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I Hate This Entry[edit]

It is basically saying that it is okay for women to be promiscuous.--Yuppie (talk) 00:29, 7 December 2011 (UTC)

And your point is? Bad Faith (talk) 00:30, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
(EC) Alert the Media! Тytalk 00:31, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
Woman are allowed to be promiscuous. Aceace 00:32, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
Women enjoying sex! Oh no!
@Yuppie, you have some weird hang ups. Weren't you saying earlier you should only have one night stands, otherwise the she-devils will suck the money out of you? You should love sluts then. - π Moderator 00:44, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
I think sluts are awesome. Everyone likes sluts but make sure to have a shower afterwards and eat loads of garlic to ward off HIV. Aceace 00:47, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
Good advice, Ace. Although that did get me thinking, unlike vampires, sluts tend to wear crucifixes. - π Moderator 00:49, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
Garlic cures all. Aceace 00:58, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
And beetroot. Garlic and Beetroot. Aceace 00:59, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
That is a relief, I thought we had a serious problem there for a while. Once we export all that cheap Chinese garlic which is making Aussie farmer cry on tv to Africa, we will be able to kill two birds with one stone. - π Moderator 01:02, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
We could corner the African market...Ace'n'Pi's Beetroot and Garlic AID's Tonic. To Uganda! We'll take the Spruce Moose! Aceace 01:05, 7 December 2011 (UTC)

Aceace 01:07, 7 December 2011 (UTC)

Dear yuppi, I agree. look at all these men here telling women to be sluts. That's just horrific. Bad boys. bad boys. What are you going to do? Pink mowse.pngGodot Malaka 01:05, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
Have sex with them. Nutty Roux100x100 anarchy symbol.svg 01:19, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
We should take all women's licences away so they can't drive off somewhere to lose their virginity. - π Moderator 01:25, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
Good plan. I'll start rounding them up. A big sign out side the dungeon that reads "Free Shoes" should be enough to entice them. Aceace 01:29, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
I'm convinced. of course, being a woman I have no brain, so that's a no brainer! shoessssssPink mowse.pngGodot I hate sluts 01:49, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
Obligatory Scarlet A.pngpostate 20:19, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
When I added this topic, I was having a terrible day. I have always hated this entry. I decided to take out my anger on this page. Although I do abhor promiscuous women, I will keep this opinion to myself unless asked about it. I do not think that women should be legally banned from promiscuity. I apologize for typing that. I hope you can forgive me.--Yuppie (talk) 19:47, 10 December 2011 (UTC)
[pharyngula]Fuck off, you sexist asshole.[/pharyngula] Fluckedtalk to me :D 19:51, 10 December 2011 (UTC)
Concur. We really don't need people around here criticizing consensual, normal behavior. If you're going to start moralizing about behaviors that, properly executed, harm no one, you really don't belong on RationalWiki. EVDebs (talk) 00:46, 11 December 2011 (UTC)
The Non-Aggression Axiom is not exactly RationalWiki dogma. Mjollnir.svgListenerXTalkerX 01:54, 11 December 2011 (UTC)
That is my point. That is why I am apologizing. If you continue to explain to somebody the errors of the ways as if they do not see it after they have apologized, then you, sir, are the on who does not belong on RationalWiki. — Unsigned, by: Yuppie / talk / contribs --Yuppie (talk) 01:55, 11 December 2011 (UTC)
"I was having a terrible day...I decided to take out my anger on this page." Lame. No reason for you to engage in hateful discourse. " I do abhor promiscuous women, I will keep this opinion to myself." Great. You have hatred for women if their behavior doesn't meet your standard. Where exactly is the apology in this? You're a hateful misogynist who takes his shitty days out by saying mean-spirited things. That's not an apology. A real, substantial apology would entail a bit of soul-searching and an attempt to figure out why what you did was so offensive. PintOfStout Talk Good people drink good beer. 02:08, 11 December 2011 (UTC)
So you are telling me that you have never taken out your anger on somebody else. I highly doubt that. We all have done that at some point. What more do I have to do?--Yuppie (talk) 22:46, 11 December 2011 (UTC)
I don't think I've ever taken my anger out on an entire gender of people before, or at least the portion of that gender that doesn't behave according to my imaginary standards. What more do you have to do? Nothing, really. You're a hateful misogynist. Try not to verbally, physically or psychologically attack or take advantage of any women until you get a handle on the reasons for your hatred and do something to deal with it. PintOfStout Talk Good people drink good beer. 22:51, 11 December 2011 (UTC)
When I asked "What more do I have to do?", I meant "What more do I have to do in order to stop being a "hateful misogynist?""--Yuppie (talk) 23:27, 11 December 2011 (UTC)
Apply your idiotic hatred equally. If you hate women who like to have sex, you should also hate men who like to have sex. Flitzertalk to me :D 01:22, 12 December 2011 (UTC)
Everyone feel good about themselves after that bit of pillorying? Yes? Excellent. Scarlet A.pngmoral 01:55, 12 December 2011 (UTC)
Quite. Fallacy (talk) 15:32, 12 December 2011 (UTC)
Given that Yuppie put himself in the pillory and provided us with the rotton fruit to throw, I have no guilty conscience. Indeed, given how unpopular his views are around here, we treated him far more gently than many others would. Bad Faith (talk) 16:08, 12 December 2011 (UTC)
Even those noted softies, the Christians, require that one repent — with their heart, not with their mouth — before they are forgiven. Mjollnir.svgListenerXTalkerX 02:49, 11 December 2011 (UTC)

sorority pledge[edit]

