User talk:Retiredpoopermalikged

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Uhh... welcome to RW, I guess... :/[edit]

New logo large.png Your welcome to RationalWiki is lukewarm at best, Retiredpoopermalikged.

This observation is due to the nature of your initial edits. Pull up a goat and try not to make trouble.

We realize it is possible that you do not understand the nature of the site or our objectives.

Please see our guide for newcomers and our community standards to clarify things for you.

If you're still interested in contributing, please see what our articles are intended to be.

--Goatspeed. Stop the War On Secularism🎄CircularREmail2.gifasoning🎄My experiments 22:33, 30 October 2020 (UTC)



I wanted to let you know that thanks to your improved quality of edits I have unbinned you, so long as you pinky-promise not to wandalize again. --Goatspeed. Stop the War On Secularism🎄CircularREmail2.gifasoning🎄My experiments 22:46, 31 December 2020 (UTC)

A pinky promise is pretty serious, but I think I can live up to it. Retiredpoopermalikged (talk) 22:49, 31 December 2020 (UTC)


New logo large.png Welcome to RationalWiki, Retiredpoopermalikged!

Check out our guide for newcomers and our community standards!

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Because of your edits to and time on the wiki, Autopatrolled has been added to your user rights. This lets you bypass most of the abuse filters, bypass the CAPTCHA, and edit more frequently. If you have questions, bleat ask away.

We hope you enjoy your newfound POWER — and these external tools: