RationalWiki:What is going on in the clogosphere?/May 2012

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May 2012[edit]


Birther posts a YouTube video, claiming Obama should be publicly beheaded for treason. Then wonders why the Secret Service pay him a visit.


Suddenly WND think carbon footprints are a bad thing to leave behind. Why? Because Obama.


We want to be the first people on Mars. Our crew: a washed-up entrepreneur, physicist, graphics designer and marketing agent! And we have a Nobel Prize winner to announce us! Our funding: $0.


The Animal Planet channel makes a viral video of two boys finding a computer generated mermaid washed up on the beach to promote a "what if" documentary on mermaids - yet the YouTube comments seem to suggest some people think it's real, while the Huffington Post (and its comments) can't figure out whether to be sucked in or just play along with the joke... Update: The lulz continues - try to enter the website from the end of the video. Conspiracy! Conspiracy!


Man skydives through a chemtrail and lives!


Westboro Baptist Church is caught using Photoshop to fake a protest of Whitney Houston's funeral. (Isn't lying a sin?)


Astroturf tax protesting and bad evolutionary psychology hit head on, as the TaxdodgerPayer's Alliance suggest that those who oppose tax cuts suffer from sexual jealousy.Original tl;dr can be found here


*Blank stare* American fundamentalists are dumber than possible. I... what? I mean... what?


SPLC name their "30 New Activists Heading Up the Radical Right." Joseph Farah makes the list; he thinks this is a good thing to be one of the "30 most dangerous activists." Also on the list is David Duke, who somehow qualifies as "new" despite having been a neo-Nazi big-shot for 40 years.


Ah, the beauty of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.


Watch some chemtrails break up due to spraying vinegar!


OECD: You know, personal debt levels are reaching a dangerous 160%-la-la-la I CAN'T HEAR YOU.


Roger Schlafly laments decline in white birthrate.


Quick! Sign this petition to protect homeopathy from the "pseudo-scientific elites"!


Shorter Roger Ebert: "Allow me to dress up my blatant sexism in the form of a compliment!" More: Ebert gets fisked.


Honk! Honk! Here comes the Crazy Trailer!


(Dis)InfoWars Special: OBAMA WAS BORN IN KENYA ACCORDING TO HIS OFFICIAL BIOGRAPHER! Peer into the flawedless logic of the extraordinarily stupid amazing mind of Alex Jones!


Mark Steyn pens the foreword to Geert Wilders' new book. ($$Buy now from Regnery Press!$$)


But I thought this was supposed to be RATIONALWiki! Drink!


John Derbyshire doubles down: "White supremacy, in the sense of a society in which key decisions are made by white Europeans, is one of the better arrangements History has come up with."


Capitalism is akin to psychopathy, since free markets are predicated on immoral behavior. It is thus entirely unsurprising that when free markets were eliminated, morality increased a hundred-fold — oh, wait...


Lincoln Nebraska proposed LGBT protection ordinance: Best In Show! (5 min video, the gold starts straight away)


Have fun increasing your flow of energy with... this... erm, thing.


Obama - Apparently one of the "Left's Founding Fathers," right along with that infamous "proto-communist," Plato.


"Telling me to wear a seat-belt means I'm not truly free!"


The Australian Vaccination Network launches "The Real Australian Sceptics" blog.


"Political correctness gone mad!", cries WND, as "even the word 'blacklisted' is blacklisted." Except, as less than 10 seconds on Google would have revealed to "award-winning" journalist Drew Zahn, it isn't.


Come on, Beebs, do not consider the creator of the gaia hypothesis as having a legitimate opinion on anything.


Birther-supreme, Jerome Corsi, has a new hobby: flogging Breitbart's corpse.


Who are the real losers after Dubya's economic sanctions and a year of violence in Syria? Why, the video game developers of course!


The Heartland Institute attacks climate change with some flawless logic: global warming doesn't exist because murderers. (Update: "Oh, it was just an experiment to provoke people!" - because that makes it perfectly valid and not the stupidest thing in the world ever.)


Sodomy is responsible for "Freemasonic programming," because it "attacks the nerves at the base of the spine and causes something neurological to happen within the brain."


GOP: "OH NOES! Teh Paulbots are taking us ovah with their crowds of 4000!"


Are these the two stupidest people on the internet?


It's an election year, so look out for more what-the-fuckery from artist Jon McNaughton.


Chris Hedges: Most of the evil in the world today can be traced back to the replacement of mysticism with rationalism.