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Webshites/Sexuality could use some help. Please research the article's assertions. Whatever is credible should be sourced, and what is not should be removed.

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Sexuality is an omnibus term which captures all of the biological and social processes and activities related to sexual activity by humans, and applies to them clinically, culturally, politically and religiously.


  • Americans for Truth About Homosexuality(link): Depending on your definition of "truth".
  • Askthebigot(link): An anti-gay blog run by an Evangelical Christian woman who was raised by her lesbian mother and her partner.
  • Common Filth: A fundamentalist Christian and all-round crank who has a particular grudge against LGBT rights and abortion, characterising modern western society as being run by a shadowy cabal of gay people. Almost everything bad which has happened in the world in the last half-century has apparently been the result of people doing things he thinks are icky inside their own bedrooms. Known mainly for his "Tumblrista" and "Vine Marathon" compilations, where he insults and mocks vulnerable people who are half his age. He has been highly critical of the alt-right, but this is mainly because he believes they are too lenient on homosexuality. Has a small but extremely loyal following.
  • God Hates Fags(link): The flagship website of Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church. Contains such delightful accoutrements as a counter keeping track of how many days Matthew Shepard has been in hell.
  • The International Federation for Therapeutic and Counselling Choice(link): Home of conversion therapists under the guise of "therapeutic and counselling choice".
  • Pure Passion Media(link): Anti-LGBT Christian channel that is in support of Conversion therapy.
  • RatujZycie.com(link) (in Polish): An extremely vile Polish webshite ran by an equally vile organization called "Fundacja Życie i Rodzina" ("Life and Family Foundation") basically equating LGBT to "dogs and pigs", and making Fred Phelps sound like an LGBT ally in comparison with their virtiol-filled rhetotic. It has also been accused of having secret ties with Russia, as they tried to implement a harsh Anti-LGBT in Poland that was directly copied from Putin's regime. Loves Uganda for its hard line stance on homosexuality. TL;DR: basically a Polish version of the "Common Filth" webshite, but with a "blessing" of having a full blown foundation to back up their bullshit.
  • Question LGBT Education(link): British anti-LGBT group concerned about how "the useless media" portrays lgbt (particularly trans) issues.
  • Them Before Us(link): Anti-gay site under the guise of a children's rights group.
  • Voice of the Voiceless(link): A "faith-based" organization that defends the rights of "former homosexuals, individuals with unwanted same-sex attraction, and their families."
  • World Congress of Families(link): Another one of those groups full of hateful bigots with "family" in its name. Apparently hates America and its Constitution. Loves Russia for its hard line stance on homosexuality.


