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Thomas Dalton

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A lunatic Chaplin imitator
and his greatest fans

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First as tragedy
Then as farce
Speaking for myself, I oppose Jewish dominance and virtual rule in the Western nations — countries in which they are historic foreigners and infiltrators. I guess that makes me an anti-Semite; so be it. I also oppose “Jewish power structures” in Israel when they commit war crimes and crimes against humanity. So that makes me a double anti-Semite. So what? On this basis, any thinking, moral person ought to be an anti-Semite. We need to make that term a badge of honor.
—Thomas Dalton[1]

Thomas Dalton is an American neo-Nazi, conspiracy theorist and Holocaust denier who writes anti-Semitic pseudohistorical books.[2] He claims that Jews are inferior because they lack blonde hair, blue eyes and have no "Aryan personality traits".[3]

Dalton writes for the neo-Nazi National Vanguard.[4] His anti-Semitic articles for the National Vanguard are published by the convicted pedophile Kevin Alfred Strom. He also writes for the anti-Semitic Occidental Observer.[5]

Dalton has translated Mein Kampf[6] and has described his hero Joseph Goebbels as an "intelligent and highly-educated man who wanted the best for his German people, and who therefore had to grapple with what he saw as the primary threat to their well-being — the Jews".[7] In 2020, Dalton's anti-Semitic books were banned from and Walmart.[8][9]

Dalton has connections to Lipton Matthews who writes for the far-right Aporia Magazine.[10]


Dalton is a pseudonym. He claims to have a PhD but gives no evidence for this, he also claims without providing any evidence to be a "professor of humanities at a major American university".[11] Dalton's books are published by the National Socialist Clemens & Blair, LLC which is operated by Holocaust denier Michael Santomauro.[12][13]


That Jews have long had a negative reputation is common knowledge. The causes for this are plentiful, ranging from their anti-Christian theology and social exclusivity to arrogance, conceit, greed, maliciousness, and even personal hygiene.
—Thomas Dalton[14]

Dalton is an anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist who blames all of the worlds problems on Jewish people. He even claims that Christianity is a Jewish hoax created to crumble "Aryan Rome".

Any rational and objective person must come to just one conclusion: that Christianity is a Jewish hoax, conceived to demoralize and cripple the hated Gentile masses, as a way of getting even with Aryan Rome. It has no basis in fact, and no contemporaneous evidence; it is illogical and indeed idiotic (“God sent himself down here, and then killed himself, because he loves us”); and it keeps White and Gentile masses absorbed in a fairy-tale world until the day they die.

Christians! Wake up! Your lives are a fraud. Paul and his fellow Jews pulled a colossal hoax on you, and present-day Jews are only too happy to perpetuate this fraud. And you pay the price, every single day.[15]

He promotes what he calls the "Aryan ideal".[16]

Whites are a beautiful, noble, intelligent, and creative race. It is no boast to acknowledge that we are “children of the gods,” that we are a “sacred race.” This is the message from antiquity. In the past few centuries, though, we have failed to live up to that legacy. We have been, frankly, an embarrassment to the gods. We have allowed our better nature to be used against us by unscrupulous, malicious, corrupt minorities — Jews above all. The rare exceptions, like National Socialist Germany, have shown what can be accomplished when Whites are free from the Jewish yoke. The potential is breathtaking; we can scarcely imagine the bright future before us, should Whites regain true political autonomy.[16]

Dalton has complained that other white nationalists such as Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor have not criticized Jews enough.[17]Do You Believe That?

Holocaust denial[edit]

What’s the big deal about the Holocaust? some may say. In fact, it is hugely important. The Holocaust is the lynchpin of Jewish power. It is the raison d’etre of the state of Israel. It is the number one guilt-tool used against Whites everywhere. And it is the embodiment of Jewish narcissism. When that story crumbles, the whole Judeocratic edifice may well fall, too. We should never underestimate the power of Holocaust revisionism; the Jews certainly don’t.
—Thomas Dalton holocaust denier.[18]

Dalton has authored numerous Holocaust denial works. He claims that "Jews caused World War Two" and only 500,000 were killed by Nazis.[2] Like other Holocaust deniers, Dalton prefers to call himself a "revisionist". One of his false claims is that the Nazis did not use gas chambers.

