This page is dead, but is being retained as an archive. Please do not edit it! This page has either outlived its usefulness, or, through neglect and/or indifference, become unused. If you wish to reinvigorate it, bring it up on the talk page.
What is going on?
This article is for keeping track of the internet's venomous neo-Nazi community, like Metapedia and Stormfront, but also including any other racist idiots you find.
Please do not remove items from the list unless you believe they are legally slanderous or otherwise likely to be detrimental to RW. Any items you think unworthy of inclusion should be discussed on the talk page. Comment out (<!-- WIGO-->) if you think it's really necessary. "One man's boredom is another man's lulz."
Also, can you folks who add to this file try to avoid the first person ("I don't think...") in order to make it smarter?
RationalWiki disclaims any responsibility for negative health effects related to viewing these sites.
What is going on?[edit]
   | 82 | You're supposed to change the quote of the day EACH DAY! |
   | 10 | CP has one, RW has one, this was destined to happen. |
   | 9 | Take a gander at MP's block log. Can you spot the two six blocks that don't have infinite expiry times? |
   | 11 | Uh, guys—you're supposed to make the articles before you make the wikiportal. |
   | 19 | Nazi scientist Todd1488 combines all known forms of intolerance into a purified form. Fortunately for us, no one can read his comment because it is so dense that it no longer reflects light. |
   | 6 | Does this ring any bells..? |
   | 10 | An earnest Wikipedian called Liteditor uses Metapedia to inform the world that Fox is abusing his position in CP to further his sordid Zionist leanings. Luckily for Liteditor, there definitely wasn't a conflict of interest in any of his WP contributions. |