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Laura Knight-Jadczyk

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The "dear Knight" of the Cassiopaeans in earlier years, gearing up for battle with the world.
Drink the Kool-Aid
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But you WANT to stay!
Cults of personality
Q: There is so much disinformation you just don't know who to believe… I mean, how do we know we can believe you? There are so many sources out there deceiving and they do it so cleverly. Look at the Bible… for 2,000 years people have been believing that…
A: They deceive when you allow it.
—Laura and the Cassiopaeans in October 16, 1994 channeling[1]

Laura Knight-Jadczyk (1952–) — hereafter referred to as LKJ — is an American pseudohistorian and unified conspiracy theorist, but perhaps mainly known for her channeling of the "Cassiopaeans" and the fake news platform Sott.net. A self-styled "scientific mystic and PaleoChristian Shaman," PaleoChristianity is the little organized religion she had founded as her personal cult.[2] Her websites and ventures in alternative media publishing and other things have branched out over the years of her Cassiopaean channeling and inspired research, but her audience remains much smaller than for example that of David Icke. Since 2003 she has lived in France together with part of her inner circle. She's married to theoretical physicist Arkadiusz "Ark" Jadczyk, who plays less visible roles in her organizations.

Earlier in life, as LKJ relates in her books, she was a Christian fundamentalist. Her mystical experiences and intellectual interests put her at odds with the dogma, leading her first to grow beyond her old mental prison — and thereafter to construct a new one. Her New Age conspiracist teaching essentially ended up reinventing the fundamentalist mentality on a wordier and more complex pseudoscientific foundation. Original sin became recast as the prehistoric fall of humanity into being beholden to evil[note 1] paranormal aliens[note 2] as their "energy food" source — and more importantly, nearly all the world's population is said to face ultimate damnation and destruction in the form of "soul smashing", only a small spiritual elite surviving redeemed through very great and extremely difficult work under LKJ's guidance.

Central to LKJ's overall style is wide-ranging associations and juxtapositions, supposedly in support of her conclusions. She has read widely and draws upon tens of thousands of books, in ways that often mainly distract from the unreasonableness and incoherence of the central message, and with the attitude that critics are wrong because they haven't speed-read as much as she has. While she may sometimes seem to have never met a piece of pseudoscience she didn't like, she argues as much against those with differing unconventional views as she does those with conventional ones.

Politically, in earlier years she often played the role of left-wing moonbat par excellence, while in later years that excellence of hers has gradually been shifting towards alt-right wingnuttery, her online following tagging along for the journey. Whatever the area of conspiracy or spirituality or fringe thought in general, LKJ tends to keep herself and her community in the role of a uniquely valuable lone "lighthouse" shining a light into a world of darkness and doom, through the simple strategy of always having their own incompatible take on polarizing ideas of the day.


Q (L): Who or what are the Men in Black?
A: Lizard Projections.[1][note 3]
I am told by eye witnesses that Laura and a follower who might qualify as co-channeler can zoom the planchette around the witch board like an evangelical tent preacher tap dances through Bible verses.
—Cult expert Joe Szimhart on the Cassiopaean channeling[2]

The Cassiopaeans are apparently some sort of psychic aliens[note 2] that communicate with humans via, of course, channeling.[3] Specifically, Laura Knight-Jadczyk uses an Ouija board to receive messages from them. They may or may not be planning on eating us, depending on who you ask, though according to LKJ they are not only nothing sinister, but even herself in the future – and if you take them at their word, basically perfect angels.[note 1][4] More peace and love-focused New Agers, like those who prefer the older and more hippie-flavored Ra Material or Law of One from the 1980s that the Cassiopaeans claim come from the same source as them, tend to view the Cassiopaeans with suspicion.[5][note 4] (The Cassiopaeans also claim that Barbara Marciniak's Pleiadians and some other channeled beings are the same type of being as them, while most prominently borrowing metaphysics from Ra.)

The Cassiopaeans have given LKJ's main website (the "Cassiopaean Experiment") its name. The "experiment" amounts to LKJ reading books, asking the Cassiopaeans questions, writing about her many mental associations between things and developing spiritual and conspiratorial ideas, and maintaining a sense of the importance of it all with the help of her small but loyal online following. According to LKJ, her project is the home of "the most dangerous idea in the world", the idea they absolutely don't want awareness of to spread![6] When others disagree with her, things can get heated, and much drama involving other fringe figures has ensued over the years. As tribalism grew in her community, there came a point when she founded a religion as its inner circle, ostensibly to use the legal structure of the sinister they as protection against them. Maybe it's all really an experiment in creating a cult around a channeled source, or rather the channeler (which the channeled source claims to be very special indeed)?

The terrible threat[edit]

Regardless of whether or not the Cassiopaeans want to eat you, there are others who certainly do. Going by the first published Cassiopaean session from 1994,[7] the evil aliens working with the secret government[note 5] were to have consumed 94% of humanity by around the year 2007!

However, nearly all of humanity being eaten is only part of the terrible secret of what's coming.[note 6] The 1994 claims also included that three gigantic ships each carrying 12 million Nephilim — in this case to be pictured as giant humanoid aliens armed with stun guns and ready to serve as enforcers for the New Lizard World Order — were on their way from Orion.[8] Those reptilians (and also their gray alien puppets), in turn, are said to be part of an Orion Empire, also including bad Nordic human-looking aliens who are further up in the hierarchy. (Orion are also the main bad guys in the Ra Material, but the Cassiopaeans offer different details, and also include good Orion forces. They even claim at one point to be Orion themselves.[9])

Of course, predictions are unpredictable, and time frames and details and metaphorical re-interpretations at a later date always extend elastically to whatever extent is necessary to rationalize that the channeling does not contain any definite failed predictions. In 2022, LKJ elaborated in a discussion about such 'misses' in general that they can never be proved.[10]

You see, misses are logically impossible to prove because we know how much smoke is blown over our reality both in political and historical terms. We can never know the truth about the death of Princess Diana. Even if there are collections of 'evidence' and we may like to think they are good, we can never know.[10]

The demon-like pseudo-physical high-tech paranormal aliens are said to not only abduct people, but to alter timelines, rewriting history as part of the general quest of consuming as much and as many as they can in one way or another. But these aliens have not shown up in force as the years have passed by, and so — understandably — emphasis has shifted away from that topic over time. By 2010, focus had in large part moved to the idea of psychopaths in and out of power being in control of our world on behalf of these aliens.[11][note 7]

Who will be eaten first?[edit]

July 16, 1994[7]
F**, Laura and S**
Q: (L) 94 per cent of what?
A: Of all population.
Q: (L) What do you mean?
A: All are containers; 94 per cent will be used.
Q: (L) Used for what?
A: Consumption.
Q: (L) You mean eaten?
A: Total consumption.
Q: (L) What do you mean by consumption? Ingested?
A: Consumed for ingredients.
Q: (L) Ingredients for what?
A: New race. Important. 13 years approximately when project will be finished.
Q: (L) Why are humans consumed?
A: They are used for parts.
Q: (L) We don't understand. How can humans be used for parts?
A: Reprototype. The Vats exist. Missing persons often go there and especially missing children.

In case you find this or any other type of "information" upsetting, as LKJ herself apparently did, it may also be interesting to consider the following. And for those taking the Red Pill and waking up to the "real Matrix reality" described by LKJ et al, it's basically what the entrance to the great rabbit hole of Cassiopaean psycho-spirituality has long looked like…

Q: Did aliens do anything to create emotional turmoil here?

A: They always do.[13][note 8]

As the channeled source likes to repeat, "Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers." Apparently, the information it offers magically protects against all the terrible things it tells you about, even when there is no possibility of acting concretely on the information.[note 9] However, it isn't clear just how much more "knowledge" of this kind is needed to become truly safe.

Q: (L) What can protect us?
A: Knowledge.
Q: (L) How do we get this knowledge?
A: You are being given it through this source now.
A: Just knowing about it gives psychic defense.[14]

Doing the research to follow up on the channeled clues, synchronicities, and cognitive biases, and so develop the knowledge they don't want people to have, LKJ and others working closely with her towards ascension appear to have spiraled into escalating paranoia over the years. After roughly a decade, and following an extended online battle with vicious trolls, LKJ developed an us vs. them worldview so insular that her imaginings about the nature and motivations of others made it difficult for her to get along with other explorers of fringe topics, as in the divide between her and Tom Montalk.[15] By 2003, a staunch doctrine of judging detractors — or those who disagree with the groupthink-based consensus — evil or defective had been developed.[16] Three years later, the SOTT/Cassiopaea forum was launched.

