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Fenestra Research

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DNA — it helps sell water.
Against allopathy
Alternative medicine
Icon alt med alt.svg
Clinically unproven

Fenestra Research Labs was[1] a Las Vegas, Nevada[2] company that specialised in clinical trials for alternative medicine practitioners and "nutritional" products[3] in the cause of woo-laundering.

It was apparently owned, run, and cleaned by "Dr." Melonie Montgomery. The company was founded in 1997.[4]


Fenestra offered a proprietary technology, "The Optimal Wellness Test" (OWT), which is claimed "to identify and measure 34 clinical markers in human physiology to a very high degree of accuracy, and conclude the level of "wellness" exhibited by individual clients with specific recommendations for improving areas of concern".

Fenestra Research Labs offers a range of services to our clients including: Clinical Trials, Product Formulation, Product Development, Product testing and more. Contact us to see how we can help YOU.

At about $30,000[5] per trial Ms. Montgomery could be on a nice little earner from just a few commissions per year. However, the claim on the company's logo that it is "The World Leader In Clinical Trials" is surely pushing the bounds of credulity. Recent reports from Fenestra Research have taken a more modest approach and claim only to be "The World Leader in Wellness Studies".

Optimal Wellness Test[edit]

Fenestra Research Labs is the company that developed the revolutionary Optimal Wellness Test (Anti-Aging & Wellness Analyzer). The Optimal Wellness Analysis is an analytical, mathematically based test that actually measures wellness in every organ and system of the human body to within 0.02% accuracy. What we have established is a simple, reproducible, mathematical based system to determine if a natural product is resulting in your body mover closer to or farther from Wellness parameters. Making it possible for healthcare professionals to objectively establish, determine and provide improved cellular health for patients. The Optimal Wellness Analysis cannot be compared to traditional lab testing devices because nothing available today tests for wellness, they all test for disease. The typical patient in today's world is becoming more and more aware of the need to treat the cause rather than the symptom, and that is precisely what the Optimal Wellness Test provides, while eliminating all opinion and guess work!
—Fenestra Labs Report — Understanding The Nitrate Indicators (Product:Stirwand)[6]
Optimal Wellness Labs has developed a mathematically based, analytical test for measuring and monitoring health following consumption of a product. The measurement of resistivity, conductivity, surface tension, specific gravity by Optimal Wellness Labs and the calculation for zeta potential and anabolic-catabolic balance provide us with a look at the ability of the nutrients to flow into the cell and the toxins and waste to flow out of the cell. This look at the flow of intra-cellular and extra-cellular water is the key to understanding cellular hydration.
—Lisa Tully PhD., Optimal Wellness Test/Water Product Trials[7]

Clinical trials[edit]

Fenestra Research has performed clinical trials for products such as:

Scientific expertise[edit]

According to the Fenestra Research website as of 2005:

Melonie Montgomery is a proficient healthcare professional with over 15 years of diversified management and marketing experience in Nutrition, Health and Wellness with particular emphasis on the research and establishment of new product lines and increasing business profit.
During her corporate career, she managed 52 Franchised Nutrition and Wellness stores across the country. and her responsibilities included; education on Aromatherapy, Homeopathic, Sports Nutrition, Herbs, Allergies, Weight Management, Extracts, Natural Foods and Children’s products. Preformed nutritional consultations that included; Diabetic management, Hypoglycemic aids, Cardiovascular health, Allergies awareness and specific dietary concerns.

The company's website further claims that Ms. Montgomery expects:

  • PhD In Holistic Nutrition in early 2006,

While her current credentials (2006) include:

  • Master of Holistic Nutrition — 2003 — Clayton College of Natural Health
  • BBA Human Resource Management — 2000 — Trinity University
  • Nursing Program — 1981 — UCLA

Clayton College of Natural Health, based in Birmingham, Alabama, is a non-accredited distance-learning (i.e. online) institution[8] and is widely regarded as an internet diploma mill with some notable alumni such as "Dr." Gillian McKeith. It was announced in July 2010 that the college was to close[9] and it is not known whether "Dr." Montgomery was actually awarded her PhD.


Ms. Montgomery has a nursing background and a Masters Degree in Nutrition so here [sic] credentials are impressive for studies.
—Elizabeth Masters M.D.
Tao Masters Products[10]


The company listed its address as 1930 Village Center Circle #3-954, Las Vegas, NV, 89134. This was a mailbox in a UPS storefront.[11] Sounds a bit small for a lab, but we probably don't understand modern miniaturisation technologies.

External links[edit]
