RationalWiki:What is going on in the world?/0003

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  • Hooray! Springer, the Opera not blasphemy. UK court decision.
  • So Iran isn't producing nuclear weapons, but whatevs, let's invade anyway...
  • Well could you ever imagine ... George Bush finally sees the light.
  • Scientists have found evidence that dinosaurs must have died out yesterday, not millions of years ago! That is, if you don't understand fossilization, and think the only way that soft tissue is ever preserved is in the short-term... which is empirically disproven... anyways, we report, you decide.
  • For an... errr... "interesting" take on Hanukkah, read this article in MSNBC's Slate.
  • A British teacher working in Sudan allowed her second graders to vote on the name of a teddy bear. First danger signal: She had to explain to them the alien concept of voting. Second danger signal: They named the bear "Muhammed." Now the 54-year-old teacher faces three months in prison for blasphemy. Third danger signal: Possible lynch mobs have formed outside the jail where she is being held... UPDATE! It looks like she is going to be released within hours (of 08:37 GMT), after a presidential pardon.
  • In a horrifying miscarriage of justice, an Activist Judge breaks up a American Christian family. (The "miscarriage" part is the fact that the child-raping sonofabitch only got 14 years in prison.)
  • A new Talking Jesus Doll, just in time for the holidays! (The video on the page is especially sacrilegious).
  • Oh noes! A football game was actually played without the National Anthem being sung! Has anything so un-American ever occurred? Have the terrorists finally won? NOTE: One commentator claimed "I'm moving to Saudi Arabia".
  • Pat Robertson says that yoga is "spooky".
  • Another scary unsubstantiated quote: "While there is certainly enough paranoia on the right about 9/11 and 'The New World Order,' black helicopter conspiracies, the driving force behind 9/11 Truthers, Kennedy conspiracists, and Area 51 nutcases has been the far Left of American politics."
  • ChristianAnswers.net helpfully lists the top ten CULTS in the United States.... Unfortunately, most of them are ESTABLISHED RELIGIONS and many are the same freaking religion
  • A New York Times article about creation "scientists". Quote: "If all the evidence in the universe turned against creationism, ... I would still be a creationist because that is what the Word of God seems to indicate". Does that sound objective or what?
  • Tony Blair - self-admitted "religious nutter."
  • Teens who lose their virginity early are less likely to end up delinquent than their abstaining peers (subscribers only, emphasis in the original; The Nation, 12/3/07, under "Noted").
  • Breaking News!!! Former Bush Press secretary accuses the President and Cheney of teh DECEIT!!!!!
  • Christian Voice, the UK's leading importer of nutcase anti-vaccine, anti-homosexuality fundamentalist Christianity is seeking permission to sue the BBC over Jerry Springer the Opera. It'd be a sad lookout for British justice if the same judges who supported free speech over cartoons of the prophet Mohammed decided to allow prosecutions under the UK's archaic blasphemy laws.
  • President Bush was the first to show America how Rapture politics work: apparently, if you're sure that Jesus is a-comin' any day now, things like global warming, poverty, and intelligent foreign policy are not must-haves for the presidency. Now, Mike Huckabee, with the endorsement of the "author" who made the Rapture "pop culture," seems poised to deliver four more years of the same, if elected! Super...
  • A school board in Florida moves closer to including ID in its curriculum. A quote from one board member: "If it ever comes to the board for a vote, I will vote against the teaching of evolution as part of the science curriculum."
  • A spoof on global-warming-denial hysteria has the right-wingers, such as the famously meticulous Rush Limbaugh, in an uproar. An interview with the prankster is here. Thanks to "Top 10 Conservative Idiots" for this one.
  • Further proof that intelligence is not genetic, Martin Luther King's niece makes the claim that the woes of the African American community are the result of abortion. Yes, nothing would end racial inequality in this country like truckloads of unwanted kids. [1]
  • MSNBC article titled "Do-gooders can become the worst cheats -- Study: Sense of moral superiority might lead to rationalizing bad behavior." That just about says it all.
  • Our old friend Heart of Gold has been schoolin' the atheistic evolutionists over at The Panda's Thumb! Or so he seems to think...
  • The Discovery Institute gives a numbered list of "false facts" from the Nova special. Does this remind anyone of another website?
  • There are no good guns. There are no bad guns. There are lots of stupid people with guns, though. Edit: Unfortunately, at the time of writing, Conservapedia was down, so there was no way of telling if an atheist, liberal Darwinist was to blame.
  • Should the government respect individual privacy? Yes, but the citizens need to change their idea of privacy
  • Another "think" tank tries to disprove global warming - the Heartland Institute. But wait - it's another Eagle Forum endorsed group. I think that should say it all.
  • Whine, whine, whine Ben Stein! It's obvious you--and Bill O'Reilly--have no clue.
  • It looks like a battle of words is brewing between Michael Behe on his Amazon blog and editors at the Panda's thumb. Get your popcorn now!
  • The reason the earth must be flat: if it were round, houses would have to be built with curved lumber. (This is probably parody, but it's too good to pass up) (and teh link doesn't work...)
  • Look at , get arrested for molestation. That's how it works in Jesusland.
  • Evidence for a zombie attack at Hierakonpolis! Hogwash, you say? It's no worse than the evidence for dinosaurs and humans coexisting. (Humor alert!)
  • The governor of Georgia and thousands of orthodox rabbis will pray for rain. (Unfortunately, it looks like the rain dance festival was a bust!) Any bets as to whether the state gets any rain?
  • The U.S. House of Representatives approves a bill that would forbid discrimination against gays and lesbians in the workplace ~ a major gay rights victory! Let's see how quickly Senator Sam Brownback can whip out his charts, and Bush can get his special "veto pen" inked.
  • The salt of the ocean didn't kill plants during the "global flood" because it .blogspot.com/2007/11/creationism-faq-by-paul-abramson.html wasn't stirred enough.
  • Rationalwiki:'A Group Bound Only By Ideology And Hate ... A Model Internet Terror Cell' - an internet hate machine? Yet another example of the stunning ability of True Americanstm to apply the label "terrorist" to anybody that they don't like.
  • A direct quote: "If evolution is true, and we are just more highly developed animals, then violence and rape cannot be condemned on moral grounds." Apart from the fact that evolution doesn't assume humans to be "more highly developed", the argument from (especially nonsensical) adverse consequences and slippery slope in the same sentence are impressive!
  • Liberalism (in the US sense) is a mental disorder. But I doubt your health insurance will cover treatment.
  • Ugly coyote, or mythical monster? Turns out it's... a really, really ugly coyote. And no goats were harmed in the process of the discovery.
  • Fred Phelps and his loathesome brood may need to cut back on the protesting at funerals, now that they've lost a $2.9 million lawsuit against them. (Update: Did I say $2.9 Million? Sorry, it's $10.9 Million now.) Update: Some Guy With A Website points out that this is unconstitutional, and will probably get overturned on appeal. And that the ACLU, in their thankless task of protecting the rights of even the worst people, has once again been used as cannon-fodder by hatemongers.
  • It's been only a couple of months since Larry Craig's rise to infamy. You'd think that guys like this would be more careful. Here's more from his hometown paper.