As some channeled remarks from 2004 make clear, even those who learn and work with LKJ's group don't necessarily avoid the alien predators. One truly needs to have it in oneself to master "seeing and doing", without mysteriously being stopped from "seeing and doing", just like the masterful shamanic "seer" LKJ herself, to really escape their clutches. Or to kind of escape them.[note 10]

October 23, 2004[9]
Laura, Ark, Perceval, Mr. Scott, Galahad, Atriedes, Andromeda, Alice {Laura's Mother}, JM-guest
Q: (Galahad) What is the major problem facing the group at the moment?
A: Stalling frequency waves.
Q: What can we do to jump-start the group?
A: Requires will and knowledge. You share, they find will if it is there to find.
Q: (A) What kind of knowledge do we need to share?
A: That their lack of ability to see and do is due to deliberate stalling.
Q: (Galahad) Can you elaborate?
A: They are in a frequency fence being stored for later food.
Q: What makes us different?
A: Seeing and doing.
Q: Well, if we have a network, different people are doing different things. They are at different levels. Shouldn't we consider it in this light?
A: You were in as bad condition before leaving the USA, remember?
Q: (Galahad) Can they overcome the stalling?
A: If they wish.

Organic portals[edit]

[Knight-Jadczyk] is also searching for a new form or aspect of linguistics which would relate to her ontology by way of being ‘hyper-dimensional’. She declined to attempt to explain this idea to me, seeing me as one of the soul-less and thus being permanently unable to grasp the concepts involved. (For her, humanity is doomed to remain divided on issues of this kind, where empirical evidence does NOT directly apply. The soul-less have an incorrigibly impoverished world-view.) She did suggest that semiotics might be identified with her ‘hyper-dimensional linguistics’, but this notion seems to reflect either confusion or a so-far unarticulated non-standard view of semiotics (it is normally taken to be the study of symbolism, with linguistics as one of its most major sub-fields, and thus to be wider in scope than linguistics but NOT at a ‘different level’).
—Mark Newbrook, Skeptical Humanities blog[17]

Organic portals are a lower spiritual caste, apparently soulless and making up roughly half of the world population. Sometimes associated with skeptics and others inclined to non-belief in psychic phenomena,[17] they are "people whose abilities of imitation are so developed, so much an integral part of who they are, that they can only be discovered after years of observation. The psychopath is the failed organic portal."[18] What this means for the billions of organic portals who are not psychopaths isn't really clear, beyond the individuality of the person not surviving death, and the claim that they have in common with psychopaths a lack of something "deeper" to their nature which they only "imitate".

The two spiritual races are also referred to as "pre-Adamic" (organic portals) vs. "Adamic" (individually souled) humanity. Nearly identical physically, both kinds may be born in the same families, and great spiritual discernment — such as that of LKJ, of course — is generally the only way to tell them apart.

The Cassiopaean channeling of the first few years uses the word "portal" differently, describing "portals of attack" through which bad things can descend down into our reality from evil[note 1] forces above in the absence of vigilance. While in 1996 the Cassiopaeans reject the idea of people being portals, LKJ changed her mind in 2002, combining Boris Mouravieff's idea of "pre-Adamics" with the old idea of "portals".[19] LKJ's version is more grim than Mouravieff's, as organic portals are energy drains and the tools of evil 4D aliens.[note 2]

People are not portals!!! They are only victims of the things that come through the portals. Otherwise, many could describe you as a "portal." […] When you concentrate on the people as portals, you falsely direct negative energy upon the soul units themselves. Rather like treating acne with the therapy to be found in a shotgun!
—Laura's Cassiopaeans on April 28, 1996, disagreeing with her and with their own later stance

Beyond organic portals, there are also many others – most of the remaining 50% of humanity, in fact – who are spiritual "have-nots" in a different way, having wasted the "gift" or potential they were given, or been robbed of it by tragic circumstance. One broad subcategory of them are described in the section below.

Soul smashing[edit]

The idea of "soul smashing" was established in the channeling session on September 13th, 2009.[20] Supposedly, souls that have spent millions or billions of years living mineral, animal, and eventually human lives, gradually growing a human-sized consciousness that survives between incarnations, can through the horrors of modern human life — somehow way worse than all before it — easily be smashed and reduced to the bare bottom-level of inanimate matter, so that the whole soul-evolution process must begin from scratch again.

It is not just "waves" beamed by such things as HAARP or microwaves, it is also a quickening of the cosmos. Those who are not integrated will disintegrate at an even faster rate than ever.
—Cassiopaeans, a bit earlier, on June 20th, 2009, predicting hell degeneration and madness for those who don't have their spiritual stuff in order[21]

All it takes is for the traps designed by sinister forces to push souls into making bad choices, repeatedly, and the souls will become more and more tortured and twisted until they just go poof, in the ultimate tragedy.

Conscious and repressed burdens of negative emotions thus change from being a mere health concern, to being a grave existential threat. As the great cosmic opening-up unfolds, is one's psyche sturdy enough to survive, or does one's soul need the help of a cult to escape ultimate doom? If the cult option begins to seem like something to consider, then it just so happens that the "solution" was developed around the same time: what became the Éiriú Eolas breathing and meditation program was discussed during the June 20th, 2009 channeling.[22]

Naturally, people who end up at odds with LKJ et al and reject the community may be described as "disintegrating" or going through "soul smashing". In 2022, this was the case with one long-time member who wondered why the community listed "hits" (successful predictions) but not "misses" (failed ones) for the channeled source, and who was concerned that he had been believing too much blindly in the past. Over the course of a discussion he grew at odds with the group; ultimately, his questioning of the groupthink (and of the rebuttals saying that focusing on "misses" simply isn't needed for objectivity and the avoidance of confirmation bias), also ironically led to him being labeled an "authoritarian follower" by LKJ.[23]

You come across as an authoritarian follower who favors black and white thinking as well as a person of little faith. External pressure of the reality has certainly increased a lot in the last couple of years and if there is little to no internal fortitude within an individual, then this can lead to disaster. We have seen quite a few people slowly disintegrating in recent times...

I guess ozone therapy isn't as beneficial as claimed if it leaves one open to soul smashing.[23]

The stupendous salvation[edit]

Over the years, LKJ has increasingly come to see the signs and symbols of the present and past as all pointing in the direction of the specialness of herself and the Cassiopaeans. In 2011, she openly embraced the idea that she is a pillar upon which the fate of the whole world rests; where other people easily end up dead as soon as the powers that be[note 5] dislike them enough, LKJ is so important that even the worst of villains can't kill her, because that would be the end of the entire planet. Literally.

Session Date: June 11th 2011[24]
Laura, Ark, Belibaste, Perceval, Andromeda, Ailen, PoB, Galaxia (AKA Galatea), Burma Jones, Ottershrew, Psyche, Mr. Scott
Q: (L) Well, why don't they just bump us off if we're such a pain in the whatever?
A: They can't.
Q: (L) Why?
A: We cannot tell you that as it would interfere with mission.
Q: (Galaxia) Why would it interfere with the mission?
A: If you know why you will anticipate and possibly make mistakes fatal to yourself. Let us just say that "they" know that harm to you would result in their own total destruction along a more negative timeline.
Q: (L) Well, if my death would bring about their destruction, then maybe it would be a good idea for me to check out, right? Well, isn't that what we want? (Belibaste) Why would it lead to their destruction?
A: Again, we cannot tell you all. But know that there is no chance for a positive outcome for Earth and the future without the presence.
Q: (L) So, there's no chance for a positive outcome without me, and yet my death would ensure their total destruction.
A: And all else!
Q: (Perceval) Maybe it's got something to do with balance, ya know? The universe wanting balance. There's a higher power in the universe that allows things to play out as long as there's some kind of balance. But if you weren't here, then this world would be a completely dark, negative star, and there'd be some mechanism that would destroy it and everything associated with it.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) That's really depressing though to think that we ARE the only balancing energy... out of 7 billion people on the planet?! (Perceval) The only reason that the whole thing hasn't already gone up in smoke is because some few people are making an effort. It's rather magnanimous of the universe to consider such a small group of people. (L) How did we get off on this topic? (Galaxia) Oh, so that's why we all feel so bad: because we're being HAARPed. (L) Oh yeah! So is that what's behind our various negative experiences of late that's been kind of rotating around the house like some kind of bug being passed around?
A: Yes.
Q: (Galaxia) Is that why we were all vomiting? (Perceval) And other things?
A: Yes.

The occasional HAARPing leading to headaches, nausea, vomiting, and more, LKJ's team has continued to make it against all the odds year after year, while the world grows darker and darker.Do You Believe That?

