RationalWiki:To do list/archive2019

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7Belle GibsonWikipedia is a well known charlatan and pseudoscience promoter from Australia. She claimed, that she managed to cure her multiple cancers with specific alternate medicine and a diet which was described in her mobile app, The Whole Pantry, aswell as in its' companion cookbook, both of which gave Gibson around $1 milion of profit. Further media investigation revealed however, that her claims were false and all evidence was fabricated, while research shown that there was no proof for effectiveness of her methods. She also constantly lied about her lifestyle and donating income from sales to charity. Gibson ultimately admitted to lying in an April 2015 interview.
116Real Life Villains WikiCreate draft is a wikia that categorizes real world villains and displays their crimes. While it obviously shows your standard dictators, cult leaders, and religious centric jerkassess like Adolf Hitler, Charles Manson, and Jerry Falwell the wikia does display some questionable merit. The wiki is very biased towards American imperialism and holds a US centric worldview, there are articles on people for very petty reasons such as user being slightly mean on Deviantart and such, and war criminals such as Henry Kissinger and Vladimir Putin are displayed as "Grey Zone" villains. The worst bias is the disallowed articles which consists of American and pro-American war criminals such as George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Tony Blair, Donald Trump, Woodrow Wilson and Hillary Clinton. It also stated that if you make an article on any of these people you will be banned immediately. Another blatant bias they possess is their constant need to create articles for mythological characters; primarily characters from the Bible. This completely violates their number eight rule: NO Articles on People Who are Too Fictitious.
83Dairy is ScaryCreate draft, a vegan propaganda video with over 5 million views (found here). It alleges to "explain" the dairy industry. It's filled with gross exaggerations, misrepresentations, outright falsehoods, and occasional grains of truth about how dairy cattle are treated.
77Felix Steiner,Wikipedia Former Waffen-SS commander during WO II. Mostly known for his part during the attack on Berlin in 1945Wikipedia. Steiner was arrested as a war criminal but released for lack of evidence, he is missional for his post-war writings of Nazi apologia (all of which are only in German).
68The First Temptation of ChristWikipedia or how Conservative fundie Brazillians decided to boycott a comedic Christmas movie with a change.org petition & throwing Molotov Cocktails towards Portas dos Fundos.
35April Fools' DayWikipedia which is not only relevant to a site devoted to irrationality and its depiction in the media, but a search of RW shows there are a lot of articles here discussing particular April Fools' pranks, such as Ann Coulter, Milton Kleim, Reddit, Monkey typewriter theory, Mandela effect, and more.
33James Shupe,Wikipedia formerly Jamie Shupe, one of the first people to legally identify as non-binary in the US before detransitioning back to male. Nowadays, he is rabidly and-trans on social media.
28Team TreesWikipedia - A campaign started by Youtuber MrBeast to raise $20 million to plant 20 million trees. It's in need of a reality check, as many people don't realise the fact that this would add a whooping 0.0006% to the world's current tree population while we're still cutting down 15 billion each year.
104National Socialist Movement in the NetherlandsWikipedia is a former Dutch Far-Right party during WO IIWikipedia that sided with the Nazi's.
45Trijicon biblical verses controversy,Wikipedia a.k.a. "Jesus rifles" were guns sold by Trijicon with secret bible verses hidden on the scopes. The US Army and Marines were among the purchasers. They'd been doing this since 1981, and it wasn't discovered until 2010 which led to serious questions concerning separation of church and state.
32The WalkAway campaign,Wikipedia also styled #WalkAway, is a social media campaign that launched ahead of the 2018 mid-term elections by right-wing grifter Brandon Straka, a hairstylist and failed actor from New York City, in a video released 29th June 2018 entitled #WalkAway - Brandon Straka, "Why I Left The Democrat Party". The campaign's stated goal is to "encourage others to walk away from the "divisive" left, but also take back the narrative from the "liberal" media about what it means to be a conservative in America."
