Intellectual Dark Web

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The Intellectual Dark Web is a neologism coined by economist Eric Weinstein to refer to a group of (mostly right-wing, libertarian and centrist) pundits, media producers, academics, and so on.[1]

Individuals associated with the term


After Sargon of Akkad was banned from Patreon, Rubin, Peterson and Harris left Patreon in protest.[3] Since then, Rubin and Peterson have suggested creating a Patreon equivalent.[4]

A gateway to alt-right radicalization

In 2019 a study from the Federal University of Minas GeraisWikipedia by Manoel Horta Ribeiro et al. found the Intellectual Dark Web's YouTube channels were a gateway from the "alt-lite" to alt-right radicalization.[5] The study looked at 331,000 videos that an algorithm had classified as right-wing, and analyzed 72 million YouTube comments.[5]:4 A large number of those users who had posted comments on IDW channels later migrated to leaving comments on more radical YouTube channels.[5]:7-8 As Ribeiro puts it, "there is migration among users from the Alt-lite and the I.D.W. to the Alt-right," confirming that less extreme right-wing content did indeed serve as a gateway of sorts for radicalization.[6]

See also