But how does LKJ help humanity, exactly? By shining a light into the darkness of ignorance and selfishness. This includes teaching objectivity, her teaching redefining and overextending the word to such an extent that the meaning of it can change from paragraph to paragraph. The unique insight necessary to help humanity avoid otherwise certain doom used to have something to do with the Cassiopaeans being from the future. Or a good future. (Or, once upon a time, with their being from another star.[25])

Receivership capability[edit]

The potential for human learning, extraordinary growth of consciousness, and resulting supernatural capabilities, is described as a matter of "receivership capability". That to be received is, roughly, knowledge or true information.[note 9] The capability has also become tied to energy centers or chakras, as well as conscience and thus goodness. The term first appeared in the channeling session of September 23, 2000, and the idea was then elaborated upon over time.[26]

In connection with fundraising and launching of products like Éiriú Eolas, the idea of receivership capability has been mentioned alongside the idea that people don't get something for nothing — meaning that they should buy or donate if they want to get something out of LKJ's work.[27]

Like related Cassiopaean ideas about consciousness and its power, it's very vague, and interpretations evolve with the community groupthink. Such ideas are part of the fabric of the worldview of the community, tied to positive descriptions of how the community is more conscious than the rest on the world, and a shining light where the norm is darkness. Adopting the frame of mind that LKJ wants people to have is closely tied to good development, as when in early 2018 the Cassiopaeans recommended reading the books that she mentioned, so as to build receivership capability.[28]

Work on the self[edit]

[T]he narcissist see[sic] others as reflections of themselves and the narcissistically wounded instead put themselves in others shoes [dysfunctionally…] thereby being unable to see any form of manipulation of themselves that these other people do.
—Forum member unknowingly touches on how LKJ manipulates the hurt and alienated[29]

The self-work necessary to become good people, unlike most on the planet, has been framed in different terms over the years. Inspired by George Gurdjieff's earlier cult-like Fourth Way teaching, LKJ reused his psychological framework and in part adopted his attitude, teaching a small minority of persons who are not entirely hopeless like the rest, to grow in "knowledge and being", and to transcend the enormous self-importance that people other than herself (and Gurdjieff earlier) tend to be afflicted with. Times change. After more than a decade of heading the true revival of the Fourth Way, LKJ came to firmly reject Gurdjieff and his teaching – but not her own teaching or overall project, which continued with a minor change of emphasis – suddenly knowing far better than to draw upon his primitive cosmology.[30]

Back in the early 2000s, when inspiration from Gurdjieff and the Fourth Way teaching was combined with Cassiopaean channeling and LKJ's peculiar thought combined with her husband's input, the result was their own ascension mystery school. Its basic attitude has remained. Whatever the year and the emphasis, the uniquely effective "self-work", through which the Cassiopaea community is the most sincerely objectivity-seeking community on the planet, is the basis for arriving at the real reality everyone else is missing.Do You Believe That?

Over the years of the SOTT/Cassiopaea forum, more and more material on psychology from various sources has become mixed into the self-work approach. An early main theme was books on narcissism, used to point out just how narcissistic people in general are, unlike LKJ (of course) and the ideal she helps people towards. Some years later, books on cognitive biases entered the mix, and as a result, the dividing line between LKJ's New Age approach and other approaches (New Age and all else alike) became sharper, as she rejected all dissenting thought as riddled with bias while her own was, of course, truly objective. The recommended books and notes about them are briefly described in a large list.[31]

In August 2020, LKJ filled the gap after the jettisoning of Gurdjieff and his Fourth Way, and brought some warmth to the cold authoritarian atmosphere of her online community, by directing her followers to read a long list of pornographic romantic fiction books as part of a new style of reality-shaping self-work.[32] Naturally, the Cassiopaeans confirmed that it's a great idea and something members should prioritize.[33] By March 2021, LKJ observed, again with Cassiopaean approval, that "Some of the people in the project thought that they could read 2 or 3 books and that'd do the job. My view of it is that it could take 100 books."[34] (This is an interesting departure from the 1990s Cassiopaean messages, according to which the sexual excesses of Western culture serve the psychic vampirism of the evil alien overlords.[note 10])

Broader message and activities[edit]

[T]he power of the paranoid lies in the fact that they easily enslave less critical minds, e.g. people with other kinds of psychological deficiencies, who have been victims of the egotistical influence of individuals with character disorders, and, in particular, a large segment of young people.
—Andrzej Łobaczewski, Political Ponerology (ironically, a book edited and published by Laura Knight-Jadczyk[35]:110[note 11])

Laura Knight-Jadczyk's message has evolved over the years of Cassiopaean channeling, book writing, and other activities. Early on, the focus was a variation on New Age themes, including ascension, with an extra dose of conspiratorial fire. She then branched out into covering politics in a bigger way with her SOTT website, describing the degeneration of the world towards the end times state of "as it were in the days of Noah". The language used for the spiritual message has shifted over the years, as LKJ (with help and inspiration from Ark) has developed her own pseudoscientific style while trying to set herself apart from the less sciencey New Age norm.

Describing a world worse and worse year after year, and herself and her group at odds with a claimed ever-increasing worldwide promulgation of lies, her positions have become more and more aligned with authoritarian leaders and movements supporting them. It is also apparently more believable that the whole world conspires against a few "good guys" such as Putin than that smaller conspiracies (like that of a country or two) can exist and do well.[36]Do You Believe That? It seems plausible that she has over time striven to maximize the contrast in beliefs between her following and the world outside, so as to keep them on her side of an ever-growing barrier of cognitive dissonance.

For the good of humanity, or so the vague phrasings would indicate, the Quantum Future Group[37] engages in the research of the Cassiopaea community, in large part a vast aggregating of information and biased use thereof, and also runs the propaganda platform Sott.net. Books by LKJ et al (but also by some authors outside the Cassiopaea community) are also published by what's mainly or originally a self-publishing company, Red Pill Press (a.k.a. Les Editions Pilule Rouge).[38] Other things the community does are handled by the religious organization.

Early New Age and conspiracy focus[edit]

"No sacred cows • no bull www.cassiopaea.org" … Oh sure, and no hypocrisy, either.

LKJ is notable for her role in purveying Comet Elenin and Planet X/Nibiru woo, alongside other topics like free energy,[39] Mossad conspiracies,[40] the 9/11 truth movement,[41][42] the Denver Airport conspiracy theory,[43] the New World Order,[44] Earth changes,[45] alien abduction, and HAARP.[46]

Her main spiritual synthesis is a book series called The Wave, in part about souls, the 2012 apocalypse (which failed to appear), and Earth changes.[47] It is also about aliens, conspiracies, mind control, alternative history, and her life story, all mixed up with the kind of general encyclopedic information on topics which can nowadays be found on Wikipedia. And quantum woo – inspired in part by her husband, who helps make ideas of a macrocosmic quantum wave function collapse reality change and "debugging the Universe" seem a little more sciencey and credible.

Also corresponding to the early focus is the section of her website about "The Grail Quest And The Destiny Of Man", which appears to be about finding the Holy Grail, in terms of a New Age interpretation of alchemy, dreams, Christianity, and more.[48] But the corny language once used on earlier versions of the website to go a step further and promote her and Ark's Quantum Future School of Ascension[49] is long gone, though the spiritual hype lives on.

Welcome to Cassiopaea, the website of Arkadiusz Jadczyk and Laura Knight-Jadczyk.
Here you will find the results of our research into the nature of reality — the Matrix — what is the Matrix — which includes articles on future science, quantum physics, quantum theory, conspiracy theory, government conspiracy, the JFK conspiracy, 9-11 conspiracy, moon landing conspiracy, aliens, ufo, alien abduction, alien vs predator, alien picture, alien sex, alien ufo, history, ancient wisdom, ancient mystery, genealogy, mythology, secret society, illuminati, the holy grail, alchemy, the ark, channeling, the Bible, sufism, Castaneda, Gurdjieff, Ouspensky, fourth way, Mouravieff and Nostradamus — to mention just a few highlights.
—Cassiopaea website from 2003[49]

Signs of the Times (SOTT)[edit]

Being accused of being conspiracy theorists and propagating "pseudo-science" is practically a guarantee that we are on the right track!!!
—Laura on Media Bias/Fact Check's take on SOTT in January 2020[50]
Specifically, people who think a lot about conspiracies and aliens.

An alternative fake news website, Signs of the Times — also referred to as SOTT, Sott.net, or "The world for people who think" — mainly aggregates stories from other sources, but also makes some articles, videos, podcasts, etc. of their own. Things from elsewhere may be "truthified" by adding biased comments. SOTT has grown from a smaller blogging project by Knight-Jadczyk alone in 2002, to a fringe news site staffed by volunteers part of her online community.[51] Compared to the SOTT/Cassiopaea forum and the Cassiopaea site, the SOTT site presents a more normal-looking side of the community and its work.

Classic older themes include left-wing politics,[52] climate denial combined with The Day After Tomorrow[53] (and further scaremongering[54]),[note 12] a pro-smoking stance, and the psychopaths governing the world.[55] Not to mention the horrible gauntlet of peer review and corporate science obscuring 'truth'.[56] Sott.net has gradually swung towards the alt-right over the years, including support for leaders like Putin, Gaddafi, Assad, and eventually Trump.