Zyklon-B (cyanide) chambers as instruments of mass murder face a large number of major technical problems, including (a) infeasibility of rapid, mass gassing; (b) personal danger to the alleged gassers; (c) inability to remove gas and Zyklon pellets after gassing; (d) inability to remove gas-soaked corpses; and (e) inability to dispose of masses of corpses in any reasonable time. Worse still are the so-called “diesel exhaust” gas chambers, which are alleged to have killed some 2 million Jews — twice the number of the infamous Zyklon chambers. (If this is news to you, you need to do some research.) These chambers allegedly relied on captured Russian diesel engines to produce fatal carbon monoxide gas. However, (a) diesels actually produce very little CO, far too little to kill masses of people in any reasonable time; (b) diesel engines cannot pump exhaust gas into sealed, “air-tight” rooms; and (c) the corpses at those alleged camps showed no sign of CO poisoning—namely, a pink or bright-red coloration of the skin. If the traditional advocates of the Holocaust were serious about defending their view, they would start by addressing these obvious questions. Instead, they ignore them, and retreat to legal remedies.[18]

What about the homicidal gas chambers? Note: Any windowless room, in any building anywhere, could in theory serve as a homicidal gas chamber. All one needs to do is force people into that room, throw in some pellets of Zyklon-B (a granular form of cyanide gas, used by the Germans to disinfest clothing and personal items), and then wait 20 or 30 minutes. Of course, this would be hugely impractical, for obvious reasons: (a) it’s very hard to force people into an enclosed space against their will, (b) it’s tricky to get the pellets into the room without poisoning yourself, and (c) it’s very dangerous to extract the dead bodies without again poisoning yourself — they are soaked in cyanide gas, after all, and the pellets themselves would continue to slowly release the gas for hours afterwards. You would somehow have to carefully aerate the whole room, over a period of several hours, and then cautiously remove the bodies and the pellets. And then, if you were to be “systematic” about the process, you would have to thoroughly clean out the entire room, top to bottom, to prepare it for the next batch of victims.[19]

White nationalism[edit]

If there is one thing Jews and Blacks fear more than White men, it’s White men with guns. I wouldn’t hesitate to state that armed White American civilians constitute the most formidable fighting power on Earth. No one — not even the Jewish-run American military — could defeat them. If the US military can’t subdue a few thousand low-IQ Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan, they haven’t a prayer against millions of pissed-off Whites. This is our ace-up-the-sleeve. But we need to use it judiciously.[20]
—Thomas Dalton racist crackpot

Dalton advocates white nationalism.

We can console ourselves in the fact that America is still a predominantly White nation, and will be so for many years to come. White Americans currently number about 195 million, in a nation of nearly 330 million. And even though our numbers are projected to decline slightly in the coming decades, we will still long be the numerically-dominant ethnicity. Hispanics here could top 100 million by 2050, but that is roughly half of White numbers; Blacks will not number more than 55 million or so, and Asians not more than 45 million. And we mustn’t forget that American Jews number only some 6 million. One of our strengths is our numbers, and we must always bear this in mind. Jews and other non-Whites certainly know it, and they fear it. Large numbers of active Whites spell doom for them.

Still, based on combined effects, America will be a ‘majority-minority’ nation at least by 2045, and coalitions of non-Whites, led by Jews, could soon exercise even more power than they do at present. And the trends for the end of this century are even more dire. This is unacceptable, hence the urgent need for White action on many fronts.[20]


  2. 2.0 2.1
  4. Thomas Dalton.
  16. 16.0 16.1
  18. 18.0 18.1
  20. 20.0 20.1