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Rebuilding the Reich, one meme at a time
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Not to be confused with Benjamin Netanyahu, who is also fascist

Netto-uyoku (ネット右翼, Internet right-wing) are a subculture of young Internet far-right nationalists in Japan. It has been around since the early 2000, and are similar to the American alt-right which appeared in the 2010s. Traditional or major conservative Japanese right-wingers do not recognize them as right-wingers and mostly think of them as loser trolls.[note 1] The netto-uyoku is common in Japan's most popular Internet community sites, including Yahoo Japan. Their main habitat is '2chWikipedia'.[note 2]

Netto-uyoku has used hate speech against Koreans. They actively support the Zaitokukai movement, a strongly anti-Korean organization often called the Japanese equivalent of the Neo-Nazi movement.

They tend to be misogynistic, cry out about reverse discrimination against men, and preach Japanese chauvinism in place of the white supremacy of western Neo-Nazis. So they hate all foreigners including white people, and they even call for their slaughter.[note 3] Their main object of their hatred are Koreans, Chinese, and Burakumins.Wikipedia They're largely made up of a new generation of young people who have not had the experience of World War II, and they're part of the Japanese version of the incel movement called herbivore men.

Being netizens who maintain ultra-right points of view, the netto-uyoku also target against the domestic left-centrist parties of Japan, particularly the Democratic Party of Japan and the liberal mass media.

The Netto-uyoku abhor liberals and support America's 'alt-right', but not at all on the issue of World War II. They believe that Japan is a victim of World War II because the U.S. dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the Pacific War. At the same time, they tend to defend or sympathize with Japan's war criminals during World War II, and deny Japanese war crimes. In contrast, the U.S. 'alt-right' are far-right white nationalists who would support Japanese American internment, even if they are weeaboos faun over Japan's supposed "purity".

Just as the alt-right critically supports the U.S. Republican Party, netto-uyoku actively supports the LDP and Shinzo Abe. But while the Abe creed has a critical view of Netto-Uyoku, it belongs to another relatively moderate far-right group.

The netto-uyoku were the originators of the popular online alt-right chan boards. 4chan is based on Futaba Channel, and it was inspired by 2ch, the home of the netto-uyoku which originated in 1999,[1] while 4chan began in 2003.[2]

Known netto-uyoku communities[edit]

2channel (2ちゃんねる) # / 5channel (5ちゃんねる) #
The largest internet forum in Japan. 4chan and 8chan are based on 2channel and Futaba Channel. Anti-Korean, anti-Chinese, anti-immigration, antifeminism, anti-LGBT, pseudohistory promotion, genocide denial, Holocaust denial, Neo-Nazism, racism, sexism, "men's rights movement", machismo, paedophilia, homophobia, transphobia, Islamophobia, antisemitism, hate crime, fake news, internet trolling, etc.
Femi-matsu Sokuhou! (フェミ松速報!) #
A large blog. Antifeminism, sexism, "men's rights movement", machismo, homophobia, transphobia, anti-LGBT, anti-Korean, and fake news.
Futaba Channel (ふたば☆ちゃんねる) #
A large internet forum. It is derived from 2channel. Anti-Korean, anti-Chinese, anti-immigration, antifeminism, anti-LGBT, pseudohistory promotion, genocide denial, racism, sexism, "men's rights movement", machismo, paedophilia, homophobia, transphobia, fake news, and internet trolling.
Japanese Wikipedia (ウィキペディア日本語版) #
Concerning politics, history, social issues, and Korean culture, Japanese Wikipedia has a great many biased articles. Japanese Wikipedia is rife with public hate speech about Koreans and Chinese.[3]
See also: wikipedia:Japanese_Wikipedia#Allegations_of_historical_revisionism
Kokumin ga Shiranai Hannichi no Jittai (国民が知らない反日の実態) #
A large wiki site. Anti-Korean, anti-Chinese, anti-immigration, antifeminism, anti-LGBT, pseudohistory promotion, genocide denial, racism, sexism, "men's rights movement", machismo, homophobia, transphobia, fake news, and internet trolling.
Niconico (ニコニコ動画) # / Niconico Pedia (ニコニコ大百科) #
The largest online video platform in Japan. Anti-Korean, anti-Chinese, anti-immigration, antifeminism, anti-LGBT, pseudohistory promotion, genocide denial, Holocaust denial, Neo-Nazism, racism, sexism, "men's rights movement", machismo, paedophilia, homophobia, transphobia, antisemitism, hate crime, fake news, and internet trolling.
The Hidden Truth of Japanese Colonial Period (알아서는 안 되는 일제시대의 진실) #
A propaganda site in Korean language. Anti-Korean, pseudohistory promotion, genocide denial, racism, and sexism.
UndertakerRach no Copy and Paste de Go! (UndertakerRachのコピペでGO!) #
A propaganda site in English. Pseudohistory promotion, genocide denial, anti-Korean, anti-Chinese, racism, sexism, and internet trolling.
See also: Their claim about the International Military Tribunal for the Far East
Wondrous Japan Forever Project (WJFプロジェクト) #
Blogs and propaganda videos in multilanguage. Pseudohistory promotion, genocide denial, anti-Korean, anti-Chinese, anti-immigration, antifeminism, racism, and sexism.
See also: An example of the English content

People who are supported by netto-uyoku[edit]

See also[edit]


  1. Even politicians like far-right conservative Shinzo Abe have referred to "Netto-uyoku" and Zaitokukai as anti-Korean racist hate groups. But liberals in Japan are raising suspicions that the Netto-uyoku is the wingnut welfare of the LDP.
  2. It is the original version of the community of 4chan and 8chan.
  3. They even claim that pure-blooded Japanese people are massacred because of the mixed race caused by globalization and multiculturalism, similar to the idea of white genocide in the west.


  1. 2-Channel Gives Japan's Famously Quiet People a Mighty Voice by Lisa Katayama (04.19.07; 12:00 am) Wired.
  2. Modest Web Site Is Behind a Bevy of Memes by Jamin Brophy-Warren (July 9, 2008) The Wall Street Journal (archived from August 29, 2008).
  3. "Online Platforms Like Twitter Are Missing a Brutal Wave of Hate Speech in Japan". TIME. 1 September 2022. "Japanese far-right netizens called “netto-uyoku” flock to Yahoo! News Japan and other platforms like Twitter and Japanese Wikipedia that allow anonymity. They use the sites to spread historical revisionism and stoke xenophobic views of Korea and China."