Media Bias/Fact Check categorizes SOTT as "Conspiracy-Pseudoscience".[57] Since early 2021, the level of factual reporting is deemed "Low", whereas it was "Mixed" a year earlier.[50] COVID-19 and Trump-related disinformation may have a lot to do with this decline.

Psychopaths and ponerology[edit]

I would like to warn those readers lacking knowledge and experience of their own in this area not to fall prey to the impression that the world surrounding them is dominated by individuals with pathological deviations, whether described herein or not; it is not.
—Andrzej Łobaczewski, Political Ponerology[35]:137

LKJ and her community have some rather odd beliefs concerning psychopaths – apparently they control every nation on earth via dominant personalities.[58][59] This view was developed after she and her Red Pill Press edited, published, and embraced a dense yet sketchy book on societies ruled by the personality-disordered, by Andrzej Łobaczewski (Andrew M. Lobaczewski) (1921–2008), a psychiatrist from communist Poland whose research was said to be forbidden by the regime.[35][60][61][62] The book contains evidently outdated and questionable claims, incomplete scientific ideas, and Łobaczewski's hopes for future work to be done. Under LKJ's care, no attempt at a scientific approach to it was made, and instead sloppy and sensationalist labeling of individuals, and increasingly absurd claims about psychopathology, were made over the years. She essentially brutalized and appropriated Łobaczewski's ideas for the furthering of her paranoid worldview and psychological control over her followers.

An early distortion part of SOTT's message[59] since the late 2000s is the claim that 6% of humanity are psychopaths, a claim much more dramatic than both modern scientific estimates and what Łobaczewski actually wrote.[note 13] This number was followed in 2010 by some even more intriguing channeled statistics for 10 specific countries,[63] likewise accepted by the Cassiopaea community, and listed below in order of decreasing psychopathy percentages. In general, Łobaczewski's basic thinking is starkly at odds with LKJ's worldview, and his message is best separated from that of LKJ and her online community for a fair evaluation.[note 11]

The motto of SOTT is "the World for People who Think." The completion of SOTT's guiding principle might read "that 9/11 was planned by the Bush administration, JFK was not killed by Lee Harvey Oswald, and your next door neighbor is a psychopath."
Robert T. Carroll, The Skeptic's Dictionary Newsletter[64]
Country Psychopaths
Israel 42%
USA 23%
Russia 17%
UK 14%
Netherlands 13%
France 10%
Ethiopia 3%
Spain 2.6%
China 0.9%
Samoa 0.6%
I mean, it is the lizard’s drive for total control that is manifesting in these pathological people on our planet. And if you think aliens are the problem, okay, yeah maybe they are. But who needs aliens when we’ve got psychopaths to deal with?

—Laura Knight-Jadczyk, explaining in 2010 that the evil paranormal aliens that didn't show up use psychopaths instead[11]

Further channeled claims about psychopaths have come along over the years, including a 2018 claim[65] that 53% of Ashkenazi Jews are psychopaths. That particular claim goes along with both the Khazar myth[66] and with LKJ's idea that the "true Semites" are the people her channeled source says they are, at odds with all other criteria.[28][note 14]

Various critics have been suggested to be psychopathic and otherwise associated with villains in LKJ's worldview, including cult expert Joe Szimhart in 2012 after LKJ learned that a member of her community had spent an afternoon talking to him, after relatives of the member had consulted him.[67] In an essay on his website, Szimhart points out that such tactics are common among cult leaders, and further compares LKJ's role and community to cults in general and notes how some key features line up.[2]

Greenbaum satanic mind control[edit]

LKJ believes in satanic ritual abuse related to MKULTRA and shadowy parts of the military-industrial complex along with intelligence agencies.[note 5] Providing a copy of D. Corydon Hammond's influential "Greenbaum Speech",[68] which makes claims of mind-control programming on kidnapped people, such "greenbauming" has often been used by LKJ and the SOTT team over the years to explain shootings and "manufactured" terror attacks.

In May 2020, LKJ's channeling added Bill Gates to the list of the greenbaumed, this being the explanation for his role as "a maniacal world-saver through vaccines" in response to an artificial COVID-19 pandemic. "He does not realize how expendable he is," the channeled source claims.[69]

Swing towards the alt-right[edit]

The change from having a left-wing anti-establishment message in the 2000s to an alt-right message by the late 2010s was gradual, and for a long time some of LKJ's views were at odds with right-wing populism. An inverted climate change message came early, fully expressed by 2010,[53] a weird example of venturing into populist territory. In 2015, SOTT staff wrote an article series against the rising Islamophobia of the times, warning about a coming "Holocaust 2.0" with Muslims the target rather than Jews[70] — an example of being opposed to the new populism. The full embracing of ring-wing populism only seems to have come with the Trump era.

Since 2003 at least,[16] the Cassiopaea community has pathologized some ideas and their promoters, which ones changing over the years. She and her community have claimed to know better than the rest of the world what "objectivity" is and to battle "subjectivity" in all of their efforts,[note 15] using strange redefinitions of these words. At the same time they've come to associate the relativizing of fact and reality with psychopathy and related pathologies,[71] and LKJ has over a period of years hardened the categories in condemning postmodernism along with solipsism, largely treating the two as the same thing, and furthermore coming to view modern identity politics and "leftism" in general as both a threat and a radical rejection of reality. Yet along with the latter shift, right-wing "alternative facts" and those people promoting them have — despite the great similarities with postmodernist relativising of what's real — ended up somehow not being pathological, but rather viewed as the opposite, and even as representing the hope of the future.

Left-wing threat to the "true Semites"[edit]

By early 2018, conservatism became associated with spiritually superior souls, in the form of the "Kantekkian race" which constitutes the "real" and mostly non-Jewish Semites.[28][note 14] They can be any persons so judged by the spiritual authority of the Cassiopaea community, yet at the same time, this "race" is through mental gymnastics somehow conflated with the actual people whom Hitler worked so hard to remove from the planet. The left-wing politics of the modern age are further seen as advancing a vague looming threat of annihilation akin to the Holocaust. These ideas build upon earlier Cassiopaean channeling saying that events in the future will unfold towards a repeating of history that will entail far worse than what the historical Nazis brought about.

Surrounding the 2020 U.S. presidential election, LKJ and her community rooted for Trump, the Cassiopaeans twice predicting he would probably win, the second time claiming that if Trump wins, chaos planned in large part by his enemies would push him and lead to martial law.[72] When Biden won and the 2021 U.S. Capitol riot came and went, LKJ concluded that "clearly Trump didn't have the courage to do anything big and bold. Now the Deep State is in power via Biden and… Camel[sic] Harris."[73] Together with this, there is the belief that Trump's attempt to present his "convincing evidence" for election fraud had been successfully thwarted by the Deep State. Further, with the Deep State back in power, its fear of losing control will lead to chaos. The actions of the Biden administration are compared to the Star Wars empire striking back.[74]

In 2022, the Cassiopaean channeling further claimed that the COVID-19 vaccines may be used as an ethnically targeted weapon against the "true Semites", having supposedly been designed to have that kind of capability.[75]Do You Believe That?

Putinism to the bitter end?[edit]

The Cassiopaea community and Sott.net have continued to support Putinism with pro-Russian narratives about the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, to the point of copying RT propaganda.[75][76] Similarly to QAnon ideas, the more spectacular ideas in the Cassiopaean channeling make Putin a kind of great hero counteracting evil forces in Ukraine and an evil worldwide order, though specifics differ as usual. Specifically, on February 26 LKJ's Cassiopaeans claimed that evil aliens download themselves into 17% of Ukrainians, and that there are also many psychopaths in Ukraine, and that as such Putin is doing the world a favor by getting rid of them.[75]

A: Exciting times no doubt! Hollenoaea of Cassiopaea here! Ukraine is ancient site of landing of Kantekkians. It is highly coveted by 4D[note 2] STS![note 1] Putin is doing service to all by attempting to remove psychopathic elements there. Unfortunately, the resistance of the power elite may lead to deaths of many innocent people.
Q: (L) Is that suggesting that the landing happened via some means other than just getting on a spaceship and flying and plopping down? [...] So, there's a portal in Ukraine?
A: Yes
Q: (Ryu) Does Putin knows about Ukraine having a portal? And does he know about Kantekkians?
A: No
Q: (SummerLite) It's said Putin is bombing US bioweapons sites.
A: Yes
Q: (Keit) I have a question about Russia. We have vocal anti-war sentiments within Russia. Will they lead to a change in power? Will it lead to Russia's destruction?
A: No
Q: (Niall) Can I do a follow-up about the bioweapons sites? There's a theory that these bioweapons sites were built there with a view to creating something like an ethnic-specific weapon to use against Russians. Is that what they were for?
A: Partly, indeed.
Q: (Pierre) And the struggle for the portal is indicative of 4D STS wanting to use this portal?
A: Yes [...] Downloading is taking place there.
Q: (L) Downloading of what? [...] So the STS bad guys download themselves via a portal into the people there?
A: Yes
Q: [...] (Lukasz) How many percent of people in Ukraine are affected by downloading by STS in percent?
A: 17%
Q: [...] (Ant22) Does Putin suspect any extraterrestrial influences behind the USA and their allies?
A: Yes
Q: [...] Q: (Niall) Has Putin been planning for this day for 20 years?
A: Yes [75]

This is an interesting approach to striving for a more peaceful world; when an authoritarian leader launches a war of aggression, simply count it as a success because whoever is killed by such a leader must be bad, maybe even terrible.Do You Believe That?

