╱|、 Look! A cat! :D (˚ˎ 。7 |、 ˜〵 じし ˍ,)ノ
About me (if the userboxes weren't enough)[edit]
Religion: I'm an agnostic atheist, meaning I don't believe there is a god but I also don't believe a deity's existence or inexistence can truly be known.
Democracy: I believe democracy is essential to prevent corruption and oppression. I also believe the existing representative democracies don't actually represent the people properly. We should be able to directly participate in more decisions that affect all of us.
Environment: Climate change is real and is caused by humans. The fact so many deny might spell the end of humanity. Policies which prevent climate change should almost always be prioritized over economic growth.
Socialism: I'm a socialist. I believe capitalism is inherently incompatible with true democracy and equality. I believe there are socialist models which deserve to be experimented with, mainly ones based on democratic planning.
Conservatism: bad >:(