This page is dead, but is being retained as an archive. Please do not edit it! This page has either outlived its usefulness, or, through neglect and/or indifference, become unused. If you wish to reinvigorate it, bring it up on the talk page.
What is going on?
Add your observations on what is happening at A Storehouse of Knowledge here.
Same rules as WIGO CP. New items at the top, archive when it gets big.
Always be wary of Poe's Law - if something seems too outrageous to be true, it often is. If you see an entry that you think is questionable add {{poe}} to it.
What is going on?[edit]
April 2012[edit]
   | 10 | Awc leaves out of boredom, saying Philip "does not engage with the evidence." Philip disagrees and moans about "worldview glasses." |
March 2012[edit]
   | 9 | PJR: "Atheism will kill science eventually, because atheism says that it's all just an accident. An accident provides no meaning to discover." |
December 2011[edit]
   | 4 | PJR vs Australian Academy of Science policy [1] |
August 2011[edit]
May 2011[edit]
April 2011[edit]
February 2011[edit]
January 2011[edit]
   | 4 | Long-time friend of the site Ace McWicked gets fed up, blocks Philip with a comment that alas, we shall never know, and is duly banned for a year . |