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Arkadiusz Jadczyk

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Arkadiusz "Ark" Jadczyk (1943–) is a Ukraine-born Polish PhD theoretical physicist interested in quantum mechanics. He leads a curious double-life as both a researcher doing respectable mathematical and academic work,[1][2] and as the husband of New Age conspiracist Laura Knight-Jadczyk, co-leading the cult which revolves around her and her work.[3] He lives in France with her and a group of followers.

Outside of mathematics, Ark tends to veer off into quantum woo, and into other questionable philosophy of physics — an area of expertise completely disconnected from, but often confused with, physics itself. He's apparently the inspiration behind most of the "quantum" focus in Laura's mystical woo and organizations, including the Quantum Future Group,[4] an organization which vaguely claims to want to further research for the good of humanity. In the past, Ark also co-led the online Quantum Future School of Ascension with her.[5][6] Nowadays the cultish Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind has taken its place.[3]

Right-hand cult man[edit]

Comparing the roles of Laura and Ark in their organisations, Laura plays the far more visible role, and is the far more prolific writer. However, Ark has, since becoming involved with Laura in 1996, come to play central roles in her organizations. He ran the online "Quantum Future School of Ascension" jointly with her, and is currently at the heart of both the "Quantum Future Group"[4] and the "Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind".[3]

The part that Ark plays in Laura's "Cassiopaean Experiment" is much like part of Don Elkins's role in creating the 1980s Ra Material or Law of One, though Ark's contribution to the channeling of a purported hyper-dimensional alien intelligence is proportionally smaller than that of Don Elkins. The similarity is that of being the physics and physics woo guy adding a sciencey flavor to the endeavor. First taking shape in the 1990s, the Cassiopaean teaching has a fair deal of quantum woo at its core, in contrast to the 1980s Ra teaching which instead had a classical physics-based woo tied to it in the form of the Larsonian Reciprocal System.

Ark has participated in nearly every one of the channeling sessions since 1998[note 1] In July 2014, when Julius Caesar was supposedly channeled after being identified as the real Jesus, in a follow-up session Ark was said to be important in establishing the connection because he was "closest in frequency" to Caesar.[8]

Quantum wave function collapse millennialism[edit]

A central theme in Laura's writing in the early years is that of "the Wave", which is also the name of her main book series (The Wave), which can be read on her website.[9] This New Age millennialist idea concerns a sudden transformation of the world humanity finds itself in, similar to many 2012 apocalypse ideas – and tied to ideas of hyper-dimensional alien beings, spiritual evolution, and a grand cosmic battle between good and evil. Where's Ark's ideas come into the picture is in the elaboration of the trappings of quantum physics in which this idea has been dressed up in – a wave function collapseWikipedia which changes the future into something else in a rare moment of possibility, this occurring on the macroscopic scale rather than the quantum physics realm of the microscopic scale, and the outcome strongly influenced by consciousnesses on this planet and the "quality" of how they observe.

Objectivity is, you know, alignment with reality – including mystically beyond the possibility of materialist science to measure and explore. That is, according to some "esoteric science" teachings such as the Fourth Way ideas adopted by Laura and Ark's community, and their own ideas which they deem to correspond greatly with these and which have become their interpretation and reworking of the Fourth Way. Naturally, this is quite at odds with the usual philosophical view of objectivity and subjectivityWikipedia – which holds that the objective is independent of the viewpoint of any sentient being, while the subjective is that which is dependent on it. It is also at odds with objectivity in scienceWikipedia which is tied to testability and reproducibility and knowledge being demonstrable and communicable, and the effort to keep personal bias and error from getting in the way of that. Instead, it is viewed that some are "haves" and some are "have-nots" in terms of their quality of consciousness and soul and capacity to understand[note 2] – so if the "esoterically advanced" claim something and the world at large rejects it, it is merely because the poor unfortunate majority is too primitive and unconscious to see the truth available to the initiated. It is the "science" of the initiated which is the "real" science.Do You Believe That?

As esoteric teacher[edit]

In discussions on the SOTT/Cassiopaea forum, Ark tends to have a different tone and focus than Laura, but they both emphasize that the community is dedicated to doing "real research" and "hard work" in order to find the truth. The kind of work they do apparently develops the intuition in a way that brings people to their Unified Conspiracy Theory worldview, and the view that their project is not only insightful but uniquely important for the fate of the world, and that they're special and opposed by evil forces to a truly special extent. At the same time, there's a feigned humility and pointing to how they're just normal people and no one should expect them to be or behave any more "evolved" than anyone else.[note 3]