79Elijah SchafferCreate draft, also known as Slightly Offensive, is an alt-right YouTuber whose entire gimmick is to generalize the left by mocking the far-left. His channel is populated mainly with videos of him asking politically charged questions to people he meets on the street — sometimes until one of them attacks his film crew. He titles his videos somewhat less introspectively: “PUNCHED by ANTIFA” and “Exposing the Sluts,” for example.
10Other Losses,Wikipedia a 1989 book by Canadian James BacqueWikipedia about the alleged mistreatment and deliberate mass murder of German prisoners of war by Allied authorities in general and Dwight D. Eisenhower in particular. The book has been mostly condemned as completely baseless, but it still influences some revisionist circles.
50SaboWikipedia is the pseudonym of a politically conservative street artist active based out in Los Angeles, California. He's been active in street art since 1999, though he began to take his activity in the scene more seriously around 2008. Sabo's works have been critical of left-wing politics (and its prominence in the entertainment industry) and the Democratic Party, claiming that "leftism is a mental disorder".
13A page on the Younger case,Wikipedia involving a 7-year old trans girl in Texas named Luna, who's father was just awarded joint custody of.[1]
79Daniel Di MartinoCreate draft is a Venezuelan-American student at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. Because he experienced the terrible consequences of socialism firsthand in Venezuela, he's become a conservative and libertarian voice against what he perceives as the rise of socialism in America.
7Katie HillWikipedia is an American politician who has recently become a subject of controversy after her ex-husband leaked revenge porn of her.[2]
33Penile plethysmographWikipedia used to detect sexual arousal and in the diagnosis of pedophilia and (formerly) homosexuality. It's mentioned in Pseudopsychology but without a proper explanation of the history, nefarious uses, and whether it has any validity at all.
20Gosnell: The Trial of America's Biggest Serial KillerWikipedia is a 2018 American drama film based on real-life events about Kermit Gosnell, a physician and abortion provider. It was directed by Nick Searcy and stars former Superman actor Dean Cain. The film was largely criticized for its obvious anti-abortion stance, sensationalistic and sanctimonious storytelling, and comparison of Gosnell to that of George Tiller.
5Nik & Eva Speakman,Wikipedia otherwise known as The Speakmans, are a pair of English former financial advisors and life coaches who're now pretending to be psychologists or psychotherapists, promoting their invention "schema conditioning psychotherapy" through frequent TV appearances, notably on ITV's This Morning. They typically focus on problems such as phobias, often treated in a gimmicky fashion, and make a lot of money in the process.[1] According to their Wikipedia page they once gave a DeLorean car to pedophile politician Cyril Smith, but I'm sure there's nothing dodgy about that.
60Windrush scandal,Wikipedia after whom the Windrush generation are named, a racist UK policy under the present Conservative government involving deportation and other denial of rights to people of African-Caribbean heritage.
93The Adam and Eve StoryCreate draft, a 1960's book allegedly censored by the Central Intelligence Agency and declassified in 2013, contains pole shift and flood myth/Bible/angels nonsense, as well as some quackery about antigravity and evolution.
6Hanne Nabintu Herland,Wikipedia a Norwegian right-wing/alt-right author who pushes borderline if not outright racist/islamophobic/anti-western conspiracy theories. Also collaberates with Milo Yiannopoulos from time to time. Also has a Youtube channel[3].
44Hasan PikerWikipedia is an entertainment and political journalist known for his explainer videos on The Young Turks that provide detailed analysis on the top news stories of the day.[4]
56Dr. Jen Gunter,Wikipedia a Canadian-born US-based ob/gyn who debunks vaginal woo such as Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop and vagina steaming. Has a bestselling book and TV show.
106TheQuarteringCreate draft is a very popular Anti SJW youtuber. The fact that there is no article on this motherfucker and his multicolored beard is offensive. A draft has been created.
55Austen "Fleccas" Fletcher is an alt-right youtuber and the host of Fleccas TalksCreate draft featuring interviews at protest rallies from across the political spectrum including conservatives, liberals, and libertarians. Much like Elijah Schaffer, his main gimmick, however, is making anti-Trump protesters look like politically clueless idiots.
33Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff,Wikipedia French television personalities who authored several nonsensical physics/mathematics/quantum woo articles and papers in notable publications in the early 2000's and caused a minor shitstorm in the academia (the similarities to Alan Sokal are obvious)
12Jussi Halla-aho,Wikipedia Finnish blogger and MP, and the former chairman of the far-right Finns Party. Has a cult-like following among the Finnish far right – seriously, he is known as The Master among them.
1Elizabeth Heng,Wikipedia a failed California candidate for the House of Representatives who sparked controversy recently over an ad her campaign comparing AOC to the Khmer Rouge[5].
4Terry Goodkind,Wikipedia who's mentioned in fantasy and Ayn Rand. An Objectivist fantasy writer who's been in trouble for the vast amount of rape in his books, but has himself been critical of sexist fantasy art.[2][3] This Reddit thread title sums it up.[4] And here's an article by actual Randians about him.[5]
124"BlatherCreate draft is an educational tool that allows users to analyze and pinpoint the accuracy of claims made on social media. This site is meant to help people spot out erroneous logic so that similar arguments will not be made in the future. However, there are a number of factors that make this a difficult task." https://blather.io/
7Education scienceWikipedia in general. From Woo fads like 'Brain Gym' to debates over Rote LearningWikipedia vs Active LearningWikipedia it seems like there is a lot of ground to cover. If there are any other evidence based educators on here I think we could make a good go of it!
77HedgewikCreate draft needs a article, if you don’t know, he is a rising star in the Nazi comic world whose art is as good as a preschooler.
87I'm thinking an article on reframingCreate draft Part of the paradox of tolerance, but deliberately invoked by the bigoted. Like how Christians oppress LGBT people, then turn it around as them being oppressed when we ask them to stop.
10Derrick JensenWikipedia is an anarcho-primitivst in the same vein as John Zerzan, except with a great deal more emphasis on the environment, and arguably a hefty dose of Native Woo (who knows how much of my memory of him has turned to straw...). Worth noting that he heads a movement called Deep Green ResistanceWikipedia, which at the very least dismisses the idea of transsexuality, believing that gender is a strictly social construct with no biological basis. Apparently there have been concerns (including from Zerzan?) that it's become a personality cult.
91PSA SitchCreate draft An anti-SJW YouTuber who recently cracked 100k subscribers. He actually makes some points that deserve response unlike most anti-SJWs who are just in it to troll and mock leftists.
77Michael BiggsCreate draft, a sociologist at Oxford University who opposes trans rights and claims to defend academic freedom of speech. He has also been caught running a Twitter account which posted a load of transphobic nonsense.[6][7][8] He is becoming one of the leading figures in the UK in the war against trans rights, cited in mainstream media and writing on dubious TERF blogs like Transgender Trend.[9][10][11]
52A page for Brock Turner,Wikipedia maybe? Or maybe about the larger case, not necessarily with his name on it. Or at least a section in an existing article. The case says quite a lot about rape culture and privilege, so it would seem to be on mission.
42Harry Price,Wikipedia a British magician and psychic researcher in the early 20th century who debunked several mediums and hauntings, although he still preserved some belief in the possibility of psychic phenomena. He is mentioned in various articles here (e.g. Helen Duncan) but there are lots of stories about his investigations and he deserves his own page as a promoter of rationalism. EDIT: Price was also a sensation-monger of huge proportions who blew up the non-story of Borley RectoryWikipedia into the legendary "most haunted house in England."
118Fuyan pillCreate draft Supposedly a traditional Chinese herbal remedy for gynecological diseases. Sounds like bullshit, but there's very little legitimate information about it, and a search mostly brings up supportive clogs.
11Coleman Livingston Blease,Wikipedia a politician and an unrepentant white supremacist who was responsible for making the law that labels undocumented immigrants as criminals.
85List of Political PartiesWikipedia A page to show the political parties of the world and whether pages have been made on them or not.
