Spanish member of RationalWiki, joined on 3rd February 2011 (probably the only actual Spaniard around here, so don't hesitate to ask me).
Being a sysop[edit]
For some weird reason I have yet to understand (must be because the bosses needed more non-American sysops, I guess) I was named a sysop a couple of weeks ago. That's why I'm making this pledge:
 | | As a confirmed mustard jar for taking on this job as a Sysop on RationalWiki: I, RationalSpanish, pledge to only block users if they ask for it, or insert unfunny vandalism. I furthermore pledge that if I indulge in secret private conversations about you, we will make a formal report to the mob. Is that all? If you impugn my motives without warrant, or challenge my "AUTHORITY", er, there is nothing I can or will do. |
And now starts the weirdness.
Articles that have been originated, created, developed, etcetera, etcetera, by me, but that will have probably been corrected at one point or other by someone else[edit]
Articles I have modified at some point[edit]
¡Yo soy español, español, español!
This user is proud to be European!
This user believes all religions are a form of psychosocial control and are therefore inherently bad for you.
"We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further."
This user does not believe in so-called "tolerance" when it compromises truth.
This user thinks that evolution explains the origin of species.
This user believes the Bible is just another book
This user is concerned about the environment.
This user is an ape — and so are you.
Freedom of speech can be dangerous, but must be upheld by every one of us.
This user believes in equal rights for gay people.
This user thinks doctors are more authoritative about medical issues than lawyers.
Vive la rEvolutión!