Regarding the 2022 Nord Stream pipeline sabotage, the Cassiopaean explanation of who did it is also unique. While skeptics regularly point to the logistics of super-large conspiracies as being too tricky, with great risk of information leaks and mistakes, here the idea is the opposite – that the more countries are in on it, the easier it is to get everybody to shut up about it. As such, the CIA, the Mossad, several European nations and their militaries, and maybe NATO as a whole, all did it together.[36] What could make more sense than everyone conspiring against the "good guys"? As one participant in the channeling said, "It's what they've been doing since Julius Caesar's assassination."

Alternative medicine[edit]

See the main article on this topic: Alternative medicine

There's a large collection of diet and other health woo on the SOTT site and the SOTT/Cassiopaea forum. The description of recommended reading on the forum gathers some links and seems to convey the gist as to what matters most in Cassiopaea-land.[31] SOTT carries a broader range of articles, fewer being original and more of them reposted from sources like NaturalNews, Joseph Mercola, or GreenMedInfo. Other than diet, ideas about what to do and avoid include the wisdom of general prepping for supposed bad times to come fairly soon, the use of colloidal silver and various other alternative remedies for illnesses, the avoiding of microwaves from phone and WiFi networks, and alarmism concerning supposed dangers of vaccines — though there's much more besides.

Diet woo[edit]

The Cassiopaea community has a history of one-size-fits-all approaches to diet, arrived at through groupthink and confirmation bias.[31] In earlier years a "detox diet" with complex rules and recommendations took form, until by 2011 it was more fully displaced by a paleo diet of sorts,[77] which in turn by 2012 morphed into a "New Atkins"-style carnivore diet,[78] which by 2014 was seen as ideal for almost all to jump straight into provided it was done in the "correct way".[79]. That hardline stance may have softened a bit some years later, though the underlying attitude remains a long-term feature of the community, like in various other ones.

What attitude? That whatever is currently believed to be the "biggest, baddest, bestest" diet ever is the one true solution to all which ails us. We realize we are all fat, have no body-image self-esteem thanks to the media, and may very generally feel that we are not fully at our truly best, but is it all the fault of the agricultural industry, as fruit and vegetables are bad for you?[80] If you think so, you can of course dismiss any conflicting evidence as being the product of a corrupt and controlled system in the grip of which you have lived your life.


From the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, LKJ described the unfolding world events in terms of an insane barrage of lies, even her truthy idol Putin and his Russia joined the worldwide gang of fabricators.[69][note 16] But fortunately, a large portion of the masses saw through it all; for example, in October 2020, 62% of the French population knew better than the official story.[72] That is, according to the statistics we should believe given the verity of the Cassiopaean issuer.Do You Believe That?

According to the Cassiopaeans, the masks that people were told to wear to limit the spread of the coronavirus caused brain damage, impaired intelligence, and otherwise harmed health – supposedly because they limit oxygen intake.[33] This generally explained the stupidity of mainstream doctors who disagreed with LKJ et al. on the nature of the pandemic and how to respond to it.

The virus did not appear first in China. There were experiments at Fort Detrick regarding the creation of a vaccine that would make humans more controllable. This vaccine had unexpected effects and in some cases did the opposite of what was intended. The strain escaped into a population and further mutated. Indeed it was carried to China by US soldiers. China soon knew the type and origin and launched a massive campaign to control the situation. This was seen by Western powers as a good model to follow with additional add-on factors. In the meantime further mutations have occurred, some engineered via STO[note 1] forces by virtue of the virus taking hold in certain persons whose spiritual force was able to direct the progression. At this point, there are two major strains. The elite need to stop the spread of that which they "created".
—The Cassiopaeans explain the COVID-19 pandemic on March 21st, 2020[81]

According to LKJ's early channeling on the topic, not only were fears of the virus enormously overblown from the start, but the virus can actually be good for people. Beneficial mutations making people less easy for them to control could occur through the action of the virus, and the powers that be feared that people may catch it and become too much to handle as a result, that of course being the real reason behind the rush to implement lock-downs and halt the spread. "The virus can change DNA making individuals more susceptible to cosmic information of the STO[note 1] variety."[81] Later in 2023, LKJ and 3 others in her unvaccinated group apparently had been having issues with blood clots, naturally because the COVID-19 they'd caught contained some malevolent bio-engineering, or so the Cassiopaeans said.[82] Luckily, though, they hadn't had the vaccine, which was claimed to be not only much worse than the virus but also the cause of most recent celebrity heart attacks and deaths in the U.S.[83]

As for vaccination against COVID-19, not only is Bill Gates allegedly a mind-controlled puppet in on it all[69] and chipping the population through vaccination a plan,[33] but something as bad as the Black Death could apparently result from freak mutations inside of a few vaccinated individuals,[84] bringing a real pandemic threat to the world. That's a danger of flawed vaccine technology actually worth worrying about, of course, unlike the earlier ongoing pandemic.Do You Believe That? And naturally, since people in governments haven't been dropping dead from the vaccines, they've all got to be in on faking it and not getting real vaccinations.[83]

In 2022, the claim was made about the vaccines that they may be used as an ethnically-targeted weapon against the "Kantekkian" race of the Cassiopaean "true Semites".[75] Thus, some of LKJ's followers — those who happen to belong to the spiritual master race — had and have additional reasons to personally fear the vaccines.

Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind[edit]

The Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind (FOTCM), also referred to as the Church of Revived Paleochristianity,[85] is the small religion formally registered by Laura Knight-Jadczyk et al. in 2009. Comprising an inner circle for the online community of her "Cassiopaean Experiment" and alternative fake news site SOTT, it was mainly created for the sake of the legal status or cover provided by doing so.

The only reason the Fellowship exists is because we realized we may need a legal structure in this legally structured world, i.e. using their own weapons against them. We realized that we already lived a certain lifestyle due to what we had learned, we only needed to formalize it WITH THE PROVISO that we can adjust the formalization as we learn more.
—Knight-Jadczyk on her forum on March 4, 2011[86]

Beyond vague idealistic wording, and some members living together, there isn't much of a religion to the religion beyond LKJ's cult of personality and things generally part of her online community. At any given time, a survey of activity on the Cassiopaea forum especially, and the Sott.net news site in addition, may give a rough picture of what its members are currently the most preoccupied with.

There used to exist a separate anti-anti-cult website for the Cassiopaea community as a whole, countering cult accusations and other allegations against LKJ by other cranks (but not reasonable criticism), along with providing a boatload of glowing testimonials.[87][note 17]

Earlier ascension school[edit]

In the early 2000s, LKJ and her husband, Arkadiusz Jadczyk, ran an online mystery school called the Quantum Future School of Ascension,[89][49] which was the inner circle of her then email list-based online community. (By 2003, LKJ also drew upon experience with the QFS to formulate an uncompromising doctrine according to which those who reject the groupthink are defective or evil,[16] roughly a year after arriving at the idea that half of humanity are lesser organic portals rather than full-fledged human beings.) Activity increasingly moved from email lists to the new SOTT/Cassiopaea forum after its launch in 2006, and the old QFS mystery school eventually seems to have been abandoned, the FOTCM replacing it in 2009 as the new way of having a more exclusive inner circle.

The QFS claimed to be "A Radical Revival of the Ancient Secrets of Enlightenment!", much like the Fellowship claims to revive an ancient "PaleoChristianity" older than Christ.

