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I capped the line-of-code count at 100,000 and God said it must be perfect, so it will never be an ugly monstrocity.[sic]
—Terry A. Davis[1]
The rinky-dink screen: because God said so.
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TempleOS is a biblical-themed operating system written by Terry A. Davis (1969–2018).[2][3]

Davis was a former atheist who, after being hospitalized for mental health issues, claimed to communicate with God and said he had heard him tell him to develop TempleOS. The OS was, according to Davis, built for "God's Third Temple".[3] He was apparently told in these communications to create the OS with 16 colors and mono sound. It also has no network capability, and — get this — a dialect of C called "HolyC", or C†. According to him, he could communicate with God through a TempleOS program called "AfterEgypt", but no one else so far has succeeded at this. So basically, this is an OS developed by a schizophrenic that is stuck in 1990 for video and sound (despite being finished in 2003 and 64-bit).[3] Fortunately, TempleOS is open source (it's public domain as well), so as a mildly interesting programming project, it's not all bad, and to be fair programming an entire OS on one's own is an impressive feat; consequently, he ended up developing a large following among the hacker community.[4]

Davis was a rather confrontational individual, and was in the habit of calling people certain racial epithets,[3] notably referring to "CIA niggers", whom Davis alleged to have killed with his car.[5] These epithets were likely the result of his schizophrenia getting egged on by 4chan users, who are no strangers to using racial slurs, and which Davis may have adopted. Earlier comments of Davis before being noticed by the site notably indicate a lack of racial slurs.

In early 2018, he was kicked out of his parents' house, and moved in with his sister, before choosing to live in a van and moving across the US. Although fans of Davis offered support and supplies, he rejected any housing offers. During this period his mental illness worsened to the point he believed he was married to a Youtuber called PhysicsGirl. On August 11th 2018, he uploaded a video, stating he'd removed most of his other videos because he "did not want to litter the internet". At the end he stated: "It's good to be king. Wait, maybe. I think maybe I'm just like a little bizarre little person who walks back and forth. Whatever, you know, but...".

Later that day, Davis walked in front of an incoming train and died from the impact. Although investigators could not conclude if it was suicide, the train engineer believed it to be the case. His death was met with some sadness in the hacker community — it's all too common for a hacker to have their life's work go largely unnoticed, and possibly ridiculed, so the empathy was unusual.[6]

Davis' story is a cautionary tale about living with mental illness and the ways certain groups on the internet can choose to feed into and exploit this for entertainment.


  • "I was chosen by God because I am the best programmer on the planet and God boosted my IQ with divine intellect."[7]
  • "God said 640x480 16 color was a covenant like circumcision."[8]
  • "God doesn't care about public opinion, does not give a fuck what the little shits think. Beatings will continue until morale imporves [sic]."[9]
  • "I like fabulous gold churches in poor countries. Priorities are like Middle Age Europe. That's what we need in America."[10]
  • "The CIA niggers glow in the dark, you can see em' if you're driving, you just run them over. That's what you do."[11]
  • "The CIA has a 7-year-old deepthroating a loaded 45 at DMV next to me fucking with me. I'll teach him to pull the trigger."[9]
  • "I killed a CIA nigger by running him over on 9/9/99. I was being followed by agents and freaked out. It's okay to run-over space aliens."[10]


See also[edit]

External links[edit]