95List of ReligionsWikipedia It would be nice to have a list of religions and their denominations, especially since it would make ot easy to find which of them haven't had pages written about them yet.
73Philip DeFranco,Wikipedia a news commentator and YouTuber who basically goes over current events with a rather centrist tone. There are times, despite meaning well in his commentary, that he can be a useful idiot due to his tendency to attract reactionaries to his fanbase on account of his apologism for right-wingers at times and also adding onto the hysteria on how NYT was supposedly "labeling him far-right" because he popped up in a background of various YouTubers in an article of a young adult who was radicalized by YouTubers.
137Something around website blocks and bans,Wikipedia Shadow banning,Wikipedia and similar topics. The alt-right and similar groups are fond of complaining about "ghost banning", "shadow banning", etc, where they're supposedly denied access to different social media sites by stealth, or their posts are mysteriously deprioritized or hidden. An overview of what this means, whether this is actually possible on different sites, etc, would be useful. Wikipedia mentions a conspiracy theory about Twitter shadow banning Republicans.[12]
45A Hat in Time,Wikipedia an indie platformer that has seen its fair share of controversies from Jontron to Trans Flags.
76Joseph EverettCreate draft, known for his YouTube channel What I've Learned, which has nearly 1 million subscribers and over 64 million video views. Has made videos promoting low-carb dieting for general weight loss, statin denialism, antidepressant denialism, and NoFap. However, he has high production values and claims to be pro-science, so perhaps it can be presumed that he's doing this all in good faith? According to Everett: "This is about connecting the dots, making conclusions and weighing that against modern dogma." Seems like the perfect subject for a RationalWiki article.
118Vox (political party),Wikipedia Spanish populist far-right party becoming a significant electoral force.
96The Atheist DelusionCreate draft is a "response to the famous "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins, and the points it makes are very flawed to say the least.
8Mammon,Wikipedia the Hebrew term for money and greed, personified in medieval times as a literal being.
73Inner Peace MovementCreate draft, a 501(c)(3)Wikipedia non-profit group founded in 1964 with a trademarked name that has been the subject of court disputes. Their professed mission is to "help people clarify their minds and balance their spiritual direction."
75EssenceOfThoughtCreate draft is a Youtuber who makes videos defending LGBTQ rights, atheism, secular humanism, and abortion.[6][7][8][9]
74The Binding of IsaacWikipedia Is a 2011 indie game with randomly generated dungeons and over 500+ items. I'm suggesting this one because of the game's criticisms of Religion and the Bible and how the entire thing is somehow a controversy magnet that has avoided any actual controversy.
66Vampire facialsWikipedia (or platelet-rich plasma facials) are the latest beauty craze, apparently involving having blood removed from your body and injected into your face. They're loved by Goop, but Kim Kardashian's was less successful, and they have been linked to 2 cases of HIV transmission in New Mexico.[13][14]
86GhoulWikipedia We already have a page about folklore things, like zombies, vampires, ghosts & aliens. So, why not have one about Ghouls? Wikipedia has one, but seeing that article and their talk page, I think we can safely assume that their shitty NPOV is also at work here and that they literally believe in ghouls (especially if you look at some of those "experts" that claim to have knowledge about these things...)...
60Renaud Camus,Wikipedia a gay French writer who is partially known for his connection to the racist "Great Replacement" conspiracy theory... a theory that helped in motivating the man behind the Christchurch terrorist attacks. His name redirects to an article on the aforementioned great replacement theory, but he should probably have his own article.
21Rosa LuxemburgWikipedia: Polish revolutionary socialist who had a large impact on history. She's the most well-known female socialist theorist. I'm surprised there isn't already an article on her.
2Thilo SarrazinWikipedia: prominent German anti-immigrant and anti-muslim author and politician (member of the left-wing SPD), probably best known for his book Germany Abolishes ItselfWikipedia.
66Forum for DemocracyWikipedia: Thierry Baudet's anti-immigration, anti-multicultural, anti-Islam, and anti-EU party. A draft can be started here.
