition's Zoe Tur Threatens To Send Breitbart's Ben Shapiro "Home In An Ambulance" Over Jenner Debate", RealClearPolitics 7.17.15.
  122. Warning: Source
  123. Screenshot of Battery filing
  124. Zoey Tur Triples Down on Threats
  125. Ben Shapiro says local communities should be able to ban “men wearing traditional female clothing in public”
  126. ".@Nero keeps ripping on my height (5'9"), but I'm not sure how he knows how tall I am, considering he spends all his time on his knees. by @benshapiro, 1/13/2016
  127. "If a member of my family were to intermarry with a non-Jewish person, I wouldn't attend that wedding" - Mr Anti-identity politics - IDW "intellectual" Ben Shapiro, Reddit
  128. Dave Rubin Wasn't Ready For How Anti-Gay Ben Shapiro Is. *wheeze*
  129. Everybody’s Dragging Ben Shapiro for Homophobic Tirade About ‘Happiest Season’
  130. Liberals Take Over Your Brain
  131. As a religious Jew, I think homosexual activity is a sin. As a leftist, you don't have to care. Get over it — Shapiro, architect of Twitter neutrality
  132. Militant gay English on the rise (the full article is even more bizarre)
  133. Twitter post 27 Jun 2015.
  134. Obama Campaign Tears America Apart
  135. W.H.: Biden forced Obama’s hand
  136. SECRET VIDEO: Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters
  137. Bullies: How the Left's Culture of Fear and Intimidation Is Silencing America, p. 192.
  141. Ben Shapiro Threatens Beto O'Rourke with Gun Over LGBTQ+ Policy
  142. Lawyer says Indiana synagogue vandal was radicalized by conservatives
  143. Ben Shapiro RIPS pro-choice student at Berkely
  144. Ben Shapiro Obliterates Every Pro-Abortion Argument
  145. Shapiro Breaks Down MAJOR WIN Against Abortion
  146. Shapiro Reveals The 3 Keys To Escaping Generational Poverty
  147. Comprehensive Sexuality Education, American College of Gynacologists Nov 2016
  148. Relationship Between Use of Videogames and Sexual Health in Adult Males, NIH
  149. Why Kids Drop out of High School and How to Prevent It, Learning Liftoff
  150. 150.0 150.1 Facts Don't Care About Your Feelings
  151. Following the success sequence? Success is more likely if you’re white.
  152. The mystery of high unemployment rates for black Americans
  153. Race, Criminal Background, and Employment
  154. PDF of How to Debate Leftists and Destroy Them: 11 Rules for Winning the Argument
  155. Kehe, Marjorie. "Brainwashing on campus?" Christian Science Monitor: May 24, 2004.
  156. "Thom Hartmann: Is Sesame Street subverting children with a liberal bias?", The Big Picture 6.8.11. (Is Dora the Explorer promoting white genocide?)