If we had not tried and tested it, we would not be offering it. And now that we have achieved practical results, we are ready to expand this process — this global network. YOU can participate actively on a daily basis, with direct guidance and real time interaction with a group of teachers who have achieved objective results faster than ever dreamed possible. And these results can be yours, right from where you are, in your own home, with no disruption in your "ordinary life," dependent upon only your time and dedication and sincerity.[49]

The QFS times before and shortly after the launch of the forum are also the times of the Montalk-Cassiopaea schism, in which another spiritual conspiracist, Tom Montalk, was first described by LKJ et al as a dangerous right-wing extremist,[90] and then in turn later described how LKJ had fallen deep into paranoia and dishonesty, and the Cassiopaea community become cult-like.[15][note 18]

On the Cassiopaean side of the divide, an August 2003 channeling session established the narrative that Montalk and company are some kind of agents,[91] sent in like various other problematic individuals as part of a general, shadowy striving by the powers that be[note 5] to corrupt or otherwise "cultify" the Cassiopaea group. That is, to make it look really bad or even dangerous (in Montalk's case through alleged extremist gun-nuttery[note 19]) even though it's of course nothing like a dangerous cult, so that they can then strike and shut it all down in response to the "threat".

Éiriú Eolas[edit]

Éiriú Eolas, Irish for "Growth of Knowledge", is a breathing and meditation program which also has its own website.[92] Developed in 2009 around the time that the Cassiopaea community developed its belief in the threat of soul smashing, it supposedly helps people attain spiritual health by relieving them of their emotional and karmic burdens.[22] There's a rational core to the practices and how they work that Éiriú Eolas instructors like to emphasize to make it all seem scientific, and surrounding that, an extension of LKJ's egomaniacal beliefs that is less talked about.

On the more mundane side, the claim that controlled breathing exercises and self-stimulation of the vagus nerve can help with stress relief is reasonable, but there's no evidence that there's anything truly special with or particularly effective about Éiriú Eolas. Simple and easy to learn, the breathing exercises are basically similar to other variations on the same theme, which can be found here and there around the world and throughout history. To be fair, Éiriú Eolas can be learned and practiced for free, and isn't a money-making scheme, unlike part of the competition. But it does seem to play the role of another means for LKJ to engage in her extended fantasy of being the "discoverer" of ancient, unsurpassed secrets of great importance for humanity — sometimes so important that they ought to be free for the sake of philanthropy.

On the more far-out side, practice by members of the community greatly impacts "higher realms" and the future.[93] It is also supposedly of great benefit for people, or at least some people, to listen to LKJ's voice, as she guides people to breathe and meditate. If you are of "the blood", whatever that means, then the supernatural frequencies emitted by the Cassiopaeans can vibrate your being to your (their) benefit.

The point is this: when you speak while merged, cosmic elements are transmitted via your voice. More than this, it has the power to heal those of similar goals who are not yet at the correct frequency. In short, through your voice we can set frequency resonance for those of "the blood." [...] When you speak to aid others, we are able to merge with you.
—Cassiopaeans to Laura on July 4th, 2009[94]

But how was the breathing and meditation program arrived at? In the Cassiopaea channeling session of June 20th, 2009[22], the discussion between LKJ et al and the channeled source compared the Art of Living Sudarshan Kriya Yoga to LKJ's old personal breathing and meditation practices. Concerning the latter, the Cassiopaeans told her, "You stumbled instinctively on an ancient method that is unsurpassed in its efficacy. So why not share?" Following some back and forth and a few adjustments suggested by the Cassiopaeans to something basically similar to the Sudarshan Kriya, the channeled source announced, "We have just given you all the details of a truly ancient technique that is even older than the Vedas." Furthermore, the Irish words for "growth of knowledge" were "close enough to the original name of this practice for horseshoes," according to the channeled source.

This miraculously recovered long-lost ancient technique includes a modern, secularized version of the Lord's Prayer as something to focus on during meditation.

Hail Caesar![edit]

In July 2014, the Cassiopaeans identified their earlier hyperdimensional "Jesus", a New Age-style discarnate spiritual helper who projects enough instances of his 5D soul to provide one for each person praying to him for help, as actually being Julius Caesar.[note 20] Not only that, but the same channeled session includes contact and an interview with the great dead man himself.[95][96][note 21]

The channeling of Caesar came roughly a year after LKJ discussed the idea that the myth of Jesus may have been based in part on distorted fragments of the life of Caesar.[97] The Cassiopaea community quickly embraced her view that Caesar is truly great, and a better role-model than the passivity-preaching martyr in the Bible. By December 2013, members established the meme of celebrating "Caesarmas".[98] March 2014, LKJ took a next step in the launching of Caesar-themed quasi-religious activities, members joining her in lighting a candle for Caesar on the anniversary of his assassination.[99] Caesar-themed days and prayers to Caesar have lived on after the channeling took place later that year.[100][101]

As the Cassiopaeans would have it, confirming LKJ's view, the real reason Caesar was killed is that his goodness, compassion, etc., threatened the sinister forces in control, i.e. it happened as a tragic event in the battle between good and evil.[102] Caesar's enormous hunger for power, so great that it led to Rome transforming from the old republic into an empire and united his competitors in a plot to kill him, is not seen as problematic.[note 22]

Legal issues[edit]

A quack fight has broken out and the feathers are more than ruffled. […] Whoever thought the New Age could get so seedy?
Robert T. Carroll, The Skeptic's Dictionary Newsletter[64]

In 2008, Eric Pepin, the New Age guru and quack at the center of the Higher Balance Institute,[103] launched[104] and then lost[105] a $4.4 million federal lawsuit against Laura Knight-Jadczyk's Quantum Future Group for the anti-Pepin comments on her forum (which was at that time hosted on the SOTT site). Bob Carroll, author of The Skeptic's Dictionary, poked fun at both sides when he learned that Pepin was suing.[64]

Ultimately, the comments on the SOTT forum — including far-out allegations of covert mind control agendas in addition to calling Pepin's HBI a "front for pedophilia" — were judged legal as protected expressions of opinion, which is sensible enough. The year after winning, around the time that LKJ took a cue from Pepin and invented the Éiriú Eolas breathing and meditation program, she commented, "The only thing we have that Pepin doesn't have is the C's [Cassiopaeans]. And the C's have a track record."[20]

Trouble with French authorities[edit]

In late 2011, LKJ and her Sott.net team began to have some legal trouble, though exactly what the trouble is isn't clear. It also coincided with them asking for donations, with those pledging a certain amount getting "A Telephone Into the FUTURE."[106] The post also states that the 2012 apocalypse is a fake… but because it is so well known and "smacks of a set up." That's right, the 2012 theories were a false flag operation by psychopaths and/or a deception inspired by evil aliens.

Through Sott.net, the QFG and FOTCM organizations wage a battle against MIVILUDES, the French anti-cult government agency[107]. In sharing some older tips for subverting French anti-cult law, the editors have called its role in France a "fascist inquisition".[108] There may be problems with how well MIVILUDES and anti-cult laws work, but the real concern of the Sott.net crew is probably that such measures could one day end up working too well.

Views on RationalWiki[edit]

Laura Knight-Jadczyk is pissed at RationalWiki. On the Cassiopaea forum, she had this to say about us in December 2015:

I just had a look at an entry about me on "rationalwiki". I'm going to archive it here in case they decide to change it. It's so bad its[sic] "not even wrong." !! I suspect we get a lot of readers sent our way from there![109]

To be fair, the old version covered LKJ's online community very superficially, and missed the entire religious organization as well as some main themes of her Cassiopaean channeling. It also dismissed her as crazy without even mentioning that she sees the fate of the entire planet as uniquely depending upon her presence on it, as the only center of light in a world of darkness.

She and her forum community are not very impressed with later versions either. The general sentiment seems to be well-represented by one member's comment about this article in 2022, that RationalWiki is an example of "how far some people are willing to go to deny the truth". At the same time, LKJ and others have expressed that they generally view any publicity as good publicity.

See also[edit]

  • Arkadiusz Jadczyk – Husband and right-hand cult man.
  • Crank magnetism
  • Bernhard Guenther – His teaching split off from LKJ's in the early 2010s, with more of an alternative medicine focus.
  • Fake news
  • Fourth Way – Until 2017, LKJ drew heavily on Gurdjieff, Ouspensky, Mouravieff, etc. and viewed her project as the new Fourth Way.
  • Fractal wrongness
  • Richard C. Hoagland – In early years, one of her more academic sources.
  • David Icke – More famous and wealthy rival in the same woo-genres compared to LKJ.
  • Tom Montalk – His teaching split off from LKJ's in the early 2000s, with a heavy focus on aliens and conspiracies.
  • Objectivism — A different warping of the word objectivity, by someone else who thought they knew better than everyone else (and whom LKJ views as a psychopath).
  • Essay: Political Ponerology – On a book important to LKJ's community.
  • QAnon – Political views overlap with those espoused on the Cassiopaea forum in the same time period.
  • Ra Material or Law of One – 1980s channeling effort by different people, which 'the Cassiopaeans' claim to build upon.
  • Ramtha – Another channeling that lead to QAnon.

