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/r/ChonglangTV (冲浪TV, literally Surfing TV) is a Chinese-language Reddit community comprised of people from China who hate not only the authoritarian Chinese Communist Party (CCP), but also the Chinese people as a whole. Since it was banned by Reddit in March 2022,[1] many of its users have moved to /r/CLTV and a variety of Discord channels.[citation needed]

ChonglangTV users, who style themselves RōninWikipedia (浪人, literally wanderers in Japanese), have an edgy 4chan-like culture that is heavily inspired by netto-uyoku, the nationalist Japanese right. They use politically-incorrect slurs against Chinese people, make calls to "kill the Chinese" that are of varying levels of seriousness, and often proclaim countries like Japan as their true home. (See JingriWikipedia) Like much of alt-right rhetoric, there is room for plausible deniability and dog whistling.

ChonglangTV users express disdain for the CCP, who very much deserve that disdain, but also make fun of Falun Gong practitioners and Chinese pro-democracy activists, whom they see as being too weak or too Chinese.

During the 2022 invasion of Ukraine by Russia, ChonglangTV users made a positive contribution to pro-democracy discourse in the form of the Great Translation Movement (大翻译运动). The movement seeks to undermine the CCP's foreign-facing propaganda, which portrays the country as peace-loving and a neutral party to the conflict, by translating inward-facing propaganda posts by Chinese state media and nationalistic Chinese influencers that cheer on Vladimir Putin's invasion and posting them on Twitter.[2] The movement has drawn praise from pro-democracy groups normally made fun of by ChonglangTV users, including anti-CCP political discussion websites like Pincong and Falun Gong-linked news organizations.


ChonglangTV posts can be hard to decipher for those not well-versed in its lingo, which includes politically-incorrect and controversial terms, modern Chinese internet slang, and variations thereof based on the homophony and wordplay permitted by the Chinese language that are employed to avoid censorship by Reddit administrators, who have, allegedly, become more pro-CCP due to Chinese company Tencent's stake in Reddit. /r/CLTV, which remains on Reddit, uses an automod notification to tell users to avoid the un-bowdlerized versions of the terms.

  • 支 (zhī): derived from 支那 (ZhinaWikipedia or ShinaWikipedia), an archaic term for China that has now become politically incorrect. 支 may be used as a pejorative adjective to describe something that is, looks, or feels Chinese.
  • 支猪 (zhī zhū): literally Shina pig or Ch*nk pig, is a derogatory term for Chinese people. The term is often replaced with homophones like 蜘蛛 (spider), or even the spider emoji, to avoid censorship.
  • 屠支 (tú zhī): this term means "kill [the] Chinese", and may be used in a tongue-in-cheek or deadly serious way depending on the person, with a heavy dose of plausible deniability involved. It is often replaced with the similar-sounding 图纸 to avoid censorship.


"Killing the Chinese"[edit]

A common refrain among users of /r/ChonglangTV is calls to "kill the Chinese" (屠支). These calls come with varying levels of seriousness, just like calls for violence against Jews on alt right websites that are often thinly veiled as "jokes" with terms like "in Minecraft". One user on /r/CLTV puts it this way:


This is a term that a lot of people here like to use, but when it comes to the purpose of "killing the Ch*nks", they each have their own conclusions—it's not even rare to see the oddball claim that the goal of killing the Chinese is simply to kill the Chinese.

Although "killing" is easy to understand, people have divergent views on how it is to be achieved, whether it ought to be high-efficiency or cruel, whether it ought to be in groups or as lone wolves, whether it ought to be indiscriminate or selective. And "Ch*nk" has seemingly become a blurry term, some people say those who support Chinese unification are "ch*nks", that Communist Party members are "ch*nks", that overseas Chinese[notes 1] are "ch*nks", that those who speak Chinese are "ch*nks", that those who look ch*nky are ch*nks.

At this point, if we were to really arrange to meet offline and kill ch*inks together, we'd start fighting each other on the road; much less is it possible to unify our conception of it. To be frank, those who are truly killing ch*nks are already dead or in [jail], and those who remain are mostly just half-joking around; we can't even build a small, unified group around it, so there's no need to take it too seriously.

Purported real-life actions by ChonglangTV users[edit]

A few /r/ChonglangTV users have bragged about engaging in real life activities in order to further the cause of "killing the Chinese", although these are often tongue-in-cheek stories in the same vein as 4chan greentexts of dubious reliability.

One user on /r/CLTV wrote:


在上海某小区做抗原时候给全小区的人共用一根针,爽! [4]

I got forcibly recruited to be a pandemic prevention worker;[notes 2] now I'm prepared to kill ch*nks

While doing antigen tests in a neighbourhood in Shanghai, I used the same needle for everybody in the neighbourhood; that really hit the spot!

This story is most likely just a joke; as one user in the comments points out:

抗原检测是居家自己做的 少鸡吧意淫了 [4]

Antigen tests are done at home; stop dicking around

Dislike of pro-democracy activists and Chinese dissidents[edit]

/r/ChonglangTV users have a notable disdain towards Falun Gong practitioners, Chinese pro-democracy activists, and Chinese human rights activists. The common denominator of the groups they dislike is they believe in reforming China to become democratic—as opposed to an 8chan-esque fantasy of Chinese genocide.

As the (now banned) /r/chonglangTV states in its rules:

反五毛、皇汉、民运、轮子、葱、姨、魔怔逼、瞎骂 [5]

We oppose wumaoWikipedias, Chinese nationalists, democracy activists, Falun Gong practitioners, PincongWikipedia users, supporters of Liu Zhongjing,[notes 3] schizoposters, and indiscriminate insults.


  1. The poster uses 菜 ("vegetable") due to its similarity to 華, the Traditional Chinese character for "Chinese".
  2. In the coronavirus pandemic, volunteers working for the Chinese government to enforce pandemic restrictions and lockdowns (which are often onerous and have led to severe violations of human rights) are called "大白" (big whites) due to their white protective suits.
  3. 劉仲敬 is a Chinese dissident who supports not just independence for oppressed ethnic minority groups but also the total balkanization of China, including Han-majority portions of it.