Sorority pledge is less slut and more "fuck my parents, they can't stop me now". I was sorely disappointed when I ran into a sorority at San Fran zoo. From "movies" I thought they would be all thin, buxom and wearing nighties, they just looked like an normal bunch of 18-21 year old girls (I am at the age now where I think of that demographic as girls) and a fairly good cross-section of middle class US. - π Moderator 01:20, 7 December 2011 (UTC)

Do you ride a Hoveround and worry about falling and not being able to get up too? If you're not thinking about fucking 18-21 year old girls like 80% of your day you need a new dick. Nutty Roux100x100 anarchy symbol.svg 01:32, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
(EC) Then you should come here. 6:00 jogs through campus are highly entertaining as they walk back in their nighties. Plus the whole "fat markup" thing. Тytalk 01:34, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
I need a new dick. Not that there is anything wrong with my current one I just feel I could do more if I had 2 dicks. Aceace 01:37, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
"fat markup"???? PintOfStout Talk Good people drink good beer. 01:38, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
Where they strip the potential sister naked, and circle the fat she needs to lose so she can join with a sharpie. Тytalk 01:40, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
I was about to ask where the hell you are from but then I saw you were from a football team that does some teaching on the side and it all made sense. - π Moderator 01:46, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
I'm so glad I never joined those damned things. --Dumpling (talk) 02:53, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
That LSU joke is never going to get old. Scarlet A.pngpostate 20:30, 7 December 2011 (UTC)


Just thought I would mention that I have never, ever heard "man-slut" used as a "positive" term - it may not be as harsh a term as regular old "slut", but it is definitely not a compliment - hence I question the deduction that it has come into use "as a result" of the word "slut" attaining "positive" connotations in some circles. — Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs

I have. Hah. Тytalk 04:46, 11 July 2012 (UTC)
I've never, ever heard "man-slut". Scarlet A.pngmoral 08:47, 11 July 2012 (UTC)
This confuses me, because slut is a reclaimed (depending on who you ask) word that concerns womens' sexuality issues. There's really not much reason for a man to be called a 'slut,' as the same negative 'lots of partners are bad' doesn't exist in the same way it does for him as it does for women. I mean, it's a negative in some cases, but not the same negative; it's just as likely for it to be a sign of sexual prowess by others as it is a sign of being a cheater or a douchebag, whereas until fairly recently ANY additional sexual encounters other than standard dating (even just being single and having brief encounters) could get a woman called loose or a slut. It's not really the same image or reality that men have to deal with, so I am not sure what one is doing stomping around with a reclaimed word that didn't have to do with his sexuality in the first place. Maybe somebody's just joking around. Plenty of ill-advised people on tumblr and such do that kind of thing. ±Knightoftldrsig.pngKnightOfTL;DRlongissimus non legeri 11:54, 11 July 2012 (UTC)
I've never heard "Man-slut" as such, but I've known two men (one gay, one straight) that were routinely called sluts by both men and women. Casting my mind back, I don't recall any case where it wasn't meant in a slightly mocking, somewhat admiring sense. With women, I've only ever heard the term used in a derogatory sense, but oddly I know several women who are perfectly happy to describe their clothing as "slutty" from time to time. rpeh •TCE 12:10, 11 July 2012 (UTC)
Anecdotally, my son, who is 23, describes himself as "too much of a slut to have a long term relationship". From this I gather that, among young people in Blackpool, UK, at least, 'slut' can describe a sexually promiscuous man. Whether he would use the term 'man-slut', I doubt. Bad Faith (talk) 12:17, 11 July 2012 (UTC)
I've heard of Man-whore. Not entirely certain if it has the same meaning though. Brenden (talk) 23:18, 29 June 2013 (UTC)

It's not faaaiiiiirrrr[edit]

Men's disgust with sluts has a clear biological origin that this Wiki should be aware of. There was a clear evolutionary advantage in not marrying the town slut, a likely untrustworthy, diseased wretch who'd cheat on you and wouldn't make a good mother to your children. Sluts are only good for one thing. As for men, male sluts seem to be very alluring to women. They can justify that themselves. — Unsigned, by: KingtheKing / talk / contribs

"Men's disgust with sluts has a clear biological origin". Nope. — Unsigned, by: ClothCoat / talk / contribs (signed by bot) 03:40, 14 March 2015 (UTC)
Times have changed, pal. Nowadays we can have sex with others safely, without transmitting STDs, or worse, unwanted children. And as long as we're open with our partners about our intentions, it's not cheating (or at least, I fail to see how it is). Honestly I've started to feel like marriage is an outdated social structure anyway, for precisely this reason.Sensual Endeavor, the sexy pony ;) (talk) 01:18, 29 January 2016 (UTC)
Marriage is fine for exactly one out of four reasons:
  1. Provocation
  2. Taxes
  3. To get a visa
  4. If it floats your boat, do what you have to. Pizzameister (talk) 01:37, 29 January 2016 (UTC)

Can we like delete this?[edit]

This article offends me because it promotes social injustice. Consevative Parodist (talk) 17:19, 5 December 2017 (UTC)

You're kidding right? GrammarCommie (talk) 17:44, 5 December 2017 (UTC)
Read their userpage, get their shtick, get bored, go home. ikanreed 🐐Bleat at me 17:49, 5 December 2017 (UTC)
Just did. GrammarCommie (talk) 17:51, 5 December 2017 (UTC)