External links[edit]


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 STO is short for "service to others", i.e. altruism, i.e. the good side. The opposite is STS, short for "service to self", i.e. egoism, i.e. the bad side. The Cassiopaean channeling has its own version of the cosmic polarity concept from the Ra Material.
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 The Cassiopaean channeling uses the word "density" from the Ra Material for its similar cosmic 'levels', somewhat like how many New Age sources use the word dimension. 3D is the human level, while 4D is the level of the alien overlords as well as the level of humanity in its future new age. The Cassiopaeans claim to be 6D light beings.
  3. Laura channeling the Cassiopaeans to explain things. Other fringe tidbits include Mars having been populated by Bigfoot before it became barren.
  4. But presumably there's no relation with the Cassiopeians of the 1982−1983 French cartoon Once Upon a Time... Space, that basically are Romulans with Roman Empire aesthetics and Nazi-like uniforms.
  5. Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 The term "consortium" is generally used in the Cassiopaean material to refer to the Illuminati, military-industrial complex, intelligence agencies, and other spooky humans working together with the alien "brotherhood i.e. Lizards i.e. antichrist".
  6. The terrible secret of what space has in store for humanity is not to be confused with The Terrible Secret of Space, the 2000 online music video hit, though there are a few thematic similarities with the broader Cassiopaea community worldview.
  7. As of 2018, the Cassiopaea community apparently believes that the aliens have finished "programming" people for a future take-over, and that that's why UFO sightings, etc., have dropped — the aliens are now simply quietly "enjoying the show" as their sinister plans unfold.[12] Alternatively, maybe LKJ et al have completed the task of moving the goalposts and programming their followers to accept anything they say.
  8. It is apparently the norm for malevolent aliens to abduct most people on the planet and give them implants to monitor and remotely influence their psyches. And "nobody is a nobody" — so if you have a brain, be afraid rest assured that such aliens are watching it and poking at it!
  9. Jump up to: 9.0 9.1 The Cassiopaean teaching includes a transcendental view of "knowledge" and learning. The distinction between a deeper gnosis and mundane knowledge is, however, often left very blurry. "Knowledge" basically ends up being whatever hodge-podge the spiritual authority currently promotes as "the truth".
  10. Jump up to: 10.0 10.1 See, those malevolent aliens are vampires, both physically and psychically (including life and sexual energy), according to the Cassiopaeans. Sometimes they suck blood by bathing in it, e.g. in secret underground bases, but most people are simply psychically nibbled away at all the time through deceptions, negative emotions, and awareness-dulling bliss alike. And whenever a person has an orgasm, chances are that the energy becomes food for an invisible hateful perverted reptilian life-sucker, or one of its grey remote-controlled puppets. Apparently, nobody is having hot sex in the Jadczyk household.
  11. Jump up to: 11.0 11.1 A separate essay on Political Ponerology attempts to present the basic view of Łobaczewski's work, in fairly short and simple form, untangled from Laura Knight-Jadczyk's message.
  12. Somehow, year after year, there's always a great risk that in a few years, we may be buried under ice or blown apart by comets. After a few years, it gets old.
  13. Łobaczewski claimed that 6% of people have it in them to lose their senses and become full-blown supporters of authoritarian inhuman causes, but that only a little over ½% are what in modern terms are called psychopaths.
  14. Jump up to: 14.0 14.1 There's more to LKJ's wacky message about Jews and Semites, biblical things, alien and psychopathic machinations, etc. By normal standards, it's plainly antisemitic on the whole, but since she is redefining the meaning of the word "Semitic",[66][28] she would probably disagree with this. She essentially tries to steal the theme of the persecuted people for herself and her followers.
  15. The slogan for SOTT.net in earlier years used to be, "The daily battle against subjectivity."
  16. Perhaps understandable of Putin; look at the poor dictator Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus, who was almost overthrown in a manufactured revolution for disobeying and rejecting the COVID-19 psychosis![33]
  17. cassiopaea-cult.com[87] was launched in early 2011 as a Cassiopaea community site, with a domain name similar to the anti-Cassiopaea site cassiopaeacult.com,[88] to bolster the image of LKJ and her community and rebut claims by crank detractors (including occultist Vincent Bridges) while promoting the conspiracy theory that various detractors work for intelligence agencies.
  18. Montalk's old article[15] is sometimes referred to by New Age believers who find things of value in the older Cassiopaea channeling while distancing themselves from LKJ, her community, and their extreme us vs. them mentality[5].
  19. The old Cassiopaea page on Montalk[90] describes him as disturbingly divisive, his spirituality as vaguely fascist-leaning, and him as supporting the violent imposition of a "better" order. The quotes assembled however only suffice to make him look like a staunch conservative pro-gun activist. Ironically, years later, LKJ et al. sympathized with the cause of a bigger QAnon-style Trumpist revolution around/after the 2020 U.S. presidential election.[72][73]
  20. In other words, in 2014 Caesar became the "real" Jesus Christ. Not a savior in the Christian sense, but he may apparently help in some vague way when you pray.
  21. Apparently, Laura's husband Arkadiusz Jadczyk was "closest in frequency" to Caesar and played a key role in the channeled connection. The channeled words are also similar in part to Ark's philosophy.
  22. LKJ's views on Caesar combine how she views assassinated popular heroes like Martin Luther King Jr. and JFK, and how she views power-hungry modern populist leaders like Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump and why they face such opposition. In short, they are all alike in how their goodness makes dark forces strike against them.