  157. Tannenbaum, A. (March 15,2017). Ben Shapiro on Climate Change: Fact versus Fiction Redlands Bulldog.
  158. Shapiro, B. (October 9, 2018). Retrieved June 4, 2019.
  159. Shapiro, ", Creators. Fresh air. The scent of...pine.
  160. Shapiro, B. (October 9, 2018). Twitter.Retrieved June 4, 2019.
  161. Shapiro, B. (October 9, 2018). Twitter. Retrieved June 4, 2019.
  162. Ben Shapiro Educates a Student on Climate Change
  163. No, Global Warming Isn’t The End Of The World. Here’s Why.
  164. Shapiro, "Secret Hagel Donor?: White House Spox Ducks Question on 'Friends of Hamas'", Breitbart 2.7.13.
  165. 'Friends Of Hamas': How A Joke Went Wrong
  166. Shapiro, "About the Birth Certificate", Frontpage Mag 4.21.11
  167. Just remember, mosquitoes don't grow an immunity to overused pesticides
  168. Menachem, Seth, "Ben Shapiro’s culture of fear mongering", Jewish Journal (7/915 at 3:43 pm).
  169. Twitter[a w]
  170. Ben Shapiro at March for Life: "The truth is no pro-life person would kill baby Hitler. Baby Hitler was a baby." - @JordanUHL on Twitter Archive
  171. Stray Thoughts: Ben Shapiro, Bad Arguments In The Atlantic - Current Affairs
  172. 10 Bullying Debate Techniques From Ben Shapiro
  173. TruthRevolt on CSPAN
  174. The Daily Wire on Facebook
  175. Bullies: How the Left's Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences Americans
  176. Twitter[a w]
  177. Patton Oswalt gloriously smacks down Ben Shapiro’s absurd cries of anti-semitism
  178. 178.0 178.1 The PETA Nazis[a w]
  179. Obama's Philosophically Fascist State of the Union Address
  180. Barack Obama Proves His Anti-Semitism
  181. What Rahm Emanuel Really Said at AIPAC
  182. Watson, "Shattered Shapiro: Author of flimsy exposé in league with Blair, Glass", Daily Bruin (5/11/04 9:00 pm)
  183. GB News was biggest mistake of my career, says Andrew Neil
  184. Twitter post 8 Nov 2011.
  185. 185.0 185.1 U.S. Jews are more likely than Christians to say Trump favors the Israelis too much Pew Research Center. MAY 6, 2019.
  186. Twitter post 6 May 2019.
  187. Jews in Name Only
  188. The meltdown of Ben Shapiro. What's in the Breitbart kid's 'closet'?
  189. No, It Doesn’t Matter That Bernie Sanders Is Ethnically Jewish. He’s a Jew In Name Only.
  190. Twitter post 30 Oct 2015.
  191. Twitter 5 Mar 2012.
  192. An Open Letter to American Jews TownHall. Apr 28, 2010.
  193. Twitter post 27 Sep 2010.
  194. Reform Judaism Adopts Far-Ranging Transgenderism Resolution, Because They’re Not Jewish[a w]
  195. [2] 12 March, 2014.
  196. Ben Shapiro: Reform Judaism does not see Jewish identity as important[a w]
  197. Needham, Lisa, "Rush Limbaugh and Ben Shapiro Catch Bieber Fever", Wonkette (1/24/14, 1:30pm). Shapiro: "He’s driving drunk with, what, marijuana, cocaine or some such thing. I mean, it’s all over the news, Justin Bieber...Did Justin Bieber commit fraud to seize one-sixth of the US economy? Has the guy taken over the health care industry?
  198. Hurst, Evan, "Verified Jew Person Sarah Silverman Is Biggest Hitler Since Barack Obama", Wonkette (7/31/15, 2:14pm). Hurst: "Okay, let’s follow the bouncing syphilis logic, if we can. Taking tissue from first trimester fetuses, which are about the size of your choice of delicious legumes, is the same as using Jew brains for science, because Hitler didn’t ask the Jews’ permission to do that...therefore Sarah Silverman is the real Hitler.
  199. Tesfaye, Sophia, "Patton Oswalt gloriously smacks down Ben Shapiro’s absurd cries of anti-semitism", Salon (12/1615 11:58 PM UTC).
  200. Shapiro, "Why Do Jews Vote Leftist?", Truth Revolt. Shapiro: "The answer is simple: the vast majority of Jews don’t care about Judaism or Israel. They care about secular leftism, which is their religion." What a hypocritical little swine.
  201. Luciano, Michael, "Discredited Wingnut Ben Shapiro Slams CNN On CNN For Being Too Pro-Hamas", Daily Banter 8.5.14.
  202. Rowels, Dustin, "Lena Dunham Might Sue The Conservative Website That Called Her A Child Molester ", Uproxx 11.5.04.
  203. Schoenkopf, Rebecca, "Ben Shapiro Maximizes Efficiency By Greeting Newborn Daughter, Sneering At President In Just One Tweet", Wonkette (1/29/14, 11:31am).
  204. Politico Michelle Fields, Ben Shapiro resign from Breitbart
  205. Explaining Ben Shapiro’s Messy, Ethnic-Slur-Laden Breakup With Breitbart
  206. The Blaze Breitbart Posts, Then Deletes This Strange Response to High-Profile Resignations of Ben Shapiro, Michelle Fields
  207. "Ben Shapiro Betrays Loyal Breitbart Readers in Pursuit of Fox News Contributorship". Notice the original title Ben Shapiro Betrays Blah Blah Blah remains, despite the page now reading, "Statement from Breitbart News Editor-at-Large and In-House Counsel Joel B. Pollak", along with the incongruous URL.