Many religions say we have a free will. Necessarily. Otherwise the Universe, as we know it, would be impossible to exist. Would collapse. The future is open. Therefore every prediction about the future, also those predictions based on the laws of physics that we know, have an unknown probability of being true. Should we not TRY to predict? No, that would be wrong. So what is the answer? The answer is: do the C's sessions help you mobilizing you to do your own work? If not, look somewhere else. Or continue to complain "poor me". "I was looking for a perfect source". Perfect? So that you were given on the plate all the "truth" about everything? Perhaps instead of complaining you better do some original research and contribute for making the world better. And come here to tell us what YOU did, and why do you think it is right. Are you for vegetarianism? Do research. You will find that the data are inconclusive. You must use your intuition to choose. But then work on developing your intuition. That is a very hard work, I assure you. Laura has developed it. But Laura is also doing a non-stop research. You can do it as well. But it requires work. Are you going to start working on yourself? To eradicate bad things in you?[11]

Over the years, Ark, Laura, and other core people have steadfastly claimed to not blindly believe anything, and to be truly critical-minded – more so than skeptics, supposedly – while being fully confident that the rest of the world is wrong about almost everything, that is in the far-ranging matters where the in-group has a different view. People who question their thinking and calls it wrong are compared to lazy students.

A lazy student, when a professor tells him his logic is wrong, calls it being brainwashed. Moreover, he will always find other lazy students to support his idea. "We all deserve A grades". They will blame the professor for their failures. Bacause of laziness. Or because other professors told them so.
—Ark, agreeing that people accuse their community of being brainwashed because they're too lazy to become equally learned[12]

Bogdanov affair[edit]

See the main article on this topic: Bogdanov affair
Or had the Bogdanoffs really discovered the origin of the Universe? Why did these five articles trigger such a storm? Why such an impact? What was the operational center of this affair, if there was one? Were Igor and Grichka targeted by the American secret services because of their discoveries? Was there something in their work that some “agencies” had an interest in stifling forever?

Perhaps. Oddly enough, there have always been topics and theories that conventional science has deemed “dangerous.” At the top of the list today is the question of the origin of the universe. […]

Many physicists agree that the new theory [explaining more than the status quo], the one that can really change the parameters, must be “sufficiently crazy” – otherwise it would have been discovered by now. As I have written elsewhere on my website, my “working hypothesis” is that the Bogdanoffs’ research could contribute to changing something in theoretical physics. […]
—Arkadiusz Jadczyk, foreword to Avant le Big Bang by Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff[13]

In 2002, papers by Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff claiming to explain what happened before the Big Bang received further scrutiny and were in the end rejected as nonsense by most physicists, who were left wondering whether it may all have been an elaborate hoax. Ark had an exchange with the duo early on in this Bogdanov affair, and the material compiled by him[14] apparently helped convince others that the work of the Bogdanoffs was bogus (because Ark asked good questions which the Bogdanoffs were unable to give straight answers to), even though he was personally supportive of them and wrote that he thought they may be on to something. The Jadczyks (both of them) even went out on a conspiratorial limb concerning the Bogdanoffs, suggesting that the way they were called into question could have been a nefarious American intelligence agency conspiracy.

On the website, Laura wrote an article against claims that Ark "has some unusual conspiracy theories which affect his interpretation of this case", suggesting that critics may be too "hypnotized" to be able to perceive the truth, and claiming that the low Google rankings of her and Ark's Cassiopaea website in contrast to critics of the Bogdanoffs was further evidence of forces conspiring against them.[15] Ark continued supporting the Bogdanoffs and wrote the preface for their book Avant le Big Bang (Before the Big Bang).[13]

See also[edit]

External links[edit]


  1. He participated twice over the Internet in 1996,[7] thereafter joining in increasingly in 1997.
  2. The "have-nots" not only include soul- or spiritless "organic portals" comprising half the human population, but also, in the view of the Jadczyks, large percentages of people whom they deem to have psychological pathologies. See Laura Knight-Jadczyk § Psychopaths and ponerology. They essentially pathologize worldviews at odds with their own.
  3. Example of Ark saying he's not more "evolved" than people in general.[10]


  1. Piecewise Deterministic Quantum Dynamics and Quantum Fractals on the Poincaré Disk by Arkadiusz Jadczyk (2004) doi:10.48550/arXiv.nlin/0312046.
  2. search: au:Jadczyk_A
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Official website for the FOTCM "PaleoChristian" religion
  4. 4.0 4.1 Quantum Future Group organization's website
  5. The Cassiopaeans and The Matrix - what is the Matrix?, archived on 16 Apr 2003
  6. Perseus Foundation, Inc., archived on 8 Dec 2002
  7. Cassiopaea Session 23 November 1996, 30 November 1996, and more
  8. Cassiopaea Session 19 July 2014 — more on Caesar, but no further interview.
  9. The Wave
  10. C's Misses? (Cassiopaea Forum) — post by 'ark' (Jan 16, 2022), page 6
  11. C's Misses? (Cassiopaea Forum) — post by 'ark' (Jan 16, 2022), page 5
  12. C's Misses? (Cassiopaea Forum) — post by 'ark' (Jan 16, 2022), page 7
  13. 13.0 13.1 The Bogdanov Singularity – Preface, original French text (archived 2004-06-03)
  14. The Bogdanov Singularity (archived 2004-06-02)
  15. COINTELPRO and The Speed of Light Are there political motivations in this event? (archived 2004-04-07)