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 July 1994 - July 2023, The Cassiopaea Forum The Cassiopaea Session Transcripts.
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 "Laura Knight-Jadczyk and Cassiopaea", Joe Szimhart's website (Joe Szimhart, 2013 and 2014)
  3. LKJ about channeling
  4. O.H. KRLL, Val Valerian, the Cassiopaeans and other mysterious beings...
  5. Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 Comparing Ra and the Cassiopaeans - Bring4th
  6. The Most Dangerous Idea in the World
  7. Jump up to: 7.0 7.1 Cassiopaea Session 16 July 1994 — Denver Airport conspiracy, 94% of humanity to be totally consumed by around 2007, and the terrible fate of missing children.
  8. Cassiopaea Session 2 November 1994 — interdimensional struggles, aliens and past civilizations, and Nephilims on their way.
  9. Jump up to: 9.0 9.1 Cassiopaea Session 23 October 2004 — Hello in Orion-speak, Cassiopaea is now Orion, George W. Bush will be president until he dies, group members are stalled for later use as food, and details about 9/11.
  10. Jump up to: 10.0 10.1 C's Misses? (Cassiopaea Forum) — post by 'Laura' (Jan 16, 2022), page 7
  11. Jump up to: 11.0 11.1 Project Camelot Productions 2010 interview with Laura Knight-Jadczyk
  12. "Programming is complete" (Cassiopaea Forum, 2018)
  13. The Wave, Chapter 17: All There Is Is Lessons, or Wandering Around in Third Density Can Be Hazardous to Your Health by Laura Knight-Jadczyk, The Cassiopaean Experiment.
  14. The Wave Chapter 68: As Above, So Below by Laura Knight-Jadczyk, The Cassiopaean Experiment.
  15. Jump up to: 15.0 15.1 15.2 Montalk's Cassiopaea.org Disclaimer
  16. Jump up to: 16.0 16.1 16.2 Splitting Realities by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
  17. Jump up to: 17.0 17.1 Linguistics ‘Hall Of Shame’ 2 (Skeptical Humanities blog, March 23, 2013)
  18. Organic Portals – The “Other” Race
  19. Cassiopaea Session 13 July 2002 — Organic portals and more.
  20. Jump up to: 20.0 20.1 Cassiopaea Session 13 September 2009 — where "soul smashing" is introduced.
  21. Connecting the Dots: Cosmic Changes, Planetary Instability and Extreme Weather by SOTT editors (23 Jul 2011 14:10 UTC) SOTT.
  22. Jump up to: 22.0 22.1 22.2 Cassiopaea Session 20 June 2009 — the lead-up to creating Éiriú Eolas.
  23. Jump up to: 23.0 23.1 C's Misses? (Cassiopaea Forum) — post by 'Laura' (Jan 16, 2022), page 5
  24. Cassiopaea Session 11 June 2011 — claiming the fate of the planet depends crucially upon LKJ.
  25. Floating world – Cassiopaeans
  26. Receivership Capability (Cassiopaea Forum, January 20, 2018) — refers to various channeled sessions and ideas.
  27. Cassiopaea Session 15 August 2009 — members doing EE and what they experience.
  28. Jump up to: 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 Cassiopaea Session 10 February 2018 — Kantekkian human Semites with conservative tastes threatened by the left stepping in where Hitler left off.
  29. Comparing narcissism and narcissistically wounded (Cassiopaea Forum, June 23, 2009)
  30. Gurdjieff's Primitive Cosmology (Cassiopaea Forum, September 23, 2017)
  31. Jump up to: 31.0 31.1 31.2 Recommended Books: List and Guide (Cassiopaea Forum)
  32. New title: Romantic Fiction, Reality Shaping and The Work (Cassiopaea Forum)
  33. Jump up to: 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 Cassiopaea Session 15 August 2020 — COVID-19, chipping, and masks causing brain damage.
  34. Cassiopaea Session 13 March 2021 — ancient giants, a fractal connection to information field explanation of homeopathy, news and predictions.
  35. Jump up to: 35.0 35.1 35.2 Political Ponerology: a Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes by Andrew M. Łobaczewski, edited by Laura Knight-Jadczyk & Henri Sy, translated by Alexandra Chciuk-Celt (2006) Red Pill Press, 1st edition. ISBN 1897244185.
  36. Jump up to: 36.0 36.1 Cassiopaea Session 22 October 2022 — timeline splits and merges and other changes, how much the group knows compared to 4D beings, the Nord Stream 2 sabotage, COVID-19 vaccines supposedly causing seizures and more, and more.
  37. Quantum Future Group organization's website
  38. Red Pill Press website
  39. "Albert Einstein, Free Energy and The Strange Deaths of Morris K. Jessup and Stefan Marinov" — free energy via Albert Einstein, apparently
  40. "MOSSAD and Moving Companies: Masterminds of Global Terrorism?"
  41. "Mahmoud Ahmad and The Secret Cult of 9-11"
  42. The old website about LKJ's 9/11 Truther book.
  43. "The Denver Airport Material"
  44. "NWO & Global Elite"
  45. "Earth Changes"
  46. "HAARP, Weather, Roswell Rods, 4th Density Battles & Bleedthrough and 7th Density"
  47. The Wave
  48. The Grail Quest And The Destiny Of Man
  49. Jump up to: 49.0 49.1 49.2 49.3 The Cassiopaeans and The Matrix - what is the Matrix?, archived on 16 Apr 2003
  50. Jump up to: 50.0 50.1 According to disinformation "fact checkers", SOTT is Conspiracy-Pseudoscience (Cassiopaea Forum, January 19, 2020)
  51. About Sott.net
  52. US: A Tip for Joe the Machinist and All Who Labor, Watch Your Back!! — an example of economically-left politics from SOTT
  53. Jump up to: 53.0 53.1 Fire and Ice: The Day After Tomorrow
  54. Comets and Catastrophe Series
  55. Freedom of Association, Smoking and Psychopathy — sometimes they even tie psychopaths and smoking together
  56. Corruption in Science: Francesco Fucilla and the Telesio-Galilei Academy of Science — that's right, ranting about other cranks.
  57. Signs of the Times (SOTT) Media Bias Fact Check.
  58. Official Culture in America: A Natural State of Psychopathy?
  59. Jump up to: 59.0 59.1 Psychopaths rule our world!
  60. Political Ponerology: a Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes by Andrew M. Łobaczewski, edited by Laura Knight-Jadczyk & Henry See, translated by Sandra Celt (2007) Red Pill Press, 2nd edition. ISBN 1897244258.
  61. Ponerologia polityczna: Nauka o Naturze zła w Adaptacji do Zagadnień Politycznych by Andrzej Łobaczewski (2006) Dom Wydawniczy "Ostoja". ISBN 8360048266.
  62. Publisher's website for Political Ponerology
  63. Cassiopaea Session 30 January 2010 — psychopaths in population percentages for 10 countries, Haiti earthquake artificially induced, and other secrets.
  64. Jump up to: 64.0 64.1 64.2 The Skeptic's Dictionary Newsletter (Volume 7 No. 7, July 7, 2008): Duck Soup/Duck Bites Duck — comments on Eric Pepin vs. Laura Knight-Jadczyk
  65. Cassiopaea Session 1 December 2018 — Sinkholes, Earth changes, and some conspiracy questions.
  66. Jump up to: 66.0 66.1 Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols Part 3 by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
  67. "Joe Szimhart & CultAware - New Niche for Psychopaths" (Cassiopaea Forum, December 12, 2012)
  68. The Greenbaum Speech
  69. Jump up to: 69.0 69.1 69.2 Cassiopaea Session 9 May 2020 — Covid-19 and related matters.
  70. "Holocaust 2.0: Coming soon!", Harrison Koehli, Sott.net, 20 Jan 2015
  71. Psychopath Humanoids - Beyond Insanity
  72. Jump up to: 72.0 72.1 72.2 Cassiopaea Session 10 October 2020 — predicting for the 2nd time that Trump will win 2020.
  73. Jump up to: 73.0 73.1 Cassiopaea Session 30 January 2021 — discussing how the Deep State strikes back.
  74. Biden-Harris Administration: The Empire Strikes Back
  75. Jump up to: 75.0 75.1 75.2 75.3 75.4 Cassiopaea Session 26 February 2022 — Putin kills psychopaths in Ukraine, counteracts evil aliens downloading themselves into Ukrainians
  76. "Russia Launches Massive Military Operation in Ukraine - Reports of Multiple Explosions, Attacks on Military Targets From Donbass to Kiev", RT, Sott.net, 24 Feb 2022
  77. "Life Without Bread" (Cassiopaea Forum)
  78. Ketogenic Diet (Cassiopaea Forum)
  79. Ketoadaptation - Consensus (Cassiopaea Forum)
  80. The Obesity Epidemic, Courtesy of the Agricultural Industry
  81. Jump up to: 81.0 81.1 Cassiopaea Session 21 March 2020 — Great secrets behind the COVID-19 pandemic.
  82. Cassiopaea Session 8 April 2023 — financial developments in the world, COVID-19 follow-up, physics and consciousness question, health topics, ChatGPT and more.
  83. Jump up to: 83.0 83.1 Cassiopaea Session 14 January 2023 — mysterious Russian deaths due to CIA, Mandela effect, missing Germans used for Aryan genes, and more.
  84. Cassiopaea Session 31 December 2020 — Ark gets 666 chemo, and more on COVID-19.
  85. Official website for the FOTCM "PaleoChristian" religion
  86. About the Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind, post #9 (Cassiopaea Forum, March 4, 2011)
  87. Jump up to: 87.0 87.1 Cassiopaea-Cult.com: The Truth About the Cassiopaean "Cult", archived on 20 Jan 2021. The truth, or maybe just the half-truth about it?
  88. Cassiopaea Cult, archived on 1 Feb 2011
  89. Perseus Foundation, Inc., archived on 8 Dec 2002
  90. Jump up to: 90.0 90.1 Cassiopaea's Montalk.net Disclaimer
  91. Cassiopaea Session 17 August 2003 — Montalk as agent, a broader deep conspiracy soup, and the plot to "cultify" the Cassiopaea group.
  92. Éiriú Eolas - Growth of Knowledge
  93. Cassiopaea Session 5 August 2009 — EE practice impacting higher realms, and ancient mysteries.
  94. Cassiopaea Session 4 July 2009 — a mix of spooky stuff.
  95. Cassiopaea Session 12 July 2014 — Caesar interviewed from beyond the grave as the real Jesus.
  96. Cassiopaea Session 19 July 2014 — more on Caesar, but no further interview.
  97. Was Julius Caesar the real Jesus Christ? (Cassiopaea Forum, July 7, 2013)
  98. 'Caesarmas' Time and 'Jul Feast' (Cassiopaea Forum, December 24, 2013)
  99. Ides of March (Laura, Cassiopaea Forum, March 14, 2014)
  100. Happy Caesar's Birthday! (Cassiopaea Forum, July 12, 2015)
  101. Prayer to Caesar (Cassiopaea Forum, January 1, 2021)
  102. Cassiopaea Session 11 October 2014 — from black-eyed children to soul-directed DNA changes to Caesar and Christianity.
  103. Eric The Enlightened: How a guru from Beaverton raked in millions as a New Age psychic. (James Pitkin, Willamette Week May 12 2009)
  104. JUICY SUITS: A New-Age Smackdown and Free Speech for Bloggers (James Pitkin, Willamette Week July 2nd 2008), archived on 10 Oct 2008
  105. Freedom of Speech on the Internet Win - SLAPP upheld in Oregon (Dec 30 2008), archived on 29 Sep 2017 — Sott.net's Joe Quinn reports on Pepin's loss against LKJ
  106. 2012 and the 'End of the World' - Sott.net Needs Your Help!
  107. New Sott Report: MIVILUDES, Cults, & the Protection of Scientology
  108. Fascist Inquisition: France Approved Anti-Cult Law on May 30, 2001 (the words "Fascist Inquisition" in SOTT's version of the headline is added so-called "truthification" by its editors)
  109. RationalWiki is neither rational nor accurate! Buncha Loonies! (Cassiopaea Forum, December 5, 2015)