  208. Ex-Breitbart Editor Ben Shapiro Calls Site a ‘Feces Tornado’ Over ‘Renegade Jew’ Headline. MEDIAITE
  209. Rush Limbaugh: Still has the biggest sponsor on his side, LA Times
  210. Bill Maher & The Ben Shapiro Show Sunday Special Ep. 124 youtube, 18:58
  211. Trump Steaks
  212. @benshapiro. "A good way not to accidentally dine with a vile racist and anti-Semite you don't know is not to dine with a vile racist and anti-Semite you do know." Twitter, 27 Nov 2022, 8:56 a.m., Archived in
  213. War on drugs has failed, of course. But it's wild to claim we should stop stigmatizing drug addiction. Twitter
  214. Ben Shapiro Speaking at Stanford University
  215. Ben Shapiro Gets Interrupted During His Speech at Stanford – Just as He’s Blasting Nazis
  216. Alt-Right Trolls Try To Trap Ben Shapiro; Fail Miserably
  217. YouTube video
  218. Twitter post
  219. Shapiro Reacts to Removal of Robert E. Lee Statue Daily Wire, 10 September 2021
  220. Bipartisan lawmakers condemn Trump for declaring victory prematurely
  221. Outrage As A Business Model: How Ben Shapiro Is Using Facebook To Build An Empire
  222. So the Ben Shapiro supplement is basically just three forms of caffeine, a "traditional medicine" weight loss supplement, and the unproven nootropic huperzine A (picture of the sham’s supplement facts, continues in the thread) by @ZJemptv (1:07 AM · Aug 21, 2018) via Twitter
  223. No, right-wing media is not just an elaborate grift for selling books and snake-oil medicine supplements. Why would you ever say that? (a lot of images of sham supplements sold by right-wing websites) (cont.) No, no, no, you've got it all wrong! Right-wing media is all about the exchange of ideas; not manipulating a fearful audience into buying sham products they don't need. (even more pictures of supplements, and right-wing personalities advertising them) (cont.) by @AndrewKirell (12:24 AM · Aug 21, 2018) via Twitter
  224. In addition to hawking sham supplements, Ben Shapiro is also selling doomsday prepper food lolol (picture of advertisement, reading as follows in the next reference/note). Via Twitter
  225. Paul Manafort got Ben Shapiro to push his pro-Russia propaganda. THINKPROGRESS
  226. Speed Read: ‘Obama Jews’ and Other Shocking Highlights From New Manafort Docs
  227. More Evidence Shows Ben Shapiro Is Paid To Push Propaganda, The Rational National on YouTube
  228. Ben Shapiro Is Named In The Mueller Probe With Paul Manafort, The Progressive Voice on YouTube
  229. Former President Obama unleashes on Trump, GOP - Full speech from Illinois, CNN on YouTube
  230. Obama lecturing us is LITERALLY how you got Trump. - Ben "Encylopedia" Shapiro
  231. In Big!
  232. Coaston on Twitter Archive
  233. No, that's why Hillary lost. It's not why Trump was the nominee in the first place. - Ben "Dodge the Point" Shapiro. Archive
  234. @benshapiro premiered his election special show on Fox News last weekend. During the show, Shapiro defended Kavanaugh’s rape(s), praised Nike’s sweatshops and joked about racism. It was a complete trainwreck. - Nathan Bernard on Twitter. Archive
  235. @benshapiro 's Fox News premiere flies off rails, second episode highly unlikely - Nathan Bernard on Twitter (with a follow-up link)
  236. The Terrible Truth of Shapiro’s True Allegiance, Dean Taylor, Owlcation 27 January 2019
  237. Ben Shapiro: The Left Is 'Totalitarian' For Wanting A Minimum Wage, Youtube
  238. Popular Hollywood Movies That Are Accidentally Conservative, Youtube
  239. We humbly apologise for re-directing you to Ben's Twitter again.
  240. Yes, it's the Daily Wire's Youtube. Don't watch it for long.
  241. Twitter post Aug 16, 2019. Screenshot archived on the Wayback Machine.
  242. Twitter post Aug 16, 2019.
  243. Twitter post Aug 17, 2019.
  244. It's gone.
  245. [3]
  246. Twitter post
  248. ‘We should make crimes against the law’: Ben Shapiro mocked for moaning no NYC Democrats pledged to ban crime
  250. [4] Archive
  252. What Is Intersectionality? - PragerU
  253. Hollywood Wants Your Money...and Your Mind. - PragerU, featuring the WOKE Ben Shapiro
  254. Dennis Prager | The Ben Shapiro Show Sunday Special Ep. 10 - The Daily Wire, YouTube
  255. Should we prosecute sedition? - Townhall
  256. Why war in Iraq is right for America - Townhall... wait, what the fuck did you just say Ben????