  • Alpha Male Strategies(link): Red Pill YouTuber who provides tips to men on how they too can be just as misogynistic as he is.
  • Andrew Tate(link): Kickboxer and misogynistic influencer whose popularity peaked in 2022 when he appeared on Adam22's podcast. Five years earlier in 2017, he had a (now deleted) tweet where he argued depression wasn't real, and later justified it on Paul Joseph Watson's YouTube channel.
  • Birdman(link): Another generic anti-feminist youtuber with a helping of fat-shaming and transphobia as well as an obnoxious overuse of "triggered".
  • Chateau Heartiste(link): Not to be outdone by Roosh, Roissy spits on any woman who doesn't look like a supermodel, marry at 16, and dedicate her life to licking her husband's boots as somehow a violation of evolutionary principles — and that's not even going into the occasional thinly-veiled (or, really, not-veiled-at-all) white nationalism.
  • Eivind Berge(link): A Norwegian anti-psychiatry MRA whose Twitter account was suspended.
  • Freedomain Radio(link): Stefan Molyneux is the patron saint of Euphoria, and his realm is was Youtube.
  • FreshandFit(link): Men's wellness/fitness podcast well known for some rather misogynistic hot takes and double standards.
  • HenryMakow.com(link): A whiny MRA crossbred with a paranoid conspiracy theorist. Feminism is a scheme on the part of Masonic/Communist/Satanic forces spearheaded by the Rockefeller Foundation to destroy society.
  • Honey Badger Brigade(link): MRA/antifeminist website founded by women (the eponymous "honey badgers").
  • Howard Dare(link): YouTube channel dedicated into making other men join the MGTOW movement.
  • Human Stupidity(link): Once wrote/shared an opinion piece claiming the the age of consent was "misandrist".
  • Humble Happy Hermit(link): MGTOW blogger and YouTuber.
  • Judgy Bitch(link): aka Janet Bloomfield, alleged social media specialist for AVFM who was thrown off Twitter for harassing other users. Obnoxious, pretentious, hypocritical female MRA.
  • Justice for Men & Boys(link): British political party formed by MRA, Mike Buchanan.
  • Justin Waller(link): PUA known for lying and manipulating people.
  • JustPearlyThings(link): Anti-feminist transphobic female youtuber who regularly rails against "modern women"(?).
  • Kingury(link): Another channel that post oh so original feminist/sjw cringe compilations.
  • Male of the Future(link): A forum run by MGTOWs.
  • The Misandry Bubble(link): An epic-length treatise by a Singularitarian known as "The Futurist" that reveals the vast feminazi conspiracy to destroy men and Western civilization as we know it!
  • Misandry Today(link): A right-wing-leaning mra/anti-feminist youtuber.
  • My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You(link): An anti-feminist fitness trainer who has a heaping dose of fat-shaming on her channel. Also made a rather transphobic video regarding trans athletes without doing much (if any) research into the subject outside of differences between (cis) men and (cis) women.
  • Nuance Now(link): Made an infamous video titled "Women Aren't Real" where, like most incels, he revealed his male entitlement to the public by going on a misogynic rant about how women don't want to have sex with him.
  • Oslo MGTOW Diaries(link): Oslo MGTOW is a writer whom you wish would start producing his own videos already.
  • Owning Your Shit(link): Canadian female MRA. She also has a YouTube channel(link).
  • Peter Lloyd AKA The Suffragent(link):
  • Prince of Queens(link): A gay mra anti-feminist/anti-sjw who, while claiming to be "mostly liberal", regularly makes videos deriding the left on various things. Also dabbles in transphobia every now and again.
  • The Problem With Women Today(link): Reads like a tantrum being thrown by a 14-year-old-boy over his girlfriend breaking up with him; you can practically envision the spittle flying out of the author's mouth as you read it.
  • Return of Kings(link): Roosh's second, more politically-oriented blog. Considerable overlap in content and viewership with /r/theredpill, and several writers term themselves "redpills".
  • Rekt Media(link): Yet another "feminist/sjw gets owned" channel.
  • Rich Cooper(link): Red Pill advice guru who makes countless videos, while in his car, where he rants about women and how they're deceitful liars.
  • Roar like a woman(link): A near delusional anti-feminist masquerading as a "real feminist" who is desperately trying to push the idea that feminism is becoming similar to MRAs. Lots of connections to right wingnuts on Twitter, of course.
  • RooshV(link): A particularly nasty, vicious PUA blog. The owner claims that women who deign not to wear high heels are worthless and that a man is not a real man unless he has sex with as many different women as possible.
  • Sandman(link): Notorious MGTOW YouTuber.
  • Secular Patriarchy(link): Frustrated chump who wants to subjugate people while loosely disguised as fighting for 'traditional women's rights'.
  • Social Justice Fails(link): A compilation video channel that revels in "showing SJW's, feminists, and BLM getting rekt and triggered by 'logic'".
  • SNEAKO(link): Red pill content creator whose notoriety skyrocketed in 2022. Came under fire for defending the movie Cuties.
  • spinosauruskin(link): British MRA who is known for making videos calling out anybody who criticizes the Men's Rights Movement, even if the people calling out the MRM aren't even feminists, such as BLH Productions who was an egalitarian. Made a video where he said feminists are terrorists and then went on to explain how feminists were like terrorists. While he used the definition of the word terrorist correctly, he fails to realize how feminists haven't actually killed anybody. Was recently outed as the owner of an anti-Sargon parody Twitter called Hardon For Assad.
  • /r/transmaxxing(link): A place where incels who pretend to be transgender women do it to attract other transgender women and men with attraction to them.
  • The Rational Male(link): Misogynistic podcast of Rollo Tomassi. Argued that traditionalist conservatives (or TradCons) are actually feminists.
  • The Tribe Cast(link): Misogynistic podcasts that regularly rails on "modern women" (whatever that means). Also dabbles in transphobia and is a big fan of Jordan Peterson.
  • Tuckermax.com(link): Dedicated to a narcissistic fuckwit and Pick-Up Artist who pitched a shitfit when he realized that his fans are all love shies and virgin losers who were using him for life by proxy.
  • Turd Flinging Monkey(link): a talking head who who creates content for the community known as Men Going Their Own Way. He advocates for the revoking of women's rights on the grounds of biological determinism, making it so you must pay taxes in order to be allowed to vote, and MGTOW as a consequence of. According to him women are succubi and, unlike men, are ruthless in achieving their own self interests.
  • Unknown Misandry(link): What would have been a fairly decent true crime blog centered around female killers - was bogged down with obvious MRA bullshit and propaganda. Has its fair share of bashing political correctness and so-called "cultural marxism". They even fell for Femitheist's little schtick, claiming he has a "misandric fixation".
  • A Voice for Men(link): Run by Paul Elam, The flagship website of the men's rights movement does itself no favors by classifying ordinary, harmless feminists alongside female serial killers and child molesters.
  • Whoism3(link): A man's 12-year dry spell produced this combination of Love-Shy.com and The Problem With Women Today. Feast your eyes on histrionic rant.[1][2][3]
  • The World According to Bob(link): "According to Bob", a real man is one who congratulates his neighbor for beating his wife; for he was merely asserting his rightful dominance. Did we mention he believes raped women should enjoy the free sex?

