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Debate.png This is a Debate page.
Feel free to add your own spin on the story. Please keep it civil!
Information icon.svg This debate was created by GR.


Since there seems to be a demand for discussion on this topic (rather than filling up the coop page). The questions at hand seem to be:

  1. Is transmedicalism transphobic?
  2. Should we label transmedicalism transphobic?
  3. Should we ban people for voicing transmedicalist views rather than debating them?
  4. Why do some trans people and non-binary people choose to not transition?
  5. Does it matter that they don't want to transition (as in, shouldn't we adopt a socially libertarian view that, as long as it doesn't hurt someone else, we should accept people as they are or want to be)?
  6. Are the concerns of cisgender women valid about not wanting to share spaces with transgender women?

(feel free to edit this and add further questions to discuss)

Pinging the involved parties to discuss it:

Godless Raven SDAPOe logo.svg talkstalkwalkbalk 🌹 Flag of Europe.svg 22:05, 17 July 2020 (UTC)