69Thierry BaudetWikipedia: A Dutch populist euroskeptic who leads the Forum for Democracy, that recently won the majority vote in the Dutch provincial elections and is expected to win the majority in the Dutch Senate in May. Apparently is liked by the Dutch alt-right.[10] A draft can be started here.
1151080;Wikipedia pesticide used to control invasive species in New Zealand and save NZ's native wildlife. Subject of all sorts of ridiculous crazy conspiracy nonsense akin to anti-vaxx nonsense. See Wikipedia and http://www.1080facts.co.nz/
32The Wizard of OzWikipedia books by L. Frank BaumWikipedia and the films thereof, which have a lot of people trying to guess allegorical meanings (many with RW-relevant themes, from Rosicrucianism to the Gold standard), and inspired a lot of urban legends.
51Jeanine Pirro,Wikipedia a Fox News host who's spent nearly her entire career in some sort of controversy over one of her rants. A draft has been created at Draft:Jeanine Pirro.
61Captain MarvelWikipedia is a movie that somehow managed to attract the outrage of conservatives, MRAs, Gamergaters, and alt-righters who didn't even watch it. (And which, at the same time, Marvel marketed as though it were the first movie to feature a strong female character evar.)
49Puzzle in a ThunderstormCreate draft, the guys behind three (and a half) rational podcasts including The Scathing Atheist, the Skepticrat, God Awful Movies and half of Citation Needed.
16Lindsay ShepherdWikipedia is a professional victim[11] and alt-right grifter[12] who rejects indigenous land acknowledgements[13] and sympathizes with white nationalism[14]
70Libb ThimsCreate draft is an engineer from Chicago and creator of eoht.info, an encyclopedia of "human thermodynamics".
10Christine WeickWikipedia: Fundamentalist Christian who opposes same-sex marriage and protested against Muslims. She also claimed that Monster Energy depicts the Number of the Beast.
102Girl DefinedCreate draft, a pair of right-wing evangelical Christian youtubers who make videos marketed heavily towards tween and teen girls.
2Ethan Van Sciver,Wikipedia an American comic book artist known for illustrating and/or drawing covers primarily for DC and Marvel. Van Sciver has recently revealed himself to be an alt-right scumbag by becoming a central figure in the recent Comicsgate campaign, a campaign spearheaded by misogynistic, racist and anti-LGBTQI+ bigots who are butthurt about the idea of members of those communities being fairly and equally represented in the comic book medium. Comicsgate is essentially Gamergate but for comics instead of games, it's a campaign created by and for the Alt-right.
86Debbie HaytonCreate draft a trans woman who seems to spend a good chunk of her time concern trolling and spouting terf-esque arguments online and apparently calls the declaration of trans women being women to be "Orwellian thinking"[15]. Arguably an older, British version of Blaire White.
10Debra SohWikipedia is a useful idiot who advocates for conversion therapy for transgender children and accuses transgender activism of homophobia.
78Kurt SchlichterCreate draft Townhall columnist and general right-wing nut who's notorious for his rabidly pro-Trump stance and... interesting commentary on many issues.
3Nicholas SandmannWikipedia is a Trump supporter who has recently attracted controversy for harassing a Native American Vietnam veteran with the help of his fellow Trump-supporting high school classmates at a March for Life rally. His mother blamed black Muslims for his deplorable behavior.
10The Skwawkbox,Wikipedia a British left-wing news blog noted for conspiracy theories (e.g. on the Grenfell Tower fire) and a lot of bias.[15] It's also had issues with press regulators.[16][17]
71KukuruyoCreate draft is the artist of one of the most infamous pro-Gamergate comic series.
81Zinnia JonesCreate draft is an Orlando trans activist and science writer.
25ComicsgateWikipedia is a movement dedicated to targeting the woman that Gamergate was dedicated to harassing, with similarly spurious reasons.[16] "B-BUT, IT'S ABOUT ETHICS IN GAMING JOURNALISM SWEAR WORDS[17] KARAOKE[18] COMICS JOURNALISM![19]"