Christian doormathood[edit]

  • Alena Kate Pettitt (as The Darling Academy)(link): Lifestyle blogger teaching women how to live a traditional life. Was interviewed by the BBC about her lifestyle where she didn't refute any of the racist claims about the movement she's involved with.
  • Above Rubies(link): Quiverfull site.
  • Ashley Christine Babich(link): Christian home maker and femininity vlogger.
  • Because It Matters(link): Traditional feminine homemaker vlogger.
  • Beverly Teresita(link): Traditionalist Catholic femininity vlogger.
  • Biblical Gender Roles(link): This blog can be summed up as follows, "Today's churches are way too progressive. We should go back to a time where women weren't allowed to question men's authority."
  • The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood(link): Set up to combat amongst other things, "the increasing promotion given to feminist egalitarianism with accompanying distortions or neglect of the glad harmony portrayed in Scripture between the loving, humble leadership of redeemed husbands and the intelligent, willing support of that leadership by redeemed wives."
  • Cynthia Loewen(link): Former Miss Earth Canada turned Tradwife.
  • Diamonds Taking Shape(link): Modesty blog run by Beverly Teresita, a Traditionalist Catholic girl.
  • Emily Grobler(link): Evangelical Vlogger who teaches women about how to be submissive and obedient towards their husbands.
  • Faith in Home(link): A lifestyle blog that teaches women and girls on how to be homemakers from a traditional Christian perspective.
  • Family Heritage Living(link): Christ centered, homeschooling family that lives their lives like 1899.
  • Fruitfully Feminine(link): Single woman who plans on teaching Christian women to be prepare for marriage.
  • Girl Defined(link): Vlogger sisters who purport to offer "a distinctly God-centered view of beauty, femininity, identity, and worth". In practice, they promote traditional gender roles and modesty cultre while opposing feminism, abortion rights and LGBT rights.
  • God Hates Feminists(link): About as misogynistic as you can get; contains lots and lots of Bible verses, most with seemingly little relevance to what the author’s talking about.
  • Holly Homebody(link): Catholic wife and traditionalist homemaker.
  • Jasmyne Theodore(link): Orthodox Christian women who makes videos about the art of softness and how women should be submissive to their husbands.
  • Lacey Lynn(link): Burkean traditionalist and member of Identity Evropa. Basically, Lynn's channel combines 1950s traditionalism and Christian Doormathood with RageAfterStorm's racism.
  • Ladies Lets Chat(link): Blog of TradWife, Juliana Stewart.
  • Like a Fairytale(link): Christian Femininity vlogger living in France who makes blog posts and videos about her femininity.
  • Mrs. Midwest(link): Traditional feminity blogger who, on YouTube, rants about the criticism she receives from being a TradWife and how feminism is evil.
  • The Peaceful Wife(link): April Cassidy's vlog where she gives women marriage advice on how to be submissive towards their husbands despite admitting at the bottom of her website that she is not a licensed marriage counselor, therapist, pastor, or psychiatrist.
  • People of Praise(link): Charismatic Christian group known for teaching that the husbands are the head of the household and wives should be submissive to them. The society People of Praise strives for is one of the many inspirations for the events of "The Handmaid's Tale".
  • Postmodern Mom(link): Ex-feminist turned traditional housewife.
  • Rachel Bock(link): An atheist liberal feminist turned christian conservative anti-feminist.
  • Rebecca Barrett(link): Ex-feminist turned conservative anti-feminist.
  • Recovering Feminist(link): To summarize her blog, "Women, abandon modern feminism and return to your homes. Be submissive to your husband."'
  • southlincolnstudios(link): Traditional Catholic lifestyle vlogger who had her identity changed based on Traditional Catholic Femininity.
  • Stay-at-Home Daughters West Coast(link): Run by sisters Anna and Kayla, Stay-at-Home-Daughters West Coast is covers topics such as their faith and homemaking. Basically, Christian Doormathood in a nutshell.
  • Sweet Magnolias(link): The blog of Emily Nelson, an evangelical christian and traditional homemaker.
  • That Feminine Housewife(link): Evangelical Christian and Femininity Vlogger.
  • The Transformed Wife(link): Blog of Evangelical Christian author, Lori Alexander. She believes women should be subservient doormats to their husbands and believes that relationships should be based on Biblical Gender roles.

Secular doormathood[edit]

  • The Cherished Woman(link): Feminity channel meant to encourage women to how to submit to their husbands and boyfriends.
  • Feminine Sisters Unite(link): Blog run by YouTube user Neemah Speaks. Neemah makes videos ranting about hypergamy and level up culture.
  • Laura Doyle(link): Author of The Surrendered Wife, Supporter of lying to save your marriage, and not asking for help in the home
  • NoFap: Subreddit turned online movement advocating abstention from masturbation. Notorious for dubious scientific claims about the physical effects of such. The page on it here has more in-depth information.
