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Rick Warren

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Rick "Let us Pray" Warren is a televangelist and the pastor of a really big megachurch.

Besides pastoring a real big megachurch that makes yours look so small that, well never mind heh heh, Rick Warren also wrote a bestseller called The Purpose-Driven Life which probably goes more into the self-help category than anything approaching serious theology, but then he parleyed his fame and fortune into hosting a Presidential debate or something like that. Yawn.

There was a shit-ton of controversy when Barack Obama invited Warren to deliver the invocation at the inauguration. Gay rights groups opposed this, as Warren had supported the anti-gay marriage Proposition 8 in California. The ceremony seems to have cemented Warren's position as "America's pastor" despite him being a right-wing anti-gay nutjob. Commentators now seem to refer to Warren as being a "new" evangelical who, despite believing all the same crazy shit as the old evangelicals, is supposed to be markedly different from Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and other fire-breathing loons. On the other hand, judging by his predictable reaction (blaming it on teaching evolution in public schools) to the shootings in Aurora, Colorado, maybe he isn't.[1]

See also

External links
